
Chapter 814: Joining the Battle

He roughly knew that gold was a very rare color, but the other party wouldn't believe him immediately. This was to find out his background.

Especially... He smiled slightly, and his body turned into a black light and disappeared. The opponent's cultivation age is only one hundred and thirty years old, and he is considered to be highly qualified. When he meets his opponent, he naturally wants to compete. Unfortunately, the weights at both ends of the scale were asymmetrical from the very beginning.

The young man in front is very fast, and his half-step golden elixir cultivation is in full swing. After flying for more than ten seconds, he frowned and glanced back.

Lack of spirit... Is this because I haven't kept up? Or was he thrown away from the beginning?

how come? He felt that the other party was in the early stage of foundation building and would definitely not be able to keep up with him, but was he being thrown away too quickly? Is this really a golden badge? Not impersonation?

He looked back suspiciously, turned his head, and almost screamed out in fright the next second. He took a step back in a cold sweat, clutching his chest, and said boldly: ""

In front of him, Xu Yangyi looked at him with a smile.

The man's eyes kept fluctuating, what the hell! The initial stage is faster than his Dzogchen! No wonder there is no spiritual energy from the other party behind him! How long has the other party been waiting here? Looking at the other party's leisurely this really the early stage?

Are you so outrageous now in the early days?

"What's wrong?"

"It's" The man hesitated, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Hidden cultivation?"

As soon as the words came out, he knew they were wrong.

He is already in the Great Perfection, and he can feel it in the virtual elixir realm. To make him unable to feel it at all, it would be impossible unless he had the golden elixir. But the golden elixir...

Isn't it like Chaoyang Zi from the Four Swords in the Back Mountain of Qingcheng, who is alone and can come and go freely among millions of troops? Looking for the other party's unique talent?

Will it be entered through the ordinary passage?

This is not right, that is not right either, the poor man's mind is almost confused, he looks at Xu Yangyi and doesn't know what to say. It was Xu Yangyi who reached out his hand first: "You can call me TD01."

The man finally breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Su Zangfeng, welcome to join the Xingtian Special Operations Team."

"Xingtian?" Xu Yangyi looked at him with interest.

"That's right." Su Zangfeng's face immediately became cautious, even with a hint of sanctity: "This is the name of my idol's legion. Isn't it cool? Dance with a sword and kill all the immortals and demons. If you deny it, you don't have to joined."

Tsk tsk tsk...

Xu Yangyi looked at the man with interest, fans, what is this?

Su Zangfeng restrained his speed. He had fully recognized the opponent's strength. The two flew in silence. After a while, a row of magnificent Taoist temples was hidden in the night. Surrounded by strange peaks, dark clouds penetrate the sun below. In the vast sea of ​​clouds, a bright moon is covered by a huge shadow, looming.

The bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring flows over the rocks.

Sobriety and tranquility are perfectly combined here.

"Here, only the 'wanted criminals' with names and surnames are eligible to own it." Su Zangfeng said with a smile on his face: "By the way, brother, how much is your reward now?"

Xu Yangyi was a little confused: "Bounty?"

"You don't know?" Su Zangfeng glanced at him suspiciously, but he didn't doubt him and said: "Now there are many major lists, all of which are spontaneous by the people and the Internet. But there is only the list on the Huaxia Cultivation Network It’s powerful. The most wanted list is the most powerful one.”

"The wanted level and bounty determine the monk's status. The wanted list is recognized by both parties, and any monk or team who is on the wanted list can receive more resources. The highest ones are, of course, the major golden elixirs. It doesn’t matter. But for Xudan, the competition between the major teams in the Dzogchen Realm has become fierce!”

He raised his head proudly: "Our team is the eighth on the A-level wanted list in the Zhenwu world. The bounty is 10 million high-grade spiritual stones."

He paused and said immediately: "Of course, we are not here for..."

"I understand." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Some things cannot be measured by resources."

His words seemed ordinary, but they were filled with a sense of sadness. Su Zangfeng was stunned, and he keenly captured this feeling, and spoke implicitly: "Can I take the liberty to ask, how did you obtain the golden badge? As far as I know, there are only a thousand golden badges in the country, and it cannot be obtained by monks who have no meritorious deeds. "

Xu Yangyi raised his head and looked at the moonlight, and then said after a long time: "Bohai, do you believe it?"

Su Zangfeng suddenly raised his head and looked at Xu Yangyi in shock.

The other party didn't lie to him!

This was his first instinct.

But... Bohai... wasn't the entire army killed in battle?

Wolfsbane is a taboo name. Everyone wants him to be alive, but there has been no news for five years. The name on the Heroic Spirit Monument is not obscure. He is the strongest among the golden elixirs on earth. Bohai killed hundreds of thousands of Zhenwu monks! Let Gong Liang, the third prince of the Beiming Dynasty in the Zhenwu Realm, make the broken sword Bohai and vow to kill Wolf Venom. It even caused all the blessed places in the Zhenwu world to fall silent.

Destroying seven golden elixirs and hundreds of thousands of monks in one battle is a nightmare for the Zhenwu world, which is the great achievement of the earth. No one discussed that Wolfsbane had died in that bloody battle. Everyone said that he was just recovering from his injuries. And the Zhenwu World has released an unprecedented 100 million high-grade spiritual stones!

I don’t know how many peerless geniuses are looking for Wolfsbane. But after the battle in the Bohai Sea, the opponent quickly disappeared like a shooting star.

Bohai... It is confirmed that there are no survivors.

"Are you... kidding?" Su Zangfeng couldn't help but say, but there was a voice in his heart screaming: No! This is real! This person really returned from Bohai! That tone and demeanor just now, do you believe it or not?


After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi smiled: "Just take it as such."

"Lead the way, Commander Su, I'm still waiting to be put on the wanted list."

Entering a tall attic, it was very quiet. Su Zangfeng pointed to a room: "That's your room. The war will resume two days later, and everyone is racing against time to rest. It seems that you don't need it, so you can use the jade slips in the room to get familiar with it. Let’s talk about the current situation. In addition, Laojun Palace will issue tasks to everyone on the spot.”

"Laojundian issues tasks?"

"Yes, there are gods stationed in Laojun Hall. Xu Zhenjun is right there!" Su Zangfeng's face fluctuated again, with an unspeakable yearning: "He will issue tasks according to the photo area according to everyone's strength. You can take it yourself, But there are also some tasks that are mandatory. For example, a year ago, the Chang Yuan Hua Zhenren Formation in Qingcheng Mountain was ordered to kill the left general Han Yuan of the Jin Dynasty, but they rarely appeared. "

Xu Yangyi pondered: "Why not distribute it in advance?"

Su Zangfeng shook his head: "There is no way, the battlefield is changing rapidly. I don't know what lineup the other side is going to send, but, brother, let me remind you, as the war gets longer and longer, the cards in the hands of both sides are getting clearer and clearer. , since last year, each war has been more violent than the last. According to reports, the range of spiritual power fluctuations last week has exceeded three times that of the same period last year.”

No one spoke, and everyone understood the meaning of the words. Zhenwujie and Qingcheng Mountain are already secretly moving towards a decisive battle to determine the outcome.

The decisive battle does not just happen, but through local battles one after another and the judgment of victory or defeat, opportunities for the decisive battle are created. It may come soon, or it may not happen for ten years. The two sides are like two players in a game, desperately looking for each other's weaknesses.

He nodded, took the room restraint and entered the room.

The room was extremely simple, with a table, chair, bed, and nothing else. There was a jade slip placed on the bed, shining brightly.

He picked it up and put it on his forehead. In an instant, countless information entered his mind.

The three golden characters "Wanted List" suddenly appeared in front of me.

His eyes calmed down, and a black light flashed across. Unless Lord Nascent Soul personally inspected this place, it would be impossible to discover it.

This is the most direct strength comparison chart now.

The bounty list is divided into two parts, the left tiger and the right dragon. The left side is dark and the right side is full of white. The four characters Zhenwu and Earth are like unsheathed swords, facing each other tit for tat.

Even with the projection, you can feel the intense atmosphere of the two points facing each other.

He didn't care at all about building foundations and refining qi, but looked directly at the golden elixir list.

The first one is his name.

Wolfsbane has a bounty of 100 million high-grade spiritual stones. The crime: Bohai killed 400,000 monks in the Zhenwu world, and beheaded the Lords of the seven caves in Bohai. The crime was extremely heinous, unforgivable, and unforgivable!

Note: Those who kill Wolfsbane will be directly accepted as direct disciples by the two holy places. If you don't want to, you can choose any three magic weapons corresponding to the realm from the Zhenwu Treasure House.

However, this column is gray. It means that the wanted order has been cancelled, and it also means that... even the Zhenwu community doesn't think he can survive.

"Zhenren Gusong has a bounty of 30 million spirit stones. The crime: Killing 20,000 true martial arts monks in the first battle in Xinjiang." "Wei Chenyuan has a bounty of 45 million spirit stones." "The Chaoyang of the Four Swords of Qingcheng Mountain Protector" Son, there is a reward of 50 million spiritual stones.”

The crowd was densely packed, and Xu Yangyi felt a little excited. The people above were all thorns in the flesh of the Zhenwu world. How could he not be included in such a grand event?

His eyes saw the white dragon list.

"Xiao Xiangzi, there is a bounty of 38 million spiritual stones. The crime is: destroying Tibetan Buddhism in the battle of Potala Palace and massacring more than 100,000 mortal believers. Must kill!"

"Tao Qing, there is a bounty of 46 million spirit stones. The crime is that in the battle at the southeast gate, 13,000 monks were killed and 80,000 mortals were killed. Must kill!"

"Lan Yirong, a saint from the Zhurong Shen Sect, has a bounty of 70 million spiritual stones. Charge: countless people died at her hands to build foundations and refine qi. They must be killed!"

More and more, Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes and remembered each person in his heart.

As long as the spiritual consciousness touches the name, all the detailed information of the other party and the three-dimensional hologram will appear on it.

After more than an hour, he quietly opened his eyes.

"Ancestor Lanxue, the bounty is... sixty-four million spirit stones." He gently tossed the jade slip with a cruel smile on his face.

The hunter has found his prey.

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