
Chapter 826: Landscape of Mountains, Rivers and Sovereigns (II)

Just at the point where they disappeared, a black singularity slowly appeared, growing larger and larger, more and more magnificent, with traces of ink painting covering the sky. Ten minutes later, a huge ink painting of unknown size, surrounding the entire Qingcheng Mountain, and even covering the sky, slowly appeared with black and white light.

I don’t know how big it is, I don’t know how high it is, I can only feel the magnificent spiritual power, surpassing the Nascent Soul, which is simply thrilling!

The spiritual treasure of the Qingcheng Mountain Taoist tradition, the map of mountains, rivers and the country!

In the palace of the Great Jin, a figure suddenly stood up and looked down in disbelief. His whole body was shaking, and the attendants around him said in astonishment and respectfully: "Prime"

"Save me..." The tall figure's voice was hoarse, and he suddenly grabbed the attendant's neck and roared wildly: "Save me!! Save me!!! Go and pass the order!! Are you deaf!!"

"Hold the Japanese army! Follow the Dragon Army! Where is the General Zhengxi! Where is the General Zhengdong!! Let them attack immediately with all their troops!!! Save me! Save me for me!!"

At the moment when the black giant palm collapsed, all the Tianjiao stood up together.

The bursting wind was even felt here. Everyone stared at Qingcheng Mountain with their eyes wide open.

Not dead...

That person...that monster...he didn't die!

Under the shocking blow of the Jin Houzhu, he, he actually survived!

No one spoke, because their hearts were trembling. This person...wolf poison, is the wound in their hearts, the thorn in their hearts. If this thorn is not removed, they will not be able to fight against wolf poison at all.

Daoxin was broken, everyone knew that a Jindan had fought his way back to Qingcheng Mountain from Zhenwu Realm. He defeated twenty-two of them, and their former pride was trampled under the feet of this person. If it weren't for Yuanying's attack, they might have fallen.

However... Yuanying attacked, but he didn't stop the opponent. The first attack was evenly matched, the second attack was played by the opponent, and the third attack... This bastard was so popular! So many foundation-building and Qi-refining people, and five Jindan were willing to pass on their skills to him! To block this attack for him!

Don't they know that if they can't block it, all these people will die?

Don't they fear death?

Zhengyuan Hou sighed, his left hand showed a sword, and quickly wrote on his right arm: Su Changqing's Daoxin was broken in Qingcheng.

Then, his right hand showed a sword, and wrote on his left arm: Su Changqing recast his Daoxin in Qingcheng.

This is a determination, a statement, no Jindan is a mediocre hand, if he doesn't get up from where he fell, he can't advance again.

Blood was all over his arm, but he was indifferent. Instead, he looked in the direction of Xu Yangyi, clasped his hands together, and bowed.

"Why should I pay respect to such a bastard?" Bai Lianxin snorted coldly.

"I surrender." Su Changqing sighed: "Although I am a Jindan, I fought for the Great Jin Dynasty and was awarded the title of General Zhengyuan. Later, I was awarded the title of Zhengyuan Hou. If Langdu abandons the dark and joins the light, I am willing to protect him. Get a general position."

Bai Lianxin pursed her lips and said nothing. After a few seconds, she hammered the void fiercely, making a loud "bang" sound: "Tomorrow... I will apply for a transfer order to the Demon City... I will never return to Qingcheng until I can kill this beast!"

Lin Wuzong lowered his head. He was narrow-minded and stubborn. He also advanced to the Jindan level and was extremely powerful. However, today's battle completely dispelled his self-esteem.

"Bastard..." He looked at Qingcheng Mountain with red eyes. It was so far away that it was no longer visible to the spiritual consciousness. He gritted his teeth and said, "One day, I will cut you into pieces on the spot!"

"If one person is not enough... let's have ten or a hundred people! There are many talented people in my Zhenwu Realm. I will kill you even if I have to sacrifice my life. You... just wait for me obediently!"

At this moment, a dull drumbeat suddenly sounded from the entire Zhenwu Realm army.

"Boom..." It resounded through the heaven and earth, and the white clouds broke layer by layer, reaching the ears of every cultivator in the Zhenwu Realm.

Twenty-one geniuses stood up immediately. Su Changqing looked up at the sky in astonishment and cried out: "A drum to call the generals?!"

"How is it possible!" Qin Buchen was stunned: "Our army's strategy is to surround but not attack, to surround a point and attack the reinforcements! Once the war from Pakistan to Iran is over, we will immediately descend on the front line of the Magic City and completely tear apart the Chinese defense line. How is it possible to have a drum to call the generals?!"

"Once the drum to call the generals... is sounded, it means that the whole army is ready to attack..." Ancestor Lanxue looked at Qingcheng Mountain tremblingly: "There is no reason, unless..."

Everyone looked over.

Unless... the emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty is in great trouble!

Otherwise, this decision will never be changed!

Suddenly, Su Changqing was slightly stunned, and he grabbed the void. A light curtain sprayed out from the ring. An old man with a gloomy face, wearing a nine-dragon robe and a purple gold crown on his head, who was usually in their impression of planning and winning thousands of miles away, was gone. Instead, his face was as pale as paper, and his voice was floating: "General Zhengyuan Su Changqing, return to the palace of Dajin immediately. All the generals who fought in all directions are waiting for you in the palace..."

"What happened?" Su Changqing frowned.

The old man pursed his lips, and after a few seconds, he spit out a few words from his teeth: "Save the emperor."

"Your Majesty is trapped... The whole army will save the emperor! There must be no mistakes!"

"From now on... I will take over all matters of the Dajin Dynasty! The whole army will immediately be upgraded to the highest level. After six hours, the whole army will attack Qingcheng Mountain with all its strength!"

"Those who disobey the order will be punished with ten clans!"

The light curtain disappeared.

Everyone was stunned.

The war that had been deadlocked for two years was finally broken. The Zhenwu Realm could no longer defend. The trapped one was Yuanying Zhenjun, the lord of a dynasty! Their strategy was turned upside down in an instant!

Everyone understood at this moment why they had that ominous premonition from cause and effect before.

No one spoke, everyone thought about how this scene happened today, and the cause... was just because of one person!

Because of this Jindan, the monarch was trapped and the Yuanying was captured!

"No..." A trembling voice sounded: "How could this... be done by Jindan?"

Lin Wuzong stood up like crazy: "A Jindan... I am also a Jindan! How could he... How could he do this?!"

"Yes... Yes! This is a dream! This must be a dream! Hahaha! That's right... This is a dream!"

Everyone's eyes flickered and they took a few steps away from him.

As he laughed wildly, a few seconds later, there was a loud "bang" and the flowers on the other shore bloomed.

Lin Wuzong fell.

Still no one spoke, everyone's eyes were filled with deep thought, determination, and the will to kill.

"The Dao heart is completely broken." Lanxue Patriarch looked at the huge red spider lily in the sky and sighed: "He thought he could not break through the oath of the Heavenly Dao, and the inner demon took over, and at the last moment he felt it and chose to die."

Everyone's heart was extremely heavy. Their state was not much better than Lin Wuzong. That person's name... was as high as a mountain, like a huge rock pressing on them.

If they didn't kill the other party, they would basically be useless.

"The war is coming." Su Changqing suddenly said: "This is a real all-out war, a war of tens of millions of people, blood will be spilled all over the mountains, and the leaves of the trees will be red."

He looked at everyone: "We are not without a chance."

Everyone was thoughtful, and then silently bowed to each other, "Take care." "Daoyou too." "Kill them all."

Transformed into a stream of light and flew away.

The entire Qingcheng Mountain battlefield was suddenly turbulent.

The Wanzhang Cold Pond, which had been silent for two years, was stirred by one person. With the arrival of the Lord of the Cave Heaven and the arrival of the General of the Expedition, everyone smelled an extremely strong smell of gunpowder.

The black frenzy finally rolled up the flags of Wanli. It was no longer like the two years when there was room for maneuver, but was ready to fight at any time, with a neat military appearance. Rows of black tides filled the sky, and countless huge puppets came around Qingcheng Mountain. Endless flying boats seemed to come out of the clouds, with a black killing luster, surrounding the entire Qingcheng Mountain from all directions.

There was no endless charge, only a moment of silence. But the sudden silence in this heat was like the calm before the storm, which made everyone's hair stand on end and their long swords in hand.

The decisive battle between the dynasty and the orthodoxy, this magnificent storm, has been brewing cruelly, and the silence now is for the final outbreak.

At the top of Qingcheng Mountain, in the Laojun Temple, all the Jindan gathered here, including Xu Yangyi, a total of four people.

"That is to say... the Mountain and River Map will turn anything collected into spiritual energy within a hundred days?" Xu Yangyi thought: "Then... Xu Zhenjun..."

"Don't worry about this." There was no one else at the scene except Jindan. Jindan, who had been talking behind Xu Yangyi before, smiled reluctantly: "It is a Taoist orthodox spiritual treasure. No matter what, it will cleverly use the rules to evade. It can be said that... once the Jin Houzhu enters the Mountain and River Map, there is no possibility of coming out."

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and pondered. No... Xu Fangyuan would definitely not kill the Jin Houzhu. Not to mention that the opponent's strength is comparable to his, whether he can be killed is a question. A living Jin Houzhu alone is much more valuable than a dead Jin Houzhu.

Whether it is used as a bargaining chip or digging out the truth of the Zhenwu Realm from the opponent's mouth, it is far more valuable than killing the opponent to vent anger.

For a coach of this level, killing is the stupidest choice.

He had a hunch... The Zhenwu Realm would also know about this. The next step was to race against time with the other party. Before completely subduing the Jin Houzhu, he had to withstand the crazy and all-out attack of the Zhenwu Realm... A bloody battle of tens of millions of people was about to begin.

But... where would he go in this war?

Charge into battle? He was afraid that once he showed up, he would become the target of public criticism. The danger was too great. He was not afraid of sacrifice, but was afraid of meaningless sacrifice.

There were thousands of troops in the formation of thousands of foundation-building formations. Even because of what he had done, it was not surprising that hundreds of thousands or millions of cultivators would surround and kill him. Moreover... defending far is more advantageous than attacking. The mountain protection formation is an absolute meat grinder. The other party can only pile up Qingcheng Mountain with human lives. But for a sect with thousands of years of Taoism and a sect that has produced a Taoist ancestor who ascended to heaven, is it so easy to form a mountain protection formation?

As if he saw his thoughts, a Jindan Zhenren said in a deep voice: "Before the Zhenjun leaves, let me give this to the Taoist friend."

It was a jade slip.

Xu Yangyi took it and put it on his forehead, and let it go after a long time.

Sighing softly, Xu Fangyuan was very surprised by his arrangement, but it was reasonable.

Commander-in-chief and logistics minister...

Now he can't go to the battlefield. Unlike the last emperor of Jin, he is the spiritual pillar when he is alive, and he is destined to save countless lives in this war with his magical alchemy skills.

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