
Chapter 838: Breakthrough to Nascent Soul (Part 2)

Suddenly a sudden change occurs.

There was deathly silence below, and between black and white, there was a sea of ​​blood. Millions of people collide, and countless people die every second. But now, the injured, the dying, and the fighting people all raised their heads and looked at the place in the sky where the talismans were blooming.

On the floating boat, the gorgeously dressed woman's face was ashen and she was clinging to the railing. The waiter beside her wanted to speak, but before she could speak, the woman said in a deep voice: "Get out..."

In the Dajin Palace, more than a dozen waiters were putting bandages on Su Changqing. He pushed everyone away violently, used his remaining spiritual power to turn into a golden light, and barely flew into the air.

Swish, swish, swish, just as he flew up, several figures appeared at the same time. They were the geniuses who had survived the general battle before. Everyone gritted their teeth, glanced at each other, and immediately looked towards the battlefield.

Just in front of Liu Mingyang, in the beam of light projected from the starry sky, the shadow of a long sword slowly emerged.

Purity cannot be blasphemed, nobility cannot be ignored. Domineering, unattainable. It was just a shadow, and the surrounding space seemed to be sanctified, filled with a pure white halo.

It's like the kingdom of God.

"This is..." Chu Wumian glanced at the sky, where a star appeared in the daytime, projecting thousands of starlights.

"Purple Micro Star...Emperor Star has arrived..."

Ancestor Lanxue was stunned for a moment, staring at the field: "Winning or losing... I'm afraid it will happen in an instant..."

The light beam became brighter and brighter, and the shadow became more and more solid. Liu Mingyang looked ahead with great solemnity. Layers of extremely mysterious talismans were unfolding in the air, and the golden dragon in his hand... no longer obeyed his control at all. Trembling and roaring, not in substance, but in his soul, his blood.

That's not fear.

But the real fighting spirit is boiling, and the chess match is tit for tat.

"Boom!!!" Before he could finish the sentence, the huge golden dragon burst into flames and turned into countless swimming dragons coiling around. Each dragon did not roar, but the divine light burst out from its eyes. Hundreds of dragon eyes stared at the center. silhouette.

Like the reincarnation of the God of War, the javelin-like figure stood tall and stole the attention of millions of people. But the most eye-catching thing is the pure white sword in his hand.

Pure Jun!

In response to the call of Ming Taizu, we came across thousands of mountains and rivers!

Xu Yangyi's chest rose and fell, his eyes flickered as he raised Chunjun in front of him, flicked it, and a dragon's roar resounded through the sky.

"Ming this your sustenance?" Looking at the pool of autumn water in front of him, which reflected a young and resolute face, at this moment, the blood in his heart almost burned.

A founding emperor, who had been sleeping for thousands of years, felt the provocation of the Jin emperor. A trace of his residual spirit summoned Chunjun to come and entrust everything to him.

His thoughts were connected, and with the sound of "Boom!", a golden cloud appeared behind him, and a power he had never felt before slowly rose.

It's like... you can wave the clouds with just a raise of your hand, and you can level the country with just a raise of your feet.

"Emperor's Qi..." Xu Yangyi's eyes moved, and the golden clouds from all directions rushed towards his body. This was not spiritual energy. The spiritual energy had been used up long ago, and he could not even make a seal. But he felt that his whole body was filled with inexhaustible power.

"Brush..." Chunjun raised his head and pointed directly at Liu Mingyang's throat: "Three swords."

"Defeat you."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body turned into a stream of light. Between the interplay of light and shadow, Chunjun turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky.

"Dragon Broken Platform!"

When the sword came out, Liu Mingyang looked solemn, and he thought it was so powerful. However, there was no trace of murderous intent.

It's like a gentle breeze on a summer night, with thousands of fireflies filling the sky.

"When..." A clear and desolate sound suddenly sounded from all the surrounding space, and the light in the sky formed a tsunami of mountains and mountains. An ancient door hundreds of meters high rose from the tsunami.

The first sword, the sound of phoenix flute, the light of jade pot, and the dance of fish and dragon all night long.

"Boom!!!" The golden and white light exploded instantly, turning into a brilliance of death. I don't know how many people were watching this scene intently. In the next second, with a muffled groan, a figure flew out upside down. As he retreated rapidly, blood spread for hundreds of meters.

"Brush!" I don't know how many people who were paying attention here all stood up.

Ordinary monks are watching, Foundation Establishment monks are watching, and Master Jindan is also watching!

On the top of Qingcheng Mountain, three real people of the Yang generation suddenly leaned out and looked at everything in front of them in shock.

Two imperial weapons collided, the dignity of the two emperors collided, and the result... was a crushing defeat?

"This is it!" The eyes of all the geniuses in the Dajin Palace suddenly opened. They could see clearly, but they could not accept it.

Without it, the figure flying upside down actually carried golden dragon energy.

However, there was no time for anyone to react.

Just as the golden figure flew out upside down, a figure covered in white light followed him like a shadow. Pure Jun rolled through the wind and clouds in the sky, and his voice was like the reaping reaper.

"The second sword." Xu Yangyi rushed forward, the sword lights overlapped, and the tsunami of spiritual energy roared. Between the huge doors, a majestic and noble figure loomed. All the spiritual energy gathered behind him and rolled into a huge white spiritual energy funnel, with the tip pointed directly at Liu Mingyang.

The white horse passes through the gap, and the youth is blooming in an instant.

Liu Mingyang's whole body was illuminated brightly, and he felt it... I don't know how many people are paying attention to this place now. He can't lose... If the artifact that protects the country is lost, the battle at the southwest gate of Zhenwu Realm will be completely blocked.

He took a deep breath, and his spiritual energy rushed wildly throughout his body. With a scream, the left half of his body was completely sunken, but his eyes showed a fierce and desperate light like a lone eagle.

"The true form is invincible, and true martial arts are invincible..." The endless golden light condensed on the coiled dragon, forming a sacred golden dragon sword. His mutilated body screamed and rushed forward without any hesitation: "A mere ancient Emperor, dare to behave wildly in front of Emperor Zhenwu!"

"Destroy the truth!!!"

Ten thousand golden dragons gathered in the sea and turned into a nine-clawed giant dragon. It roared and rushed forward. Wherever it passed, the sky instantly collapsed and countless cracks appeared.

"Boom!!!" There was an earth-shaking loud noise, and in the flash of light, a skinny figure screamed and flew out again.

"How is that possible!!" All the talented geniuses who were recuperating in the Dajin Palace exclaimed in shock.

"Both swords were defeated?!" Su Changqing suddenly stood up from meditating. The movement was too big, and the scar on his chest immediately burst and dyed his clothes red. But he ignored it and stared at the battlefield: "Why...why on earth is this!"

"This is my sacred weapon to protect the country of the Jin Dynasty..." Bai Lianxin couldn't believe it at all: "I have never been defeated... but... I was defeated by the remnant spirit of an ancient emperor?!"

No one dared to speak. Below the palace, countless monks looked at this scene in shock. Three swords? Really three swords? Can three swords defeat the country-protecting artifact?

"Am I, the ancient emperor of the Jin Dynasty, not as good as the ancient emperor of China!" The Blood Hand Taoist hissed and stood up, his body trembling, and the feeling of unwillingness and dissatisfaction was tangled in his heart. What on earth can this person... do? After defeating twenty-two geniuses, he could still defeat the divine weapon that protects the country?

Isn't he a monster? !

A violent shock wave streaked across the sky, and Liu Mingyang's face was still stiff with an expression of disbelief. He was directly knocked away thousands of meters like a puppet, and his blood was scattered in the sky.

The shocked expression was still on his face, and a man's figure appeared in his pupils again.

Without words or expressions, he walked in the void with his sword in hand. With every step he took, the space shook slightly, and he jumped high with murderous intent filling the sky.

A sword against the light, but cut through the light.

"The last sword, Wuming." Xu Yangyi looked indifferent, and Chunjun reflected the splendor of death in the sunlight: "Remember my name."

"With this real person around, you can never even think about stepping into the country."

At this critical moment, the coiled dragon in his hand suddenly burst out with several ancient runes. Liu Mingyang's pupils turned into needle-point shapes, and his body was suddenly pressed by an invisible force. Then, he only felt a coldness on the top of his head and an overwhelming feeling. Strong wind pressure passed overhead.

"Ha..." In the Dajin Palace, on the top of Qingcheng Mountain, all the movable golden elixirs were looking towards this place.

No one could sit still. The three real people of the Yang generation were trembling, their eyes were looking at the sky in shock, their lips were trembling, and they could not say a word.

More than a dozen geniuses looked at the sky blankly. After an unknown amount of time, Ancestor Lanxue took a few steps back, covering his heart: "Oh my god..."

Liu Mingyang felt the hair on his back stand on end. Half a second later, he was about to straighten up. Suddenly, "Swipe, pull, pull..." there was a crisp sound, the purple gold crown was broken into two sections, and the white hair on its head was scattered.

Looking at the golden crown that was split in two in shock, he raised his head, and before he even looked at it, he saw a scene that made his heart stop.

There is a white sword mark left in the sky.

I don't know its length, I don't know its width, it spans the entire Qingcheng Mountain... No, the sky in the middle of the Sichuan seems to split the entire Dujiangyan area in half.

"This is the land of the whole world. Is it the land of the king? Is it the land of the king? Is it the ministers of the king?" Xu Yangyi's cold voice came from far behind him: "This is the land of China. Only the emperor of China can order it. Next, the world is turned upside down."

"You, no."

You, no.

These four words, like thunder, rushed into the ears of the dull monk below.

There was deathly silence in all directions.

Above the Zhenwu world, countless people were dumbfounded, saying three swords, just three swords. Each sword stabbed their remaining confidence into pieces. As the last sword thrust out, they heard the sound of their hearts breaking.

"Gudu..." I don't know who swallowed, but no one could say a word. Only the black flags were left buzzing.

Out of control...

Liu Mingyang closed his eyes in pain.

Totally out of control...

I thought I could turn the tide, but I didn't expect that I was nothing in front of this monster! Holding the artifact to protect the country, he was actually defeated by the remnant spirit of the emperor of China. Now, even the Coiling Dragon Sword no longer conveys consciousness.

The silence below will soon usher in a crazy outbreak. At that time... the white wave will blow the horn of counterattack and completely block the Zhenwu banner from the country.

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