
Chapter 841: Awakening (I)

Across the vast galaxy, in infinite planes, a lonely planet moves forward rapidly.

This is not the solar system. I don’t know which galaxy it is. Occasionally, a huge and incomparable creature flies by. One of them stayed on the planet, and three seconds later, it suddenly screamed and jumped up.

"Swipe!" The planet was covered with yellow sand. At this moment, the yellow sand suddenly surged up, completely covering the creatures staying on the planet. The whole planet seemed like living creatures, and there was a sound of chewing, dragging the creatures into the yellow sand. In the sand.

Tens of minutes later, a disgusted voice sounded: "Ding Mo-level astral beasts... can't replenish much spiritual power..."

"However, even if there is only one tenth left when reaching the origin, it will be enough."

"Brush..." A huge eye opened in the yellow sand, the planet trembled, and the remains of flesh and blood were spit out into space. The low voice said slowly: "I feel again... the protection of the will of the plane... Has the son of destiny finally appeared in the origin place?"

"The Lord once said... Once he appears, he will be reported to him. But... Our original nature is to devour. The Lord... was only born tens of thousands of years earlier than me... If we can swallow the place of origin The son of destiny, I...may not be able to reach it."

"Haha... It's really worth looking forward to... Let me see where this little guy is first."

Rumbling, the planet moved faster, dragging out brilliant firelight in space.

Xu Yangyi didn't know all this, but Chunjun turned into a white dragon and flew him towards the center of the spiritual energy vortex.

Every time he passed one thousand meters, the spiritual energy became denser. Within five thousand meters, what appeared in front of him was no longer a whirlpool, but...the Milky Way!

The Milky Way with a radius of five kilometers is hovering like the universe, and in the center of the Milky Way, a figure is sitting in it. It is extremely small compared to the entire Milky Way. However, taking a look at it makes people feel majestic.

"If it weren't for the protection of the will of the plane, you would have been ground into powder now." Chunjun looked at the spiritual energy points that were constantly rotating around him: "These are the most original rules of the earth, not pure spiritual power. With your realm Contact with these things will lead to death and no life.”

"Even I can't enter other people's advanced fields. This will be of great benefit to you. When you advance to Nascent Soul in the future, the risk you took today will definitely pay off."

Xu Yangyi nodded deeply, but did not enter immediately. Instead, he looked solemnly at the Milky Way and suddenly asked: "Senior, do you feel... there is another breath of life in it?"

"Impossible." Chunjun immediately denied: "No life can violate the will of the plane, as long as it is on this plane. Advancement, this is the law of the plane. Unless..."

"Unless this life itself is in this person's body?" Xu Yangyi said immediately.

Chunjun nodded: "What did you think of?"

Xu Yangyi frowned and shook his head: "Maybe I felt wrong... I noticed an aura that was very disgusting to me. It seemed familiar, but completely different."

No longer dwelling on this issue, he took a deep breath, stepped on the dragon's back, and headed straight into the whirlpool.

"Kakaka..." As the white dragon passed by, the whirlpool split open layer by layer, four thousand meters...three thousand meters! The will of the plane ignored Xu Yangyi. Just as he entered the one-thousand-meter range, Xu Yangyi let out a clear roar and rushed towards the figure in the center of the galaxy with all his strength!

Outside, tens of millions of people have begun fighting to the death.

However, to untie the bell, one must tie it. Even if the outside world is victorious, here is the foundation of the foundation!

The sword's light was like a rainbow, and it instantly broke through 500 meters. Just as they entered within 500 meters, both of them gasped, and even Chunjun looked at the Milky Way in shock: "What the hell is this...?!"

Once he stepped into the absolute death zone of 500 the center of the Milky Way, a figure sat upright, beside him, little bits of spiritual energy gathered into stars, rotating towards the center.

However... these "stars" are all shapes!

There are people, there are dragons, there are phoenixes, there are all kinds of birds and animals, and there are countless, completely unknown creatures!

It's like an extremely complex biological map, all converging on Liu Mingyang at the center!

"It's unbelievable..." Chunjun stopped, and Liu Mingyang seemed to be dead, unconsciously saying: "I... have never seen such an advanced vision... let alone him, even the first generation and founding emperor, It is impossible to have such a vision when the imperial energy is advanced. No... this is no longer a vision, this is like awakening something... Little guy, what's wrong with you? I feel that your spiritual power is suddenly disordered. Get up?"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth,'s so wrong! From the moment he set foot here, he even felt a strange sense of warmth. This picture was like a map of biological evolution. While awakening Liu Mingyang, it seemed to awaken something in his body.

He took off the clothes on his chest, and a green light came out from there.

This is the triangular golden elixir.

"Leave me alone." He took a deep breath, suppressed the growing impatience in his heart, and gritted his teeth: "Let's go!"

The sword light rippled again, and the white dragon soared into the sky. The human sword merged into one, forming a long rainbow that pierced Liu Mingyang suspended in the air.

At this moment, Liu Mingyang's eyelids moved, and everything was spinning like the founding god, and he opened his eyes slowly and hard.

"Wolfsbane..." He spoke in a deep voice, and the entire galaxy trembled slightly because of his voice: "Is that you?"

There was no answer, only the sword light moving forward without any pause.

"I know it's you."

"I don't know why, but no one can enter the Nascent Soul Advancement Barrier, but once someone enters, the first thing I think of is you."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body had turned into a sea of ​​spiritual energy, like the wings of the god of death, rushing forward without retreating to the white dragon in front.

"Boom!!" A black spiritual energy spread out like a tide, spreading for thousands of meters, and a bright moon slowly rose in it.


Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly shrank, but his figure did not slow down at all. The next second, the white dragon broke into the evolutionary star map in the sky, and the entire galaxy of spiritual energy was shaking wildly.

"Kill!!!" The two of them didn't say anything else. The bright moon appeared behind Liu Mingyang. His body, which had been extremely shriveled due to the absorption of his life span, had already returned to its original state. He punched out with his bare hands, and even the space was buzzing.

"Be careful." Chunjun said in a deep voice: "Although he still has some time to reach the Nascent Soul stage, every second is getting stronger. Once you can't stop him before reaching the critical point, you must go!"

Xu Yangyi nodded in concentration. Now, time is everything.

A sword thrust out, Liu Mingyang did not dodge, and with a long roar, he punched Chunjun with a fist.

"Swish!" Infinite moonlight flashed, and the opponent's fist was actually without any scars. His eyes lit up, and then punched like rain.

"Bang!" Punch after punch, as if to vent the resentment of being suppressed and beaten before, he laughed wildly, punching like rain. Every punch caused countless black ripples, and fine talismans surrounded the left and right. Whenever it hit Chunjun, it would inevitably cause ripples of a hundred meters.

Boom, boom, the terrifying spiritual shock wave rippled around. Liu Mingyang was completely different from before, and the more he fought, the more fierce and fierce he became.

His hair and clothes were blown by the wind, and he felt... the feeling of strength from dying to rejuvenation and returning to his body. And... this feeling was getting stronger and stronger! More and more fierce!

Fierce enough to crush this immortal from the Unreturning Realm, whom he was extremely afraid of.

"Zizizizizi!!!" He suddenly raised his head and let out a completely inhuman scream. Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly narrowed and he instantly retreated a hundred meters.

Liu Mingyang himself was stunned.

"Liu Mingyang?" After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi asked in a deep voice.

"That's right..." Liu Mingyang looked at his hand in astonishment, touching his throat: "I, I am the prime minister of the Great Jin Dynasty, the Liu family... is as old as the Shangguan family... the founding clan, is... I am Liu Mingyang..."

Xu Yangyi held his sword across his chest with great caution: "Have you ever seen anyone advance to the Nascent Soul like this?"

In the sky, countless biological images slowly rotated, the dark background, the pure white pattern, making this place like the temple of the Creator, and it seemed like a prison nest that had swallowed countless creatures.

Something... is gathering in the center of all biological atlases, in the dark galaxy.

Liu Mingyang's chest rose and fell, he looked up at the sky, and then suddenly lowered his head: "I have never seen anyone enter the realm of others' advancement!!"

"Boom!!" Another punch, a circle of dark shock waves exploded, and Xu Yangyi retreated three hundred meters. Liu Mingyang rushed up at full speed like a madman.

"Questioning the advancement of the true form to the Nascent Soul?"

"Questioning the true form of the Nascent Soul phenomenon?!"

His voice became louder and louder, and his emotions became more and more broken. As he roared the last word, with a "sizzle", his back was covered with snow-white bone spurs.

And he was unconscious, but his speed was weird!

"I believe you a little now..." Chunjun took a deep breath, and his voice was unusually solemn: "This... is indeed not an ordinary vision of advancing to the Nascent Soul."

"There is really something else here!"

"What on earth can actually enter the rules of the world?"

There was no time for them to think. With a roar that was not like a human voice, Liu Mingyang's whole body swelled up, and the fist wind brought up black air all over the sky. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly, and he withdrew and left. Liu Mingyang laughed up to the sky: "Under the power of the true form of the Nascent Soul, you still want to escape?!"

"Boom!" A lightless area spread from under his feet, so fast that it instantly covered Xu Yangyi's whole body. In all directions, an invisible prison was formed. He was like a demon in the dark night, and one claw had already grabbed Xu Yangyi's head.


Xu Yangyi cursed in his heart, and without any reservation, he rushed forward with all his strength towards the black light. In an instant, the two of them kept shouting, and their fists brought rays of light. The sound of bang bang bang kept ringing. There was no movement at all. It was the trajectory of the wind. Only the sound and the figure that was about to leave were heard.

The black light exploded, covering a radius of one kilometer. A minute later, the two separated. In just sixty seconds, they hit each other more than hundreds of times.

Liu Mingyang was breathing heavily, and Xu Yangyi's chest rose and fell slightly, getting stronger and stronger... He could clearly feel that the opponent's strength was slowly increasing, and he was approaching the paper of Yuanying quickly.

At this moment, countless black lights emerged from his body, and runes emerged from under his skin and moved away from him.

"This is..." An absurd idea suddenly surged in his mind. He used up his last spiritual power to pinch the formula, but found that...

All magical powers were banned!

"This is not a domain. There is no spiritual energy fluctuation at all. I have had domains before, but this is definitely not it!" Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and looked at Liu Mingyang solemnly: "Who... are you?"

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