
Chapter 819:

"Welcome..." Below the Dajin Palace, Qingluan flew across the sky, sword energy overflowing. Just as the monks below were shouting in excitement, Qingluan didn't look at them at all, and roared past, hundreds of meters in the center, without any traces. A lifetime to return.

Not only here, the twenty-two geniuses are full of murderous intent, but there is no obstacle in their way, and there is no word of death. no matter who.

Any one of them is a well-known wanted criminal on the wanted list. Any one of them is a genius of the generation in the Zhenwu world. There is only one person in their eyes. That person is standing under Jiuyin and Dongtian, holding Tao Qing's head and facing him. They smile.

kill him……

This monk who humiliated the Zhenwu world... Bohai actually survived, he actually dared to appear here, then... today must be the day when he falls!

No one saw that on the top of Qingcheng Mountain, in Laojun Hall, Xu Fangyuan's eyes that had never been opened quietly opened.

In the Zhenwu Realm, in the Dajin Palace, on the Nine Dragon Chair, a pair of majestic and unparalleled eyes opened almost at the same time.

The two eyes collided at an unknown distance, studying the deep meaning in each other's eyes.

"Escort!! Escort!!" Su Zangfeng stood behind Xu Yangyi. The faces of Xingtian's team ranged from shock, to disbelief, to ecstasy. No one dared to think that the immortal and unlit man on the Heroic Spirit Monument had actually come back and was still standing in front of him, still his idol!

In excitement, the word "escort" was shouted out.

However, no one blamed him, and even before he could shout, all the team members behind him had already rushed over. But it was immediately blocked by an invisible light curtain.

"Zhenmao! Please let me follow you!!" They shouted excitedly: "I will die without regrets!! This is our own choice! Please give us a chance to choose!! Zhenmao, even if I die, I will protect you Your thoughtfulness!”

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at them and said with a smile: "No need."

"You can't die in vain. You have hope. Just now, when I couldn't do my best, you helped me block other opponents. It was enough."

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the ball of light surrounding them flew out and landed on the Qingcheng Mountain position. No matter how they shout.

He stared at the sky with cold eyes. More than twenty streams of light, the last of which were in the middle stage of the Golden Core, rushed down from the mid-air like a river with extremely murderous intent.

"Boom!" The Tianjiao teamed up to attack, and the power was so great. Twenty-two spiritual energy gathered into a brilliant ocean, pulling the sky, white clouds flew away, and the sky was filled with silence, creating a terrifying cloud cave with a radius of tens of thousands of meters. , formed impressively in the sky.

"Listen." At this moment, a voice came to his ears urgently: "Don't worry about anyone, Princess Rong, you must kill."

It was Xu Fangyuan's voice.

Twenty-two spiritual lights, lightning and flint, he seized the only opportunity and asked: "What are you going to do?"

But there was no answer.

The army of monks on the earth fluctuated in an instant. The twenty-two geniuses all took action and even caused changes in the sky, just to kill the real man Wolf Poison. How could they not be in a hurry! This is their idol! It can be said that the only idol under the Huaxia Yuanying did not fall in the Bohai Sea. How could he fall in front of them?

I don't know how many people looked towards Jiuyin and Dongtian with red eyes, and some even roared to turn back.

"What are you doing!!" The team, which was already in chaos, was suppressed by loud shouts: "What are you thinking? What will Master Wolfsbane think when he sees you going back? This kind of opportunity only comes once in a million! Rush... Charge with all your strength! Kill those who disobey orders! Kill those who stray!"

An atmosphere of uncertainty began to permeate the battlefield of heaven and earth. Everyone had a hunch in their hearts that there was a slight possibility that this dull and unchanging battle situation... would change.

In an instant, the chaotic team on Earth quickly stabilized. Turning excitement and excitement into murderous intent, a pair of eyes looked at the endless black tide on the opposite side.


With a cry of killing that shocked the sky, the floating clouds swept away, and the Earth monks rushed towards the bottom of the Jin Palace with a sharper momentum than before.

No one saw that among the Taoist priests in Qingcheng Mountain, hundreds of them left the team. Under their clothes and in their seven orifices, there was a faint golden light shining. He sank silently into the sea of ​​fog. Before leaving, he just nodded silently to his friend.

They know this is their last time together.

Go quietly, but not lighter than a feather.

"Boom!" Twenty-two rays of spiritual energy were overwhelming, and even a thousand meters away, wounds were already opening on Xu Yangyi's skin, and blood was flying.

The twenty-two geniuses from the Zhenwu Realm who attacked Qingcheng Mountain were united, and their power was so amazing that they even formed a preliminary Nascent Soul vision. In the sky, as they landed, lightning flashed and thundered, and countless white clouds seemed to be stirred crazily by a giant hand. .

"Good time." He said lightly, and the next second, a black spiritual energy rose into the sky, facing the twenty-two geniuses proudly.

Today, I will meet here for a while the heroes on your wanted list.

One person, one body, one blade.

He fought for three thousand miles with one body, and once served as a million-man warrior with one sword.

His cold eyes quickly scanned the people in front of him, and immediately locked onto the only female cultivator.

"Death!!!" The voices and auras of all the geniuses intertwined into this one word, shaking the heaven and the earth. The aura was like a knife, and the space under his feet was cracked and pieces were flying, like the torn earth.

He bent down slightly, like a cheetah hunting prey. On the forearm, two marks emitted a monstrous red light. The two huge arm blades separated, cold light hunted, fierce flames shot out, without flinching or fear.

This is a battle between geniuses, and he has no right to end.

The twenty-two geniuses in front who had formed the vision of Nascent Soul seemed to be stunned. The next second, there was an earth-shattering roar!

"You are looking for death!! I have been in the Jin Dynasty for three hundred years, and I have never seen such an arrogant person!! With one pair of twenty-two, you deserve to die!"

This is a provocation... Facing the twenty-two geniuses, the other party did not retreat but advanced! Be the first to attack!

Have you ever taken them seriously?

Have you ever taken the Zhenwu world seriously? !

"Boom!" The spiritual energy surged again! The faces of the low-end monks on the entire battlefield turned pale. Twenty-two extremely majestic spiritual energy actually brought up a bloody river in the sky, indicating their murderous intent.

This is a decisive battle between idols. There is no fairness or unfairness. Xu Yangyi accepted the challenge of the twenty-two geniuses. The kind of heroic spirit, the kind of needle-pointed wheat light, and the tension of flying through the gap, like a hand holding everyone tightly. heart.

Just when the overwhelming bloody aura entered within five hundred meters, Xu Yang moved.

The turbulent currents are rapid and turbulent, and the spray is as thin as thunder and wind!

"Boom!" When he attacked, the sky behind him trembled slightly, as if it had been trampled by this foot, and spider web cracks were densely covered. The blue flames rise, the north wind disappears, the red bird flames spray into the sky, and the body turns into a stream of light, shining directly at the crowd!

Chongxiao seemed to feel the bloodthirsty fighting spirit, and the double-edged weapon roared. At the moment when he entered three hundred meters, Xu Yangyi let out a long roar, and the flames were fierce. The Suzaku transformed into twenty-two with a clear cry, and rushed towards the Nascent Soul vision formed by the golden elixir in front of him.

"Ha..." In Qingcheng Mountain, a monk trembled with excitement, challenging all the geniuses alone... This is the idol of the earth, the number one person with a million-level golden elixir!

Not retreating or giving in, but facing the enemy head on, smiling and singing in the face of the twenty-two geniuses.

"Broken!! How dare you show off your little skills?! If you are allowed to ride a thousand horses, how can we return to the real martial arts!!"

"Destroy your magical power and destroy your soul! Pay homage to our 400,000-strong Bohai army!" With an angry shout, Qingluan rose up with the wind and swayed up to 90,000 miles. And Princess Rong in Qingluan's shadow, Feng Xu Yufeng, her clothes and sleeves fluttering, like a fairy descending. His eyebrows were cold, and he looked at Xu Yangyi with a look that made him want to choose someone to eat.

Bohai's great shame and humiliation, I need you to repay it a hundred times today!

Right here... I'll kill you to pieces, and cut you to pieces.

"Five-foot sword. Xia Liuguang!"

However... the next second, her eyes suddenly widened!

Wrong...something's wrong!

A murderous intent as sharp as a thousand-year-old iceberg shot directly from the Suzaku that rushed towards her. It was as if at this moment... the god of death opened its eyes and locked onto himself.

"This is..." Extremely depressed and suddenly struck by fear, she suddenly burst into a scream: "The real body!!!"

Time seemed to slow down at this moment.

She saw the murderous figure in the flames, the pair of domineering arm blades, and the cold light above.

She raised her hand and drew her sword, and at that moment, a circle of cold light burst through her sword in the fierce flames.


Time turns again.

Xu Yangyi stood quietly fifty meters behind her, with the sky bright and a drop of blood slowly flowing down. Like a blood pearl.

Behind her, Princess Rong trembled all over. She stared blankly ahead. After a long time, she murmured: ""

The next second, "Boom!!!" Flames erupted from all her pores, forming a terrifying pillar of fire in the sky, and the whole person was divided into two halves from the waist. The blood soaring into the sky has been evaporated before it erupts.

The entire battlefield was filled with dead silence.

No one was speechless.

Instant kill... array slash!

"Sand..." It wasn't until Princess Rong's body fell into the sea of ​​fog below that everyone seemed to wake up. After the silence, they let out earth-shattering cheers!

"Woooooooo!!" On the top of Qingcheng Mountain, a horn several hundred meters tall and made of unknown material was blown with all its strength by a three-meter-long Taoist priest. His face was red, his chest was bulging, and he even felt dizzy. I felt like I was about to burst, but I blew the horn with all my strength!

The cathartic blood filled the entire Qingcheng Mountain at this moment.

The horn was desolate, with blood, excitement and domineering, spreading throughout the audience. At the same time, golden light burst out from the top of the mountain, the Heroic Spirit Monument released thousands of rays of brilliance, and Princess Rong's name turned gray in an instant. And under the name of Wolfsbane, there is another person!

Princess Rong, kill instantly!

Still one person, one body, one blade.

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