
Chapter 821: The Last Emperor of Jin (I)

"Kill!!" All the spiritual cavalry, following his order, turned into a golden light tide, crushing the sky and rushing towards Xu Yangyi.

Must stop... must stop!

Princess Rong is dead... If I still can't stop him... I'm afraid the Dajin Heavenly Prison is prepared for me!

Especially... He felt extremely uneasy at this moment. Any Jindan is pursuing cause and effect. This trace of uneasiness comes from cause and effect, but there is no trace. It's hard to say what's wrong, as if... this war will change from today.

He couldn't believe it, just by one person? After two years of war, the huge swamp laid by the Zhenwu Realm will change because of one person?

This is impossible!

That's right... As long as he is killed, everything will be restored if he is killed on the spot.

"Shura Soul-Calming!" His fear is also the fear of all the Tianjiao in the Zhenwu Realm. The Jin Houzhu has woken up... Although he doesn't know why the other party came in person, they will be severely punished if they can't stop Xu Yangyi. Yuanying is angry, and Jindan can't bear it.

Soul Chaser Bai Lianxin shouted, her voice almost piercing and breaking. Ink spread all over the sky around her body, depicting a picture of hell. The ferocious Yaksha, the ferocious Demon Mother Goddess, the oil pan, the sea of ​​fire and the mountains of swords were vivid, and within a radius of three thousand meters, they blocked Xu Yangyi's retreat.

Auras shot up into the sky, more crazy than before, like a landslide and tsunami, Buddha's light, Taoist light, spiritual light, evil light... one by one, they formed a huge arch with a thickness of one thousand meters and a radius of five thousand meters!


The majestic pressure was not Yuanying, but even worse than Yuanying. Twenty-one Tianjiao attacked with all their strength, and even the newly promoted Yuanying had to retreat.

However, Xu Yangyi had no way out.

He didn't know if the Seven Star Divination would change, he only knew that staying here would lead to death!

Without slowing down, he rushed towards the huge door with all his strength, and Chongxiao lay in front of him. Auras spread over Chongxiao and turned into talismans.

The magic weapon carries supernatural powers, and every second is extremely precious now. No longer caring to hide anything, Chongxiao burst out with murderous aura, and let out a long roar: "Who dares to stop me!!"

"Boom!!!" The red Vermillion Bird suddenly hit the giant door, and the whole space was shaking.

Everyone's eyes looked here, and every earth cultivator's heart was in his throat, because... they also saw that, not knowing how far away, under the palace of Dajin, a middle-aged man wearing a nine-dragon robe and a golden crown on his head, his eyes were indifferent, and he was slowly stepping.

He did not have any spiritual light, and he was clearly far away in the sky, but he seemed to be right in front of him. He walked very slowly, but when he raised his foot casually, the clouds under his feet suddenly shrank, and in one step, he had crossed a thousand meters.

Shrinking the earth into an inch!

No one could say anything, everyone understood what this was... Everyone knew about the other side's commander.

The last emperor of Jin!

Seven million spirits, the realm of rebirth!

"Kalala!" What they saw, Xu Yangyi also felt. The opponent was neither slow nor fast, not because he had no killing intention, but because he was like a caged bird, with no escape.

"Boom!" With the full power of the spirit, the seven-kilometer flame of the Golden Core Great Perfection burst out, and with a series of muffled groans, countless cracks appeared on the Rashomon.

However... it didn't break!

"Fuck!" Xu Yangyi couldn't help but curse a swear word that he hadn't cursed for a long time. There was silence in the back, but the terrifying killing intention made him feel like Sun Wukong in the hands of Tathagata Buddha, and he had been surrounded from all directions.

"Kalala..." The thousand-foot gate was full of cracks, and it would take about five seconds to break it completely. This was because many people had their Tao hearts broken by him just now, otherwise it would be so harmonious now. But... he didn't have these five seconds!

He did not rush straight into Rashomon, but rushed to the sky, like a phoenix spreading its wings, illuminating thousands of miles.

Fourth second.

In the thousands of feet of flames, he slowly waved his hands, leaving countless afterimages. With the addition of arm blades, he actually formed a black and white Bagua, and the two arm blades were Yin and Yang Tai Chi.


Simplified version of Wuxiang Guanyin.

A brilliant white light, through the sky and through the earth. The entire giant gate burst out with a sky-high light, and with a loud bang, cracks covered the whole body!

"Stop him!" "If he rushes over, we don't have a foothold in the Zhenwu world!" "Wolf Poison... You will definitely die here today!"

The eyes of the Lanxue Patriarch were red, unimaginable... He couldn't bear the raging anger of that Excellency! Others were the same!

"What are you waiting for!?" He turned his head suddenly and shouted at the others: "Once you let him re-enter Qingcheng Mountain, how will you explain to the ancestor! Have you thought about it!!"

Before he finished speaking, he had bitten his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood.

It was clearly a mouthful of blood, but it spurted out like a blood mist, covering a thousand meters. At the same time, blood-red talismans flashed above the Rashomon Gate, making it even more weird.

His words made everyone else grit their teeth. Lin Wuzong took out an ancient incense burner with a sullen face and slapped it hard at the Rashomon Gate. Suddenly, the incense burner was reduced to ashes, but there were also ancient traces above the Rashomon Gate, making it almost substantial with the magical power condensed, adding a bit of ancient meaning.

Zheng Yuanhou gritted his teeth and slapped his head. A broken short spear flew into the Rashomon Gate, making this gate to the sky, which was thousands of meters wide and a thousand meters thick, suddenly shine brightly, adding infinite murderous intent!

At this moment, Chongxiao went straight up and the brilliance soared, and the magical power that Xu Yangyi had just carried broke out in full force.

It was not the Wuxiang Guanyin...

But...Wanling Town!

"Ah!!!!" There were more than twenty screams, and all the geniuses were holding their heads and groaning. Only a few people had the magic weapon to protect their spiritual consciousness. Five rays of light rose into the sky.

"Stay alive!!" Soul Chaser Bai Lianxin's eyes were like blood. As he roared, countless spatial cracks suddenly opened on his side, and hands as black as ghosts stretched out from them, spreading for two thousand meters. , desperately grabbing Xu Yangyi.

"Boom!!" However, when these hands entered within a kilometer radius of Suzakuluo, they all turned into flying ashes. The Suzaku of the Four Saints actually burns nothing.

Behind you, the terrifying spiritual power is getting closer and closer! Xu Yangyi's eyes also turned red. At the moment of life and death, he felt... that terrifying existence was only fifty thousand meters away from him! Arrive in a moment! If you delay for one more second, his head will fall to the ground!

"Boom!" The red Suzaku erupted in full force, spreading from the broken cracks of the huge Rashomon Gate. All the geniuses were caught off guard, and many human hearts were broken. This blow finally became the last straw that broke the camel's back. ! The door, as majestic as the Wall of Sighs, exploded!

"Anyone who stops me will die!!" He turned into a black light and rushed past, with endless auras flying around him. It's like an immortal descended into the world. The two huge arm blades seemed like the god of death was coming again.

"Leave me alone!!" In front of him, Zhengyuan Hou gasped. He did not expect Xu Yangyi to be so powerful in combat. The shock just now caused thin bloodshot threads to secrete from his pores. But...he knows that he must not let the other party pass now!

The spear in his hand swept through the wind and clouds, and streaks of golden light and thunder came crashing in, turning the spear into the spear of the God of Thunder. His eyes were wide open, his upper body expanded rapidly, and he shouted violently at Xu Yangyi before throwing it towards him!

"Kalara!" The space shattered, and Xu Yangyi's heart felt like fire in the face of a shot that gathered Zheng Yuanhou's full strength.

Thirty thousand meters...

The real God of Death behind him was only 30,000 meters away from him!

There are four real people in front of them... they cannot hide. Once they hide, they will lose even the last chance. Only by rushing through them and rushing to Qingcheng Mountain can you change your fate against the odds!

He gritted his teeth and swallowed all the elixirs to enhance his spiritual power in one go. With a loud "boom", pieces of golden light spread around him like clouds.

"Shu Lala..." Faced with this shot, he did not dodge. In the light pool thousands of meters away, a huge phantom of Guanyin slowly rose up. Kind eyebrows and kind eyes contain immortal majesty.

Divine power is like prison, divine grace is like ocean!

"Huh?" Tens of thousands of meters behind him, a majestic voice came like a mountain, and the next second... Xu Yangyi suddenly struck down with all his strength. With infinite divine grace, create the world!

In an instant... five thousand meters.

It wasn't him, but the god of death behind him, who crossed five thousand meters out of thin air at the moment the Formless Guanyin appeared!

"This... this monster..." In Zheng Yuanhou's trembling eyes, the spear shattered inch by inch, and the palm of Guanyin covered the sky and covered the sky in all directions. There was no way to escape from the dragnet!

"Zap..." The five golden elixirs also did not hide. They stared at Xu Yangyi with blood-red eyes in front of them. The explosion of a person at the critical moment of life and death actually made them feel that they could not dodge, let alone resist.

"Boom!!!" The sea was roaring with anger, and the five continents were shaking with wind and thunder. The entire Qingcheng Mountain scene saw this scene. Guanyin suppressed the pressure, and a terrifying shock wave swept the entire place! This palm...has the power of Nascent Soul!

On the top of the Qingcheng Mountain, several old Taoist priests were half-kneeling in the Laojun Hall, angrily shouting: "True Lord!! Take action! The Lord of the Jin Dynasty has already taken action!"

"Nascent Soul has taken action for the first time in two years. If you don't move now, when will you wait!!"

"Master Wolf Poison must not die! I am willing to petition for a fight! Bring tens of thousands of Taoist soldiers to protect Taoist Fellow Wolf Poison!"

There was no answer. After a long time, Xu Fangyuan's voice came slowly: "No."

"He... has a heavy responsibility. I know him better than you. His potential... is more than that."

"You also know... this is the first time that the True Lord has taken action in two years. I believe... you also feel the uncertainty in the cause and effect. This opportunity may be the opportunity to break the overall situation of Qingcheng. This True Lord... Never let it go!”

He sighed leisurely in his heart, even if... you are my descendant, it won't work.

Except you, only you, no one can disturb this cold pool.

After a few seconds of silence, an old man spoke in a trembling voice: "Excuse me, True Lord... did you give him any instructions? We didn't have any plans in advance!"

Xu Fangyuan did not speak.

Yeah...he didn't have a plan either! He only had a vague idea, hoping that Xu Yangyi could understand.

It can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

Now he can only take the opportunity to express himself. Once he wants to listen to his words, Xu Yangyi will allocate his energy and have something on his mind. And his current situation... must not distract him even a little bit.

We can only hope that the other party is a true master, wise and courageous, and has a silent understanding. Once it's really done, then...

The clarion call for an all-out war in Qingcheng Mountain will begin immediately!

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