
Chapter 828: The Foundation of Taoism

Huge banners fluttered in the wind, and the 50,000-meter area around Qingcheng Mountain was boiling in an instant.

This is the ancestral home of Taoism, the only major religion in China, and the place where the Taoist ancestor ascended. All the essence of Taoism gathered here.

Two years ago, the Jin Dynasty built a ten-thousand-foot cold pool here. No matter how deep the iron rod is, it cannot stir it, forcing all Taoist sects to hide their main forces, and today... facing the full-strength attack of the Zhenwu Realm, no one will hide anything anymore!

"Well said!!!" In the Laojun Hall, Chaoyangzi laughed loudly, and Taoism has never been so united. In the past two years, all the hidden factions, such as Zhengyang Sect, Chunyang Sect, Lao Huashan Sect, Haichan Sect, Sanfeng Sect, etc., sought common ground while reserving differences at the critical moment and all joined the Qingcheng Mountain battlefield, which is why there is today's tens of thousands of miles of unity.

In the Wenshi Sect, there was a long and shocking roar, and a long-hidden aura rose like a dragon and a phoenix, followed by thousands of Taoists behind him.

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved, Xudan realm!

"Establishing a sect, purple air comes from the east for 30,000 miles." A man spoke loudly with a long roar. As soon as he finished speaking, thousands of foundation-building monks in the air pointed their long swords at the Zhenwu Realm, and seven stars were lined up behind them. A brilliant purple air actually came through the air, and it really formed the highest realm of Taoism, the purple air coming from the east, in front of Qingcheng Mountain!

Wenshi Sect, also known as Yinxi Sect. It is one of the largest sects in Taoism.

If it weren't for Yinxi Qianniu, how could the Tao Te Ching be passed down through the ages?

These are the foundation of Taoism. Now, facing the fatal blow suppressed by the boundless tide of the Zhenwu Realm, no one can hold back!

"This is..." Lin Yangzi laughed in great joy: "This is... the Morning Glory Formation... one of the ten great Taoist formations! Only a few sects such as Zhengyi Sect and Quanzhen Sect have it! I thought it was lost in the long river of history, but I didn't expect that the Wenshi Sect actually has it! Good... good!! Very good!!"

The Xuying of the Wenshi Sect bowed deeply towards Qingcheng Mountain: "Daoist friend, in the past thousand years, Taoism has fallen apart and each faction has formed a decisive battle in the ancestral temple. Dare you restore the dignity of my Taoism?"

Lin Yangzi's heart was warmed, and he bowed and said loudly: "How dare I not obey?"

"Good!" The Xuying monk laughed loudly, turned around, raised his hand, and a peach wood sword covered with talismans appeared in his hand, looking up to the sky and shouting: "Write a book to preach, and write five thousand words for the first time in Hanguan."

"Shua La La..." The thousand-person formation behind him trembled together, and the words of the Tao Te Ching flew into the sky, like smoke and fog, like fog and mist.

"Kill them all for me!"

On the other side, millions of troops from the Zhenwu Realm were still being mobilized. No matter how convenient the communication was, it was not easy to mobilize such a large army. All the high-level officials, commanders, and generals in the Zhenwu Realm looked solemn.

This was the opponent's foundation.

A thousand-year-old sect, facing a thousand-year-old dynasty, no one could hold back. Once they collided, it would be like Mars hitting the Earth. The ten-thousand-foot cold pond would break in an instant.

But they had to fight!

"What are you still doing..." Liu Mingyang's body trembled slightly, and he suddenly grabbed the messenger beside him, his eyes red: "How long will it take? Rescue is at stake! How dare you dawdle?!"

The messenger didn't dare to speak, these were millions of people... Even if the army was deployed to different positions, it would take at least an hour, and this was still the case for the cultivators. It's only been ten minutes, how could it be over?

Zhengyuan Hou Su Changqing sat on the tiger snake in front of the left, also covered with iron armor, but his eyes were fixed on the man standing like a heroic spirit on Qingcheng Mountain.

I have made a great oath of the heart of Taoism. Today... I will definitely kill you on the spot!

Around him, endless golden waves were lined up in a line. They were the most elite red armored army of the Great Jin Dynasty, invincible.

"Only one of me... and you can leave here."

"Leave alive."

On the other side, Bai Lianxin stood tall. Not only him, but all the Tianjiao who made a great oath of the heart of Taoism looked at the majestic figure with blazing eyes.

On the road of cultivation, thousands of people compete for the front. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

Today... I will kill you!

You have your ambitions, and we also have our own decisions.

However, while the Zhenwu Realm was dispatching, the Chinese camp with fewer people suddenly rose up with rays of light.

But with a loud shout, like the thunder of the nine heavens, thousands of sunlight in the sky suddenly gathered and condensed into a golden statue of the law.

That was not a golden body, but a phantom. Countless Taoists built this huge magic circle, which was mysterious and majestic. On the head of the Taoist phantom, a majestic spiritual consciousness suddenly unfolded, and he chanted leisurely: "The incarnation of the Golden Palace, Zhenwu Jiutian supports the sun and the moon."

"Boom boom..." The golden light shone, illuminating the universe. The golden phantom slowly stood up, with loose hair, golden lock armor, and a five-colored spirit turtle under his feet. He stood with his sword in his hands, his eyes like lightning, his power like a mountain, and his anger like lightning.

Zhenwu Demon-Slaying Emperor!

The old voice was like a morning bell and evening drum. While making the sword-drawing action, the phantom of the Zhenwu Emperor pressed the sword. With a dragon roar, the 300-meter spiritual sword had already burst out.

"Master Yuxu, benevolence and power forever suppress the universe."

Zhenwu Sect's protective sword formation, Zhenwu Demon-Slaying Formation!

One wave has not settled, another wave rises, and on the other side, tigers roar and dragons roar, and a dragon and tiger phantom rushes straight into the sky, making the sky tremble!

Before everyone could wake up, the shadow of the dragon and tiger burst out with thousands of golden lights, turning into a protective image and circling the side of Qingcheng Mountain.

Tens of thousands of young voices were like heavenly soldiers descending, and the loud shouts shook the trees in Qingcheng Mountain rustling: "The high Tao makes the dragon and tiger crouch!"

"Roar!!" The dragon and tiger chanted together.

"The virtue is so great that ghosts and gods admire it!!"

One of the three major ancestral courts, Longhu Mountain has arrived!

"This..." Chao Yangzi took a breath. No one of the three major ancestral courts obeyed the other, and everyone wanted to be orthodox. Unexpectedly, now Longhu Mountain is here.

Moreover... this is the Dragon and Tiger Formation, just like the Morning Bull Formation, its name is very vulgar, and it couldn't be more vulgar! But the power...

But it is enough to kill Jindan Dzogchen!

Different from the background of Zhenwu Sect and Wenshi Sect, this is the background of one of the ancestral families!

As if corresponding to this, on the other side, there was a clear crane cry, and the shadow of a ten-thousand-meter white crane slowly flew out of an incense burner.

A young Taoist priest, with one person, one sword, and one incense burner, flew down from the mountain leisurely, riding on the wind and singing: "Who is going to ride the green bull?"

"Brush..." The huge white crane spread its wings. Wherever it passed, a piece of moist rain fell into the bodies of all the monks who had fought before. Suddenly, everyone felt tired and disappeared, and their spiritual energy increased rapidly.

Following the young Taoist priest's question, countless Taoist priests all raised their heads, their eyes burning. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of Taoist troops shook the sky and shouted in unison: "There is a yellow crane flying from the sky!!"

This time, even Xu Yangyi was shocked. This magic weapon was so extraordinary, it was simply a large-scale recovery BUFF.

"This is one of the three great ancestral palaces...the mountain-holding treasure of Heming Mountain..." Hua Yangzi's eyes sparkled, and he looked up to the sky and roared: "Lingbao: the authentic sect of ten thousand ways."

"Heming Mountain is also surrounded at the moment, but they are mainly attacking Qingcheng. They can actually bring out the mountain-zhenling treasure. This favor..." The three Jindan choked up and bowed: "We have recorded it."

All three major ancestral courts are dispatched!

The large force has not yet arrived and will definitely be intercepted, but the small force has already arrived first.

Everyone who is in the Xudan realm, even with half of their feet in the coffin, climbed out and rushed to the first battle of the ancestral court, and perhaps the last battle of the ancestral court. In a moment, twenty-three lines of Xu Ying's spiritual energy spread across the sky. Behind every ray of spiritual energy, there is a majestic formation, facing the black tide of mountains and seas on the other side, and facing thousands of war puppets on the horizon, but does not move.

Once it breaks out, it will be a shocking blow.

In the Zhenwu world, Bai Lianxin tied the sword to his hand. After experiencing too many wars, they already knew that the Taoist ancestral court was the most difficult to deal with. Today's Qingcheng Mountain is obviously the most difficult to contend with.

Even if he saw those terrifying magic circles, he would be frightened by them.

"These bastards who don't know how to live or die..." Under the Jin Dynasty, Liu Mingyang's eyes were also red, and he was grinding his teeth as he looked at the endless ink around Qingcheng Mountain. His hands were trembling slightly due to excessive tension and excitement.

This is a last-ditch battle, with the ancestral court behind them. They can't retreat, and the Jin Dynasty... can't retreat either!

"Destroy them..." The old index finger pointed at Qingcheng Mountain, and his voice was as hoarse as a demon: "You guys... show yourself... tear them apart!! Save them with all your strength!!"

"Behead those who retreat! Behead those who cower! Those who dare not try their best will be punished by the nine tribes!!"

"Boom, boom, boom!" As he shouted angrily, a magnificent magic circle was also formed, conquering the east, conquering the west, conquering the south, conquering the north, conquering the barbarians, and the six guardian armies formed a magic formation that reached the sky. The various sects have thousands of auras and auspiciousness. Although none of them can compare with Hua Xia in terms of quality, but...the number is simply endless, dyeing half of the sky to change color.

The storm is gathering.

Click on the drum and beat it.

Everyone heard the moment when the stormy waves crashed onto the shore, and they were only waiting for the moment when this terrifying vortex exploded.

"Prime Minister." A voice sounded from the Zhenwu Realm army: "All the armies, a total of 7,323,600 people, the six major expeditions, and all the caves and paradises have been assembled!"

Liu Mingyang did not order the whole army to attack, but shook his arms, rolled his sleeves up on his arms, gritted his teeth and said: "Bring the drumsticks!"

"The truth is, I want to beat the drum myself!"

"If Qingcheng Mountain cannot be defeated in this battle, how can I show my true face to meet my ancestors!"

Seeing his coach being captured in front of him, he was already furious.

"No!" "Prime Minister, you can't do it!" "The drum beating place is too conspicuous. If it is attacked by the Chinese scum, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Presumptuous!!" Liu Mingyang scolded angrily: "Are you going to rebel?!"

No one dared to speak. After more than ten seconds, a purple light rushed into the sky. Beside him, tens of thousands of people pulled a huge drum that was three thousand meters long, surrounded by countless animal bones. Liu Mingyang took a deep breath and used all his spiritual power to strike down!

"Boom..." The heart-shaking sound resounded throughout the battlefield. With the sound of the drum, all the monks in the true martial arts world saw the figure on the giant drum.

Suddenly, all the monks half-knelt on the ground, their voices hoarse with excitement: "Zhenwu will win ten thousand times! Ten thousand times will win! Thousands will win!!"

"Boom!" There was another sound, earth-shaking, Liu Mingyang looked like a madman, roaring at the top of his lungs: "Whoever breaks Qingcheng Mountain will be rewarded with ten thousand households!!"

"Whoever kills Wolfsbane will be rewarded with 300 million high-grade spiritual stones! Three top-grade spiritual stones!!"

"Rescuing His Majesty, what do you want... give me the truth!!"

"Now...kill them all for who they are!!"

"Army attack!!"

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