
Chapter 824: The Last Emperor of Jin (IV)

Of course, at the moment when the starlight touched the golden river, no matter how slow it was!

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered. This was the first time he used his natal magic weapon. He didn't expect the effect to be so good that the magical power of Yuanying Zhenjun could block it. But before he could be surprised, his chest was hit by a heavy hammer and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Ka Ka Ka..." Not only that, his skin began to crack.

Soul Guard... The function is defense, or in other words, when constructing his natal magic weapon, he only had time to build a defensive talisman. This defense is not an ordinary defense, but absorption.

It complements his Thousand Miles Without Staying.

But... no matter how strong the absorption is, there will be an end.

This move far exceeds the amount that Soul Guard can absorb. At the same time when he spurted out a mouthful of blood, Soul Guard also wailed that it could not bear the weight.

Danger is imminent!

"Overload?" He gritted his teeth and didn't dare to withdraw Soul Guard at all. Once he withdrew, he would be torn to pieces in an instant.

At this moment... the pressure on him suddenly eased, and with the exclamations of the whole audience, a blue lotus slowly bloomed above his head.

Every time it bloomed, a circle of ripples appeared around it, and these ripples spread out, and it turned out to be a circle of gossip.

"Water reflects the seven stars, and the gentleman looks at the Big Dipper." Another equally magnificent voice sounded above Xu Yangyi's head: "Heavenly Eight Trigrams, use Kan to suppress Nanli."

The True Lord of Qingcheng Mountain made a move!

"Boom!!!" The next second, there was a loud noise in the sky, and the starlight and the blue lotus were almost shattered at the same time. Xu Yangyi had already rushed out a thousand meters in this precious time!

"Xu Fangyuan!!!" The angry shout of the Jin Houzhu resounded in the air, just a little bit... failed, how could he not be angry: "If I don't kill this boy today, I will be unworthy of being a True Lord!!"

Tie, teasing, when the True Lord made a move, his anger finally climbed to the peak!

And... it's not a question of whether he is angry or not. If Xu Yangyi doesn't die today, the future troubles will be too great! He couldn't afford the consequences of morale loss, and he couldn't afford the loss of military morale! He never thought that one day he would suffer such a big loss at the hands of a mere Jindan!

His eyes were filled with murderous intent, the last six kilometers... then... you can't even think of moving a step!

"Boom!!" In the killing range of Yuanying, countless black mists fell in front of Xu Yangyi.

This is... pressure.

Yuanying pressure!

It's like a prisoner facing an executioner, the kind of irresistible, natural pressure.

Below Yuanying, you can only kneel down.

As the smoke enveloped, the Zhenwu Realm or Earth cultivators around Xu Yangyi softened and half-knelt on the ground, sweating like rain.

The power of Yuanying is like a mountain.

In Laojun Hall, Xu Fangyuan moved his hands, but never made a move again.

Only by being true and false can you catch this big fish.

You have to give the other party a false impression that you can catch up, and give the other party a reason to kill Langdu. That kid...actually did it...

Draw...playing, killing the only girl, plus Bohai's new and old hatred, these reasons that had to be killed, made the Jin Houzhu not realize that he was already tens of thousands of meters away from the Zhenwu Realm.

Rage blinded people's eyes.

"Go to hell...scumbag..." The twenty-two Tianjiao of the Zhenwu Realm looked at Xu Yangyi with red eyes, die...die! Die here! Let our Daoxin oath be fulfilled, you...must die!

But the next second, they all widened their eyes!

" this possible?!" "Unbelievable...How could such a monster appear on Earth!?"

In their shocked eyes, Xu Yangyi was not blocked at all, but his speed was even faster! He rushed out hundreds of meters again!

Riding the wind and waves, cutting through thorns and brambles.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were shining, like a lone eagle, spreading his wings and flying.

This is the flower in the mirror.

The moon in the well, the flower in the mirror. The moon in the well hangs high above the earth, becoming a beacon for the war between all realms, and the flower in the mirror... is the spiritual jade of the upper realm, which can transform a person's aura!

The aura of the upper realm offsets the power of the Nascent Soul!

The last five thousand meters!

He didn't know that in Laojun Temple... Xu Fangyuan's eyes were already burning.

It's coming... finally coming...

Such a big fish, such a long line, using his only bloodline as bait... The other party... finally stepped into his absolute domain!

At this moment, he understood that his only relative understood his thoughts.

"I just thought of what to do, but... I don't dare to disturb your mind..." He closed his eyes, and a fighting spirit rushed to his head: "I knew... I knew you could guess... You... did a good job..."

"Next... let me tell everyone what a Yuanying-level battle is..."

"Two years... two whole years, I finally found the opportunity to ignite the fuse..."

He opened his eyes and smiled: "I just didn't expect... you understand it more thoroughly than me, the initiator. I didn't finish the plan, only a vague idea, and you... can completely, no, more perfectly recover."

"What a genius."

In the sky, the distance between the Jin Houzhu and Xu Yangyi was still 7,000 meters.

The Jin Houzhu looked at Qingcheng Mountain with a deep look. The other party was only 5,000 meters away from Qingcheng Mountain, and the mountain protection formation was 2,000 meters thick... The actual distance was still 3,000 meters. In about ten seconds, he could kill the other party.

The idea that Langdu must die has been rooted in his heart. But he didn't know why there were so many obstacles in killing a mere Jindan!

Of course, the more obstacles there are, the more the other party values ​​him. And he also understood that once this kid advances to the Nascent Soul stage, his power will be unimaginable! Maybe he can't beat him for a while, but he will never be less than four million spirits!

It's just that the kid's life magic weapon is a bit troublesome. The talismans in it are of extremely high grade. Ten thousand meters... is not safe enough. Five thousand meters is the exact killing distance.

Although the distance of five thousand meters is a bit dangerous, it is worth killing. He is absolutely confident that he can leave safely.

"You... have no escape." With his mind made up, he smiled grimly. This time, he shrunk the ground into an inch and actually shortened the distance to a thousand meters.

He didn't see that when he stepped within five thousand meters of Qingcheng Mountain, under the layers of mountain fog, at the bottom of the valley. A full 20,000 Taoists, naked upper body, with golden talismans engraved on their bodies. At this moment, they all raised their heads, then laughed and swept the sword.

These were all the monks who had quietly ambushed here in the previous battle. They had left the team and were just waiting for the final blow.

"Puff!" The blood arrow flew into the air, but it turned into a blood mist and merged into the mountain mist.

At this moment, the Jin Houzhu stopped.

Five thousand one hundred meters outside Qingcheng Mountain.

An extremely strong sense of crisis struck his mind, and he turned around and left without any hesitation.

The spiritual energy behind him stopped, and Xu Yangyi finally turned his head and took the first look at the death god chasing behind him.

It was not clear, but he felt the other party's intention to retreat.

Why retreat?

He almost didn't think about it, and said loudly: "Sima Tuo is still alive."

"Shua La La..." Under the feet of the Jin Houzhu, countless dark clouds gathered, and the shrinking of the earth was in progress, but it suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked at Xu Yangyi.

"I know where he is." Xu Yangyi's heart was pounding, ancestor, don't trick me... Now you should have launched it, right? My guess is right, right? You must be in full contact with the Jin Houzhu, and at a very close distance, so close that... the Zhenwu Realm must do its best to rescue the lord of the dynasty.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and the Jin Houzhu was in a dilemma at this moment.

He was forced into a dilemma by a Jindan Zhenren.

The Zhenwu Realm is a hereditary model. Sima Rongruo is dead. If he has no children in his lifetime, the throne of the dynasty will fall on someone else. But... if Sima Tuo is still alive...

However, the sense of crisis around him is getting stronger and stronger. In an instant, he has made a decision.

Let the other party speak out, and then kill the other party with all his strength. The whole process takes about one second.

"Where." He finally asked in a deep voice.

At this moment, under the mountain fog, endless blood light burst out! In an instant, it enveloped the outside of Qingcheng Mountain for 5,000 meters!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, turned around and ran, charging with all his strength!

He felt... At the same time as the blood light burst out, a vast sea of ​​spiritual energy fell from the top of Qingcheng Mountain.

Not good!

The Jin Houzhu's mind was full of alarm bells.

He fell into a trap... But this situation... The other party really spent a lot of money! Especially... Especially with such a powerful and smart Jindan as bait!

He suddenly understood in his mind. Kill Sima Rongruo first, and he must take action, but at that time, he could kill him or not. However... The situation afterwards was completely created by this mere Jindan, which caused him to have to kill!

In the spotlight, although his first magical power was tens of thousands of meters away, it played a good turn. Morale was frustrated.

Then, he feinted to attack the turn of events, and rescued himself, but was played a trick. Morale was frustrated again.

At this point, if he didn't kill Xu Yangyi, he could no longer correct the morale of the Zhenwu Realm. A Jindan drew his sword in front of the Yuanying, beheaded the heir of the dynasty, and fought on equal terms with the lord of the dynasty, and played a trick again. If he didn't kill him... The morale of the Zhenwu Realm would be extremely low!

The other party's bait, little by little, led him into this formation.

He didn't even have to think about it. This formation must be extraordinary because it took so much effort to lead him in.

One ring after another, one ring after another, impeccable.

The most important thing is the person who made the bait. He is the line that connects these rings.

He didn't panic. Instead, he looked up at the sky calmly and murmured: "I have been hunting geese for many years, but I was pecked in the eyes by the geese."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his palm lightly and slapped it towards the place where Xu Yangyi flew. Then, without even looking, he stared at the sky.

"Boom!!!" With a loud noise, this seemingly soft palm actually slapped a 10,000-meter hole in the sky! A huge palm print was printed in the void, and there was endless darkness inside. And the palm print exploded, and it approached Xu Yangyi in an instant.

Finally, he walked into the distance where he could kill the opponent, but this full-strength attack was also his last attack on Xu Yangyi.


These days, I've been very upset

You may not be able to imagine, I even want to say that I'm too lazy to write about the War of All Worlds... I spent 90% of my energy and enthusiasm in the Battle of Bohai Sea, and when I found that I needed another large-scale decisive battle in the next few pictures, I found that I couldn't write it!

I haven't written for 2 days, just planning the Qingcheng Mountain Battle after these few pictures. Readers will enjoy it for ten minutes. I need to write these few pictures for several hours, and I'm not in good shape anymore~If I'm not satisfied by then, I may update 1-2 days

Quality is more important than quantity

After a week of rest, I will definitely be able to write a perfect chapter for the Qingcheng Mountain Battle later, but~~ time is running out, I hope to be able to adjust it tomorrow, I have saved up to 829, and it has been stuck here, it is very painful, because of this matter, I have been sleepless for a few days, maybe it is not difficult for the author to understand the pain of this kind of stuck

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