
Chapter 833: The First Battle of the Ancestral Temple (V)

"Boom!" The battlefield ban exploded completely, and everyone was stunned. From the tens of thousands of meters of heaven and earth vision just now, to the fragmentation of the ban, to the spiritual flower that had spread out tens of thousands of meters of the ban, to the complete collapse of the ban, it was slow, but in fact it was only a dozen seconds.

More and more fierce, more and more violent, with a loud "boom" that shook the world, the red light column suddenly turned into a little spiritual light, floating on the battlefield.

At this moment, the whole scene was dead silent.

Time seemed to slow down, Liu Mingyang's face went from slightly opening his lips to his eyes full of shock, and then he took a few steps back and covered his heart, in just one second.

"The battlefield ban was broken?" He looked at the source of the blood in disbelief: "This attack... actually broke the prison of the plane's will?"

But... who won?

On Qingcheng Mountain, the three Jindan were shocked.

The moment the battlefield seal was broken, a pure white spiritual light rose up again and spread rapidly, but... this time it was more refined and larger than before!

This is the will of the earth. Even the earth believes that the fight between the eighteen golden cores has too much impact, and... it also believes that its previous seal is too fragile. This time the light column spreads wildly and reaches a size of 30,000 meters! And... one golden talisman after another appears on the light column!

The recognition of the will of the plane!

The recognition of strength.

No one spoke, and the three golden cores stepped forward together, looking at the center with fiery eyes.

The battle of the generals was beyond their expectations. It did not last too long, not even a day. In just one hour, the winner was decided by this shocking blow.

However... who will be the winner after thousands of fierce battles?

This much-anticipated battle of the generals decided the winner of the first comprehensive battle in Qingcheng Mountain.

I don't know how many cultivators watched this spiritual rain silently, and even the battlefield of tens of thousands of miles was silent for the grandeur at this moment. However, they were not shocked for too long, because in the next second. More than a dozen spiritual lights flew out with screams.

Bai Lian's heart was ashen, and just as they were directly blown away by the shock wave for thousands of meters, a figure like a star god stood tall and proud. He even had an absurd feeling in his heart.

He had exhausted his spiritual power and could only use his spiritual consciousness reluctantly. The tricks at the bottom of the box were not in vain. They had no strength to fight again. The meridians were as painful as a knife cut, but... they tried their best. All the Tianjiao joined forces, but they were still not the opponent's opponent!

His pupils were blurred, but he bit his tongue tightly. He didn't want to die... He must see the moment when this inhuman monster was killed by the Yuanying Zhenjun formation! After this battle, he defeated 70% of the Tianjiao of the Great Jin Dynasty alone, and he had been... promoted to a god.

The god of Qingcheng Mountain.

The god of the Taoist ancestral temple.

The god of this battlefield.

It is also the lingering nightmare in the hearts of the Zhenwu world.

"I can't die..."

"I must watch the True Lord take action... and kill you in front of thousands of troops... I must see the panic in the eyes of all the bastards who worship you as a god... I must see the day when you, a false god, die!!"

A spiritual power inexplicably rushed into his dantian, and he used up his last spiritual power and flew towards the main formation at full speed.

Su Changqing was covered in blood, almost half unconscious, and was rushed away without any resistance, looking at Xu Yangyi with the same bloodshot eyes.

This power...

It is really comparable to the reincarnation of the Nascent Soul!

This kind of sword... Such a sharp sword... Must not appear on the battlefield!

It must be reported to the Zhenwu Realm... This person... is worthy of the Nascent Soul's personal action! If you don't kill Lang Du, there will be endless troubles!

A bounty of 100 million is not enough! Raise him to the same level of danger as the Nascent Soul! 300 million! 500 million! As long as you kill Lang Du, how many spiritual stones are not a problem!

As long as you die!

More than a dozen figures, as fast as flowing light, without a single pause. Trying their best to cross the black tide of Zhenwu Realm, anyone who is not blind can feel that everyone is seriously injured and in danger of falling at any time.

"Sha..." In the black sea of ​​people, a young foundation-building person trembled and looked at the sky. His face was hot, and he reached out and wiped it unconsciously.

A drop of blood.

"Lost...?" He looked at the sky in disbelief, and a feeling of extreme disappointment suddenly struck his heart.

Can't win?

All the Tianjiao took out the magical powers at the bottom of the box, but they still couldn't win?

The mountain of wolf poison can't be crossed anyway?

However, their despair has just begun.

Seventeen Tianjiaos are already covered in blood, and two or three of them have no breath. Among the remaining people, they have no strength and no time to speak. With scars all over their bodies, they put down their past glory, gritted their teeth desperately to make themselves forget that countless people below are watching them, and carried a body of shame, and rushed to the main formation with the last spiritual power.

They dared not look down. They had never been so humiliated. They used their reputation to make Wolf Poison. In the past, they were so powerful and their name was their trademark. Today, this trademark was broken in front of thousands of people.

A big defeat, a complete defeat.

However, once the curtain of despair was drawn, the next thing was a collapse like a landslide and a tsunami.

A cold voice sounded in the whole audience: "Total Eclipse of Apocalypse."

Total Eclipse of Apocalypse under the blessing of the might of all things.

A blood moon shone, and thousands of blood lights roared out. More and more, more and more dense! In the end... it actually reached 9,800 meters!

The threshold of the Nascent Soul!

In the blood moon, three figures shone slowly.

"Boom boom..." The terrifying murderous aura was overwhelming, making everyone feel like they were in hell. The sense of crisis that was everywhere and everything was killed made the frightened Tianjiao feel like they were in the eye of a storm of killing.

As the red light dissipated, everyone could see the figures clearly.

A female figure was hanged under the osmanthus tree.

A male figure had something like a rabbit biting on his neck. And the man's axe chopped on the rabbit.

Chang'e, Wu Gang, and Yutu were all dead.

Kill them all!

At the same time, under the drum, Liu Mingyang took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

In just one minute, he seemed to have aged hundreds of years.

"Liu Xiang..." The faces of several great perfect foundation builders around him were also ugly, but they had to persuade: "Calm down... You..."

Before the voice fell, with a crisp "clang", a golden aura suddenly burst out in front of the drum.

"I, want, you, to die!!!"

With a long roar, Liu Mingyang stepped on the steps, and his body turned into a golden light, rushing straight to the center of the battlefield.

"Swish!" The moment the golden light appeared, it immediately turned into a golden dragon, hundreds of meters in radius, which was inconspicuous compared to the battlefield of tens of thousands of miles. However, every time he took a step, a dragon roar resounded beside him, and his beard and hair were all raised. Unexpectedly, his skin, pupils, and hair all turned golden!

"National Protection Artifact?!" "Prime Minister Liu!" "Protect Prime Minister Liu!"

Liu Mingyang couldn't hear it anymore. He only knew that if he couldn't kill Langdu at all costs, Qingcheng Mountain could only be piled with corpses!

At this moment, the light column collapsed, and the ten remaining golden elixirs fled. Liu Mingyang personally killed the national protection artifact with the national protection artifact, but it was just a flash of time.

Time seemed to slow down. No one saw all this on the battlefield tens of thousands of miles away. Everyone saw the figure standing proudly in the center of the light column.

The blood moon spread out, and instantly the four real people screamed and fell into the clouds. After the remaining few people all groaned, they were faster, and even the flying aura was bloody.

Blood escape.

Like burning lifespan, this is a talent of cultivators, but the loss is too great, and they dare not use it unless it is absolutely necessary. Burning lifespan plus blood escape, it is certain that 80% of them will not be able to participate in the war again within ten years.

Xu Yangyi looked at the auras with regret. The dense forest and the stars also consumed all his aura. He was not qualified to chase the other party at all, and he went deep into the black ocean for tens of thousands of miles.

Silence, a dead silence.

A few seconds later, I don’t know who shouted softly, "The real person will win." Then, one person shouted, and a hundred people responded. In less than ten minutes, the white ocean under his feet was already excited! That kind of hot flame was about to burn the black on the opposite side! Almost everyone tried their best to shout "The real person will win!!" "Huaxia will win!!"

I don’t know how many people looked up to the sky and roared, with great enthusiasm. There are countless more Qi Refiners who have this scene in their eyes and in their hearts. Every foundation-building cultivator has found his goal at this moment.

Wolf Poison Master!

In front of thousands of troops, he defeated all the Zhenwu Tianjiao with one move, with a vision of 40,000 meters!

What a heroic spirit, what a heroic spirit!

Suddenly, a voice came from the sky again.

"The flying dragon plays with the waves and hates the shallow sea, and the roc spreads its wings and hates the low sky."

Xu Yangyi tried not to reveal his flaws and raised his eyebrows: "Xia Hou?"

Silence, the voice could not feel a trace of spiritual energy. This time, it was full of emotion: "Originally, this Hou did not need to pay attention to you. Because you rejected this Hou."

The voice was like a big bell, shaking the world. It was obviously without spiritual energy, but it could make people listen to the law of heaven.

All the earth cultivators looked at each other, not knowing what it was. On the top of Qingcheng Mountain, the three Jindan trembled all over and almost fell to the ground.

"This, this is!" Chao Yangzi was sweating and his hands were shaking: "This... This terrifying feeling... I can't feel the pressure, but I feel like I'm being watched by a god!"

Hua Yangzi beside him didn't dare to say a word, his face was pale, and his chest was heaving like a bellows.

Except for Jindan, no one can feel Xiahou's pressure.

Others are not qualified.

"But you made me change my mind." Xiahou's voice continued to sound: "Follow me, I will give you the waist card of Xiahou Palace. With this card, you can come and go freely in 70% of Kunlun."

"The lower world is too small for you."

At the end of the sky, Liu Mingyang bit his lips and bled.

Waist card of Xiahou Palace...

Xiahou...As powerful as he is, he sits in the anchor of the Seven Realms Chain, with three commanders, seven generals, and sixteen flying tigers under him. One Xiahou can destroy a world! Now...he is so kind to a mere cultivator from the lower world!

Is this really the Xiahou who is famous in the Seven Realms Chain?

Is this really the Xiahou who makes the Taichu Legion Commander cautious?

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