
Chapter 836: National Protection Artifact (II)

At the same time, the soul guard shattered and turned into golden light spots. With Xu Yangyi's cry of spitting blood, he flew back and all the light spots merged into his dantian.

"Die! Ant!" Liu Mingyang breathed a sigh of relief silently. There was no defense anymore... He deserved to die... This stubborn cockroach could actually resist the two swords of the national protection artifact by himself. It was too unexpected! Too unimaginable!

"Swish" the sword fell, without any power, but the whole sky opened up and burst into golden light. Dragons filled the sky, forming a sea of ​​imperial power.

The catastrophe was coming.

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, and the soul guard on his side was firmly protected. The cold feeling of being in death and feeling himself being torn into pieces by the terrifying pressure enveloped his whole body.

Weapon spirit...

How could the weapon spirit appear?

As someone who had managed imperial weapons and spiritual treasures, he knew very well that weapon spirits must empathize with the holders before they could appear, such as him and Yu Chang. However... now Liu Mingyang's sudden enlightenment actually made the weapon spirit respond to the other party?

This was not the time to admire. For him, this kind of enlightenment that walked on the edge of the blade and danced between life and death was the real annihilation, fall, and death.

"Am I going to die here?!" A sense of unwillingness rushed up in his heart. He didn't want to, he didn't want to! How could he die under the national protection weapon?


"I still have so many things to do..."

"I haven't seen the end of this fierce battle..."

"I haven't gone to the upper realm yet... There are still people waiting for me in the Tower of Babel! How can I die here!!"

"Swish!" Infinite golden light came to him in an instant, and the cracks on his body burst out instantly, deep into the bones, and a bloody rain fell, covering him like a bloody man. However, he used up his last strength and shouted angrily: "Break!!!"

There is no way to break this sword. This sword is completely beyond the concept of Jindan. It is too strong.

He knew very well that this roar was just to use up his last strength. He would never succumb to this result. Moreover, the Seven Star Divination did not tell him that he would die. He... still had the last hope.

A slim hope.

He roared unwillingly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt... something in his body moved.

Time seemed to slow down. He saw clearly that it was the Eternal Pill Sutra King. The Eternal Pill Sutra King, which had turned into a phantom in his mind, actually moved!

Moreover, it was not only moving, but the soul guard in front of him seemed to have received some information and began to hum and vibrate.

"Shua La La..." One by one, golden words floated out of his mind and were actually engraved on the soul guard. As the soul guard shone with golden light, the spiritual energy became more and more mysterious and profound!

"This..." He was stunned, suppressing the severe pain in his body, and his eyes flashed suddenly.

"This... is also an imperial weapon!"

"The Eternal Pill Scripture King... was once an imperial weapon!"

"Boom!" Before he could finish thinking, the scriptures in his mind seemed to have found a carrier, and the soul guard rushed into the sky like two dragons, surrounding him tightly. In an instant, the terrifying Zhenwu spiritual pressure was completely isolated. A golden dragon phantom and a yellow dragon phantom followed the soaring soul guard and shot straight into the sky!

"What is this?" Outside the Golden Dragon Death Zone, the three Qingcheng Mountain Jindan were stunned. The unbreakable Golden Dragon domain actually separated a thousand-meter space from it, and the two dragons rose into the air. Although there were only two phantoms, they were comparable to the entire Golden Dragon Death Zone!

Dynasty VS Dynasty!

Imperial weapon VS Imperial weapon!

"Imperial weapon?!" Liu Mingyang was stunned, and then exclaimed in disbelief: "How is this possible?!"

Nothing is impossible.

Just as he finished speaking, the Ming Dynasty imperial weapon exploded! The Eternal Pill Scripture King was sealed in the Red Pill Box, transformed into a spiritual text engraved in the mind, and today, facing the provocation of the foreign dynasty, Yu Daotong Zuting fully awakened!

"Boom boom..." The dragon roar of the Nine Skies changed the world, and the wind and clouds met in the shallow water. The two dragons took off. Within tens of thousands of meters of this battlefield, the world was originally unified by the national artifact of the Great Jin Dynasty. Now... endless golden spiritual energy flew out from the Golden Dragon Sea and gathered into a golden ocean on the other side. In the sky, two pieces of golden dragon energy divided the world equally.

However... this is not the end. In the golden ocean of China, a thousand-meter-high golden light phantom slowly raised its head.

Like the national artifact of the Great Jin Dynasty, this phantom could not see the face clearly. However... as he raised his head, the surrounding mountains and rivers were trembling in a low voice. As he opened his eyes, the rivers on all sides were trembling.

Emperor's power, reigning over the world!

It is unknown which emperor the weapon spirit of the Zhenwu Realm is. Perhaps it is the founding emperor of the Jin Dynasty. The aura of looking down on the mountains and rivers is definitely not that of an ordinary king. However... this Chinese emperor who opened his eyes also swallowed the stars.

It is not just the duel of the emperor weapon and the dynasty, but also the duel of the emperor!

"Shua La La..." When the golden figure raised his head, the terrifying spiritual shock wave even formed an absolute vacuum zone within tens of thousands of meters around. Xu Yangyi looked at everything in front of him in astonishment. Even he felt a little unbelievable.

Who is this?

Wearing a crown, the dragon robe is embroidered with dragon patterns, Zhai patterns and twelve chapter patterns. That terrifying imperial aura... is definitely not the same level as Zhu Changluo, who had met him once! Zhu Changluo must say that he can be regarded as a revival master, but this person... is simply the master of the reign! The master of pioneering!

"Is there a weapon spirit hidden in the Eternal Pill Scripture King?" He dared not imagine.

The sky was divided into two parts, and the huge phantom suddenly spoke: "Kill all the millions of soldiers in Jiangnan, and the sword on the waist is still bloody."

Not only Xu Yangyi, but everyone at the scene was stunned by this phantom.

"This outfit..." On Qingcheng Mountain, I don't know how many people were shocked: "This poem..."

"This is... Ming Taizu..."

Yes... This is not just a duel between emperors, but... a duel between founding emperors!

Only emperors can sense the provocation of the other party!

How can others sleep soundly beside the bed!

Liu Mingyang was stunned. Everything in front of him was too illusory. At this moment, he felt extremely lost.

How could this happen...

The other party was about to die. No matter how strong he was, he approached the Yuanying again. This is a national protection artifact! The imperial artifact of the Great Jin Dynasty!

He absolutely could not bear it!

But... why does the other party also have an imperial artifact?

When the imperial artifact of the Great Ming Dynasty was dormant, it finally encountered the provocation of the imperial artifact of the Great Jin Dynasty, and finally woke up from its slumber and launched a dynasty duel!

In the sky, the shadowy figure finally turned around, his face blurred, two rays of light burst out of his eyes, staring at the shadow of Ming Taizu.

In his eyes, there was no Liu Mingyang and Xu Yangyi.

"Come on." Unlike the shadow of Ming Taizu, the Great Jin Dynasty is a real spirit. As he fell, all the golden dragons in a radius of tens of thousands of miles roared and swirled together, forming a huge golden vortex around Liu Mingyang. After a few seconds, only one golden dragon was left in Liu Mingyang's hand.

Liu Mingyang looked at his hand in astonishment, and he didn't listen to his command... His hand was lifted by this golden dragon, and he didn't listen to his command at all!

The decisive battle between the founding emperors and the founding emperors, he Liu Mingyang/has no qualifications to intervene!

"Tell me your name." The golden dragon made a low sound. As if hearing this provocation, the next second, the shadow of Ming Taizu also began to shrink crazily, and all the golden lights gathered towards Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi's eyes shrank. Is this the so-called "another spring"?

In a desperate situation, the situation turned into a duel of imperial weapons. Borrowing their bodies, a decisive battle of dignity between the two dynasties?

He could feel that his body was being repaired rapidly, and an indescribable aura was gathering towards his arms.

"It's not spiritual energy..." He closed his eyes, pondered for a few seconds, and said affirmatively: "This is... luck!"

"Part of China's luck!"

At this moment, the Xuanyuan Sword Master who was sitting on the Great Wall suddenly opened his eyes.

Around him, five sword boxes hummed. As if they were about to break free.

"Son of luck?" A hint of surprise flashed in his old eyes, as if he had traveled through thousands of miles and looked in the direction of Qingcheng Mountain.

Qingcheng Mountain, with a condensing sound of swishing, when the golden light disappeared, Xu Yangyi's arms burst into a sky-high light.

Completely changed!

Exquisite patterns were engraved on it, with a cold light, and the shape was more terrifying and weird, and the size was also larger. It looked like the reincarnation of the god of death.

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief.

The spiritual energy was gone, but Liu Mingyang also had very little left. After waving the national protection artifact three times, how much spiritual energy could he have left?


The next second, his figure was like lightning, and he rushed to Liu Mingyang first with golden light.

Then... next, it was just a pure physical fight!

There was no sound, no trace, but Liu Mingyang's pupils suddenly became sharp. The opponent's wolf poison figure was extremely fast, without a trace of fireworks, but... he felt an unspeakable fear.

The emperor's anger, millions of corpses.

However, before he could finish thinking, facing this seemingly powerless impact, the golden dragon in his hand let out a long roar and shot straight at it without hesitation.

"Swish" sneaked into the night with the wind, everything was silent, the two sounds touched each other without any movement, and then, it was a huge explosion covering the sky!

"Boom!" The strong wind swept thousands of miles, and the flags of both sides were almost blown down. Countless people watched this scene in the sky. This battle would determine the winner of the first battle. At this level, they were not able to intervene at all. Even if they cheered, they dared not speak loudly for fear of shocking the gods in the sky.

"Kill!!!" After Liu Mingyang was stunned, he had recovered. Both of them were pushed to the forefront. He no longer hesitated and completely risked his life. The exquisite swordsmanship turned into a sea tide. In the nest of ten thousand dragons, golden light overflowed, stirring up the wind and clouds in all directions.

What greeted him was Xu Yangyi's impenetrable shadow rushing to the sky. Just as he took over, the golden light in all directions suddenly trembled!

"How could it be?!" Liu Mingyang's heart almost stopped beating, and he looked at Xu Yangyi in shock. This blow actually made him feel like he couldn't hold the golden dragon.

Xu Yangyi had a cruel smile on his face, and he didn't answer him at all. Chongxiao only saw the afterimage, just like a giant spirit, slashing down again and again with all his strength!

"Boom boom!!" The whole world seemed to be trembling.

Finally entered...

I have never been forced by anyone... the hunting circle of physical cultivators...

Since practicing Qianli Bulixing, he has always taken the initiative to attack, and has never been in a situation where he has lost all his spiritual power and only relied on his body to decide life and death. And today, Liu Mingyang actually did this.

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