
Chapter 835: National Protection Artifact (I)

With every step, it seemed as if the sky was shattering, like an invisible giant strolling. But the most eye-catching thing is the Coiling Dragon Sword in his hand.

That's not a real sword.

It is a sword made of extremely pure spiritual energy. Magnificent talismans filled the space, and each piece of spiritual energy turned into a small golden dragon. Although there was no spiritual energy running, it made people feel trembling.

The hairs on his hair stood up one by one, Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and quickly started divination with the seven-star arithmetic in his hand.

The mountain is poor and the river is full of doubts and there is no way out, but the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and spring is coming again?

What is the result?

In the realm of Xu Ying, the biggest weapon is a hint of the power of the Nascent Soul. However, after the transformation of Jingzhonghua, he is not afraid of the pressure of the Nascent Soul at all. As for his own strength, although his spiritual power is now squandered, but... what he is truly powerful about is his physical training. Now he is by no means helpless, unless there is a super magic weapon powerful enough to kill him from a distance.

Where does the phrase "doubtless have no way" come from?

"Aren't you asking who dares to fight?!" Amidst the strong wind, Liu Mingyang came through the air. The golden aura made him look like a god, with his body covered in red gold and his beard and hair all flowing. Thousands of miles away, Xu Yangyi's eyes were as sharp as blood: "The truth is coming to fight you in person!"

This son must be killed, otherwise the Zhenwu world will be defeated in Qingcheng Mountain!

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden wave erupted all over his body, thousands of golden lights spread out, and a monstrous sword light slashed towards Xu Yangyi.

The sword light shocked the sky, and the sky was split into two halves in an instant by this golden light, forming a sword energy visible to the naked eye, pulling out a pure golden curtain. In the sword energy, countless golden dragons were coiled around, and everything in its path turned into nothingness.

Murderous intentions arise from the sky, and the stars change. The earth emits murderous intent, dragons and snakes rise from the land, humans embody murderous intent, and heaven and earth turn upside down.

"Brush" the magnificent golden curtain opened in front of Xu Yangyi's eyes. It was a majestic and vast golden dragon barrier. His pupils suddenly shrank, and he finally understood what this hexagram meant.

What Liu Mingyang is carrying is not an ordinary magic weapon, but a spiritual treasure! No... the artifact that protects the country!

One of the heritages of the Jin Dynasty!

99% of any artifacts used to protect the country are imperial weapons. They are only the true imperial weapons of the founding king, and they are extremely important treasures. It will take hundreds or thousands of years to become an artifact that protects the country. For example, Liu Bang's snake-killing sword-Chi Xiao.

"Brush!" The sword light surged, like Moses' water-dividing staff. The sword light instantly divided the middle of the battlefield into a terrifying blank space three meters wide and more than 20,000 meters long. All the people in the middle disappeared, and even the mountain mist was silenced.

He did not hesitate to use the Suzaku to hover in the sky, forming a giant door of flames, followed by an earth-shattering loud noise. The body was completely engulfed in golden light in an instant.


Bringing fire to the stars and continents, rising to the clouds and out of Ding Lake. A majestic pressure that I had never felt before suddenly broke out! Incomparably ancient, extremely majestic. With an almost unsuspicious muffled sound, he didn't even have time to vomit blood. His whole body was already covered in blood and he was instantly slashed 30,000 meters away!

A thrilling line of blood was left in the sky.

Liu Mingyang's eyes were like a dragon, and his chest rose and fell sharply. This sword slashed with earth-shattering speed, leaving no trace on the snow. Not to mention the golden elixir... even Nascent Soul couldn't react! In the Jin Dynasty, apart from the Sima lineage, only the prime minister could wield the three swords. Every sword strike will cost him a hundred years of life.

The golden light all over his body quickly dimmed, but he gritted his teeth and refused to fall. He pointed his long sword diagonally and said in a voice like a yellow bell: "Prime Minister Liu of the Jin Dynasty, this formation will kill Wolf Poison at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain!"

The sound spreads hundreds of miles.

There was a buzz in Xu Yangyi's mind. He never expected that Sui Wulu would be a blow from the divine weapon that protects the country. He is not dead yet, but under this sword, his whole body has been split open, and the bones can be seen deeply. Pieces of blood dyed his whole body red.

Can't fall!

He wanted to turn over and jump up, but as soon as he moved, the bones all over his body cracked, as if they were completely shattered, and the pain was unbearable. This sword was as fast as light, completely ignoring his spiritual shield and all his defenses, and directly killed his body. He has never had the concept of being hit tens of thousands of meters away and being seriously injured in the same realm.

Can't fall... must not fall now! This is the last breath of Zhenwujie’s first attack! The entire expeditionary force of the Jin Dynasty relied on this breath to hold on. They would have to gather such strong morale next time, at least half a year, or even a year later!

He gritted his teeth, and the remaining spiritual power was carried away from his body. He could not even speak. This sword was too strong, so strong that it was beyond this realm. He was afraid that he would let out his last breath as soon as he opened his mouth. In addition to repairing the whole body, all the remaining spiritual power was mobilized into the sky.

"Who dares to fight!!" Liu Mingyang was as powerful as a mad tiger, his sword pressed down on Qingcheng, Emperor Huang's energy soared into the sky, and his majesty shone to the world. However, just before he finished his sentence, Xu Yangyi, who was like a shooting star on the horizon, suddenly burst into flames.

"Boom!!" As if in response to his invitation to fight, a red Suzaku soared into the sky.

Below, there was a sea of ​​thousands of monks in a dead silence.

Silver and Han are far away, one is a group of dragons gathering in the sea, and the other is a red bird soaring into the sky. At this moment, the scene stopped and there was silence.

not dead?

Liu Mingyang looked at the Suzaku in the sky in astonishment. It was slashed tens of thousands of meters away by the sword of the country-protecting artifact, but it was still alive? !

Why don't you die! !

Because of you...because of you! The Lord of the Jin Dynasty is trapped, and millions of troops are stopped at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain. How can you survive!

"Pounce!" He suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and waved the sacred weapon of the Kingdom, which did too much damage to him. However, as the Prime Minister at this moment, he had no reason to back down. He even felt a sense of great enlightenment in his heart.

"Wolfsbane..." He looked at the center of the golden dragon with red eyes, and said a sentence from between his teeth: "How many years..."

"How many years has no one allowed me to experience this feeling..."

"This kind of satisfying feeling of risking one's life and never retreating..."

" did it..." He took a deep breath, the Golden Dragon Sword in his hand trembled, and hissed: "So..."

"The truth is, I will grant you death!"

"Brush!" The second sword was struck, and a golden thread suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth. It's like the first light between heaven and earth when the sun was born.

The gate of heaven opens with the golden key according to the agreement, and the cloud road is vast and hung with a jade rainbow.

This golden thread spreads for countless thousands of miles, or even hundreds of thousands of miles. It seemed like the sky was cut in half. What's even more frightening is... with this sword blow that he exerted all his strength, Liu Mingyang, whose spiritual energy had weakened just now, suddenly rushed upward!

Xu Ying realm... So far, we are just one layer away from breaking through the Nascent Soul.

Xu Yangyi has become the biggest karma in his heart, and he wants to fulfill his karma.

"Boom, boom, boom..." A sword opened the sky, and countless golden lights burst out from the golden threads, surrounding Xu Yangyi for thousands of meters. The space seemed to be rushed by infinite swords, and more and more complicated golden threads appeared, filling the sky. , everything turned into powder.

This ingenious sword finally brought the morale of the Zhenwu world, which was on the verge of collapse, back to its peak.

On the battlefield, in the sky, and on the floating boat, countless black figures quietly knelt on the ground. The cold wind brought by a sword blew a large banner with Zhenwu written on it. Half a second later, the entire Qingcheng Mountain was surrounded by people. The hysterical roar echoed.

"Fight in!! Rescue!!" "True martial arts will win! Qingcheng will be conquered!!" "All his efforts will be accomplished in one battle! Today we will break through the Taoist mountain gate!!" "Kill!! Anyone who retreats will be killed!"

By the time we got to the back, it had gathered into a magnificent sound.

The only voice, the only confidence, converged into the only sentence.

"True martial arts are victorious!!!"

"Shu La La!" The mountain fog was shaken away by the roars of millions of people, and countless birds started up, forming a black tide.

At the handover between the two armies, the front was originally pushed back by the white wave, and the canine teeth were intertwined. A general covered in blood pressed his faceplate and took the lead, transforming into a giant: "Conquering the Southern Army! Follow me!!"

"The Prime Minister personally takes action! The divine weapon that protects the country is dispatched! If we don't lay waste to Qingcheng today, how can we face our ancestors!!"

On a huge floating boat, a woman looked at the scene of the sky opening, trembling all over. Turning around suddenly, his voice was hoarse and sharp: "Northern Conquest Army! Follow me and fight in!! The flagship will not retreat, and no one can retreat!!"

Behind her was an endless beast-headed flying boat, with large black flags and the blood-red word Zhenwu fluttering in the wind.

"Kill!!!!" The cry of killing as the mountains collapsed and the earth resounded through the gate of Qingcheng Mountain. The situation that had just been one-sided was finally regained by Zhenwujie. Countless black tides rushed towards Qingcheng like tsunamis.

In this battle, no one can retreat, and no one wants to retreat.

"Meet the enemy!!!" In the white camp, countless flags were erected, and millions of flying swords flew into the air, facing the oncoming huge waves without flinching. Black and white once again turned into the brilliant color of death.

At the edge of the sky, Xu Yangyi bit his lip and drew blood. The surroundings are all filled with extremely terrifying sword energy, each one possessing the power of Nascent Soul. However, he was not injured again. Just outside him, a long golden river had tightly surrounded him.

Soul guard.

However... he, who was at the center of Soul Guard, faced a feeling that the sky was about to collapse. "Kakaka" the soul guard has erupted in bursts of wailing. The power of the imperial weapon and the power of the divine weapon that protects the country. Even if Liu Mingyang is not in the realm and cannot exert his full strength, he cannot compete with it in his current state.

The terrifying shock wave directly knocked him away again. It was like being hit by a giant hammer. He felt that all the bones in his chest should be shattered and penetrated into his lungs. The blood from the corner of his mouth flowed out freely.

However, he never thought of retreating.

Just as Liu Mingyang is now the flag of the Zhenwu world, he is the flag of the earth! He has no idea of ​​retreating. If he can still stand, he will stand until the last moment!

Moreover... the golden god of death did not allow him to retreat at all.

Right in front, Liu Mingyang looked up to the sky and roared, turning into a golden streak and rushing towards him. If he didn't behead the opponent here, and if he didn't watch the opponent die with his own eyes, he would not be able to feel at ease!

"You're not dead yet!!" His eyes turned red. That kind of persistence, that kind of obsession, made him feel happy. As he moved forward, his cultivation level was rising steadily. But he could no longer feel it, and Panlongjian used all his strength to swing out the last sword.


At the moment of hitting, in the absolute death zone surrounding Xu Yangyi, a morning bell and evening drum actually sounded.


Clear and soft, but resounding in everyone's heart.

A figure appeared on the scene. No matter from any angle, his face could not be seen, only his back. The brilliant golden energy spread across the sky, making a golden light shine in a radius of thousands of miles, and an endless imperial power instantly filled the entire space.

The whole body is surrounded by golden energy, and the dragon robe and imperial crown are like waking up from a big dream, and also like being drunk for a thousand years.

"Sha..." He slowly raised his hand, and the sword in Liu Mingyang's hand floated uncontrollably. The next second, with a slight press of his hand, the golden sword suddenly fell.

Drunk and lying on the knees of a beautiful woman, he wakes up and wields a murderous sword.


I finally finished my run and will resume 2 updates today...I am so exhausted...

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