
Chapter 837: Breakthrough to Nascent Soul (I)

First of all... I kneel down to express my regret to you all... I am a prophet, no... I went out to do things again today, and I didn't get to Taoist school until 6 o'clock in the evening. I quickly wrote a chapter,

There are also plans for 2 more updates...I'll go! I broke my promise, everyone, please forgive me...definitely tomorrow! real! absolute! It’s okay, I can definitely resume 2 updates!

@! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@

"Dang!" The sword was as fast as a sword, and it was waved into the sky into a ball of golden light, and golden spiritual energy broke through the sky. Xu Yangyi slashed with all his strength, and as the swords collided with each other, golden sparks were drawn out. Two pairs of eyes looked at the opponent with murderous intent through the rising spiritual energy.

"Kill!!" The two of them burst into boiling roars almost in unison. Xu Yangyi used all his strength, and the sky reflected the brilliance of death in the sun. The half-moon-shaped sword light came one after another, almost wrapping himself into a golden circle. ball.

As dense as a shower and as fast as a shooting star, Liu Mingyang did not retreat at all. His beard and hair were all golden, and the dragon in his hand turned into thousands of streams of light, facing the sky full of sword light.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" A crashing sound sounded loudly, and the overwhelming golden light instantly tore apart the surrounding space. The collision between imperial weapons and the two powerful men who inherited the will of the dynasty competed. No one dared to enter within a hundred miles, and it turned into an absolute dead zone.

No one will take a step back. They are the flags of both sides and are related to the final outcome of this battle.

Xu Yangyi felt his arm sore with every collision, but the more he fought, the braver he became. He only had Liu Mingyang in his eyes. As long as the opponent didn't defend himself well, the huge soaring sky would immediately end up being split into two halves.

"That's it?" After more than ten minutes of frantic collision, the golden light was so overwhelming that no one could be seen clearly, and the murderous aura turned everything into ashes. Xu Yangyi finally asked coldly.

"Is this the dynasty's national-protecting artifact?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky suddenly erupted into a roar, as if the emperor had finally ascended the throne and was overlooking the pride of the world.

He suddenly experienced the feeling of Ming Taizu who was able to see the mountains at a glance.

"Roar!!!" Just as golden light shot into the sky, the dragon coiled in Liu Mingyang's hand roared wildly, and the opponent gasped. The sword light was even more fierce than before!

If it was said that the stormy waves were crashing on the shore before, at this moment, the world is about to collapse. The violent sword light seems to have been insulted. A three-hundred-meter-long golden dragon roars out from the sword, with its beard and hair flying, without any unnecessary nonsense. , roared and rushed towards Xu Yangyi.

However, this dragon has no eyes.

Dynasties can be destroyed, but emperors cannot be humiliated!

This is the wrath of an emperor.

Liu Mingyang gritted his teeth, and the spiritual energy in his body rushed into Panlong like a tide. This was far beyond the speed he could absorb, and it was still digging out spiritual energy from his blood and bones. He knew very well that if this continued... at most one As a child, he would be sucked and fucked.

"Half an hour..." However, there was no trace of retreat in his eyes, only the determination to kill Xu Yangyi's formation on the spot, his eyes were like blood: "That's enough..."

"As long as I can kill you with Wolfsbane, it doesn't matter if I leave this life here in its true form!"

"Wolfsbane..." He took a deep breath, put down the resistance caused by the sudden absorption of spiritual power, and instead let go completely, shouting an earth-shattering shout: "Death!!"

As if sensing his state of mind, the golden light of the coiled dragon in his hand shone again, this time with traces of blood. All the blood was condensed into the dragon's eyes, and in an instant, the final two strokes were added.

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly narrowed. The imperial energy contained in this golden dragon was several times that of before... or even ten times!

"Roar!!!" The golden dragon instantly burst out with thousands of golden lights, and then turned into small golden dragons and shot away. In just the blink of an eye, Xu Yangyi was surrounded by endless golden dragons.

Immediately afterwards, the sea of ​​golden dragons rushed toward him crazily.

"Fuck..." In front of Xu Yangyi's eyes, there was a brilliant golden galaxy. He only had time to say this one word. In the next second, he waved light and shadow into the sky to keep out all the golden dragons.

"Stuck!" With each impact of the golden dragon, the sky made a crisp sound. This time, the little dragon was much more violent than before. It was like a hell of blades surrounding him. The extremely sharp sky appeared innumerable in a few seconds. crack. With a burst of light. His eyes suddenly went dark.

All the golden dragons gathered together, and he... was actually held in the mouth of the previous giant dragon!

In his body, Ming Taizu's imperial energy roared unwillingly. As the founding king, he was never willing to submit to others. Waves of golden imperial energy rushed toward the sky. The moment the dragon's mouth closed, Xu Yangyi suddenly pressed the upper and lower jaws of the dragon's mouth with his sky.

"Kakaka!" The skeleton immediately let out an overwhelmed whine, and his eyes were a little red. It seemed balanced just now, but only he knew the difference. Without the support of a real imperial weapon, Chongxiao is not considered an imperial weapon, and it is far from it. The other party is not just a remnant spirit but a real weapon spirit. It is already good to be able to support him until now.

"If you give me a real imperial weapon..."

"You still dare to struggle?!" Liu Mingyang laughed out loud when he saw this, his body's spiritual power poured out unreservedly, and his golden beard and hair actually began to turn white. At the same time, the golden dragon's eyes shot out a hundred-meter-long divine light, and its figure skyrocketed again. With a thunderous roar of "Roar!!!", the two rows of blade-like teeth finally closed completely.

"That's it?!" Liu Mingyang looked up to the sky and screamed: "How dare a mere remnant talk about that!?"

The whole place fell into dead silence, and there was only a golden red color in the sky. The golden light of the Ming Dynasty was completely swallowed up, and the golden dragon was majestic, like a god patrolling the sky.

As soon as Chao Yangzi moved, someone immediately grabbed him: "What are you doing!"

"Of course I'm going to save people!" Chaoyangzi didn't even look back, his eyes were blood red: "Fellow Taoist Wolf Venom is the commander-in-chief of Qingcheng Mountain! And...he must not be defeated!"

"Then what can you do?!" The person behind him was equally anxious, but still maintained a trace of reason: "This is an artifact to protect the country! Without the luck of a country, it can only seek death in an instant!"

"Then look at them again!" Chao Yangzi suddenly turned around and spoke in a trembling voice, running her fingers across the intertwined black and white waves below. The person behind him looked at it and his heart trembled. At the same time that Xu Yangyi was swallowed up, Zhenwujie shouted to kill Zhentian, and the dense black tide was crushing towards the white with all its strength. No matter how bloody the Chinese monks fight, when faced with opponents several times more numerous than themselves, they can only kill the enemy with determination and are unable to save the day.

"That's why you can't make unnecessary sacrifices!" The person behind him said anxiously: "No matter what, we must guard the mountain gate until Xu Zhenjun comes out!"

"What about Fellow Taoist Wolf Venom?"

"You are crazy! Where is this place? This is the gate of China! The Zhenwu Realm has opened up the entire Xinjiang Province! Once the Qingcheng Mountain Ancestral Court is lost, billions of Zhenwu Realm locusts will immediately descend on Yunnan and Guizhou, and the troops are approaching Chongqing! Next! It’s the hinterland of China! Half of China is going to fall. Is this the time to care about one person’s gain or loss?”

Hua Yangzi stood behind him, closed his eyes, his eyelids trembled, and his voice was hoarse and choked: "I understand that Wolfsbane alone can stop a million troops. But... we can't do this! Once the ancestral court is lost, Xu Zhenjun comes out to meet Against millions of enemies, half of China is in danger! What’s even more terrifying is that the opponent will soon come to the front lines of the Demon City... By then... Shandong and Suzhou and Hangzhou will soon turn into a hell on earth... The tragedy of the Demon City will happen to you! Do you want to do it again?"

Chao Yangzi stared at the other party blankly for a long time before letting out a long sigh, silently but extremely heavily, and bowed deeply to the golden dragon hovering in the sky.

It’s not that we don’t want to save him.

But it can't be saved.

The building was about to collapse, but the real martial arts world turned the tide in the hands of Liu Mingyang, and actually pulled back Xu Yangyi's morale as he started a series of actions. Without the support of morale, the million-strong army ahead was definitely no match for the endless black tide.

"Mingjin harvest..."

Just before these four words were finished, there was a burst of laughter in the sky. Liu Mingyang was hearty and hearty. Countless golden dragons were coiled around him, like a giant spirit god descending. The golden dragon sword pointed downwards, strategizing and dominating the world.

"Wolfsbane is dead!"

His voice was like a yellow bell, penetrating the heaven and earth: "In the whole world, there is nothing but the king's land, and on the shore of the land, there is nothing but the king's ministers."

"Taoist, kneel down and surrender immediately and open the door to Chengdu. I can agree to spare your lives!"

The sound reached heaven and earth, and the entire battlefield fell silent.

The strong wind blew through Liu Mingyang's beard, hair, clothes and sleeves. Although he had dedicated hundreds of years to his life, he had never felt so clear and comfortable. His eyes were like a god, scanning the whole place: "Tell me the truth again."

"Wolfbane has died under the Jin Dynasty's national protection artifact. Your Excellency Qi Ling personally killed him."

"If Qingcheng Mountain does not surrender within a moment, you will be waiting for the memorial day next year!"

After a few seconds of silence, earth-shattering cheers rang out from below: "Zhenwu is victorious!" "Liu Xiang is undefeated!!" At the end, it turned into a neat voice that shocked the mountains and rivers.

"Surrender without killing!!!"

All the Chinese monks looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment. The feeling of millions of people shouting for death and being ambushed from all directions in the mountains and river valleys was really heartbreaking.

Chao Yangzi closed his eyes in pain, and after a long time he hissed: "Morale has been lost..."

"Mingjin harvest..."

Before he finished speaking, a pure white light suddenly illuminated the world.

"This is..." Liu Mingyang was stunned, then took a breath and looked in one direction in disbelief.


This is... the place where the golden dragon is?

In his eyes, a picture appeared that made him dumbfounded. Above the golden dragon's head, a white light penetrated the sky and the earth. Moreover... this white light is very thin, not thick, and... a shadow is looming in it. Around the shadow, pieces of extremely gorgeous talismans were slowly opening.

"This is... a sword?" Liu Mingyang was stunned. He held the coiled dragon golden sword in his hand, but suddenly let out an unbearable scream. desire.

It’s an expectation and a luxury.

It understood that this... was what the Ming Taizu really wanted to come up with. The previous ones were just positioning. The residual spirit was indeed no match for the weapon spirit. Although they were both founding emperors, the other party had ways to truly defeat it. Your own way!

For the first generation of emperors who opened up new territories, a hearty battle may be something that they have always longed for after holding the jade seal, but could never do it.

Everyone is looking here. Something is about to come out of the shadow.

Qingling, Cornucopia, a young nobleman transformed by spiritual energy was gently playing the flute under the money tree. Suddenly, his whole body moved suddenly. A beam of light brushed down from the top of his head, and countless runes spread out beside him.

"This is..." He was stunned for a moment, and a touch of shock finally appeared in his usually calm eyes: "Taizu?"

The next second, he had no chance to refuse, and his entire figure was sucked into the talisman.

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