
Chapter 829: First Battle of the Ancestral Temple (I)

This drum completely lifted the morale of the Zhenwu community.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered, and there must be a brave man under the heavy reward. However, this method can only be used once.

"Everyone." His figure turned into a black light and rushed towards the endless black tide on the opposite side. The sound was like a loud bell, shaking Qingcheng: "China will be victorious! Ten thousand victors! Ten thousand victors!!!"

"China will be victorious!! Ten thousand victors! Ten thousand victors!!!" The monks below roared in unison, and the white tide rushed towards the black tide with dozens of huge formations.

"Kill!!!" At the same time, murderous intent erupted in the black tide. A sea of ​​people several times larger than the white tide, with sword lights all over the sky, endless floating boats, and war puppets, rushed towards Qingcheng Mountain with all their strength. .

Dark clouds cover the city, and armor's light shines toward the sun.

The decisive battle that had been suppressed for two whole years broke out in full force at this moment, at this time, at this place.

"Woooo!" The moment the desolate horn sounded, Su Changqing suddenly pressed his faceplate and rushed out single-handedly, the strong wind blowing his bloody cloak. The spear dragged the ground diagonally, and actually pulled out a hot spark in the air. As he took the lead, a row of golden waves surged beside him, thundering at the same time.

Getting faster and faster, more and more urgent, but uniformly, no one is competing for the lead, no one is lagging behind. The silent God of Death spreads its wings, tramples on the prelude of killing, and spreads the splendor of death. A golden tsunami formed.

"Shu La La!" Amid the tsunami, a dragon flag was raised, and the words "Zhengyuanhou" leaped into Qingcheng.

The six expeditionary armies of the Jin Dynasty attack!

Viewed from Qingcheng Mountain, the 50,000-meter sky in the center quickly closed in from both sides in an instant, and the dead black and silent white were about to interweave into the glorious chapter of death. The sunshine also went from spreading all over the earth to getting narrower and narrower, and finally... there was only a gap left.

Just like Tai Chi.

Five thousand meters... three thousand meters... one thousand meters...


At that moment, there was silence.

The wind stopped, the clouds stopped, and the world seemed to stop spinning.

The sunshine was completely overwhelmed by the killings. There is only black and white blood left in this world.

The next second, a shout of killing that shook the earth for tens of thousands of miles erupted!


The golden air is solemn in the sword battle, and the flags reflect the sun and the colorful clouds fly!

Thick fog billows and white clouds break. The ones who rushed to the front were not the monks from both sides who were flooding the ground with mercury, but a large formation of statues, like a moving fortress. Some are surrounded by stars, some are connected to the sky and the earth, and some are rootless lotuses. Just opposite them, there were also various endless formations in the black tide. Like an aircraft carrier in the sky, monks as dense as locusts surrounded him.

The sky was full of thunder, and the murderous intent of both sides reached its peak. Millions of spiritual energy shined together, and the endless sword light completely flooded the sky.

The magnificent spiritual light illuminated the sky for hundreds of thousands of miles, and the collision between the large formations was like a spark hitting the earth. But when I heard the thunderous sound of "Rumble, Rumble", I was struck first by a golden shadow hundreds of meters tall, with clouds and mist rising under my feet, stepping on a spirit turtle and pressing a golden sword. At the moment when the two armies handed over, a golden spiritual sword three hundred meters away from the side burst out, bringing up the mountain fog.

"The Taoist Zhenwu Sect is here!!" Thousands of people shouted without fear: "Who dares to fight!!"

Before he finished speaking, the sword made waves, and not even a ray of sunlight could cover up the power of the sword. However, at this moment, tens of thousands of sword lights suddenly erupted in Zhenwu Realm, like locusts passing by, rivers tilting, coming with auras all over the sky, blocking the sword with all their might.

"Boom!!" The bright aura swallowed up the two figures, and a beam of light burst into the sky suddenly among the crowd. Then it spread wildly.

This is a duel between formations and formations. Once outsiders enter, they will be turned into ashes in an instant. The terrifying aura of the two formations was like the Bohai Sea, dividing thousands of meters around it, forming a heart-stopping vacuum zone.

"How dare the thieves from the lower world steal my true martial name!" With a loud shout, Wan Jian returned to his clan. Within the white light, a thousand-meter-wide sword lotus bloomed in front of the phantom of Emperor Zhenwu. Lotuses regenerated within the lotus, layer upon layer hundreds of meters high. In each lotus, a monk in black stood proudly.

"I will not kill unknown people under my sword." Zhenwu Xuying raised the golden sword and made a sound like thunder.

"The Yushitai of the Jin Dynasty, come here to take your life!" Thousands of Zhenwu monks shouted in unison. With this sound, the sword lotus disintegrated and turned into a boundless rain of swords.

Thousands of swords and flying immortals.

At the same time, the morning glory formation cut through the wind and waves, and thousands of Taoist priests stepped on the seven stars. Their swords soared into the sky. Every time they swung their swords, they immediately caused a bloody storm. Yin Xi Qian Niu was unexpectedly unstoppable and broke through two formations in the Zhenwu Realm in an instant.

The power of Wenshi can be seen in this.

"I would rather die with justice than live happily." The old Xuying at the top of the sword array pressed the long sword in his hand, looked at the endless black tide in front of him, and shouted with all his strength: "Kill!!"

"How dare you be so presumptuous!?" The moment the word "Zhan" was spoken, five streams of light suddenly descended from the sky. Children, teenagers, youth, adults, old age. Five 200-meter-tall phantoms surrounded the Morning Bull formation. At the same time, the white clouds dispersed in the sky, and a suspended mountain as huge as Qingcheng Mountain poked out from the clouds.

"The glorious land of Zhenwu Qingxu Cave is here! I came here to take the head from your neck!"

"Brush!!" A huge white light pillar rose into the sky, and the boundless spiritual pressure tore this place into a blank battlefield again.

Dozens or hundreds of statues clashed in the formation, and with the sound of "buzzing...", there were more and more white light pillars, getting hotter and hotter. The mountain mist below has turned red without realizing it. Qingcheng Mountain, which has not been stained with blood for thousands of years, is now completely red. Smoke billowed from the Taoist ancestral court, and broken limbs flew everywhere.

Just when the battlefield was divided, all the monks had crossed the beam of light and headed towards the opponent's hinterland.

"Give me the truth and annihilate Qingcheng!" Liu Mingyang's whole body trembled due to excessive murderous intent and excitement. The snow withered flag paintings, the wind was full of drums, and the sky was full of killing, soaking everyone's heart. His whole body The robe was dancing in the wind, and suddenly, his eyes sharpened and he looked at one place.

There... a gap was quickly torn open, and there were about 10,000 people followed by one person, like Moses' water-dividing staff. There was not a single True Martial Arts monk around who dared to step forward!

Xu Yangyi took the lead, and he immediately wielded the sword across the world. His two arm blades swept the world, and there was truly a hundred people at ten steps, and there was no single general!

Chongxiao was fully expanded, and the blood and flesh were blurred due to the cold light. The boundless rain of blood fell, and he stood in it, like the god of death in hell.

Faced with such a tragic scene, the strange thing is that all the monks in the Zhenwu world just raised their spears in unison, and no one dared to step beyond the thunder pool!


This is the opponent's real general!

Knowing that there are numerous rewards for killing the opponent, however, facing the opponent who is like a god of death, the overwhelming murderous aura even surpasses the pressure of the golden elixir. However, facing the opponent's cold and devoid of mercy eyes, the hearts of all the true martial arts monks They were all very cold, their hairs stood on end, and no one dared to brush them.

"Brush..." Blood rain fell in the air around Xu Yangyi, and he took a deep breath of air that smelled of blood. There was even a hint of clarity in the strong desire to kill.

This is what I want, to have great ambitions and eat Huns meat when hungry, and to drink Xiongnu blood when talking and laughing. Kill kill kill! Kill until you have all the pleasure, kill until the last bit of your spiritual power, kill until the sky is dark and the earth is dark, and the sun and the moon have no light.

Kill one as you please, kill another heartily.

One person faced tens of thousands of people, but it was as if he was at the top, seeing all the mountains and small mountains at a glance. The heroism in his heart completely exploded. He glanced at the dark ocean of Zhenwu Realm in front of him, and suddenly let out a long roar, and everyone in the Zhenwu Realm shook their hands slightly. While sweating, he burst out laughing: "Who dares to fight?!"

His gaze swept across the entire audience proudly and coldly. The vast black tide in front of him turned out to be nervous, and everyone retreated away!

Behind him, there was not a single person, a large army of ten thousand people followed him from beginning to end. Fighting for the idol in his heart, anyone who dares to come within 500 meters of Xu Yangyi will be killed on the spot!

Everyone is hurt.

But no one was deterred!

There was no order, no summons, just using his not too tall figure to carve out a bloody path ahead. There was no dialogue, but my back was handed over to these completely unknown people.

Who dares to fight! The four big characters are like thunder, a boundless army of truth, no one dares to respond, no one dares to answer!

Wu Sheng Guan Gong called for formation, nothing better than this.

He didn't mind. With a flash of his body, the sword shot into the sky like blood. Wherever it passed, dozens of blood fountains surged up crazily. The background of becoming a god of death.

The sun lost its color and the sky lost its luster. Only when you are in the middle of such a tens-of-million-level battle can you truly feel the heroic spirit of climbing high mountains, approaching valleys, riding on clouds, and being the only one who dominates the world.

"Ask all the Zhenwu heroes! Who dares to fight?!" He raised his head to the sky and shouted again. Thunder rolled over. People in the Zhenwu world were beheaded in front of them, but still no one dared to answer.

140,000 people were all disarmed, but not one of them was a man.

The courage is gone.

A long roar inviting battle shocked Baili. Right at the front of the battlefield, Su Changqing pointed his spear into the sky, behind him the dragon flag with the word "Zhengyuan" flying in the air, surrounded by tens of thousands of golden armored soldiers, making everything he passed unstoppable.

Just when the sound of "Who dares to fight" reached his ears, his eyes suddenly turned blood red, and he turned around suddenly, with the same long roar and dragon's roar, and his body turned into golden light and blasted away.

"How dare you deceive me, no one in the real martial arts world!?" He yelled angrily, and the spear broke through the clouds and penetrated the sun. The spiritual energy lingering on his body actually condensed into a golden giant tiger, roaring and rushing over.

On the other side, Bai Lian's heart seemed to be swimming among flowers. Between his swords, light clouds covered the moon. No one could see the trajectory of his sword. Wherever he passed, heads fell everywhere.

He admitted that he escaped.

When things came to an end, he still didn't want to fight that demon. He didn't think he could defeat him, so he chose to leave the spearhead. Even though he had seen the man from the beginning.

But the voice inviting him to fight at this moment was like giving him a hard slap in the face. The humiliation of a few hours ago, the pain of having his dignity torn apart in public, flooded into his heart like a tide.

He thought he could bear it, but...

He couldn't help it!

"How dare you!!!" The sword shadows in the sky suddenly shrank, and a group of cultivators gritting their teeth in front of them were about to self-destruct, but they saw the god-like cultivator rising into the sky, and a long roar went straight to his heart: "I am here to fight you. !”

It wasn't just him, Xu Yangyi's voice was like launching a rally call. In an instant, seventeen spiritual lights rose into the sky. Before they even reached the sky, they all displayed their golden elixir visions.

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