
Chapter 817: Killing Tao Qing (Part 2)

"Kill him!!" Three voices rang out from the army: "Whoever cuts off his head, I will recommend him as a centurion commander!"

A stream of figures rushed over quickly, but Xu Yangyi's side was like an absolute dead zone, no one could enter. As he strolled leisurely, a circle of blood-colored light appeared 500 meters away, and the aura was dyed red by blood.

No matter how many people came, whether they were centurions, centurions, or even ten thousand commanders...

No one could match them!

No one could stop the black light!

Xu Yangyi, who had completely let go of his burden and opened up his desires, was a walking god of death. The seven centurions who had reached the great perfection of foundation building attacked at the same time, and the four centurions who had reached the half-step golden elixir! The three ten thousand commanders in the realm of virtual elixir were as small as mosquitoes in the hands of the opponent who followed his heart at this moment.

Die, die, die!

Still die!

You can't even get close! All will perish within a thousand meters!

"Swish..." Blood rain penetrated the sky, Xu Yangyi looked at the sky quietly, he didn't even feel bad at all.


No... Very good.

Just go down like this... Go down to apologize to the millions of earth monks who died in Bohai, to Fuyun, to the Confucius family, to the generals, to the five surnames and seven families, and too many brothers whose names cannot be called... Kowtow and apologize...

No more suppression, no more hesitation, walking in life, serving death, if Tao Qing doesn't come out, he will kill everyone in Jiuyin and Dongtian.

"This is impossible..." A captain of ten thousand fell from the clouds, his whole body was black, strong... so strong! This person is in the foundation building realm, with the strength of a golden elixir! He didn't even use magical powers, but the spiritual energy passed by, and they couldn't resist the poison at all.

At the moment of falling from the clouds, several rays of light shot up into the sky and gathered into a huge word "Wu" in the air!

A signal for help.

Jiuyin, Dongtian, a man wearing a devil mask opened his eyes slightly, looked down, and then closed them again.

"Just a foundation building..."

"An ant is worth my effort?"

The black light was like lightning. Within ten minutes, the number of Zhenwu Realm cultivators who fell in Xu Yangyi's hands had reached a thousand! He followed his heart and still had a trace of clarity. Showing mercy was not kindness. It was because he knew very well that Tao Qing would not come down once he was fully activated.

He dared not come.

Bohai's 400,000 killings were his memorial archway. How could Tao Qing dare to fight him here!

"This..." Behind him, the Xingtian team, who dared not leave, was already stagnant. After a long time, someone trembled and said, "This... is the veteran with a golden badge?"

"Isn't he any less than the Jindan real person?"

Around Xu Yangyi, no cultivator dared to approach him. He had already penetrated 30 meters into the Zhenwu Realm battle line, but he was like a sword that cut through the wind and waves, and the surrounding tides parted.

"Not enough?" Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes. The other party was arrogant enough. He still maintained the spiritual energy of the foundation building, but he used the fighting power of the golden elixir. Wasn't it worth it for the other party to come down?

Very good...

He suddenly stopped, and the momentum of breaking bamboo stopped. The crowd of Zhenwujie who were retreating suddenly burst into a loud shout "Kill him!!"

"Kill!" In one sentence, the Zhenwujie was frightened. The surrounding black tide approached madly, and the spiritual light flashed, and the endless black surrounded them.

"Clang clang!" With a crisp sound, the thirty-two people of the Xingtian team drew out their swords together. Wherever they saw, it was black. I don't know how many geniuses on Earth have fallen in the vast sea of ​​people. They dare not be careless.

"Start the formation!!" Su Zangfeng shouted angrily. When the time comes, you must be bold. Without any scruples, he wiped his hand on the sword, and a golden light rushed straight into the sky.

Buzz, buzz, buzz... Thirty swords vibrated together, and with a mysterious sound, sword shadows whistled in the sky, as if they had spirits, like dragons, circling above their heads. And under their feet, a golden gossip of a hundred meters in size was already slowly rotating.

"Is it the Xingtian team?" A cultivator from the Zhenwu Realm had a flashing look in his eyes, and he turned into a stream of light and rushed over: "Dare to enter my Zhenwu Realm position, you find..."

Before he finished speaking, he had already turned into countless fragments.

Su Zangfeng was stunned and stood there.

There were too many shocks... I'm afraid all his shocks were not as many as today.

Just now... he didn't make a move!

"Don't make a move." Xu Yangyi's voice came faintly: "Let me... have a taste."

All the people in the Xingtian team trembled together.

How many tragic wars do they have to go through to say this?

There was no time for them to think. The moment the voice fell, there was a clear cry, and a fiery red Vermillion Bird suddenly enveloped the sky, with a radius of two thousand meters!

Rumble... The hot flames made the air boil, blurry, and everyone was stunned.

"Jin..." I don't know how many Zhenwu Realm cultivators trembled all over, and then their spiritual power burst out, and they blocked the swords with ten thousand swords, shouting: "Jindan Ancestor!!!"

The Xingtian team has become like a clay sculpture or a wooden sculpture.


I should have thought that this kind of pressure... must be a Jindan Zhenren... But who is it? Dare to challenge the faceless Yama Tao Qing? Go straight into the main formation of the Zhenwu Realm for more than 30 meters?

Jiuyin, Dongtian, the masked man opened his eyes suddenly, staring at the bottom like a flame.

But in a moment, he lost interest again.

"What kind of hero is he if he is timid?"

"You have polluted the two swords in the hands of this Zhenren."

Flames lingered around Xu Yangyi, making him look like a god of fire. Generally, when a Jindan appears, there must be a Jindan from the other side to stop him, but... this is the Jiuyin and Dongtian formation.

With the faceless Yama Tao Qing in charge, they had no scruples. They didn't think any Jindan Zhenren dared to challenge here.

"Ka Ka Ka..." Xu Yangyi clenched his fists lightly, and his spiritual power instantly broke through the limit of foundation building. The pressure of Jindan broke out in full force, dispelling all doubts. The surrounding space seemed to be crushed, and cracks appeared.

"Xingtian team." He said lightly without looking back.

"Yes... Yes! I will obey the imperial decree!!" More than 30 people behind him all half-knelt down. Oh my God... I have been parallel with a Jindan Zhenren for so long! I, I am still testing others? Su Zangfeng's face was red, and he didn't know what to say. I only knew that my heart was beating wildly, as if the blood vessels were about to jump out.

That feeling was called embarrassment, and also called shame.

"Before this Zhenren kills all the scum in the Jiuyin formation, stop everyone. You only need to do this one thing."

"Yes! ! I will die!"

With his answer, the dragon-like sword formation in the sky suddenly expanded ten times! Reached the kilometer range of the Jindan mark!

Xu Yangyi didn't look, there was only blood in his eyes.

Here, he had no scruples.

"Boom!!" The black light was surging, and the waves were huge! It was like the god of death swinging his sickle. He didn't use his magical power because... he was afraid of being scared. He scared Tao Qing so much that he didn't dare to come down.

"Broken Dragon Platform!" The long-unused divine power of the Heavenly Dao was used again. The leg whip left a residual image, kicked out a Vermillion Bird claw, the flames split the sky, and the black clouds behind him rushed straight to the 10,000-person team in front.

"Meet the enemy!!!" In the formation of Jiuyin and Dongtian, a soul-calling flag was waved, and all the seven orifices of everyone emitted pieces of green light, as if they had life, condensing into an extremely complex rune in front of the formation. With a loud bang, the sky was full of flames, and it actually blocked the kick.

"Very good." Xu Yangyi was calm as if looking at a dead person: "This real person... I'm afraid that you will die too easily."

The next second, a giant flaming tiger suddenly burst out with a light punch! Drawing endless black traces in the sky, he roared and rushed towards the formation.

He carefully balanced his spiritual power, how not to scare the other party, and let the other party really think that he can defeat him.

Faceless Yama Tao Qing, late Jindan.

The soul-calling banner waved again, and the green light flashed again, as if all the lives of countless people were gathered together. With the shout of "Hoo!!!" from thousands of people, the green rune stood still!

A relieved expression appeared on the faces of everyone in the Zhenwu Realm. But what was greeted was just a mocking smile.

The spiritual power of the early Jindan period, or the condensation of tens of thousands of cultivators, you are too underestimated by the Chinese real person.

"Break." His hand was originally open, and now he squeezed it hard. "Ka Ka Ka..." In the eyes of everyone, the green rune actually had cracks!

"No..." The soul-calling banner was held in the hands of an old man, and his terrified eyes only reflected the devil-like figure in the air. Although countless spiritual lights burst out from the opponent's background, and countless monks flew by from time to time within a hundred meters of his side, this moment seemed to be eternal. The expression of absolute confidence in oneself and the determination of life and death with a smile was engraved in his heart like a knife.

"Boom!!!" In a flash, the green rune suddenly exploded, and with bursts of heart-wrenching screams, countless Zhenwu monks vomited blood and fell below.

Jiuyin, Dongtian, the masked man suddenly opened his eyes.

This grab... is very strong!

"Half a year..." He exhaled slowly and stood up slowly. As he stood up, it seemed as if the underworld was waking up, and endless ghosts lingered around: "Finally, an opponent worth killing has appeared."

"Swish!" A black light shot straight down.

Xu Yangyi had already penetrated hundreds of meters into the Zhenwu Realm.

Wherever the black light passed, countless monks died, and even in very far places, Zhenwu Realm Jindan noticed this place. But looking at the Jiuyin and Dongtian in the sky, they did not come.

This is the hunting ground of the Faceless Yama, and it is not convenient for them to intervene.

Yama's place, naturally, Yama will take care of it, and strangers should stay away.

"Not enough?" Xu Yangyi walked all the way, killing all the way, only endless blood and screams emerged from the surroundings, and his movements could even be called elegant. Facing his Zhenwu Realm, the swords and weapons were all pointed at him, but no one dared to step forward.

As Xu Yangyi took a step forward, they all took a step back.

"I like people who are not afraid of death." Xu Yangyi smiled and raised his hand: "Because in this way, I can kill enough."

"You are so shameless."

Before the voice fell, a powerful black spiritual light in the sky came down, like the nine-day thunder, invincible!

Tao Qing is coming!

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