
Chapter 823: The Last Emperor of Jin (Part 3)

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath. There was no anxiety or fear in his eyes, just sprinting with all his strength.

"Shu La La..." The sky and the ground shrank again, shrinking to an inch and expanding. The moment the boots embroidered with golden dragons stepped onto the sky, the devil finally spread its wings.

"I caught you." A faint voice came out from the face of Empress Jin whose features could not be seen clearly: "Little guy."

"Rumble!!" As his words fell, endless black light spurted out. Hell unfolds, and the Nascent Soul takes action. If his own Nascent Soul does not move, many people will die if he goes up.

Black clouds were like a tide, and among the layers of black clouds, the figure of Lord Jin slowly turned into smoke and disappeared. Immediately afterwards, a majestic face was piled up on top of the sea of ​​clouds that turned the sky black.

"Hurry... faster..." I don't know how many earth monks are looking at the battlefield with their hearts in mind. They don't understand why their Nascent Soul hasn't taken action yet.

Just when the infinite black light from behind was about to pierce Xu Yangyi's body, suddenly, infinite golden light spread from his side, like a long golden river. Within a radius of a thousand meters, there was a bright golden light, and all the black lights actually slowed down.

A simple file was slowly shaking around Xu Yangyi. Every time it was shaken, thousands of rays of brilliance bloomed. The brilliance seemed to be in an absolute realm. Unexpectedly, Zhenjun Nascent Soul's magical powers were slowed down by half a minute.

The whole place fell silent, and then there was a gasp, and the eyes of the twenty-one geniuses turned slightly red.

What a magic weapon...

He was actually able to withstand the blow from Lord Nascent Soul without being affected at all!

In the sky, the majestic face's eyes narrowed slightly. The murderous intention in his heart almost broke out completely.

"Maggots." A majestic voice sounded from the black cloud's face: "If you want me to die, I have to die. You... dare to disobey me?"

What answered him was a figure flying at full speed. And the middle finger raised despite the busy schedule.

"very good……"

Before he finished speaking, the black face opened its big mouth, and infinite ghosts flew out from it, screaming and grabbing at Xu Yangyi.

"Touch" At this moment, Xu Yangyi clasped his hands together without hesitation, and a circle of golden light pool quickly opened from under his feet!

And his spiritual power was also declining rapidly.

There seemed to be silence in the sky, and the next second, a thunderous voice filled the entire Qingcheng Mountain: "How dare you, Shuzi?!"

Everyone was stunned.

Everyone recognized this trick...

"It's that move!" Zheng Yuanhou was meditating when he suddenly stood up and looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief: "It's that move... that magical power that defeated the five of us."

No one spoke.

I was not shocked that this move appeared again, but I was shocked that... facing True Lord Nascent Soul, he actually dared to draw his sword against him!

Such an absolute disadvantage, the distance between the two was less than 10,000 meters, and the other party actually chose to use his sword! Instead of holding on?

Difference in concepts.

In Laojun Hall, Xu Fangyuan stood up suddenly, his chest rising and falling sharply. At this moment, he very... very much wanted to personally take action and save his descendants.

He saw in the other party a philosophy that was close to Tao.

Your own way cannot be blasphemed.

Dan can be polished but its color cannot be taken away; orchids can be burnt but its fragrance cannot be destroyed. Jade can be broken but its whiteness cannot be changed; gold can be sold but its hardness cannot be changed.


However...he closed his eyes in pain.

Can't...he can't do this. Only he has the chance to change the situation of the war. Otherwise, if the situation continues, once the fighting ends in other places and the national gates in Suzhou and Hangzhou are lost, the consequences will be disastrous.

"You have to be a monk to take on all the responsibilities." After a while, he opened his eyes, a little blurry, and murmured: "You understand, right..."

Not only these people, but everyone saw this unbelievable scene.

A Jindan Daoist struck with his own Tao against the Nascent Soul Monarch of seven million souls, the lord of the dynasty!

"Ha..." Far away on the battlefield, an Earth-based foundation-building monk was covered in blood and had been surrounded by countless Zhenwu monks. At this moment, he put down his resistance and used his last strength to bow in the direction of Xu Yangyi. Bowed.

Then Wanjian penetrated the body.

On Qingcheng Mountain, countless monks in retreat looked at this scene, suddenly enlightened and enlightened.

"Brush!" Two huge Bianhua flowers bloomed above Qingcheng Mountain. The golden elixir aura permeates the heaven and earth.


One step golden elixir.

However, the two newly promoted Jindan were not overjoyed, but bowed to Xu Yangyi from afar.

A master of one skill.

The wrath of the Lord of the Jin Dynasty came from this.

A battlefield of tens of millions of full view of countless people...a mere golden elixir actually showed his sword to me?

"You are looking for death." The cold voice was without any warmth. Then, all the resentful spirits flying down screamed and condensed in mid-air, converging into a three-foot black sword.

At this moment, the two were already seven kilometers apart.


The black sword fell suddenly, and the formless Guanyin emerged from the pool of light, but... this time... there was something different about the Guanyin.

Angry face.

Any statue of Guanyin has kind eyebrows and kind eyes. This time Guanyin actually had an angry face!

And... instead of having a thousand hands, one hand is behind his back, and the other is raised in the air.


The golden and black waves collided in an instant. A terrifying shock wave quickly blew through the entire place. All the mountain fog, covering hundreds of thousands of miles in radius, was cleared in the blink of an eye, and the surrounding trees and flags sounded like they were blown by a strong wind.

However... there was no explosion!

Throughout the battlefield, every monk who had prepared for the big explosion opened his eyes tremblingly after a few seconds, and then all opened their mouths.

A black ball like a black hole slowly condensed in it, spinning continuously, and purple lightning and lightning poured into it. Just one look at it is shocking.

Good luck!

This phenomenon can occur occasionally when the power of two magical powers is exactly the same.


Dead silence.

No one expected that Xu Yangyi's full blow could actually rival Yuan Ying. Although this was just a casual blow from the Lord Jin, but... the opponent was in the late Nascent Soul stage! Definitely not a new Nascent Soul!

"Oh my god..." Shura Prison Lin Wuxing wanted to stand up, but fell down unable to do so. He looked at Fu Ji Tai Lai in shock: "How... is this possible..."

"How on earth can such a monster... have cultivated to this point?"

Ancestor Lanxue's expression froze. He never imagined that this shocking sword could be as good as Nascent Soul?

It’s just that the other side has perfected the golden elixir! Not half a step, not a virtual infant!

All the geniuses glanced at each other, and a dozen of them spat out a mouthful of blood.

The Oath of Heaven... They just wanted to retreat. This was the punishment from their own Dao Heart Oath.

In the silence, the black clouds rumbled apart in the sky.

A figure slowly stepped down from it.

His face was calm, but everyone knew that the other person must be filled with rage.

It's a shame that the True Lord didn't get the golden elixir in one blow.

"You really made me angry." He watched the phantom of Guanyin slowly disappearing, and the figure sprinting ahead with all his strength, his fingers began to make seals quickly.

Nascent Soul Lord finally decided to use his magical power.

However... at this moment, the phantom of Guanyin, which was about to disappear, suddenly made a backhand palm.

Empress Jin was stunned for only a moment, then gasped in the next second, her hands that were making the hand gestures suddenly stopped, and she rushed downwards like lightning.

This palm was not aimed at him.

Instead, strike at Fu Ji Tai Lai!

There was no consideration, and he was not allowed to think about it. Before he could even curse out death, his body was already rushing down instinctively.

When Xu Yangyi was fighting with Fang Fang, Gu Song was cautious about whether he would be able to succeed. At this moment, Xu Yangyi thought of this while tapping every ounce of his potential.

"Brush!" The golden light was like a tide, and it was as fast as electricity. Just fifty meters away from Fu Ji Tailai, it quietly turned into golden light and disappeared.

The empress master Jin who had just rushed here was stunned with a cold look on his face.

The whole audience was stunned.

Is this... being tricked?

This is a false move! The other party used extremely precise calculations to calculate that Wuxiang Guanyin would collapse when it reached here, but... the Lord Jin could not ignore it. Once the Nascent Soul-level Fu Ji Tailai explodes... the consequences will be disastrous!

There are many people in the Zhenwu world. If this explosion continues, it will definitely not be the earth that is seriously injured!

"Shashasha..." Everyone looked at Empress Jin in awe. Beside him, ghosts wailed out one after another and turned into ashes in the sky. The surrounding space began to rumble and vibrate.


First, he was indiscriminate, and then he was front of tens of millions of people...

"Your Excellency, you are going to attack with all your strength." Bai Lianxin finally breathed a sigh of relief and opened her mouth to say something else, but couldn't.

Xu Yangyi is still seven thousand meters away from Qingcheng Mountain... If he really lets the other party escape, let alone his arrogance, he will lose all his dignity. At this point, it is no longer whether Zhenjun can let Xu Yangyi go, but that he must kill him! Otherwise... the morale of the real martial arts community will simply not be able to survive here!

"He must die." Zheng Yuanhou's face was livid, looking at the figure that had become a dot: "Otherwise...the variables are infinite. A golden elixir that can barely take over the hands of True Monarch Yuanying...this is a sword, a sword An extremely sharp sword, he shouldn't exist on this battlefield. With him... maybe he can break through a cave with a hundred thousand monks."

He paused, gritted his teeth, but was extremely sure: "He must die! Must!"

As if it confirmed his thoughts, what they could think of, Empress Jin couldn't have imagined. As soon as he put his hands together, the space stopped vibrating, and a magnificent spiritual energy surged up like a demon.

"Looking down at the stars, it's like swimming in the blue sky."

A sound fell, and the sky opened.

The black clouds dispersed, and it was clearly daytime, but it was still pitch black. In the sky, countless stars hung high, and the stars were shining brightly.

"The superb Yunhan, suddenly connected to the sky."

The voice was like a giant spirit god, resounding throughout the battlefield. As soon as he finished speaking, countless explosions formed and turned into meteors that fell.

"Soul Guard!!" Xu Yangyi shouted. This was the first time he called out the name of his own magic weapon. Soul guard, soul guard. Blessed by the ancestors of the Xu family. As the two words fell, the golden light around him surged, forming a golden river of more than a thousand meters.

The runes are surging, and no one knows what the function of his natal magic weapon is. The stars in the sky fall and day turns to night. The tsunami-like pressure of Nascent Soul crashed down along with the terrifying power of destroying the world. Starlight streaks opened deeper cracks in the night than the night itself. Xu Yangyi will never disappear until he is completely crushed.

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