
Chapter 827: Inheritance

While he was pondering, a ray of light full of Taoist charm flew up from the jade slip and sank into his forehead.

In an instant, the Laojun Palace shone brightly, and as everyone looked at him, Xu Yangyi's forehead had a very faint talisman that looked like an eye.

The three golden elixirs' eyes flashed and they immediately bowed down: "See the commander-in-chief!"

"Fellow Taoists, you don't need to be polite." Xu Yangyi rubbed his brows. He didn't feel any discomfort. He also understood Xu Fangyuan's good intentions. Bohai, he is in charge, and now Qingcheng Mountain. Although he is not a Taoist, he is the only He trusts his blood relationship more than others.

He has not forgotten his previous inference that there should be a spy with a high status in Qingcheng Mountain. Perhaps among these three people, Xu Fangyuan could not tell him in advance at that time.

However... what excited him was not this, but that as the cyan talisman entered his body, an extra magical power appeared in his mind. A magical move that he had never seen before!

Fighting among the stars in the dense forest!

Xu's bloodline inherits magical powers! In the Tower of Babel, he had seen the ancestor's corpse used once. It was extremely powerful, and it was still in a manipulated corpse state!

Especially, this is not a formula, this is inheritance, the inheritance from Xu Fangyuan, the blood inheritance of the Xu family. As soon as he entered his body, he felt it was deeply imprinted in his blood. Not only is it within reach, but... there are also the experiences of countless Xu family ancestors, including Xu Fangyuan himself.

He didn't speak, closed his eyes and carefully comprehended this inheritance. This magical power has been extremely simplified. This is not crude, but the true simplicity of the great way, where all methods are unified. It is already very different from the original form of Star Fighting in the Jungle in the inheritance. After generations of elimination of complexity and keeping simplicity, the entire formula only lasts half a second, and the gestures only last one second.

He carefully captured the whispers in his bloodline: fighting among the stars in the dense forest, Xu's ultimate secret skill, integrating offense and defense, attracting the power of the stars to fall to the ground, or condensing the power of all phenomena to attach to the body, the power... crosses all levels!

Across levels?

His eyes moved slightly, and his heart finally became hot.

This is just like the original ten-shot holy sword, and...this time there is no limit!

He...maybe really able to resist Nascent Soul!

"Thirty-two times spiritual power... Although my understanding has not reached the realm of Xu Ying, but... my strength should be more than that of Xu Ying, a genius level. In the Nascent Soul realm, if you exceed one million, you can choose to break through. Now , it is estimated that my spiritual power has reached about 1.5 million."

"I may be helpless against the Jin Empress Master with seven million souls, but... against the approximately four million Nascent Souls, and with this bloodline inheritance, I am not without the strength to fight."

Just when he was feeling emotional, the green light in his eyebrows moved again, and another huge memory poured into his mind.

"This is..." He was stunned for a moment, and then felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

The map of mountains, rivers, and society is a double-edged sword, and the competition is about which one of the two sides can't hold on first. Xu Fangyuan didn't even have the confidence to walk out, so...he left something else behind.

Cultivation and enlightenment.

A piece of understanding that comes from the Nascent Soul, from the ancestors, without being stingy or reserved, how to go about the golden elixir in the early stage, how to go in the middle stage, and how to go in the later stage. Moreover... there are also how to realize the existence of Yuanying, how to condense Yuanying, and what preparations should be made. These are all vivid in my mind.

This feeling is even more precious than fighting among the stars in the dense forest.

He also finally understood some of the nature of Nascent Soul.

Yuanying, that is, Yuanshen. It is composed of three souls and seven souls. It is different from spiritual energy and is not spiritual consciousness. It is hidden in the body of a monk. Fetal light, refreshing spirit, and ghost spirit are called the three souls. Corpse dog, lying on arrows, sparrow yin, swallowing thieves, non-poisonous, removing filth, smelly lungs, are called Qi Po. Nascent Soul is the complete condensation of the three souls and seven souls, gathering them in the Dantian, breaking the Dan into a baby.

Every Nascent Soul has its own unique method of condensing three souls and seven souls. This is not a skill, but a magical power. It can only be used during the pregnancy stage. According to the inheritance left by Xu Fangyuan, China also has it. As long as the golden elixir is in the late stage, you can apply. However, what Xu Fangyuan left behind is not the advanced method of China, but Xu's own baby-making method. As long as it is of this bloodline, all They all use this method to conceive a baby.

"Thirty-six lines of heavenly magic." Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, not knowing the name at all.

He felt it, and there was obviously a lot more to this realization. Unfortunately, the content below was hazy, and his current state could not be ascertained. Including the field he is most interested in.

Realm, the watershed between Jindan and Nascent Soul.

"Everyone, what is thirty-six days?" He couldn't help but open his eyes and asked. .

The three golden elixirs looked at each other, and a Taoist nun coughed lightly: "Taoism is divided into thirty-six days, and Buddhism is divided into twenty-eight days. Above the thirty-six days is the Great Luotian. Legend has it that all the great thousand The world, the Small Thousand Worlds, are all divided into thirty-six heavens. The so-called upper realm is the strongest realm in this heaven. And reaching Daluo Tian means transcending the upper realm and entering the bubble plane. , is where the final fairyland lies.”

Xu Yangyi nodded and did not go any further. There were too many things that needed to be studied in the inheritance left by Xu Fangyuan, and he suddenly extinguished his murderous intention. I feel the brunt of this treasure. I don’t know how long the war between the worlds will last. If I have the opportunity to break through the Nascent Soul, I can truly dominate the battle situation.

"So that's it..." He looked at the huge ink painting outside with some emotion. The background had faded away, leaving only the mountains and rivers ink lingering on the side of Qingcheng Mountain. He said quietly: "This is what you really let me sit here, with my body. What does it mean to hold two jobs?”

"Being unfazed, watching the flowers blooming and falling in front of the court, leaving or leaving unintentionally, watching the clouds rolling and relaxing in the sky... Do you think I am a little paranoid? Do you want me to stop and reflect?"

He seemed to be talking about an unrelated person. In fact, he himself knew that after Bohai... no, or after the start of the World War, his heart became a little confused. It got even worse after Bohai. It was indeed a bit too persistent.

Letting go of this knot, he took a deep breath. Now is not the time to think about this. The Lord of the Jin Dynasty was pulled into the Shanhe Sheji Map, and what followed... must be a crazy counterattack from the Zhenwu world!

"Within three days, I need to be familiar with all the trump cards and troops in Qingcheng Mountain, and I will hold all legion-level meetings tomorrow morning. For the remaining few days, everyone will be at my disposal."


Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. This time the war was more ambitious. However, what he wanted to do was different from the last time. This time he was strategizing, winning a decisive victory thousands of miles away, and withstanding the angry sea wave launched by the Zhenwu world because the king was trapped.

"Also, take out the Taoist spiritual plant with age." He paused and said, "By the way, I don't know your names yet."

"The poor Taoist son of Chaoyang." "The poor Taoist son of Linyang." "The poor Taoist son of Huayang."

After hearing Xu Yangyi's words, the three of them felt warm in their hearts.

Is Alchemy... finally going to be spread here?

If someone in Qingcheng Mountain learns it, it will be a great event that will benefit the entire Taoist tradition!

The importance of this matter cannot be seen now, but thousands of years later, it will be famous forever!

Xu Yangyi nodded and stood up: "Then... after we win this battle, I will start the furnace immediately. In addition, there are four more people. Please send someone to pick them up from Qingcheng Mountain."


As if to confirm his words, just as he finished speaking, the sound of rumbling drums sounded like thunder from the horizon.

The three people's eyes flashed and they immediately flew out of the mountain.

Just on the horizon, below the Jin Dynasty, endless soldiers and horses are ready to attack.

Among them, on a giant chariot that was full of killings and was a hundred meters in size, an old man was blown by the mountain wind, his beard and hair all flying. Wearing a nine-python robe, he was extremely luxurious, but his face was cold and his murderous intent was fierce. His eyes were like lightning, looking towards Qingcheng Mountain.

Beside him, about a million golden soldiers drew a golden wave in the sky.

Each cavalryman rode a mount that looked like a tiger, with wings on its back and a poisonous snake on its tail. Covered in red gold armor, he was like a killing machine, and he could only feel the murderous aura in the armor covering his face. Below them was an endless sea of ​​monks. It is moving like the tide is sweeping.

Flags that had been knocked down by Xu Yangyi were raised again, flying swords rose into the sky, and endless flying boats filled the sky. A puppet several hundred meters high appeared on the edge of the horizon standing tall. The body of the Jin Dynasty in the sky is exuding terrifying pressure, and countless talismans spread from underneath it, turning into a frightening aura.

The sky has no color, and the overwhelming darkness blocks out all sunlight. Occasionally, a ray of brilliance shoots down from the boundless and airtight army. Not only does it not make people feel relieved, it only makes people feel the deathly silence of killing.

The real martial arts fully launched!

"That's the prime minister of the Jin Dynasty, Liu Mingyang." Chaoyangzi looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "The second most powerful person in the Jin Dynasty... The Xuying realm is just one step away from entering the Nascent Soul. He is extremely powerful. And the Queen of Jin Like the Lord, he never appears in front of others.”

Xu Yangyi looked at everything in front of him in silence.

This is his first battle, and it is also the battle with the highest morale in the true martial arts world. His action of riding away from the enemy camp just now was replaced by the huge crisis of the king being captured. long as this battle is broken! After defeating the most dangerous wave, what follows... is not that the weak cannot defeat the strong!

He took a deep breath, and the sound was like a loud bell, which spread throughout Qingcheng Mountain.

"The whole army of the Jin Dynasty is dispatched."

"I have only one request for this war."

"I would rather stain the killing field with blood than give up even half a meter!"

His figure slowly rose into the air. In this battle, he had to attack personally and take the lead.

"Buzz..." The mutilated body roared out into the sky, reflecting the splendor of death. The king came to Qingcheng and was printed in the eyes of all the monks.

"I will not die, anyone who retreats will be killed!"


Passionate silence.

In less than two seconds, countless loud roars rang out around Qingcheng Mountain: "China is victorious! Wolfsbane is victorious!!" "Fight to the death and never retreat!!" "Never let the opponent enter half a meter of the restricted area!!"

"Swipe!" The flags swayed in the wind, and the white ocean boiled instantly.

it's him!

That's the one! From taking the enemy general's head from the crowd of thousands of troops, to escaping Yuanying's pursuit all the way back to his hometown, and finally letting Yuanying be captured. At this moment, Xu Yangyi's reputation reached its peak in the entire Qingcheng Mountain!

"Fellow Taoists!" Under a big banner that wrote to Yunyang, an old man who was half a century old did not look like an old man at all. He pointed the long sword in his hand at the endless black clouds in the sky. He shouted hoarsely and his eyes were a little red: "Did you hear it? ...Whoever dares to hide behind Master Wolf Venom, I will chop him alive!"

"To defend the Taoist ancestral court, our Yunyang sect is dead and behind us!!"

"The Taoist Yunhe Sect will fight to the death to defend every inch of the ancestral court!" "The Taoist Nihility Sect is here! Who dares to step into the thunder pool!" "The Taoist Xuanwu Sect must follow behind the real person and defend the thousand-year-old ancestral court!" "The Taoist Ascension How can the earth allow evil spirits to cause trouble!"

Endless roars, in the Taoist ancestral temple, one minute later, millions of people rang out the same magnificent voice.

"Located in the Kan position, the jade image is majestic and powerful in the universe."

"Facing the Li Palace, the sword shines brightly and suppresses the universe."

"Those who trespass into the ancestral temple will die!!"

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