
Chapter 818: Killing Tao Qing (Part 3)

“Shua La La” At the moment when the black spiritual light surged, the Zhenwu Realm, which had been frightened by Xu Yangyi’s killing, seemed to have taken stimulants. A cheering tide sounded, and the cultivators of Jiuyin and Dongtian dispersed together as if they had agreed, and unexpectedly divided this place into a battlefield of 5,000 meters.

The King of Hell had to do it himself to capture the soul. He must die at three o'clock, not five o'clock.

“Boom boom boom…” Before the people arrived, the terrifying spiritual power had already suppressed the people of the Xingtian team and made them unable to breathe. Su Zangfeng gritted his teeth and said from his teeth: “Master… Tao Qing has arrived… He… is very strong… You must be careful!”

Before he finished speaking, he could no longer feel Tao Qing’s pressure.

“This, this is?” “Isolate spiritual pressure?” “How is it possible… To isolate spiritual pressure… doesn’t it have to be higher than the other party’s realm?”

All the people in the Xingtian team were stunned. They might not have been shocked as much as today in their lives. First, it was the early stage of foundation building, then the early stage of golden elixir, and now… it can actually isolate Tao Qing’s spiritual pressure!

Third, many pairs of eyes looked at Xu Yangyi. Who is this person?

Ghosts formed a huge black light column. In the light column, a young man with a blood-red mask fell from the sky like a devil. He stood proudly in the void, without even looking at Xu Yangyi. He looked at the battlefield with boredom, and his voice was indifferent.

"You are not bad."

"If you are willing to be my sword servant, I can spare your life."

Xu Yangyi smiled, and his smile was very sincere.

All the cultivators in the Zhenwu Realm looked at him indifferently. Smile? Did he really think he was the opponent of Jiuyin and Dongtian Daozi?

All the Jindan on the wanted list, from Yuanying to Qi Lian, everyone knows that none of the real people who can threaten Tao Qing are here. Several Jindan in Qingcheng Mountain will not take action easily. No matter who this person is, he can never be the opponent of Daozi.

Without getting an answer, Tao Qing looked indifferent: "It seems that you are not qualified to be a sword servant."

"Because any smart sword servant will answer to the master: yes."

"I want a smart person, not..."

The next second, the whole audience was silent.

A black light passed by Tao Qing at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye, and even he himself did not react.

Time seemed to stop.

Tao Qing saw his long hair flying, which was the wind caused by something rushing past him at a high speed.

He smelled the bloody seven, as if it was very close to him, but he could not find the source.

He heard the call of the god of death, still in his ears, but immediately went away.

"Swish..." After several seconds, there was a sound. Tao Qing's eyes suddenly widened under the mask, and he raised his hand tremblingly, and touched his neck mechanically in disbelief.

What is this...feeling?

Why...the world is spinning...I saw my headless body?

This is impossible... I am the Taoist of Jiuyin and Dongtian. It was a hard fight to kill me. One strike... just one strike... there is no Nascent Soul aura on him... This... is this a golden elixir?

His eyes were already a little blurry, but his thoughts were still going on.

Who is so strong? To such a terrifying degree? Even he doesn't have a single ounce of strength?

Suddenly, a name appeared in the gradually darkening world in his mind, a name... that made him tremble.

Wolf Poison... God of Killing.

It's him... It must be him! Only him! A million-level golden elixir... Only he can kill me in one round! He's back! He's not dead!

Tao Qing wanted to scream, to roar, to tell everyone this news, but he couldn't.

His world had already fallen into darkness.

"Puff!!!" A blood arrow sprayed into the sky!

Deathly silence.

This piece of heaven and earth was only left with deathly silence.

Kill Tao Qing with one move.

"Swish..." Su Zangfeng looked forward in astonishment and was stunned.

He had been stunned too many times, but he dared to bet in the name of his seventh uncle that he had never seen such a fantastic picture!

The sword in his hand was released silently, fell silently, fell into the clouds silently, and there was no sound.

Not only him, all the people in Xingtian's team looked here, as well as the Zhenwu world monks surrounding the "hunting ground". Their eyes were wide open, their mouths were wide open, and their bodies did not tremble. Excessive shock had made their bodies unable to tremble.

It was dead silent here, but... the entire Qingcheng Mountain was completely different in all directions.

A huge sword formation, tens of thousands of Qingfeng formed a green lotus tens of thousands of meters in size, and a Taoist nun moved gracefully in the green lotus. With every move she made, any magical power was completely melted, and this ten-thousand-meter sword formation also killed into the distance of fifty meters of the Zhenwu world.

At this moment, the sword formation paused. All the Taoists looked at their own jade slips flying into the sky in disbelief, and suddenly opened them. On the wanted list of the earth and the Zhenwu world, a name quickly dimmed.

Faceless Yama, Tao Qing.

Silence, deathly silence.

The next second, the entire sword formation erupted in an earth-shaking cheer!

"Good kill!!!" "Which ancestor! Please accept Chang Qingzi's worship!!" "Daozu! This demon has finally fallen! The entire Taiyi Sect died in his hands!!" "Zhenren! I will kowtow every day!"

No need to worry about the attack from the Zhenwu Realm.

Because all the Zhenwu Realm cultivators around them were completely stunned.

Tao Qing was killed...

How is this possible! !

Few people were killed in the battle of golden elixir! And Tao Qing only moved within a radius of 10,000 meters of Jiuyin and Dongtian! Arrogant and cautious! Jiuyin and Dongtian didn't have time to rescue anyone?

Between heaven and earth, the huge battlefield of black and white, cheers broke out one after another, and I don't know how many people saw this scene. And in Qingcheng Mountain, countless cultivators suddenly looked up and looked at the monument of heroes on the top of the mountain in astonishment.

Golden light burst out, like the sun leaping out of the sea.

A name was quietly erased.

"Tao Qing was killed?" Countless ancient tree platforms, everyone took a breath, and then suddenly looked at Jiuyin and Dongtian, as if to see something from it, to see which real person killed Tao Qing!

It's definitely a secret!

In the two years of war, the real person who could kill Tao Qing had already taken action, but, no, this must be a real person who came to help!

"Quick! Look at which real person's kill count has changed!" "Good kill... Good kill!" A man looked up to the sky and cried, tears streaming down his face: "My entire Heming Sect died at his hands! Today's retribution is not bad! Hahaha!" "Which real person came to help! Good kill! Great!"

Jiuyin, Dongtian, an old woman suddenly stood up and looked at the monument of heroes in disbelief.

Tao Qing was beheaded!

Outsiders may not know, but she knows... Tao Qing has been out for less than five minutes!

Beheaded in five minutes... What kind of concept is this?

Killed in seconds? !

"Yuanying took action?" She looked pale and looked around: "This is impossible... There has been no Yuanying real monarch taking action in two years! But it's not Yuanying. Who can let Daozi escape without my Jiuyin and Dongtian noticing?"

"Who is it!!"

The battlefield paused for about a second.

This is morale, this is the power of idols. Don't say that idols don't exist on the battlefield, it's not important. For ordinary people, squad leaders and platoon leaders are their idols. For cultivators, foundation building and golden elixir are their idols. The reason why the emperor personally led the army in ancient times reversed the decline was because of the idol factor.

There is no singing and dancing, no talent, only a long sword in hand, and the sword is carried to the end of the world.

This is the idol of men, a bloody idol, but it is more memorable than any young man.

The pause of this second was coincidental, because everyone wanted to see clearly who could kill Tao Qing without Jiuyin and Dongtian noticing.

"Shala La..." The golden light was silent, and all the cultivators wearing the wanted list saw a devilish name.

Wolf poison.

Its name, like soil sealing gold, slowly faded from gray, and a piece of gold shone on the sky.

This name seemed to have a kind of magic, making millions of cultivators fighting on the scene stare at it.

The Zhenwu Realm stared because of the killing of 400,000 people in Bohai. The fall of the seven masters of the cave heavens.

The crime is unforgivable and the crime cannot be punished!

He is a sinner and a nightmare. He can kill thousands of people with his own strength.

The gaze of the Chinese monks is because... this is the idol of all China! One man guards the pass, and ten thousand men cannot open it! In the last moment of the divine family, the five surnames and seven families all died in battle, killing the turbulent waves of the Bohai Sea.

"It's him... it's him!!" In the Yongle Palace of the Great Jin Dynasty, a woman stood up trembling all over, and the cry of the blue phoenix resounded through the sky. A frost-like long sword jumped into her hand, and her body turned into a green light, shooting straight down!

"Swish!" In the Zhengyuan Marquis Mansion of the Great Jin Dynasty, with a roar like a beast, thousands of blood lights gushed out, and a golden light broke through the nine-story palace and shot straight down!

"How dare you appear in front of my Zhenwu Realm again!!" "You are so brave, you thief!!" "Come and die... I have been waiting for you for so long! How dare you appear in the world again!!"

The first person to react was not others, but the peerless Tianjiao of the Zhenwu Realm.

"Shadowless Sword" Princess Rong, bounty of 39,720,000 spirit stones. With a brilliant sword light, it seemed to cut through the sky, bringing with it the phantom of a blue phoenix, stirring up a thousand-foot wave.

"Blood Ancestor" Lanxue Laozu, bounty of 42,500,000 spirit consciousness, in Lanxue Dongtian, a bloody storm suddenly broke out, and the surrounding 5,000 meters turned into a blood pool, and a blood light, chasing the stars, shot directly at Xu Yangyi.

"Ashura Prison" Lin Wuzong, bounty of 58 million, accompanied by a long roar of hatred, brought up a tsunami-like black light from the Shura Dongtian, turned into a huge Shura head, more than 2,000 meters long, with eyes piercing and coming towards Jiuyin and Dongtian.

"Soul Chaser" Bai Lianxin, bounty of 67,200,000. "Heavenly King" Qin Buchen, bounty of 4,000 spirit stones and 10,000. Su Changqing, the "Marquis of Zhengyuan", has a bounty of 61 million...

"Boom!" In an instant, 22 spiritual energies in the sky rolled back, like rivers pouring down, in different places, with different powers, but the target... is the same person!

The mountains end with the plains, and the river flows into the wilderness. The flying mirror under the moon, the clouds form the sea tower.

The 22 Zhenwu Tianjiaos attacked at the same time, and came out in full force, and actually cut out the momentum of the Nascent Soul!

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