
Chapter 825: Landscape of Mountains, Rivers and States (I)

The wind whistled behind him, and the space collapsed. Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth. If he could block this attack, he would have no worries.

But... he couldn't block it.

It seemed like an ordinary palm, but the rage and spiritual power contained in it, especially at this distance... far exceeded any magical power of the previous Jin Houzhu.

Wuxiang Guanyin?

No... After using it twice in a row, his meridians had long been wailing and overwhelmed. Once he used it for the third time, he would be no different from a useless person, and he couldn't use it at all.

His spiritual power was at its bottom, Yuchang and Misteding were both dormant, and Zhuqueluo had just been used, and there were still a few thousand meters to go, but the flames were actually shattered by this palm.

What to do!

The death of Qixing Shensuan turned out to be here? In front of his own house?

When you want to cross the Yellow River, the ice blocks the river, and when you want to climb Taihang, the snow is all over the mountain.

"Then... let's fight to the last moment!" He gritted his teeth and took out a handful of pills that he hadn't used for a long time.

Explosive pill.

This kind of pill is of little use to him. But... that was the case of one.

If it wasn't for the need for it in his own medicine business, he would hardly refine it. He didn't expect that at this time, it would become his last trump card.

Or there are too few trump cards.

He smiled bitterly and swallowed several jade bottles of explosive pills. An indescribable pain suddenly came from his meridians, as if thousands of steel knives were scraping his bone marrow.

Fortunately... it was still within the tolerance range. At least it allowed his dry meridians to be nourished by spiritual energy again.

"Suzaku Fall!!"

With a roar, he turned around suddenly and retreated towards the giant palm. The flames that were originally blown away actually surrounded him. The soul guard turned into a golden river, and the spiritual power was running to the extreme, ready to face this shocking palm.

However... he immediately knew that he was wrong.

When he was still a thousand meters away from him, the terrifying spiritual pressure was far beyond his tolerance! He even saw the fate of the Seven Star Diviner.

Turned into ashes.

"This old monster..." He felt so unwilling that the sky in front of him seemed to collapse. With a long roar, just when all his spiritual power was about to hit that palm, five voices suddenly sounded behind him.

"Don't panic, Master Langdu, I'm here to help!" "Don't be afraid! It's just a palm!" "Thanks to you, I've ascended to the Golden Core. Today, let us take this palm for you!"

"And me!" "The Dragon Dance Squad of the Qingcheng War Zone is here to help!" "The Fengming Squad of the Qingcheng War Zone is willing to serve you!" "It's just a palm! Can't we, tens of thousands of people, take it?!" "And me!" "There's me!" "We're all here!"

Xu Yangyi was stunned.

Then, his eyes turned red slightly, and in the nick of time, he actually sent out a ray of spiritual consciousness to scan.

Behind him, five Golden Cores stood proudly.

Three of them were wearing Taoist robes and smiled at him. The other two were not stable in their realms. If they took such a blow at this time, their cultivation would definitely be damaged, and they might become useless.

And these two quasi-waste people actually bowed deeply to him, with no intention of retreating.

Five Jindans were in the lead, and behind them... was an endless group of cultivators.

The group of cultivators on Earth.

Countless Taoists, countless camouflage monks, no matter they were refining Qi or building foundation, at this moment, all stood behind him, united as one!

Mysterious talismans spread out from them, they were a cone, one after another, and finally, a Taoist Jindan came to his side and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Going wild at the gate of Qingcheng Mountain, the Taoist inheritance, are you afraid of his mere Yuanying?" The Taoist laughed.

This is the reward for him killing Tao Qing, killing Princess Rong, breaking twenty-two Jindan, and winning the title of Houzhu on equal terms, and playing tricks on the other party.

It's not a realm, but a favor.

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, his eyes twitched slightly, and suddenly he laughed up to the sky: "Yeah...what's there to be afraid of!"

The next second, a huge force hit him.

It was not a spiritual power, but thousands or tens of thousands of cultivators who volunteered to be his backing and temporarily input all their spiritual power into him.

Unless it was an idol, unless it was at this time, no cultivator could get this honor. This was a time of unity and sharing weal and woe.

"Ka Ka Ka!" The spiritual power in his body rose steadily, although it was temporary, it reached a terrifying level!

Half-step Nascent Soul...Xu Ying...until...the early stage of Nascent Soul! It didn't even stop, rushing straight to the middle stage!

With Xu Yangyi's long roar, his spiritual power was fixed at the middle stage of Nascent Soul!

"Boom..." A roar determined the mountains and rivers, and everything around him was different in his eyes. Although he didn't have the perception of the real Nascent Soul, he only reached the spiritual power and couldn't use the Nascent Soul's magical powers, but he felt the power of the Nascent Soul.

Right in front of him, the ten thousand meter giant palm broke through the void, less than ten meters away.

Eyes look at the nose, nose looks at the heart, the heart is as calm as water. He raised one hand, originally a sword, representing attack. But his heart moved, crossed his arms, and used a move he almost forgot.

Turtle carrying.

The first defensive move learned in the Heavenly Dao.

With a shocking roar, the giant palm that seemed indestructible when it hit him, a circle of magnificent black light appeared. He gritted his teeth tightly. As the first section of this cone, he must not fall.

"Boom boom..." The spiritual power contained in the giant palm is magnificent! He held up all this section, but... he never thought it was enough in his heart!

I haven't hit your face enough, the emperor of Jin!

You must kill yourself anyway?

Let me show you that no matter what, your true martial arts world cannot kill you!

"Broken..." He whispered, his body like a bow, and he took a step forward with all his strength. Veins popped out all over his body, and muscles exploded.

As if sensing his thoughts, everyone behind him shouted angrily: "Fuck me!!"

A single thread cannot make a thread, and a single tree cannot make a forest.

This sound of breaking actually caused the giant black palm to break open.

Not enough... not enough! Xu Yangyi's eyes turned red. This palm would completely break their military morale in front of the entire Zhenwu world!

They want all 140,000 of them to disarm, and not one of them is a man.

However, the master's realm after Jin was too high, and many people joined this huge team, but they still could not shake it.

This is the power of Nascent Soul, one is worth ten thousand.

He could feel that he was just a little bit... just a little bit close to changing the stalemate, just like he had changed the situation in the Qingcheng Mountain battle, but... no matter how many monks rushed in from behind to join in, this point would still remain unchanged!

"Damn..." At this moment, he suddenly felt his body relax.

At this moment, he thought his formation collapsed. But it was immediately discovered that it was not.

But...his spiritual power...has actually improved!

It's not an improvement in realm, but a simple improvement in spiritual power. Just behind him, Weng Ming appeared in the vortex of the ethereal fairy body that had disappeared after the middle stage of the golden elixir.

The next second, all the vortex nodes on his body erupted into a blue light that reached into the sky. And...two whirlpools suddenly appeared on the top of the vest!

He was stunned, two whirlpools opened at the same time...this...

Originally it was eight times... now... it is thirty-two times!

It is comparable to thirty-two times the spiritual power of ordinary golden elixir in the later stage!

He took a deep breath, looked forward, and said in a deep voice: "Broken."

"Rumble!!!" Following an earth-shaking loud noise, black light rose from the ground! Streams of black spiritual energy floated into the sky, and the terrifying 10,000-meter giant palm finally disappeared into ashes.

He finally looked up and breathed a sigh of relief. This battle royale spanning thousands of miles is finally over.

Change your destiny against the will of heaven...

The Seven-Star Divine Calculation was actually wrong, and he actually walked out of the inevitable death!

Until now, when he calculated again, what appeared was good luck, good luck, and good luck again!

As the giant palm collapsed, countless people behind him wailed, and the rice dumplings dropped like rice dumplings into a pot. That was a sign that the spiritual power was exhausted and could no longer be sustained.

The most direct ones are the Jindan. Except for the three Taoists, the other two have black eyes and don't know whether they are alive or dead.

"Save people!" Xu Yangyi shouted: "Take them to the largest square immediately!"

"Bring all the spiritual plants immediately, these people... I am here to save them!"

If you choose to believe me, then I will reward you accordingly.

A drink, a peck, all have a certain number. Every flower and every fruit is cause and effect.

After shouting this sentence, he looked at another battlefield.

That... is the main battlefield that determines the direction of this battle. The key point that determines whether this deadlock can be broken.

In the sky, boundless green leaves were floating down, and Xu Fangyuan had already opened his territory.

Immortality field.

"Rumble..." The answer to the green leaves in the sky was the boundless black hell pouring out from under the feet of Lord Jin.

Lord Jin looked straight ahead, showing no sadness or joy. He didn't even feel that his palm collapsed. He didn't have any time to care about anything else at the moment. Xu Fangyuan... In the realm of immortality, his spiritual power was on par with his. With a formidable enemy in front of him, how could he have other thoughts?

"What formation is this?" he finally asked.

"Three Pure Ones and Four Imperial Heavenly Dao Formation." Xu Fangyuan's voice came from the void: "There is no need to waste your efforts. Even I, the real person, will take ten days to open this formation. In order to invite you to enter the urn, 20,000 boys and girls of Yin Ji Yang blood lineage You deserve to die for your country.”

"Do you really think you can kill me?" Empress Jin said calmly.

"It can't be killed." Xu Fangyuan's voice sounded like he was laughing: "For two years, Ben Zhenjun has been looking for ways to defeat the enemy. But you are like a shrunken turtle, you just need to shrink back. I have to say..."

He paused and said, "There are too many rats, so it's really hard to kill them."

"Oh?" Empress Jin smiled: "Then if your territory is eaten away by rats, wouldn't you be even more despicable?"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes widened, one hand suddenly stretched out, and clapped together with a figure flying in the sky.

"Boom!!!" The spiritual energy surged, and the terrifying shock wave rippled through the trees in Qingcheng Mountain. The Lord of the Jin Dynasty looked at Xu Fangyuan coldly: "Aren't you afraid that Ben Zhenjun will demolish your Qingcheng Mountain? This is next to the mountain protection formation."

Xu Fangyuan's voice was cold: "You don't have this chance."

As soon as the words fell, the place where the two palms met suddenly burst into endless pictures.

The Three Pure Ones, Four Imperial Kings, Eight Immortals, and god-like pictures spread out from the place where the two palms meet, but... they are all ink paintings. It's like a roll of ink blooming in the palms of both of them.

"This is..." Empress Jin took a deep breath, his face changed slightly for the first time, and he suddenly looked at Xu Fangyuan: "Are you crazy?!"

Xu Fangyuan laughed loudly: "The world laughs at me for being too crazy. I laugh at others but they can't see through it. Come on... let the first Nascent Soul battle in two years be even more brilliant."

"Stop it!!!"

"Brush!!!" As Empress Jin shouted in surprise before she could finish her shout, the two figures disappeared together.

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