
Chapter 831: The First Battle of the Ancestral Temple (Part 3)

This pillar of light that reaches the sky is like a beacon. The eyes of countless Chinese monks fighting in every corner suddenly become hot.

"Kill!! As long as the pillar of light is not destroyed, the Pure Yang Sect will not be destroyed!! Lü Zu protects me!!" A middle-aged Taoist priest, whose right arm has disappeared and whose left hand holds a sword, shouts with red eyes at the black army in front of him: "The real man will win! China will win forever!!"

On the other side, the Earth Vanguard Army, which had been suppressed by the golden wave to a disadvantage, at this moment, everyone's spiritual light burst out, and all chose to burn their lifespans!

They would not be willing to die without seeing the end of this scene!

"China will win forever!!" With this roar, the six expeditionary forces of the Zhenwu Realm were actually pushed back 50 meters by the white wave in an instant!

"Puchi!" I don't know how many monks were pierced through the body by the spear. The golden wave is the god of death, without any emotion, only killing. However, all the dead monks, each holding the tip of the spear, showed not fear but regret on their faces.

This is a beacon of hope.

In the light column, a radiant light has burst out. Seventeen spiritual energies formed a terrifying spiritual vortex, covering an area of ​​more than ten thousand meters. They all rushed towards Xu Yangyi.

The spear was like lightning, the flames were like tides, the ice was floating, and the sword light was like the sea.

At the moment of approaching, all the cultivators who had drawn a trace of spiritual consciousness to pay attention to this place were stunned. Xu Yangyi did not dodge and was swallowed up in a piece of light.

He wanted to win.

And he had to win with an absolutely crushing attitude! Before Xu Fangyuan came out, he was the master of Qingcheng. He could not fall, let alone lose.

"Swish!" The spiritual energy tsunami swallowed his figure in an instant. Just when the hearts of others were raised, the expressions of the seventeen people in the field became more solemn.

Blood Hand Daojun took a deep breath, and the strong wind blew his beard and hair. He felt it... No, not just him, everyone felt it. The sea of ​​magical powers just now did not weaken the opponent's spiritual energy at all, but... became stronger and stronger!

Spiritual energy penetrated the air, and murderous intent was dispelling mist. The silent oppression made everyone hold their breath, their chests rose and fell slightly, and their eyes looked at the center of the explosion like lightning.

Something... was about to come out.

Gao Tianyuan held the Guandao in his hand, and felt cold sweat on his palms.

Abnormal... too abnormal... the fierce killing intent actually gave him goose bumps all over his body. The horror of spiritual energy, is this really a million-level golden elixir? The million-level is definitely not so terrible!

At the moment when the spiritual light dissipated, a vague figure finally appeared in the center. However, the next second, the whole figure disappeared!

The eyes of the Sleeping Dragon Master flashed suddenly, without any hesitation, and the spiritual energy of his whole body burst out. A golden sleeping dragon lingered around him.

Everyone felt as if their whole body was brushed by the god of death, as if they were electrified, cold and painful, and their hearts almost stopped beating.

"Here!!" Su Changqing shouted, and everyone's eyes turned to him. A boy-like immortal suddenly looked dazed. When everyone looked at him, he couldn't help shaking all over.

Death... is behind him?

Time seemed to stop, and he had never sweated so much. The next second, he screamed: "Tianmu..."

A long roar shocked the sky, and pieces of spiritual light burst up. At the critical moment of life and death, he had already used all his strength. However, he stopped moving immediately. The spiritual light of all other monks suddenly stopped.

A cold hand was already pressed on his head. Everyone was watching this scene. It was too fast, and there was no time to react! And now let the other party release Tianmu? Is it possible?

"De De De..." In the silence, a slight sound rang out. It was the sound of Tianmu Zhenren's teeth colliding. I couldn't help it. At this moment, I really felt the fear of death.


"Suzaku Fall."

"Tianmu Zhenren!!" "Kill him!!!" "If he lets so many Tianjiao take our lives so easily, how can we return to Zhenwu!!" "Stop!"

The shouts came one after another. The next second, with a "boom!", endless waves of fire swarmed out of Tianmu Tongzi's seven orifices! He was instantly turned into a fire man.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" Tianmu Tongzi screamed hoarsely for three minutes before it ended. When Xu Yangyi let go, the other party had turned into ashes.

He turned around, looked up, and looked at the sixteen people behind him. However, the magical powers of the sixteen Tianjiao seemed to be stuck, and none of them were released. They stood not far away like clay sculptures and stone sculptures. Looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.

A devil-like figure has appeared in the flying ashes.

It was still Xu Yangyi's body, but his whole body was wrapped in a piece of armor. It seemed that these armors grew out of him.

The armor was very finely carved, with a glutton on the chest, a prisoner dragon on the shoulder, a roc on the head, and scales on the body. What was even more strange was that branches like tree branches spread out in this exquisiteness, giving rise to an ancient and wild feeling out of thin air.

Behind him, the vortex of the virtual immortal body spun with a roar, and purple thunders sank into it, combined with the huge arm blades on his arms, as if the god of war had been reborn, and the devil had descended.

The dense forest fights the stars.

Pulling the power of the stars, or relying on the power of the universe, this is his true strongest form.

No one spoke, and there was a sudden silence in the battlefield.

Ruthless, indifferent, while they did not regard the earth cultivators as human beings, the strongest golden elixir on earth also did not regard them as human beings.

Those who kill people will be killed by people.

A feeling of fear surged in their hearts inexplicably. I don't know who swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but the sound was frightening. Some people wanted to hold the magic weapon tightly in their hands, but found that their hands were full of sweat. The heart was like a drum beating in the ears, like a flock of sheep coveted by a giant beast.

"Are you ready?" In silence, the black and gray of the Tianmu boy around Xu Yangyi fluttered, and he said lightly: "Then... the game begins."


Everyone gritted their teeth. Seventeen Tianjiao, for Xu Yangyi now, they actually said it was a game? !

The next moment, Xu Yangyi's figure suddenly disappeared, Su Changqing's eyes flashed, and before he could speak, the other fifteen spiritual energies burst out! No more reservations, the heat made the surroundings of the body begin to blur. And he shouted: "Are you still scattered and waiting to die!!"

As if waking up from a dream, sixteen figures rushed over quickly. However, on the way, the black figure seemed to tear the void. Blood Hand Daojun was rushing towards the location of others with all his strength. Suddenly, several cold lights appeared around his body, and the space in front of him began to collapse layer by layer!

"Blood Hand Covers the Sky!!!" The dead souls were surging, and the miserable death of Tianmu Boy appeared in front of him. He waved his hands quickly, and blood light burst out all over his body, condensing into a strange Buddha statue. With a scream, he exploded.

"Boom boom..." This attack did not hold back at all, and cracks appeared in the surrounding Tianmu. Just when he was sweating profusely, he suddenly saw a pair of eyes.

In the collapsed void, a pair of eyes as bright as stars appeared, and you don't need to look to know who it is. The terrifying flames tore the void to pieces, and the high-speed moving eyes and spiritual consciousness could not capture it. Just like that, it appeared directly in front of him.

And that... quietly stretched out, the hand of the god of death.

"Kill!!!" His voice was hoarse, and at this moment it seemed as if all the hair left him. A short knife suddenly appeared in his hand, wrapping himself like a silver ball. Each time he swung his sword, it produced a blade light hundreds of meters long, with awe-inspiring power, and a thousand-meter radius of death.

"Dangdangdang!" The sound of beads falling on a jade plate was endless, but he found that... he couldn't hurt the hand at all! No matter how much spiritual power he used, the hand burning with flames would always occupy his entire pupil and take away all his life.

It was as if... he was Sun Wukong in the hands of the Buddha!

"Seven Styles of Blood Sword!" At the critical moment of life and death, his eyes turned red, and the terrifying murderous intent was like a thorn in his back. His whole body spun like a gyroscope, and the surrounding spiritual energy was swept away, forming a circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye. A blood crane rushed into the sky, rising hundreds of meters from the ground, and the spiritual energy that was blown away below gathered again, and unexpectedly condensed into a rotating blood blade in the air.

A terrifying murderous aura erupted from the blood blade. In the scarlet spiritual tornado, his hair and skin turned red. The blood ancestor was reborn, and the wild knife caused waves. A roar of extreme fear and anger: "Break the netherworld!!"

Ancient cultivators' phantoms screamed and floated out. At this moment, three exclamations rang out: "Stop it, you boy!!" "How dare you!" "I'll take your dog's life!!"

Three magical powers that were not weaker than the Blood Hand Taoist came from three directions. The Blood Hand Taoist breathed a sigh of relief. The hand in front of him that occupied the entire spiritual consciousness quietly left. He knew very well that it was not him who scared the other party away... but the other party was playing tricks on him! Because the murderous intent that was so strong that it became substantial was around him, and it did not leave at all!

He could not have imagined, never imagined that after hundreds of years of practice, he would become a laughing stock today. He knew that the individual combat power of the earth cultivators was higher than theirs, but the gap was so big that he could not accept it!

Is this really a golden elixir? Not a Yuan...

His expression suddenly froze.

One tenth of a second later, he lowered his head like a robot, sweating profusely. A huge cold arm blade had already been pressed against his neck.


"How did I enter your magical power?" The voice of the god of death sounded behind him, as if smiling: "Nothing else..."

"Swish!!" The blood rain splashed in the sky, turning into a bloody fountain. The heads rushed up, and Xu Yangyi floated away: "You are too weak."

The eyes of the Zhenwu Tianjiao who came from three parties were red.


Absolute provocation!

And it was a provocation on their faces!

"This real person has been in the Zhenwu world for hundreds of years. Who dares not call me senior..." A middle-aged man's eyes were red, and his beard and hair were all flying: "I have never suffered such a great humiliation... Langdu, don't you know to leave a way out for others so that we can meet again later?!"

"If you fall into our hands in the future, we can also give you a quick death!"

The answer to them was a sneer.

He is never a man who will hide. As long as you are not as strong as me, how I treat you depends on my mood.

If you disrespect me, I will never pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, but will do it to you in person.

This is the qualification of a strong man. He will not endure, nor will he wrong himself. He is more suitable for this competition of thousands of people where the fittest survive.

Especially in the war of all realms, leave a line? Why? Leaving a line for the enemy is cruel to yourself.

How can I be worthy of hundreds of thousands of undead souls in Bohai?


About 1 update today and tomorrow... I am very sorry, however, the card text was originally over yesterday, but I was busy decorating the house these two days, and I really didn’t have time to write... Please understand...

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