
Chapter 840: Breakthrough to Nascent Soul (IV)

"Dang!" Xu Yangyi slashed with his sword, and the sword energy broke through the air. Just approaching a hundred meters, the invincible Chunjun was actually bounced away. Chunjun said in a deep voice: "No, he is now under the rule of the spiritual power of heaven and earth, which is more advanced than the emperor's energy and belongs to the will of the plane. It is not something that the emperor's weapon can cut."

"What should I do?" Xu Yangyi pursed his lips, his heart was extremely anxious. The Qingcheng Mountain battlefield was about to win back a city. He only needed to wait until Xu Fangyuan appeared and the Jin Houzhu would surrender. The opponent belonged to the absolute top of the Zhenwu world, and the things in his mind were too useful.

Maybe... this will become the Moscow Battle in World War II, turning the tide of the war in one fell swoop!

But the premise is that there must be no second Yuanying.

"There is no way." Chunjun's weapon spirit looked solemnly at the spiritual energy vortex that was spinning faster and faster in the sky: "Unless... you can break through the will of the plane... you, what are you doing?!"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi had already rushed towards the sea of ​​spiritual light.

"Boom..." Right in front of him, the huge spiritual energy turned into a storm. The sky lost its color. The war had been going on from morning till now and was approaching dusk. The blood-red sunset shone through the gaps in the spiritual light, smearing the 10,000-meter-wide spiritual energy vortex with a bloody color.

"How dare you!" "Stop!" "How dare you!" "One more step forward, I will kill you!"

Within 500 meters of the edge of the sea of ​​spiritual light, more than a dozen figures were ready to meet the enemy.

Su Changqing, Bai Lianxin, Lanxue Laozu, Chu Wumian... All the defeated Tianjiao gathered in front at this moment, and various magical powers complemented each other, forming a defense line of tens of thousands of meters wide, tightly surrounding the spiritual energy vortex behind.

Chunjun, who was loaded with imperial energy, completely erupted, and a white dragon phantom spread behind Xu Yangyi. Facing the tens of thousands of meters of ban in front, they did not retreat.

All the Tianjiao in the Zhenwu Realm took a deep breath, and facing the white dragon in front, they only felt the impact of facing an ancient giant beast. On a luxurious dragon-shaped floating airship, a woman in golden armor shouted angrily and turned into a green light and flew out.

"General!" The people behind him couldn't stop him and shouted anxiously.

"Stop talking nonsense!!" The woman's eyes were like blood, her three thousand black hair fluttered, and her delicate face was covered with frost: "Beat the military drum! The whole army is mobilized! We must protect Liu Xiang at all costs!!"

At the same time, five more rays of light flew out from the floating airships that filled the sky, and the generals of the eight expeditions rushed over together. They could no longer care about guarding the position. The birth of a Yuanying Zhenjun had too much impact.

Just as they rushed over, Xu Yangyi shouted loudly, like thunder: "Get out!!!"

Before the five expedition generals rushed over, the white dragon swept over more than a dozen Jindan like a long silver river. In an instant, there were exclamations, and all the Jindan couldn't get close!

"A bunch of trash!" The golden-armored woman held a Guandao, without a trace of beauty, but like a killing god descending, using the fastest speed in her body. Because of excessive shock and anger, her voice was a little hoarse: "This palace..."

"Boom!!" Before she finished speaking, Bai Long passed by, and the words that she had not finished speaking were completely blocked in her throat. The next second, she had vomited blood and flew backwards.

So strong!

This was her last thought before she fell.

She was in the middle stage of Jindan, but she was not a general in one round. This was because the other party's mind was completely not on her.

I already knew that the other party was very strong, but when I met him in person, I realized that there could be such a shocking difference between the same realm.

"Stop him..." The woman in golden armor stabilized her body and shouted with all her strength: "Where are the elites of the Zhenwu world! The National Defense Army! The Guardian Army! Where is the Jindan Zhenren! Where is the offering!!"

Her voice was hoarse, and she knew it was just a weak shout. Wherever Bai Long passed, all the Zhenwu Tianjiao flew backwards hundreds of meters away. At the same time, the drum of the Great Jin Dynasty, which had stopped for a long time, finally sounded again.

"Boom boom boom..." The sound shook the world, and hundreds of drums hundreds of meters high were struck at the same time, completely awakening everyone. Then, more than a dozen fireworks built by spiritual energy exploded.

"Shua la la..." The sky was colorful, overwhelming the blood light of the setting sun, as if to show that the war had reached its final moment. Ancient characters appeared in the sky one by one, Lanxue, Hongzhu, Beimang, Cangxi, Dongyun...

"Lanxue Dongtian Patriarch asks for help!" "Hongzhu Dongtian Daozi asks for help!" "Beimang Dongtian Saint asks for help!" "Cangxi Dongtian Elder asks for help!"

Below, everyone was stunned. This is a desperate help token that must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary. After this order is issued, no matter where you are, no matter what happens, you must all come to support. Those who violate the order are worse than death!

Sect Iron Law!

In less than ten seconds, all the caves in the sky far away opened their mountain gates at the same time, and a colorful light even covered the entire sky. Countless legions turned into streams of light and rushed here frantically.

At this moment, the east wind bloomed thousands of flowers at night, and blew down the stars like rain.

Streams of light streaked across the sky, and their faces could not be seen clearly. They looked like a group of meteors, and like the stars in the sunset. It was a spectacle and thrilling.

However... this sound also struck the nerves of the Chinese cultivators.

"Is this... the phenomenon of the Nascent Soul?" On the top of Qingcheng Mountain, Hua Yangzi was stunned for a moment, and then three streams of light rushed out indistinguishably. The front one did not hesitate at all, and a firework exploded in the air.

The thousand-meter spiritual light blue lotus bloomed, bringing up talismans all over the sky. All the cultivators on Qingcheng Mountain were stunned when they saw this scene.

"Tao Zong Ling?" In the back mountain, countless Taoists stood up and looked at the sky in shock. The next second, the Chinese side also soared with endless sword light shooting straight into the sky, pulling up a magnificent curtain in this sky.

In the back mountain, there was a ruined Taoist temple. Tens of thousands of Taoist priests and nuns sat quietly on the Bagua Square. Unlike other Taoist priests, they wore black and white Taoist robes and carried long swords. At the moment they saw Qinglian. Everyone opened their eyes, and tens of thousands of people rose into the air in unison.

"Chunyang Sword Sect, come to help!!"

Countless sword lights broke through the air and joined the sword light curtain that rose up in Qingcheng Mountain.

"Dang..." In the Laojun Temple on the top of the mountain, the Taoist bell that had never been rung was struck by 108 Taoists. In the ruined Taoist temples and magnificent palaces, countless streams of light broke through the air and turned into a dazzling galaxy.

"Wudang Sect, Taiji Dao is coming to help!" "Three thousand sword cultivators from Jiuhua Temple on Mount Hua are here!" "Heavenly Master Dao Fu cultivators are coming!"

The foundation of the Daoist tradition is also not weak. The Daoist tradition that has been rooted in China for thousands of years, once it erupts, its power is no less than that of the dynasty. The two curtains of flowing light are moving towards the spiritual energy vortex in the center with all their strength, like two dragons playing with a pearl.

"Are you crazy!!" Just a hundred meters before the vortex, Chunjun shouted angrily: "You are courting death if you go in like this!"

"The will of the plane, the rules of heaven and earth, you are not at the right time to contact these now! You are completely unable to resist the tearing of the spiritual energy storm! This vortex is a nourishing world for the other party, but a hell of resurrection for you! Don't you understand?!"

Xu Yangyi rushed forward at full speed without saying a word. Just behind him, nearly twenty golden elixir streamers followed. They were so angry that they were unable to stop it again. Once again, they watched the other party riding alone. Even this time, the other party didn't need to challenge!

What a humiliation!

His spiritual consciousness had been fully spread out. When he saw the two sides burst out in an instant, and a shocking light curtain of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of meters surged, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he was blocked...

He... had a glimmer of hope!

"Are you listening?" Chunjun finally couldn't maintain his noble appearance, and said coldly: "I understand your feelings, but if you go in now, you will die! I will also be buried in it!"

Fifty meters...

"No, you don't understand."

Xu Yangyi's voice suddenly sounded, without a trace of retreat: "You just need to look after the descendants of the Zhu family. You don't understand... the feeling of really fighting on the battlefield of hundreds of thousands of people, and only waking up from the corpses on the ground..."

Chunjun was stunned.

He understood, he understood very well. As the earliest holy sword to follow Ming Taizu, how could he not understand?

But he did not refute.

"That is hell on earth..." Xu Yangyi pursed his lips, and the blood-red sea of ​​Bohai Sea appeared in front of him again: "Only one side of the Zhenwu Realm and the Earth can survive. I can't let go of any opportunity!"

Thirty meters!

"Even if I sacrifice my life for this?" Chunjun finally spoke, but he stopped trying to stop her.

He understood better that there are things to do and things not to do.

Only by doing what others cannot do can one reach the top.

"Even so." Xu Yangyi said without hesitation: "And... I should not die."

"Boom!" The next second, he had already rushed into the vortex.

"Hua La La!" Countless aura halos immediately surged like a tsunami. At this moment, he seemed to be in the Milky Way, with stars rushing towards him. Chunjun took a deep breath, and the handsome man's appearance changed again. Just as he was about to defend, Xu Yangyi suddenly said in a deep voice: "No... Try your best and take me to Liu Mingyang, you should be able to find him!"

Chunjun gritted his teeth: "Are you really looking for death?!"

Before he finished speaking, the aura light spots in the sky had already rushed over crazily, and each point carried the terrifying truth of heaven and earth and the will of the plane. Not to mention the golden elixir, even the Nascent Soul dared not touch it. Chunjun closed his eyes tightly, while Xu Yangyi's eyes widened instead. The hearts of both of them almost stopped, waiting for the moment when the comet hit the earth.

However, when they were one meter away from Xu Yangyi, they all stopped.

"Swish!" Chunjun suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the scene in disbelief. Xu Yangyi sighed to the sky, and his fists finally relaxed.

His palms and backs were already sweating.

"Go!" He immediately gave orders, but there was no movement.

"Go!" He turned his head and glared at Chunjun beside him. Then, Chunjun broke out completely and rushed to the center of the vortex at a faster speed than before.

Wherever he passed, the stars retreated, like the master of the stars.

"How is it possible..." Chunjun trembled and said, "Starting from the Golden Core, every advancement of the great realm is protected by the will of the plane... You may not understand it yet, but I know... This is equivalent to breaking into the realm of the will of the plane. But... Now the will of the plane is actually giving you a break?!"

Xu Yangyi had no time to speak.

In his eyes, a sitting figure had appeared in the chaotic aura in front of him. An extremely powerful spiritual force, although disordered, is constantly adjusting.

He did not answer, because only he knew. Quetzalcoatl, as the incarnation of the world's will and the guardian of the second cultivation civilization, awakened a seed in his body.

This seed devoured the Primordial Beginning, or awakened itself. Based on this, he bet that the plane's will would never reject Quetzalcoatl, so... he boldly broke into this place.

Breaking into this... no one has ever entered, the absolute domain for others to advance to the Nascent Soul!

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