
Chapter 832: First Battle of the Ancestral Temple (IV)

Behind the crowd, Liu Mingyang's hands were trembling, and he was holding on to the handrail tightly as he stood up.

As the most powerful person in the Jin Dynasty, he shouldn't be so rude, but... he can't do it!

too strong……

Wolfsbane's real strength is stronger than before! What happened in these few hours? This kind of strength...this kind of strength! It’s almost the same as Nascent Soul! How could there be such a monster on earth!

However, there was nothing he could do. He could only have a small wish in his heart, hoping that the remaining people would fight back.

Otherwise... with the end of this general battle, the first attack must end even if he doesn't want it to end!

In the beam of light, Xu Yangyi's figure was like the reincarnation of Zhu Rong. This time he did not retreat or make a sneak attack, but charged head-on towards the fifteen golden elixirs that had gathered.

"Dong...dong!" Every step seemed to step on the hearts of all the cultivators who were paying attention. When it fell, the sky trembled, and black space crack spider webs spread. The murderous aura soared into the sky, and all the clouds in the sky were frightened away.

Just opposite him, fifteen golden elixirs had gathered together. Facing a head-on challenge, no one backed down. Su Changqing held a gun to the head, took a deep breath, and the fierce spiritual energy surged!

The people behind were slightly startled, and then, fifteen rays of light shot into the sky.

Burn longevity!

They fought hard... and they fought hard too! No one can retreat. Millions of people are watching. If you take a step back, your reputation will be ruined. If you take a step back, the world will be brighter. I can’t afford to lose my century-old reputation, the Jin Dynasty can’t afford to lose, and the Zhenwu world can’t afford to lose either!

Those who retreat will die!

"Sand..." Facing Xu Yangyi who was stepping over like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Su Changqing put his spear at his waist, and countless spiritual energy coiled around it, forming a tornado of spiritual energy at the tip of the spear. The power instantly enveloped a radius of five thousand meters. Then thrust out suddenly.

"Fellow Taoists, help me!!"

With a falling sound, fourteen strands of spiritual power rose up like a tsunami, all rushing into his body.

"How can we tolerate the screaming formation?!" Bai Lianxin roared, and her black hair turned white in an instant, burning at least more than a hundred years of life. A white lotus floated leisurely, the aura was restrained, and then, as The lotus flower opened and the surrounding void shattered into pieces.

"Who do you think you are in front of thousands of troops calling for battle!?" A strong man hit his chest, and his mountain-like figure instantly became thinner. With his eyes red, a golden statue condensed with spiritual energy flew from the sky. out. Seemingly small, as soon as it appeared, a seven-kilometer radius was instantly filled with an extremely ominous aura.

"A mere scum, how dare you challenge the Jin Dynasty! You don't know whether to live or die!" "If I don't kill you in front of you today, how can we be called a genius!" "How can we dare to be so arrogant in front of our seniors after less than a hundred years of cultivation!? "

"Boom, boom, boom..." The magic weapons are condensed together, and this is already their destiny magic weapon. With an earth-shaking loud noise, Su Changqing stabbed out a Shura phantom with one shot!

"Roar!!!" With three heads and six arms, the whole body was pitch black, with three eyes, lion's eyes and fangs, and blood-red hair like a sea of ​​waves. The six arms were filled with auras, and they stabbed Xu Yangyi with six magic weapons.

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Strong, this move is also very strong. Wherever he passed, the space was shattered like glass, making the other party seem to be in a black hole. The ominous aura and sky-high murderous aura were probably not much different from his own.

But it was me a few hours ago.

Just as Shura's shadow rushed towards him, the armor all over his body suddenly turned into spiritual energy. Then a simple scroll surrounded the left and right like a long golden river. Compared with Shura's shadow, this long river was so small. However, when it approached within 500 meters, Shura actually slowed down.

"This bastard..." Su Changqing's eyes were splitting: "What level of talisman is his natal magic weapon? How can it be so much better than our magical power using the natal magic weapon?!"

He didn't know that this was an ancient talisman from the earth for two thousand years, and it was also the result of decades of careful study.

Of course, they had no time to think about it.

In the next second, Xu Yangyi raised his right hand, and his whole body's spiritual power exploded! The whole sky turned from day to night, and the stars were shining brightly.

"Visual phenomena of heaven and earth?!" Liu Mingyang scratched the armrest with a "pop" sound, and looked at the suddenly dark sky with bloody eyes: "A celestial phenomenon tens of thousands of meters away?! Nascent Soul level?!"

Not just him, everyone is looking here. The moment the vision of heaven and earth appeared, the battlefield with a radius of 10,000 meters suddenly became distorted, and the spiritual energy was instantly chaotic, as if... it was impossible to contain the terrifying power within it.

"This is..." Hua Yangzi took a breath at the top of Qingcheng Mountain: "The battlefield ban... is the self-protection of any world. In order to prevent the spiritual shock wave from being too raging, as long as it feels that it may cause a large-scale impact, all Sealed with the will of the plane..."

Chaoyangzi next to him blushed, pursed his lips tightly, tried his best to suppress his feelings of rushing forward, and said in a trembling voice: "His current power... transcends the realm of golden elixir! The calculation of the will of the plane is wrong... This initial The ban can no longer accommodate his magical power!"

"Brush..." Within tens of thousands of meters, a pitch of darkness exceeded the light beam. Tens of thousands of meters away, the sun is hunting. The stars hang upside down.

The journey of the sun and the moon is like going out of it. The stars are as brilliant as if they came out of it.

In the galaxy, Xu Yangyi was like the Big Dipper, chopping down with one palm.

"Dense forest and starry sky."

Lead the star power of Zhoutian and control the power of all phenomena!

"Swipe lala..." With a command, the stars responded, and endless stars suddenly fell, forming a terrifying meteor shower within the confinement!

"Boom!" Starlight brought up flames all over the sky, illuminating all the Zhenwu Tianjiao who were dazed below. Shura screamed as he was hit by a meteor and turned into ashes. The sky tilted and became a sea of ​​flames. Their shocked faces were reflected in the flames.

Above their heads, countless meteors fell, and the space could not withstand the pressure of this move. It is easy to break the void, and break the surface with a point. But now the whole space is collapsed! This power is many times stronger than simply breaking the void!

Facing this earth-shaking blow, all the Tianjiao's faces were dazed for a moment, and then, under the falling stars, fifteen more violent auras rushed into the sky!

A woman put her hands together, and when she opened them, her ten fingers were entangled with lightning, and a small bronze tripod appeared in it. There was a vermilion seal on it. The woman's eyes turned red, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on the seal, and then the seal sizzled and burned.

As the seal slowly burned out, her black hair turned white in the morning, and her white hair fluttered in the wind. She stared at the falling stars, without a trace of retreat or hesitation.

"One move to defeat the heroes?"

She waved her hand, and the small tripod shattered, and two thunder dragons, one black and one white, roared out.

"You have to ask me, the Saint of Taoyuan Cave Heaven, if she agrees!!"

"Fight with you!" Chu Wumian's face was distorted, bleeding from all seven orifices, and his hands quickly made hand gestures, and the black umbrella of the woman behind him rotated. The hazy black light was like the tide of hell, and a picture of hell slowly unfolded from it.

One after another, the lifespan burned again and again, which was far more intense than before, and at least several people turned white in an instant. However, his eyes were as red as blood, staring at the top of his head without any change. Under the falling stars, the magical powers were intertwined into a magnificent ocean of spiritual energy. It spread nearly 10,000 meters, and within a second of the stars falling, it condensed wildly and twisted into a nine-headed phantom that looked like a lion but not a lion, as if it was listening.

"Break it for me!!!" "Kill!!" "Break it!" "Break it for me!!" "Break it for me!!" "Break it for me!!" "This Saint orders you to break it!!" "Break it, break it, break it!!!"

The next second, the falling stars, the roaring beasts, and the sea of ​​magical powers of all the Tianjiao, all united as one, rushed together madly.

"Boom!!!" All the Tianjiao opened their eyes with all their strength, and there was only light in front of them, infinite light. However... the light was not over yet, and everyone was like being hit by a heavy hammer, and their bodies suddenly lost control, and flew backwards like a piece of paper for thousands of meters.

This was their strongest blow, and it would never happen again. They inherited their obsession, everything they had, and their undefeated determination to fight against the Lord of the Stars in the sky.

"Go to hell... bastard..." Bai Lianxin spat out blood, the shock wave of spiritual energy was too majestic, and he was like a small boat in a storm. And he felt relieved in his heart. The ultimate blow that cost him fifty years of life actually condensed into a virtual shadow of the world spirit. He was confident that this blow could definitely kill the opponent.

Chu Wumian gritted his teeth, his limbs flew uncontrollably, but his eyes were fixed on the center. A full-strength blow, a powerful blow, if this blow appeared in a certain county, the capital would be razed to the ground in an instant. He didn't believe that the opponent could still win!

"You... will lose!" He gritted his teeth and floated out a sentence, bleeding from all seven orifices without noticing.

"I have never used this blow in a hundred years, you should feel honored!" "You are defeated by all the geniuses together, you are honored to die!"

"Boom!" The terrifying spiritual energy instantly broke through the ban, and the colorful light formed a spiritual flower tens of thousands of meters in an instant. The world was eclipsed.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were stunned, and then looked at the sky above the explosion in disbelief.

The stars remain the same...

The entire space twisted crazily, without cracks, but turned into little pieces of space fragments, scattered like pieces of paper in a shredder, like flying fireflies in the dark night.

"Space is annihilated?!" Su Changqing's eyes widened. There, a black hole appeared silently, but it did not disappear immediately like the broken void, but... it lasted forever!

The real space was wiped out by this blow. Although it was only ten meters, it really did what the power of the Nascent Soul could do!

And the dozen or so magical powers below were sucked in crazily by this black hole, and collapsed layer by layer!

Can't stop it at all!

"How could it be..." A touch of despair flashed in his eyes, and then he took a deep breath and shouted with all his strength: "Run!!!!"

Immediately afterwards, endless spiritual light exploded comprehensively, and the spiritual energy became the Changchun Kingdom, and the sun and the moon moved quietly in the night sky.

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