
Chapter 834: Reject Xiahou again

In the mid-air Dajin Palace, several pairs of old eyes opened from the darkness and immediately knelt on the ground: "Greetings, Xiahou!!"

The voice was very loud.

Unfortunately, Xiahou's spiritual consciousness didn't even look at them.

They were not angry, but only panicked. Their eyes immediately found Xu Yangyi. In the turbid old eyes that had lived for hundreds of years, there was a burning jealousy and jealous madness in an instant.

Lucky... How lucky!

He actually got Xiahou's favor! The existence of the high-level officials of Xu Kunlun is their secret! Every hundred years, the Zhenwu Realm sent so many treasures, but only met Xiahou once! What virtue and ability did this boy have to be favored by Xiahou! ?


Xiahou seemed to be only interested in Xu Yangyi, as if he had completely forgotten that there were other people here.

Xu Yangyi shook his head without any consideration.

"Why?" Xiahou seemed to have anticipated his reaction and actually smiled.

"This is not luck." Xu Yangyi looked at the sky and cupped his hands: "This is escape."

"Oh?" Xiahou's reaction was even more peculiar, this time... seemed even more joyful.

Xu Yangyi didn't think about it at all, and said firmly: "When the plane is in great trouble, you actually choose to ascend. Isn't it escape or what?"

No answer.

A few seconds later, the voice in the sky disappeared with a smile: "Very good."

"I will decide you."

"If you can survive."

"The Seven Realms Chain, the most important line of defense of this plane string, is waiting for you in Xu Kunlun. It's easy to get thousands of troops, but it's hard to get a general."

The voice disappeared.

All the cultivators below came back to their senses.

All the earth cultivators flushed with excitement.

Rejected... Wolf Poison Master refused to ascend! And it seems that more than once!

This is ascension... It only exists in legends! If Wolf Poison Master hadn't told the world about the war of all realms this time, if he hadn't lit the world lamp, the earth might never ascend. And this person who led everything actually rejected the invitation from the upper realm in person!

Only great heroes can be true to themselves. Only true celebrities are naturally elegant.

What is the Seven Realms Chain? What is in Xu Kunlun? Who is Xiahou? Who else is watching?

Their hearts are beating wildly.

However... there is no time to think about it. This little episode is too short for the entire battlefield. The next moment after the sound disappeared, a desolate horn blew on the top of Qingcheng Mountain.

"Woo woo woo..."

Charge, charge! Still charge!

The hot blood returned to the body from the sky. All the Chinese monks looked at the opposite side with red eyes, the endless black tide covering the sky.

Victory, a great victory! Their idol, Langdu Zhenren, defeated all the Tianjiao of Zhenwu Realm! What better time to fight back than this?

The black tide had already rushed to 5,000 meters outside Qingcheng Mountain. I don’t know who among the Chinese cultivators shouted: "Kill them!!"

"Don’t embarrass Master Langdu!!"

This shout was like throwing a huge rock into a pond. In an instant, the entire ocean was filled with turbulent waves.

"Kill!" "If the ancestral temple is lost, how can we face the Heavenly Master?!" "In the past, the Taoist ancestral temple killed 100,000 ghosts, and today, we, the younger generation, Qingcheng, defeated tens of millions of enemies!" "Even if we die, we must not embarrass Master Langdu!" "Master, how can we have the face to retreat a step?!"

"Boom!!" With roars, Xu Yangyi's heroic spirit of defeating Tianjiao in one move completely ignited the fighting spirit of the Chinese cultivators. They were as imposing as a rainbow and as powerful as a tiger. The white, which was several times less than the black, rushed into the black wave regardless of life and death. The picture of black clouds surrounding the moon was instantly intertwined.

"Defend the ancestral temple to the death!" "Fight to the death and never retreat!" "Unless you kill us all! Otherwise, the gate of Qingcheng Mountain will never be opened to you!"

It broke out completely.

Killing Tao Qing, killing Princess Rong, pacifying the last emperor of Jin, trapping the last emperor of Jin, defeating all the heroes with one move, finally formed the most magnificent tsunami here.

At the front, the Zhenwu Sect's Zhenwu Demon Array let out a long roar. After several large arrays were impacted, the Zhenwu Demon Array had become dim and shaky. However, the old and dying Xu Dan laughed loudly, stepped on the clouds, stood on the top of the large array, and sang with his long sword: "The master of the mysterious is the one who has no door to all wonders!"

The other teams didn't understand it yet, but all the Taoist monks heard this sentence, whether they were from Longhu, Qingcheng, Heming, or the three ancestral temples, their eyes suddenly turned red, and countless Taoists, whether they were monks or not, bowed tall, and the Taoism that had been separated for thousands of years was actually united in mind at this moment. Millions of voices spoke in unison, like Huangzhong Dalu.

"To wipe out all the demons is the true martial arts!!!"

"The ancestral temple will not be destroyed! The Taoist tradition will not be destroyed!!"

The ancestor of the Zhenwu sect laughed loudly, and the long sword slashed, blood spilled in the air. However, this time, none of the elites of the Zhenwu sect objected, but raised their long swords and slashed themselves horizontally.

Thousands of blood arrows were slashed in the air. In Taoism, the Zhenwu Emperor is also known as the founder of the demon-slaying ancestor, who kills the most. When this sentence was shouted, it meant that they had decided to stay on this battlefield.

No one knew the name of this ancestor, and no one knew the thousands of people who followed him. Perhaps... the bodies could not be found.

"Swish..." A blood mist soaked the Zhenwu Demon-slaying Formation. The originally dim formation suddenly burst into a magnificent light. In the face of all the monks' sacrifices, the emperor raised his ten thousand feet sword, and the surrounding blackness disappeared in an instant.

As the Zhenwu formation erupted again, all the formations took out their best skills, and the situation of the war... was actually pushed back slowly!

From five thousand meters, start pushing out one meter at a time!

"Go well..." On the top of the mountain, the young Taoist priest of Heming Mountain closed his eyes with tears in his eyes: "Heming Mountain's 30,000 heavenly soldiers will definitely break through the siege within half a year. Taoist friends, rest assured."

The white waves are like a tidal wave, a scorching fire wave, swallowing up the black waves that are extremely demoralizing.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, looking at the magic formations and the masters of the sects. I don't know how many people chose to die as martyrs, and I don't know how many young Taoist priests' blood stained the land outside Qingcheng Mountain red. The blood in his heart rushed to the top of his head. Even though there was not much spiritual power left in his body, with a sense of pride and courage, he did not retreat, but stepped forward directly.

"One sword will lead to a lifetime of hatred, and a short-breathed hero will be brave!"

Feng Xu Yufeng crossed his fingers across the dark tide of the Zhenwu Realm, looking proudly at the ten streaks of light running around the horizon, and said in a voice like Huang Zhong Da Lu: "Who dares to fight!"


Still the same person.

Two seconds later, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, channeled enough spiritual energy, and his voice was like the God of War spreading thousands of miles away: "Who dares to fight!!!"

"Boom!!" With this sound, the fiery red Suzaku circled behind him, standing proudly above the tens of millions of troops, outlining the heart-stopping picture of the God of War.

There was silence in the Zhenwu world. Millions of people faced a general's call for formation, but no one dared to respond.

A three-foot green front defeated the world, and a white horse opened the borders of Wu.

No matter Huaxia or Zhenwu, they dare not speak loudly for fear of frightening the people in heaven.

The killing was domineering, the killing was so arrogant that all the Chinese monks were cheering and their blood was boiling!

The combined attack of more than a dozen golden elixirs not only did not inflict any injury on the real Wolfbane, but actually made him look like a god of war! This kind of spirit of not being surprised when Mount Tai collapses before us, this kind of self-confidence that dominates the world and no one else can give me a shot in the arm, it is simply a shot in the arm for the Chinese monks who are fighting hard!

"Go back!!!" On the front line where the golden wave and the white wave clashed, a Taoist priest from the Quanzhen Sect shouted loudly, pointing his long sword diagonally. One of the monks around him shouted, and thousands of people responded, and a series of spiritual lights rose into the sky. He actually pushed the six expeditionary armies of the Jin Dynasty back a hundred meters!

"Pu Chi!" I don't know how many magic weapons penetrated his body in an instant, and thousands of troops were among them. He didn't even look at it with nostalgia at this moment. Instead, he imitated the Wolf Venom Master in the sky, roared in the same way, and laughed loudly: "After death, it's over. !”

"Boom!!" The white light exploded, and the soul was scattered.

"Martyre yourself!!" Dao Lord rode a tiger and traveled around the eight extremes. His sword illuminated the sky and turned blue. Endless flying swords flew out from Qingcheng Mountain. Such a good opportunity must not be missed. It will never come again! When the whole army was dispatched, the black rain of spiritual swords, each holding a foundation-building monk, dyed the sky into a cloud of clouds.

Without any scruples or flinching, he rushed towards the floating boat in the sky with all his strength. Even in the face of extremely ferocious gunfire that penetrated the sky.

However, no one is deterred and no one retreats.

If the flag is in front, how can there be any hindrance?

"Charge with me!!" "Never take a step back!!" "As long as the real person is here, the ancestral court will not fall!!!" "There is nothing to be afraid of in the real martial arts world!" "The worst is death! I will come back twenty years later He is a good man! "Don't come here if you are afraid of death!"

If there were people who were afraid of death just now, at this moment, no one is greedy for life. Countless spiritual energy was flying in the air, and each magic weapon exploded again and again, forcibly rushing the Zhenwujie who were as numerous as locusts over a distance of several hundred meters!

"Kill!!!" White waves as dense as stars from behind swarmed up, eyes red with killing. At this moment, a piece of green aura spread above the head, and on Qingcheng Mountain, a loud laugh came: "The peaks are arranged in three directions, and the tide is coming from one side! "

"Today, the Chinese Allied Forces will win! Qingcheng Mountain will win! The Ancestral Court will never fall today!!"

Chaoyangzi held his sword across his chest and guarded the Laojun Palace: "If you want to invade the ancestral court, then you have to pay with your life!"

"Millions of Taoist monks are waiting for you in the ancestral court!"

"Swipe!" Under the green aura, the Chinese monks became more and more courageous as they fought, and every inch was dyed red with blood. But no one retreated.

Led by the totem in the sky.

Under the guidance of the blood in my heart.

Defend the ancestral court to the death! Defend Qingcheng to the death!

Every meter and every inch is dyed red with blood. The more blood, the more red, and the more intense the fighting spirit.

On the other hand, in the Zhenwu world, all I feel is frustration, frustration, and frustration. The black tide recedes again and again, and there is no way back!

Seventeen geniuses who were famous in the Jin Dynasty... no, twenty-two geniuses. First kill Tao Qing, then kill Princess Rong, and then trap the Lord of Jin! Finally...a fight against seventeen! Within two hours it was overwhelming! this really the reincarnation of the God of War?

How could there be such a golden elixir!

Can their Xuanyuan Sword Master with nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand souls be able to fight against fifteen?

"Behead those who retreat!!!" At the moment when the black wave was defeated like a mountain, a majestic voice with gritted teeth and full of hatred suddenly sounded: "Back ten meters, kill! Back a hundred meters, Yi tribe!! Move back three hundred meters and kill the Nine Clans!"

On the horizon, a golden wave dyed the sky red gold. Amidst the majestic imperial aura, a figure in nine python robes came through the air. There was nothing in his eyes, only overwhelming hatred and the figure of Xu Yangyi at the top.


There may be an update today... shivering... you won't hit me...

I’ve been really busy decorating recently...I want to die...

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