
Chapter 822: The Last Emperor of Jin (II)

"Order the whole army..." His voice finally rang out again: "All troops on alert. Highest level."

Xu Yangyi had no idea what was happening here. His bodhi seed was spinning at full speed, and every cell in his body was gushing out spiritual power.

The other party must not be allowed to enter the 10,000-meter range...In the late Nascent Soul stage, the power realm is at least 50,000 meters, but it is impossible that every place within 50,000 meters is a sure kill. 10,000 meters, this is what he knows, the distance that the Nascent Soul must kill.

The other party has not made a move yet, it should be because the distance is not enough, not because he does not make a move. What the other party wants... is to kill him for sure.

"Puff puff puff!" There were several screams beside him, and the five Tianjiao vomited blood and flew backwards. This attack drained 70% of his spiritual power. If it were not for the supplement of the elixir, I am afraid that the speed would slow down immediately. But even so, the eyes were blurred in an instant.

Eighteen thousand meters behind him, the middle-aged man in dragon robe had calm eyes, but every time he stepped down, he crossed a thousand meters, and the space seemed nothing to him. It was just a pair of eyes nailed on Xu Yangyi, never leaving.

Seemingly indifferent, but in fact... As he passed by, the space exploded inch by inch, and it was completely shattered, which showed how furious the other party was!

"Who dares to stop me!!" Xu Yangyi took the lead and completely rushed out of the entire spiritual light tide, holding his sword and standing on his horse, with a long roar. A feeling of being born from the sky came to mind.

Silence, and then, the whole scene burst into cheers!

Twenty-two Tianjiao joined forces to block, but the other party rushed out!

Even the cultivators of the Zhenwu Realm had a look of fear in their eyes. How could this person... be so fierce? Is he not afraid of death? Doesn't he feel pain? He... How did he really rush out? !

With a long roar, his body became faster, and all the magical powers that could speed up were used. There are still 50,000 meters... There are still 50,000 meters to Qingcheng Mountain. As long as he reaches there, he will be completely safe!

He couldn't help but calculate the Seven Star Divination again. He didn't believe it, he didn't believe this fate! He didn't believe that he would really die here.

But half a second later, he gritted his teeth.

It can't be counted...

Everything around him was imprisoned, except for himself. This should be the opponent's Nascent Soul power, or the power of the domain. However... what he calculated was still dead, dead, dead!

However, these hexagrams turned into ashes the moment they appeared, and they could no longer be counted.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Lanxue Patriarch fell from the clouds with blood at the corner of his mouth, looking at Xu Yangyi unwillingly, and rushed out... He actually rushed out! The reputation of the twenty-two Tianjiao was ruined, and he really didn't stop the other party!

Especially the last blow of the other party, which was so shocking that it could make the world weep and the ghosts cry. He felt a ray of the power of the Nascent Soul from it. If the other party hadn't rushed out, I'm afraid... someone would have died in that palm just now.

How could such a monster appear on the earth?

Just when he was looking at the small dot on the horizon, he was shocked to find that the sky under his feet, as well as himself, and the Tianjiao sitting in the air, were actually retreating backwards!

"This is..." He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly looked up behind him.

There, a man in a dragon robe, but beside him, there was already a huge black hole. It spread wildly, swallowing the sky. In the black hole, ghosts screamed and resentful spirits wailed, like a black hole of death.

"This is..." He took a breath, and the other geniuses were also shocked beyond words, and then rushed out with all their strength.


The last lord of Jin opened the realm of rebirth!

Indiscriminate killing... It was enough to show the anger in the heart of the silent opponent. He would never return without skinning Xu Yangyi.

"You're done..." After flying tens of thousands of meters, he looked at the place where the domain was unfolding with lingering fear, and suddenly laughed wildly: "You're done... You're done! Hahaha!"

"The True Lord of Qingcheng Mountain dared not save you! You're done... You're dead! Hahaha!"

"No wonder... No wonder..." Two seconds later, he gritted his teeth and lowered his head: "Princess Rong... Full name Sima Rongruo... The last emperor of Jin gave her the title Rong. She is not only his only daughter, but also... the only successor!"

"After the seventh prince Sima Tuo died on Earth, the Great Jin Dynasty only had this princess left... For the morale of the Zhenwu Realm, for the successor of the Great Jin Dynasty, you... must die!"

"Boom..." The black domain was like a tide, and the evil spirits were like a sea. Wherever the black passed, the Zhenwu Realm cultivators who didn't have time to dodge fell down like wheat being cut, without even a sound. Xu Yangyi in front was already hairy and sweating like a pulp.

This time... it was more urgent than Jerusalem. At that time, he had a secret treasure to protect himself, but now... he has nothing.

"Listen to me." Suddenly, Xu Fangyuan's voice sounded beside his ear: "Qingcheng Mountain... there is a Taoist spiritual treasure, the Mountain and River Map. As long as the other party responds to the contact, both parties will be pulled into it, and within a hundred days, they will turn into spiritual energy and return to heaven and earth."

"I didn't expect you to really be able to kill Princess Rong in the formation. The range of this magic weapon is one thousand meters."

After a word, there was no sound.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, his body slowed down slightly, and the bodhi seeds in his mind were running rapidly. In an extremely urgent state, he drew out a trace of spiritual consciousness and part of his thinking, thinking about what to do.

What to do... What is the only right way?

In his eyes, the scene turned into needles, and there was only one line that could pass through the eye of the needle. And this line was vague and had not been found yet.

It's not that Xu Fangyuan wants to harm him, but the current situation, everything is temporarily determined, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the situation he faces now is extremely dangerous, and it would be bad if the rules are dead.

This is the other party's trust in him, trusting him to do this. Because the other party probably didn't expect that he could really kill Concubine Rong in a formation, and also be hit by thousands of flowers without even a leaf touching him. This was beyond the other party's expectations, and the other party didn't know what to do next.

Can only trust.

"Fuck..." He cursed something he hadn't cursed for a long time: "You really think highly of me."

At the moment when he was distracted, he suddenly saw a black area spreading under his feet.


With no time to think about anything else, he gritted his teeth and rushed out at full speed. However, at this moment, thousands of golden lights burst out from behind him!

Nascent Soul takes action!

"Ten thousand auspicious lights return to the Purple Mansion." From the beginning to now, he didn't even look back to see Master Jin. The terrifying spiritual pressure was like a sharp knife on his neck. If he relaxed for a second, he would be in danger! Just now Xu Fangyuan took the time to say, the realm has been reached.

This was the first time he heard the voice of Lord Jin.

Majestic, like the whisper of a god. Kill in silence, I will kill all the flowers after they bloom.

With this sound, the entire field paused, Xu Yangyi's alarm bell rang loudly in his heart, and he rushed towards the edge of the field at full speed.

"Thousands of auspicious energy penetrate the Huangting."

"Rumble..." The power of the Nascent Soul shook the heavens and the earth. This was no longer a golden elixir-level phenomenon, but a real disaster of heaven and earth. As the voice fell, he felt... the sky was getting brighter.

It is daytime now, but it is brighter than the daytime. Brighter than the sun. The sky seemed to split open, and streaks of golden spiritual energy rushed in like smoke.

"Swish, swish, swish!!" Xu Yangyi's figure was instantly submerged in the infinite glow. It seemed gentle, but in fact... even the mountain mist below him was roaring, the sun was swaying in the sky, and Nascent Soul struck a few seconds apart. Ten thousand meters, so powerful.

Can't stop...

Never stop!

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, and the huge sky was fully effective at this moment. It was like two huge doors protecting him. After all, he had more than one million souls, and the other party had seven million souls... They were tens of thousands of meters away. He can't kill himself!

He just wanted to stop himself.

If you are afraid of pain, if you are afraid, the next step will be a fatal blow from the Nascent Soul Lord within ten thousand meters.

Amidst the rays of light, the sound of swords clashing could be heard endlessly, covering a radius of a kilometer. In an instant, a figure covered in blood rushed out with a loud roar.

It looks like there are a lot of scars, but it's actually not serious. There are no scars that are deep enough to show the bones. It just looks scary. But... there are already gaps in the sky.

Empress Jin slowly looked at the retreating figure, not impatient or impatient.

But anyone who is familiar with him knows that this is when the other party is truly murderous.

If it were said that just now the cat was teasing the mouse, causing the other party to die of humiliation. It's different now, now...he must kill the opponent.

"No one else can take you."

"If Ben Zhenjun takes action and lets you leave, what else will Ben Zhenjun call you Zhenjun?"

"Boom!!" The entire field suddenly shrank, and infinite black light emerged from the ground. He rushed over at a speed ten times faster than Xu Yangyi, and it was indescribable.

"This old monster!" Of course Xu Yangyi felt it, and now he realized how deadly he was without the magical power of speed. The mountains in his eyes were getting bigger too slowly, and his true return was as fast as an arrow. He wished he could stand under Qingcheng Mountain in a second.

"One minute..." He gritted his teeth: "In one minute... I will be caught up by this monster."

At the speed of life and death, he calmed down and began to think about what else he had.

He looked at Qingcheng Mountain in the distance, 40,000 meters away... there was still 40,000 meters away, no... that's not right!

His eyes suddenly lit up. With almost no communication with Xu Fangyuan, he suddenly thought of something.


In other words... there needs to be positive contact?

He...I understand...

A flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he almost understood Xu Fangyuan's hazy thoughts. Maybe Xu Fangyuan didn't think clearly about what he was going to do at this moment, but... he thought of it.

"Old man... you really think highly of me!" He grinded his teeth, but he didn't feel unhappy at all. Instead, he felt a sense of pleasure.

If it succeeds...the prison that the Zhenwu world has spent several years building will come to an end!

"Rumble..." The black light was like a tide, covering tens of thousands of meters. Although the power was not as powerful as the sandstorm in Baisamu, it... made the entire sky dark, like hell.

Ten seconds...twenty minute!

Dark clouds are coming over the city!

Thousands of meters behind him, endless black clouds surged up like a tidal wave, and the distance between the two of them had already reached ten thousand meters!

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