
Chapter 830: The First Battle of the Ancestral Temple (Part 2)

"Boom boom..." A huge fireball spread across the sky, and the terrifying pressure of the Tianjiao-level Jindan swept across the entire venue. A Zhurong phantom slowly appeared, and a middle-aged man bit his lips tightly and roared: "If you insult my Zhenwu Realm, you will be lucky to die! Today, I will kill you before the army!!"

In another place, endless dark clouds covered the sky, tangled into a skinny young man, and these dark clouds did not disperse, forming a woman in ancient costume wearing a mask and holding an umbrella behind him.

"How dare you, a scum, be so arrogant!" As soon as the vision condensed, the skinny young man let out a heart-wrenching scream, like a ghost crying on a moonlit night: "'Ghost Dao Sansheng' Chu Wumian will sacrifice you today!!"

Just as he turned into a black cloud and left, below him, tens of thousands of ghostly Zhenwu monks all half-knelt, like crying at a grave in the wilderness, and their voices spread thousands of miles: "Kill without mercy!!"

The tiger roared in the forest, Su Changqing glared at him, with only the other party in his eyes. The giant tiger behind him was raging, and the murderous aura made thousands of people around dare not enter.

"Boom..." He did not fly, but stepped on the sky with one foot, just like an ordinary person running. As soon as his foot landed, the sky was covered with endless spider web patterns, and then raised and fell again, like a giant walking in the sky. The endless mountain fog and white clouds around him actually gathered towards the spear in his hand, and the purple lightning was galloping, like a dragon swimming out of the clouds.

Behind the Jin Dynasty, in front of the drum, countless people who were tightly surrounding Prime Minister Liu Mingyang saw this scene, and the drums sounded like rain, shaking the earth. The cheers resounded throughout the sky!

"Zhengyuan Hou will win! Win! Win! Win!!!"

Su Changqing seemed to have heard nothing, and only had that figure in his eyes. The wind blew up his blood-red robe, and he rushed over at lightning speed.

You challenged me in front of the army, where is the justice if I don't kill you!

On the other side, Bai Lianxin was covered in blood, with white cloth wrapped around her hands, and the white cloth wrapped around the sword. Her hands were not broken, her sword was not falling, her eyes were not looking sideways, and she was like a fairy from the sky.

The sword turned into a startling wild goose, breaking through the clouds and fog. There was no shouting, no screaming, only a heart full of murderous intent.

He even had a belief that this sword would definitely kill Xu Yangyi!

There was no one behind him. But there were thousands of cultivators in black armor following him, and at this moment, they saw him soaring into the sky. After taking a look at the direction they were heading, they all knelt down and shouted loudly: "Kill one to warn the rest!! Kill! Kill!! Kill!!!"

Seventeen strange phenomena came with a bang. Just as they approached Xu Yangyi, brilliant spiritual light rushed straight into the sky, quickly filling the gaps, and stirred into a white light column, spreading wildly.

"This... this is..." Nearby, a thousand-man Zhenwu Realm team, the captain's pupils twitched, and then fled out like crazy: "Run... Run away!! Their spiritual energy actually caused the battlefield to be banned!!"

The people around were stunned for a moment, and then immediately fled out frantically.

But... they were not fast enough.

"Boom!" The white light column instantly covered the sky and the Zhenwu Realm cultivators who did not escape within a radius of ten thousand meters were instantly swallowed up, leaving no trace.

In the center of the light column, eighteen people faced each other from a distance, and the killing intent filled the field.

The monk who escaped by chance looked at everything in front of him in shock. The seventeen people on their side... each of them was a character who could shake the world with a stomp of his feet, but now... they all surrounded and killed Lang Du alone?

And their spiritual energy... actually caused the battlefield to be banned?

This is not a large formation, nor a legion, and the spiritual energy of eighteen people is so strong? !

In the back, Liu Mingyang's eyes flashed and quickly swept across the entire battlefield. The spiritual energy of this beam of light was too strong, and countless people had already looked over, whether from China or Zhenwu.

The scene he least wanted to see!

"Drum beat..." he gritted his teeth.

The messenger beside him was stunned, and immediately said subconsciously: "But, but... they, they..."

He didn't dare to say it anymore.

They... were all defeated by Lang Du!

Twenty-two people failed to stop him last time, can seventeen people stop him this time?

"You dare to question my order?" Liu Mingyang suddenly turned his head and looked at the other party, his eyes full of murderous intent: "The battle of the generals... This is a real battle of the generals! Even if they die, they must die for me on the battlefield! Die in a hundred battles!"

A few seconds later, a desolate horn sound came from the side of the giant drum in the sky.

At some point, a group of burly men in red clothes, ten of them holding an unknown horn, blew it with all their strength.

The horn has a long rhythm, rolling up the storm in the heart, making the blood boil from hot. At this moment, Liu Mingyang stood quietly in front of the drum, and thousands of golden dragon flags around him unfolded and flew in the wind!

Each flag was hundreds of meters tall, with the blood-red words Zhenwu on it, which made people unable to look away. At the same time, a dense war drum sounded like thunder!

"Boom boom boom..." shaking the blood and stirring the heart. With each blow, the sky trembled, and the wind howled from the horn, with a mighty and majestic wind hidden in thousands of volumes, and a majestic atmosphere alone.

The horn sounded long, and the drum sounded abruptly. Then, the cheers of landslides and tsunamis broke out from countless people around Liu Mingyang.

"Zhenwu will win! Win! Win! Win!"

Liu Mingyang took a step forward, and his voice spread a hundred miles: "Kill the wolf poison in the battle! Reward ten top-grade spirit stones! Capture the wolf poison alive, and reward twenty top-grade spirit stones!!"

"Dong Dong Dong..." Military music sounded, shaking the world. The seventeen Tianjiao in the light column were slightly stunned, turned their heads and half-knelt on the ground. When they stood up again, there was a touch of determination in their eyes.

The prime minister was telling them that they had no way to retreat in this battle. Even if they used forbidden techniques, even if they became disabled, they were never allowed to come down!

Because... this has inadvertently formed the perfect conditions for the battle of the generals! Millions of people are spectators! They... can't afford to lose! Dajin can't afford to lose! Zhenwu can't afford to lose!

Taking a deep breath, a golden light rushed out from behind Su Changqing, turning into a spiritual spear, surrounded by purple lightning, caught in his hand, staring at Xu Yangyi: "Zhenwu Realm, Dajin Dynasty, Zhengyuan Hou, swear to kill Wolf Poison in the battle!"

One after another, the ghosts wailed, Bai Lianxin put away the long sword in her hand, and a solitary lamp appeared, with the same fearless eyes: "Zhenwu Realm, Dajin Dynasty, Zhuihun Dongtian Daozi Bai Lianxin, come to fight!"

"Don't be so arrogant! Yin Gui Dongtian Daozi Chu Wumian will kill you here!" "Zhengnan Prince Gao Tianyuan come to fight!"

One after another, the golden elixir visions exploded in the sky. Xu Yangyi did not speak, and looked proudly at the seventeen geniuses in front of him. He understood that this was a battle between the most elite of the dynasty and the Taoist sect. When the news of these people's death spread to all directions, the initial attack of the Zhenwu Realm could not proceed.

After two battles, he finally understood his foothold. It was not to rush into the crowd and fight against ten thousand with one, but to raise his own banner and be invincible.

Kill only high-end combat power. Let his name become the nightmare of those monks who support the confidence of the Zhenwu Realm, and let him go to a battlefield. No one dared to fight!

He cracked his knuckles and said proudly: "Only heroes can drive away tigers and leopards, and no heroes are afraid of bears."

"You all, come together."


Don't take them seriously at all! And laugh at them as bears? If they can still endure this great humiliation in front of the army, they don't deserve to be called Tianjiao!

"Don't know whether to live or die!!!" A spiritual light burst out, and a young man in a long robe shouted loudly, and a spiritual crane rushed into the sky, pulling out a trembling figure in this pure white world.

One became ten, ten became a hundred, and thousands of figures appeared, stabbing at Xu Yangyi.

"Who do you think you are? You were lucky last time! This time I will kill you!" "Bastard... Today I will let you know the strength of the Tianjiao of Zhenwu Realm!" "You are so ridiculous!" "When I cut off your head, I wonder if you can still laugh!"

More than a dozen shouts sounded at the same time, and pieces of spiritual light shone for thousands of miles. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and 32 times the spiritual power burst out crazily! In an instant, the entire Tongtian light column was almost collapsed!

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The sky shook, and even the white spiritual light column that divided the battlefield could not cover the surging spiritual power! Finally, all eyes looked here.

"This is..." At one end of the battlefield, a Chinese monk led his team and was surrounded by countless people, but when this piece of spiritual power burst out, he looked over in disbelief.

"Wolf Poison... This is Master Wolf Poison! Master Wolf Poison has taken action!!"

Eighteen figures can be vaguely seen in the light column. One of them is Master Wolf Poison, the spiritual leader of Qingcheng Mountain now!

In a trance, the sword is approaching, but... this team suddenly burst out with a stronger strength than before, and was not annihilated in one blow.

"Bear..." They are surrounded by spiritual light, which is a manifestation of overdrawing lifespan. Everyone is injured, but their eyes are looking at the light column with great heat.

General battle...

The strongest decisive battle under the Nascent Soul! All the names that have become their nightmares in the past are in it! Soul Chaser, Zhengyuan Hou, Guidao Sansheng, Master Mianlong, Blood Hand Daojun... Each of them has a bounty of more than tens of millions. Now... finally formed a general battle with Master Xu!

They... don't want to die!

They... want to see the end of the battle in that light column, otherwise... they will die with their eyes open!

"Hold on for me!" The leader roared at the top of his lungs: "The light column is not destroyed, and the Flying Dragon Squad is not destroyed! China will win!"

This hoarse voice instantly made the eyes of the remaining dozens of cultivators red, and spiritual light burst out. All of them overdrew their lifespans, clenched their swords tightly, and roared with all their strength: "China will win!"

"Puff!" On the other side, a knife light split the body of a young female cultivator in half. However, the female cultivator did not look at her opponent before she died, but looked at the sky-high light column.

The battle of the generals... This is the battle of the generals...

What a pity... I can't see it...

My parents... my husband... my daughter... I... I can't take care of them either...

But... I really don't want to see the end...

The Zhenwu Realm cultivator who split her in half was about to kill the other party with a bloody long knife. At this moment, he suddenly trembled all over and looked at the female cultivator as if he had seen a ghost.

Not sure if he heard it right, he actually seemed to hear the female cultivator say: May China win forever?

She was chopped to pieces, how could she still speak?

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