
Chapter 839: Breakthrough to Nascent Soul (Part 3)

Liu Mingyang stared at the figure in front of him. He would remember this figure for the rest of his life.

"Now that you know why there are weapon spirits, aren't you still a match?"

In the center of the sword mark, Xu Yangyi pointed his long sword at Liu Mingyang's throat and asked in a deep voice.

"You don't answer, are you afraid? Or are you unwilling?"

Liu Mingyang lowered his head, as if he couldn't accept the fact that he was knocked thousands of meters away while holding the national defense weapon. After a long time, he suddenly laughed like an owl.


He laughed in a low voice, and suddenly laughed wildly towards the sky: "Hahahaha!"

"Why not!"

"Why not!!!"

"Wolf Poison!" He lowered his head fiercely, looking at the other party like a cannibal: "I understand... I know... You want to say that this is because of the difference in the carrier? Right?"

"You want to tell me that you are stronger than me. Even if the two imperial weapons have the same power, you can suppress me?"

He took a few breaths, looked down, and suddenly took on a touch of softness: "Look... So many people below are watching the result of our battle. From your general's fighting power to defeat all the Tianjiao of Dajin. To me turning the tide, and now you have turned the situation back... It's really like a dream..."

Xu Yangyi suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Without any hesitation, he turned into golden light, and the white dragon stretched out his claws, rushing towards Liu Mingyang with all his strength.

"You are worthy of being the one who can defeat all the Zhenwu Tianjiao..." Liu Mingyang faced the attack without dodging or even any defensive action, muttering: "I am old... I am indeed not as good as you. As a carrier, I am a failed carrier..."

"I guess the spirit of the weapon is also blaming me..."

Xu Yangyi held Chunjun tightly, and Chunjun seemed to feel the great danger. The tip of the sword trembled and pulled out a long white rainbow, pointing directly at Liu Mingyang's heart.

"But... I can't retreat... As one of the five elders of the Zhenwu world, the Jin Houzhu knows too much... If he lets you catch him, the consequences... are unimaginable..."

"Maybe this is the turning point of this war of all realms..."

"There is no right or wrong in this war, but I can't retreat..."

The sword light came over him, spanning thousands of meters. Just as it approached Liu Mingyang's chest, he suddenly stabbed his chest. The flashing golden dragon rushed into his chest completely.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi's sword also pierced the opponent's chest.

"Prime Minister Liu!" Almost everyone in the Jin Dynasty exclaimed.

Three swords broke the national protection artifact, and the last sword killed Prime Minister Liu.

It also killed their hope of a thousand battles this time.

"Yes." Xu Yangyi looked at everything in front of him and said in a deep voice: "There is no right or wrong. There is only victory or defeat."

"But, I can't retreat either."

"Puff" Chunjun was drawn out, and there was no trace of blood on the elegant and noble sword. The pure white sword brought up a rain of blood and sprayed on Xu Yangyi in front of him.

Liu Mingyang opened his already distracted eyes: "Unfortunately, you are not in my Zhenwu Realm."

Xu Yangyi looked at the other party calmly: "Unfortunately, you are not on Earth either."

Liu Mingyang nodded with his last strength and squeezed out a strange smile: "Then, please die."

"Boom!!!" A golden light burst from his chest, and golden dragons burst out from his seven orifices and every pore, making him instantly become a huge light man.

"Prime Minister Liu!!!" All the people who saw this scene in the palace of Dajin exclaimed.

"Sacrifice yourself to the sword..." Bai Lianxin trembled and said, "Prime Minister Liu... can actually do this... He, his Liu family lineage, from him to the end..."

On the floating boat, the woman stood up suddenly and looked at this scene in disbelief.

As the golden light gradually rippled, Liu Mingyang's breath became weaker and weaker, and the power of the Panlong Golden Sword was obviously getting stronger and stronger!

"Ka Ka Ka..." With a crisp sound, it seemed that some seal was unveiled. Ancient and mysterious talismans surrounded Liu Mingyang, who was already surrounded by golden light, and then... a towering shadow appeared in the infinite golden light.

He was only the size of an ordinary person, but standing there, it made people feel like looking up at the starry sky.

He was wearing imperial clothes, with his back to everyone, no matter from which angle he looked. Because mortals cannot miss the face of heaven.

That's it! !

The moment it appeared, Xu Yangyi's mind was alarmed! This needle-like sense of crisis, this feeling of being on the back... made him retreat hundreds of meters without hesitation.

However... it was too late.

"If the king wants his subjects to die, the subjects have to die." The shadow slowly raised his hand: "I am the founding emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty, Emperor Pingwu, and also the spirit of this sword. You deserve praise for letting me personally take action."

Before the voice fell, a golden light rushed straight to Xu Yangyi's head.

It was so fast that there was no time to react at all! It was so thin that it was just like an ordinary three-foot green sword. But wherever it passed, the feeling of being as majestic as a mountain and as majestic as the sea... It actually made Xu Yangyi's hair stand up!

At least a blow at the level of Yuanying!

Liu Mingyang sacrificed himself to the sword, and the spirit of the sword took action personally. This blow seemed casual, but in fact it contained tens of thousands of meters of imperial energy into just three meters. As long as it hit, he would be killed.

Without any time to hesitate, Chongxiao defended himself in front of him. When the sword energy rushed into the range of a thousand meters, his beard, hair and clothes were blown like a strong wind.

In his pupils, there was no sword energy, but a death god with full killing intent.

At this moment, Chunjun suddenly made a buzzing sound, and the next second, a white light appeared.

The elegant young man who had been seen once in Qingling floated out holding a jade flute. His whole body was made of spiritual power. He looked at Xu Yangyi deeply, said nothing, and raised his hand to reveal a golden book.

"Swish!" The golden book unfolded in the wind, carved with dragons and phoenixes, and was extremely luxurious. At the moment of unfolding, it swelled in the wind, and it actually spread to a size of 100 meters in a split second. And on it... four large vermilion characters burst out with thousands of red lights!

As if I were here in person!

Below, a small seal was written with the four large characters "Hongwu Emperor"!

This is the title of Emperor Taizu of Ming!

"Boom!!!" The sword energy entered within 500 meters and exploded! It was like a stream before, but it immediately turned into a huge wave of hundreds of meters. And the four large characters as if I were here in person twisted rapidly, and in an instant, a space vortex of hundreds of meters appeared in the void!

"Swish!" All the clouds and mists quickly condensed into the vortex, and the tide of the imperial energy actually slowed down. Everyone was stunned, the change was too fast! There is no time for people to react at all!

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but took a step back for this kind of protection.

"Dad..." In Dantian, the voice of the phantom screamed nervously: "Leave! Leave quickly! Yes, there is a monster stronger than my mother coming!"


Xu Yangyi's heart seemed to be grasped by an invisible giant hand. He suddenly remembered that the mother he was talking about was either Xiaoqing or Nanhua Butterfly Mother... In other words...

The monster inside... is stronger than Xiaoqing?

Surpassing Taixu?

"What is this?!" A frightened cry suddenly came from the sky.

That was Xiahou.

His voice was filled with unspeakable fear. It was as if he had returned to tens of thousands of years ago, when the earth, the Zhenwu Realm was still the fairyland, and Xu Kunlun still needed the fear of the pilgrimage moment.

After the two words, as if he was afraid of something, he dared not speak again.

The vortex condensed for three seconds, and in the fourth second, a dragon-like voice sounded in it.

"Who dares to touch my Chinese Taoist tradition?"

Before he finished speaking, a giant hand made of golden light slapped out from the vortex!

Fast and strong!

It can no longer be described in words. If it is a feeling, it is just one word: strong!

There is no other feeling, because other feelings are simply indescribable!

"Boom!" The giant hand accurately pinched the sword energy that was exploding. The originally violent sword energy was like an earthworm at this moment, wriggling in the golden giant hand.

"Snap..." With a light touch, the terrifying sword energy actually disappeared!

At the moment when the sword energy disappeared, the giant hand of light slowly retracted into the vortex. All this was as fast as a white horse passing by, as if it had never appeared at all.

Except Xu Yangyi and Xiahou, no one knew that a terrifying monster had just walked on the battlefield.

"This is..." There was a dead silence all around, and Xu Yangyi finally said in a deep voice: "Don't tell this Ming Taizu?"

This is ridiculous. People from a thousand years ago are still alive? And they can come from a distance? If they can, what are they afraid of the Zhenwu Realm?

"I don't know either." Chunjun was beside him, and his handsome face finally showed a touch of shock: "This is what Guangzong gave me, saying that it is his own bodyguard. The ancestors said that it must not be opened unless it is absolutely necessary. He never opened it when Xuanyuan Sword came."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and shook his head suddenly. What the result would be was not something he could consider now. In front of him, there was only one thing.

Mentioning Chunjun, he walked towards Liu Mingyang step by step. The other party was obviously dead. But, he wanted to be sure of what happened.

"It's almost like he won't die. He won't live for more than a minute." Chunjun frowned: "Sacrificing his body to the sword, his spiritual consciousness and physical body will all collapse. It's impossible to survive, no...wait..."

Xu Yangyi also found out, and he suddenly stopped. Because around him, countless white spiritual lights rushed out from all directions, quickly forming a spiritual vortex as high as ten thousand miles, protecting Liu Mingyang in the center.

He had never seen such a scene before. He was sure that there was no one else around. This was not a magical power, but the work of nature.

Chunjun was stunned for a moment, and then his voice suddenly rose: "Little guy! Kill him! Now! Quick!!"

Xu Yangyi rushed over without hesitation. He also felt that Liu Mingyang, who was already dead or dying, was actually filled with a magnificent vitality.

Whether it was Qingcheng Mountain or the Great Jin Dynasty, everyone who was already stunned was shocked by this scene. On the flying boat, the top of the Great Jin Palace was only for a moment, and suddenly a shocking roar came out: "Help!!!"

"Swish swish swish!" A stream of light broke through the sky, and the injured real people actually came out in full force. On the floating boat, two figures also soared into the sky, with a posture of fighting to the death, and rushed towards Xu Yangyi with all their strength.

The ten thousand meter long spiritual energy vortex in the sky had now turned into seven colors, like a colorful galaxy, and... became a huge funnel shape, silently falling towards Liu Mingyang's head.

Xu Yangyi took a breath of cold air.

He knew what this was...

The great enlightenment between the choice of life and death... finally broke through that layer of paper...

Liu Mingyang, advanced to the Nascent Soul stage!

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