
Chapter 815: Designated Task

Two days passed quickly, and Xu Yangyi did not leave the house. He tried his best to adjust himself to the peak. Su Zangfeng asked him to attend the party twice, but he refused.

The third day.


Xu Yangyi sat on a stone. When the morning star cut through the darkness of the night, the morning glow with a bloody smell sprinkled on the mountain. He had seen the entire battlefield clearly.

Spreading from Qingcheng Mountain, a hundred miles in radius, people were ready to fight at any time. The silent dawn, the solemn killing in the dawn, the silent killing intent, made the onlookers feel goosebumps all over their bodies.

One by one, huge flags of tens of meters fluttered in the air, and countless puppets, monks, magic weapons, and weapons formed a magnificent tide. The bright moon came out of Tianshan Mountain, among the vast sea of ​​clouds. The long wind blew over Qingcheng Mountain for tens of thousands of miles.

Bai Ze stretched for thousands of miles, but on the other side of the white tide, there was an endless black ocean. Fortresses that are very different from those on Earth are located on the ground, and magnificent walls spread out from both sides, dyeing the land into a dead black.

The huge palace in the sky covers the sky and the sun. Surrounding it, there are countless flying boats, flying swords, and various magic weapons, connecting the sky and the earth. It is like a thick fog covering the entire mountain, rising from the fog and disappearing from the fog.

The fog locks the mountain top and the mountain locks the fog, the sky connects to the water and the water connects to the sky.

"Are you feeling emotional?" A voice sounded beside him, it was Su Zangfeng.

Xu Yangyi gently picked up a green leaf and suppressed the surging murderous intent in his heart: "It's unimaginable that Qingcheng Mountain can resist for two years."

"Yes..." Su Zangfeng sat down beside him, his eyes flickered slightly: "These troops are enough to destroy most countries, but they are blocked under Qingcheng Mountain. I not only feel emotional, but also feel proud."

The morning glow cuts through the sky, a piece of red.

There were already many monks who had finished their meditation around them. Some were stroking their magic weapons, while others were looking at the black tide that stretched across the sky and earth in front of them, as if they were already used to it, without words or shock.

"No decisive battle?" Xu Yangyi looked at it for a long time and said in a deep voice.

Su Zangfeng shook his head: "We are walking on explosives."

"Maybe it will take a long time to break out, or maybe it will break out in the next second. The opportunity for war is hard to predict. But once it breaks out, it will be the time when the bloody battle that has accumulated for two years bombards the entire Dujiangyan. If there is no preparation, the gate of the Southwest will be blown open by the Zhenwu Realm in one fell swoop."

A little surprised at the other party's view on war, Xu Yangyi looked at him with a little surprise: "What do you mean?"

He had been sleeping for several years and had no idea about the wars in the outside world.

Su Zangfeng smiled, the morning glow shone on his face, his young face was calm and full of the passion of a veteran, his voice was calm: "There are too many places on Earth that need help. Only a country can completely break the shackles of the Zhenwu Realm with its own strength, break this silent blockade, and completely shut them out, and then rush to help other countries. Finally break the war situation. Break the surface with a point."

"They can afford to delay, but we can't. This is an absolute advantage in numbers."

"We are tied up with too many troops here... a full few million... one-third of China's total troops... Once any major country is breached, the Zhenwu Realm will quickly descend on Suzhou and Hangzhou, and the balance will be broken instantly, then..."

He pursed his lips, his eyes trembling slightly: "Once the Yangtze River defense line is broken... the whole of China will be divided into two halves... At that time... it will really be over..."

Xu Yang Yi was somewhat surprised at the other party's understanding of the war situation: "You think very thoroughly."

"Not that I think thoroughly." Su Zangfeng stood up, and there seemed to be a flash of fire in his eyes: "This is something that every cultivator who came to Qingcheng Mountain - the main battlefield of the dynasty and the Taoism understands."

"Every day, we try to find the opportunity to ignite a full-scale war, so that the Zhenwu Realm has to launch a full-scale attack. However, the war situation is getting more and more mired in a quagmire. The Zhenwu Realm is surrounding but not fighting, or in other words... their attack strength is not at all at the level that a dynasty should have. They must be waiting... waiting for the war to end somewhere, and then they will secretly cross Chencang and kill into China from the other side."

After saying that, he suddenly laughed: "Don't look down on me, I'm just a reckless man. This is what Zhenjun said in his annual lecture. I can't think so deeply,"

Xu Yangyi understood.

He looked down the mountain, boiling a frog in warm water...

One side is waiting, the other side is breaking the situation, racing against time, whoever finds the end first will win.

The decisive battle between the dynasty and the Taoist tradition is incomparable to the Battle of Bohai. Whether it is the foreshadowing or the brewing, it is all for the last moment, the moment of splendor that will come at an unknown time.

"Dang... Dang..." Suddenly, the morning bell rang. At this moment, the top of Qingcheng Mountain suddenly burst into endless white light, erupting from the top of the mountain like a fairy scattering flowers. If it were normal, this would definitely be a rare and gorgeous scene, but at this moment, the whole mountain, thousands of miles around, there are millions of people, and no one is moved.

"This is the distribution of tasks in Laojun Hall." Su Zangfeng's spiritual consciousness sounded in Xu Yangyi's ears: "Every stream of light has a task jade card. After the end, take the jade card to exchange for resources... Wait... This, this is..."

Not only him, in front of this Taoist temple, the monks who were wiping their magic weapons just now all raised their heads and looked at the sky in astonishment. The other "wanted criminals" in the surrounding Taoist temples all stood up, slightly opened their mouths, but their eyes shot out a brilliant light.

Among the endless white light spots, a golden light spot was particularly eye-catching, and the direction it came from was exactly this Taoist temple!

"Designated mission?" A female cultivator covered her mouth in surprise: "After two years... there is another designated mission?!"

"Who is it for?" "Which team?" "Designated mission... the rewards are extremely generous, and the danger is also extremely huge! It only appeared once, and now, now it's unexpectedly..."

Su Zangfeng's pupils suddenly widened, and he saw... the golden light rushing towards his body. His heart was full of blood boiling!

Designated mission... even if he died! He would do his best to complete it!

This is the medal of a warrior, this is a sense of belonging engraved in his bones.

The eyes of everyone around him became hot, and many people seemed to rush over, but they suppressed this impulse. Watching the golden light rushing towards Su Zangfeng, even the other party had opened his arms, and his beard and hair were dancing in the golden light, waiting for the arrival of the designated mission.

"Swish" the next second, there was silence.

The golden light accurately penetrated Xu Yangyi's body. Su Zangfeng was like a wooden sculpture. It took several seconds for him to turn his head like a machine, with envy and unwillingness in his eyes.

It wasn't him!

It was the new guy next to him!

Whether it was the golden badge or not, wasn't he a new guy to the entire Qingcheng Mountain? How... why did he choose the other person?

The people around him seemed to be caught by the throat. After a few seconds, someone suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha... Captain Su, it seems that you are being sentimental." "Hehe, Captain Su, how can you be so sure that it's you? Slap your face on the spot." "Tsk tsk... Didn't you see the golden badge? Do you think others are vegetarians?"

Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly silently and arched his hands towards the dumbfounded Su Zangfeng. It seems that he couldn't hide his ancestors' eyes from coming here. The branches and leaves he left in Bohai were just an illusion. If you have to make a metaphor, it is the molting left by a snake. Five years, the battle was so intense, there shouldn't be many people watching all the time. Zhenwu Realm was blocked outside Bohai Sea and didn't have this condition, but Xu Fangyuan must have known.

Yes, with blood connection and high realm, it would be strange if he didn't find it.

He closed his eyes, and his spiritual consciousness rushed to the jade card, and three sentences immediately appeared on it.

Kill "Faceless Yama" Tao Qing in the battle.

Kill "Shadowless Sword" Rong Princess in the battle.

Kill "Blood Ancestor" Lanxue Laozu in the battle.

What is a battle?

It means to kill the opponent in front of millions of people, so that the opponent can't escape, and take his head in front of the army.

He frowned deeply.


Killing three Jindan in the battle is not impossible. Presumably, these three people are also famous Jindan Zhenren on the Earth's wanted list. As long as he is not besieged by three people at the same time, he has a chance of winning.

However, this will definitely expose his true identity. And knowing that he is not dead... Yuanying will definitely take action, just as the stargazer said. When the Nascent Soul is restrained, the Golden Core is the strongest sword. And he... is too sharp, so sharp that it is close to the Nascent Soul. Such a sword that destroys the balance should not appear on the battlefield.

"No..." His eyes suddenly flashed: "Nascent Soul takes action?"

He closed his eyes, and the two bodhi seeds spun rapidly. One by one, the possibilities appeared in his mind, and after a few minutes, a connecting line finally appeared.

"The Zhenwu Realm relies on its large number of people and advanced magic weapons to hold back the millions of troops in Qingcheng Mountain. As long as China dares to withdraw, it will immediately break through Sichuan and Chongqing and come to the Yangtze River. This is the way to fight with a large number of people."

"The current national gates opened by China are the Magic City and the Southwest National Gate. They hold here and wait for the end of a certain war to have the opportunity to raid the Suzhou-Hangzhou defense line. This is an open conspiracy, but China cannot support it at all because of insufficient troops."

But... this does not mean not to fight!

The Earth wants to fight, but the tiger eats the sky and has no way to start. Moreover... he suddenly understood that Qingcheng Mountain needed an opportunity, that's right... just like Su Zangfeng said, it needed an opportunity to start a full-scale war and force the Zhenwu world to fight!

Just like the Battle of Moscow in World War II, it was unstoppable, breaking through all the way.

Two years of tug-of-war did not wipe out the passion in the hearts of the cultivators. They were also waiting... the knife in their hearts had never rusted, just waiting to be unsheathed.

His spiritual consciousness swept to the top of Qingcheng Mountain, and Yuanying took action... Are you... waiting for this moment?

Are you sure you can ignite the fuse?

There was no dialogue, but the two people who were separated by an unknown distance seemed to have a telepathic connection.

He knew, he could think of it.

He also knew that the other party guessed that he had thought of it.

"If you have it, what's wrong with this real person killing three golden elixirs in formation!" He let out a long roar and stood up: "Xingtian team, listen to the order."

The picture was a bit weird, a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building told Su Zangfeng, a cultivator who had reached the great perfection of foundation building, to listen to the order.

But no one laughed. The moment Xu Yangyi stood up, they seemed to see a god awakening. The murderous aura on his body was even stronger than theirs combined! Especially the aura of commanding thousands of troops, which can only be achieved by leading thousands of troops.

"Yes!" Su Zangfeng barely thought about it. His aura of foundation building was completely suppressed. He immediately bowed and said, "Please give me your orders."

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