
Chapter 816: Killing Tao Qing (I)

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt something was wrong, but he didn't feel anything wrong.

"Follow me." After Xu Yangyi finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light without waiting for the other party to reply, and flew to the front line to conceal his cultivation.

Yes... the designated task also told Xu Fangyuan a concern.

That is... there is a spy in Qingcheng Mountain, and his status is probably not low. Otherwise, why not just ask him to go? Or directly send a voice through spiritual consciousness? Presumably... the other party is not only of high status, but also has a high-level magic weapon that can intercept spiritual consciousness.

If you don't take action, you will see blood.

Behind him, Su Zangfeng was stunned, and a complex flashed in his eyes, but without hesitation, he shouted at the scene: "What are you waiting for! Brothers! The designated task is waiting for us! Whether we can hit the seventh place on the wanted list depends on this time! Follow me!!"

"Swish la la" thirty streams of light chased Xu Yangyi together.

No one dared to keep pace.

Some people, even if they release their aura for a moment, even if it is not spiritual power, it is enough for people to see whether they are sleeping tigers.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, his fingers moved in front of his chest, drawing a series of spiritual light tracks, and the Seven Star Divination kept calculating. After a few seconds, his brows were furrowed.

"A thousand sails pass by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of trees bloom in front of the dead tree?" He looked at his fingers in astonishment.

For the first time... the Seven Star Divination actually calculated a poem?

Never before!

And... the celestial phenomena were disordered immediately afterwards, and he couldn't calculate it!

The Big Dipper represents death, and the Southern Dipper represents life. No matter how it calculates, the fourteen main stars are dim, and it is impossible to calculate.

He had a hunch that if he forced the calculation, his spiritual consciousness would collapse.

"What does this mean?" He pondered: "The first sentence, after the worst comes the best, does it mean... the situation of the war will change?"

"But the calculation was fruitless..."

He pursed his lips, could it be... could it really be... that the pattern of Qingcheng Mountain would really change because of him? Can it really reach that level?

Can I... really trigger this fuse?

He didn't know, but he was willing to give it a try. For his obsession and for the millions of monks buried in Bohai.

When the light fell on the front mountain, he realized that the towering ancient trees on the front mountain of Qingcheng, which was known as the most secluded place in the world, gathered into countless derivative platforms. The sea of ​​fog rose from the 1,200-meter-high mountain 500 meters from the middle of the mountain. It was surging like a storm, and the wind shook the sea tide.

On each platform, countless Taoist priests in white were waiting intently. Just in front of them, endless flying boats and flying swords in the air formed an endless black frenzy. The sunshine representing dawn and hope shone on this black, reflecting only the brilliance of death.

On each platform, there were countless teams ready to go. Xu Yangyi looked to his side, and dozens of people from Xingtian's team had already stepped onto the platform.

"Don't leave my side at all." He took a look and said in a deep voice: "The mission is very dangerous, and someone will definitely sacrifice. Everyone... take care of yourselves."

"No problem." A woman spoke first and smiled: "It's my honor to participate in the designated mission. It's better than dying silently in battle. But I dare to ask, what is our mission this time?"

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and gathered his strength: "Jindan Zhenren."

Silence, everyone was silent. They looked at each other, and the uneasiness in their eyes quickly dissipated, leaving only a fiery heat.

Without dialogue, they all began to regulate their breathing.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it was unknown how long it had been. With a "swish", the sun finally jumped into the sky, and the morning glow covered the entire Qingcheng Mountains. At this moment, the desolate horns of both sides instantly resounded through the world.

"Woo woo woo..." The entire sea of ​​fog seemed to boil. The moment the horn sounded, Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Let's go!"

At this moment, the entire Qingcheng Mountains burst into infinite brilliance.

It was not a magic weapon, nor was it a magical power, but millions of cultivators flew out from Qingcheng Mountain! Countless moons bloomed in the sky, and colorful clouds surrounded the crimson platform. When they fell to the ground, the stars scattered, and the sound of rain swirled in the air.

Streams of light, cultivators, left colorful afterimages in the air, with only each other in their eyes. After two years of bloody battles, hatred had long been engraved into their bones.

Correspondingly, the endless black clouds in the Zhenwu Realm exploded like locusts! Even more terrible than the ancient locust plague! Black and overwhelming... Covering the sky and the sun!

"Kill!!!" The moment black and white touched, the whole space was shaking.

No mercy.

No mercy.

Only the most direct life and death, killing and cutting.

Xu Yangyi and his team did not rush up immediately, but circled behind the team. He said in a deep voice: "Have we been charging like this for two years?"

"No, each group has its own orders. However, the designated mission does not accept any orders, so you can't hear it." Su Zangfeng picked up a pendant on his chest: "This is the communicator. Once it comes into contact with the spiritual power of the Zhenwu Realm, it will collapse immediately. All our communication methods are now interrupted and we only accept your orders."

Xu Yangyi nodded and looked at the whole scene. Every moment, there were cultivators falling from the clouds, and large formations were emitting sky-high light, dividing this piece of sky.

He clenched his hands tightly.

He longed to talk and laugh and drink Zhenwu blood, but now he could only suppress it.

"The target is Tao Qing."

"Tao Qing?!" As soon as he said it, everyone gasped: "Faceless Yama!? The bounty is tens of millions! We?!"

Everyone was stunned.

The target Jindan is not scary. Some Jindan in Zhenwu Realm are pitifully weak, but Tao Qing is different!

Jiuyin and Dongtian Daozi have always been alone on the battlefield. Wherever they go, there is no general who can match them! They fought with Chaoyangzi for three hours and were defeated! Just them?

"Are you... not mistaken?" Su Zangfeng felt a mess in his mind and couldn't help asking.

"If it is Wumian Yanluo, then it must be him." Xu Yangyi said slowly: "Where did he appear?"

Su Zangfeng took a deep breath and went crazy... really crazy! This is a mission that must be killed! He is not afraid of death, but there is no value in being afraid of death!

He wants to kill enough bastards in Zhenwu Realm before dying! How many team members died in their hands? But Tao Qing?

Meeting is killing in seconds! No, there is no need to meet, a magical power a thousand meters away, and their entire team will have to fly back to annihilation!

"There..." He closed his eyes and pointed to a huge cave in the air with ghosts lingering: "There... is Jiuyin, the cave. Tao Qing... never follows the team, and never needs protection. As long as he finds someone worth killing, he will take the initiative to attack..."

"Are you... sure you are not mistaken? We can't even attract his attention... You, what are you going to do?!"

Before he finished speaking, a black light flashed in front of him, and Xu Yangyi's figure had already rushed out.


Only attack those who are worth killing?

Claiming to be a hunter?

Then... today I will let you know who is the hunter!

Four hundred thousand in Bohai... I haven't killed enough!

"Boom!!" Wherever the black light passed, the heroes retreated and went straight into the heart of the Zhenwu Realm. As he inserted, in less than three minutes, a large formation full of ghosts burst!

"Boom!" The loud noise shook the earth. It was the Nine Yin and Dong Tian's ghost-covering formation. Thousands of Zhenwu Realm cultivators screamed and fell. Their bodies turned black. Some of them were still alive and screamed: "Poison! Poison! Highly poisonous!"

Everyone was stunned.

Su Zangfeng opened his mouth wide, completely forgetting that he was on the battlefield.

Oh my God... This is a formation of thousands of people, and it collapsed in an instant? !

This... This is definitely not the initial stage of foundation building! This is at least half a step to the golden elixir! No... Even the virtual elixir realm!

"Shua La La..." The black tide was like the sea, and Xu Yangyi roared to the sky. He was back... This grinding wheel of flesh and blood, this feeling of punching to the flesh, this heroic spirit of killing all around, this is where he should be! This is his destination!

Don't hesitate...

Don't linger...


His chest rose and fell, a strong killing intent burst out, and his eyes looked at the stunned Zhenwu world cultivators in all directions: "Come... die."

This world was silent for a moment.

Silently, all the Zhenwu world cultivators around took a step back, and everyone knew what happened. The genius of the earth has arrived... The genius of the foundation building period is already very close to the golden elixir! Breaking a big formation in three minutes... This kind of cultivation...

They can't stop it!

"Aren't you coming?" The strong wind blew Xu Yangyi's camouflage uniform, and he looked at the surrounding cultivators as if he was looking at a dead person: "Then... I will come and take it myself."

Moving casually, raising his hand casually, the flowers of killing quietly bloomed.

"Swish swish swish..." It was like silent snow flying, and the people of Xingtian's team behind him were stunned. Xu Yangyi's figure passed by without any movement. Before the other party could react, heads flew up one after another, blood rained down, but not a drop fell on him. Clouds were light and breeze was light, passing through the flowers without getting a single leaf on him.

If it weren't for the blood rain, this action could not be associated with killing the enemy.

Elegant and indifferent, killing one person in one step, leaving no trace for a thousand miles.

"My God..." Behind him, a man from the Xingtian team trembled and said, "This... This is the Luotian formation of the Zhenwu Realm... It can stop the early stage of the Golden Core... He, he can come and go freely?"

He didn't finish, blood was everywhere, the silent murderous aura, the coldness in his eyes, made everyone dare not say anything.

"You are looking for death!!" "Leave your life behind!" "Dugu Hai, the centurion under Jiuyin and Dongtian, will take your head!"

Several loud shouts shook the air, and seven figures rushed over like lightning. Xu Yangyi glanced at them lightly, like the ice of the Arctic, and his hand gently passed by, and seven heads flew up at the same time.

At this moment, he heard the sound of the shackles in his heart breaking.

The shackles of desire, or to be more precise... the shackles of killing.

No more concealment, no more hesitation, surrender to the heart.

At this moment, I want to kill people.

"Before Bohai, I used to treat you as human beings." He looked at the seven bodies falling into the sea of ​​clouds expressionlessly, and said slowly: "Later I learned that there is no life and death here, only victory and defeat."

"Those who kill will always be killed."

"Even if someone kills me one day, if I don't let you repay the blood feud of Bohai today, how can I face Taoist Fuyun."

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