
Chapter 842: Awakening (Part 2)

"Zizzizi!" Liu Mingyang raised his neck happily and neighed toward the sky. His eyes were already red. This time, he was not surprised at all by his non-human neighing.

"Who am I?" His voice suddenly became indisputable, and he stared at Xu Yangyi: "Guess what? Little guy?"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly held his head and let out a sharp whine.

"Get out..." Liu Mingyang was trembling all over, his red eyes turned white in an instant, and he hugged his head tightly: "Get out..."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and the familiar yet unfamiliar breath became stronger and stronger. Suddenly, lightning flashed through his mind: "In the beginning?!"

Taichu! These two words struck Liu Mingyang like lightning. He stood there as dumb as a chicken. After a few seconds, he blinked.

"At the beginning?"

" am Liu Xiang! I am not Taichu...I am not..."

"Shuzi!" He yelled, as if to avoid the terrifying, sudden whisper in his mind like a tide, staring at Xu Yangyi with blood-like eyes: "Kill me, hundreds of thousands of monks in the Zhenwu world, and today, I will kill you. this!"

"Boom!" As his voice fell, the lightless area beneath his feet skyrocketed crazily, reaching a range of three thousand meters in an instant, with a bright moon looming in it.

"Submit your inner demons." Liu Mingyang looked at the sky with trembling eyes: "You will soon feel the beauty of Ben Zhenjun's domain, Jie Jie..."

Xu Yangyi looked solemn, and all the magical powers he had learned turned into talismans and left him. Moreover, after these talismans left his body, they quickly condensed toward the center and became crystals the size of black fists.

"Do you feel it? This feeling of despair and powerlessness..." Liu Mingyang was suspended in the air, arms spread out, as if embracing the universe: "In the realm of true nature, all magical powers are deprived of you. Without magical powers, you are just like a baby..."

Before he could finish his words, Xu Yangyi's figure rushed towards him again.

Getting faster and faster! As his magical power was withdrawn, a black aura came out of his body during the impact. Those were countless runes that were peeled off from various parts of his body.

"Five minutes..." Only the figure of the other party was reflected in his pupils: "After five minutes, all magical powers will be stripped away."

"Seeking death!!" Liu Mingyang raised his brows and shouted loudly. He had lost all his magical powers. Why should he fight with me? !

Since you are looking for death, then I will grant you death!

"Kill!!!" With a roar, he flew up. He had absolute confidence in this battle. With or without domains, the opponent was no match for him.

When a punch came, he swung it without hesitation. Hearing a loud "boom", his confident face instantly distorted. The next second, a scream came from his mouth, and a crisp sound like a firecracker sounded in his right hand.

Broken forearm!

"How is that possible!?" While exclaiming, Liu Mingyang flew hundreds of meters upside down and looked at Xu Yangyi in shock. With his magical powers deprived of him, how could the opponent still break his own forearm?

Xu Yangyi was also stunned. His magical power was taken away, but this punch was stronger than when he was in his prime! However, he, who has been on the battlefield for a long time, will never let go of this opportunity. With a long roar, his body looks like a tiger and pounces on him.

"This is impossible... Forbidden! Sealed! Locked!" Faced with the overwhelming murderous intent, Liu Mingyang roared and quickly formed seals with his hands. More and more black talismans were flying on Xu Yangyi's body, and the crystals behind him became more and more solidified.

However, his power is getting stronger and stronger!

Climb higher and higher, pointing straight to Mount Everest!

Unprecedented heights!

Completely pure flesh!

" could this happen?!" Liu Mingyang's voice was hoarse. He couldn't figure out why the more his magical powers were stripped away, the stronger the opponent became! Why does the more solidified the divine seal crystal is, the higher the opponent's arrogance becomes?

Xu Yangyi's figure was getting faster and faster. As his magical powers were stripped away, he even felt as if the sea was vast enough for fish to leap, and the sky was high enough for birds to fly.

The body is as light as a swallow, but the strength is as heavy as a mountain. The trapped dragon goes out to sea, and Kunpeng ascends to the sky.

In an instant, it had broken into a hundred meters radius of Liu Mingyang.

At the critical moment of life and death, Liu Mingyang clasped his hands together, gritted his teeth, and with a flash of golden light, he shouted: "Tian Wen!"

"Boom!" Infinite power solidified towards Xu Yangyi like a sea wave. A black statue of Shura, hundreds of meters tall, quickly solidified behind Xu Yangyi. Then he put his palms together and emitted a black light.

However, Xu Yangyi couldn't stop, and the moment he closed his palms, they all exploded!

Liu Mingyang gasped, Xu Yangyi was less than thirty meters away from him!

"Breaking Souls!!"

"Kalara!" Countless black holes appeared around Xu Yangyi's body again, and chains rushed out like lightning. But before Liu Mingyang could breathe a sigh of relief, he collapsed again!

With a long roar, he finally broke into Liu Mingyang's ten-meter restricted area. He raised his fist and used force all over his body, but this time... his fist actually rotated, and streaks of light appeared whistling, twisting into a black vortex!

So strong...

This state... what exactly is it?

The ultimate physical strength is actually so strong! This is what was said in Senlibuliu Xing, magical powers cannot be added to the body, and magic weapons cannot break the body!

"Boom!!!" The fist fell.

Liu Mingyang let out an incredible scream and fell three thousand meters like a cannonball! Wherever it passed, the space was actually shattered layer by layer by the impact of the residual force. Turned into a dark passage!

"How can this be!"

"He no longer has magical powers, how could he be so powerful?!"

"Yes... he is a physical cultivator. Doesn't physical cultivating require supernatural powers?! How could a single punch beat Ben Zhenjun like this who is still in the stage of Nascent Soul?!"

However, he couldn't think about it at all. The pupils suddenly turned into needle-point shapes, because a camouflaged figure shot down like a dragon preying on prey!

Chasing souls and taking lives, the King of Hell wants you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch!


Another punch, the punch shook thousands of miles, and the surrounding space was like broken glass, crackling, then turning into fly ash, and the pieces disappeared.

"Pounce!" Liu Mingyang spat out a mouthful of blood, drew a blood line in the air, and fell straight down. His unbelieving eyes reflected the death that was chasing after him.


He only had time to say these two words, and the fist wind came before him again!

Can't stop it...

He could feel that invincible momentum that cut through the wind and waves. Before the punch could hit him, the wind from the punch actually made his skin roll like waves... How much pressure and strength of body is required to achieve this step? ? !

This punch was enough to disembowel him.

At this moment, both of them were stunned.

"Swipe!!" A tentacle tightly wrapped around Xu Yangyi's arm, and then, with a strong swing, Xu Yangyi, who Liu Mingyang could not stop, was thrown directly a thousand meters away.

"Finally out..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and looked forward with solemn eyes.

Behind him, the Seven-Star Divine Calculator was making crazy calculations. However, the result was... flat?

safe and sound?

Liu Mingyang looked at his belly in stunned silence. That tentacle... was actually sticking out of his belly?

"Brush!!" At this moment, a strange black hole spread out from the center of the Milky Way in the sky. As the black hole opened more and more, the skin on Liu Mingyang's body exploded, and disgusting tentacles spread out.

"Zizzizi!!" He screamed in agony: "No...I am Liu Mingyang...the current prime minister of the Jin Dynasty!"

"Evil heretics..."

"Boom!!" Before he finished speaking, a golden man with a radiant light and about only one foot in size slowly flew out, as if Liu Mingyang's soul had been sucked away.


The moment Xu Yangyi saw it, the hair on his body stood up.

This is definitely the beginning!'s not at the same level as the Overlord! It’s simply…the difference between a monkey and a tiger!

Fierce, brutal, bloody, and all kinds of ominous spiritual energy solidified around it, turning into a hell. Compared with that peaceful golden light, it was so inconsistent.

Terror in tranquility, death in terror.

"You don't seem surprised." The golden man looked at Xu Yangyi: "So, you are the one who devours a master of the origin land, right?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but looked at the other party with full vigilance.

So strong... That terrible feeling. The other party didn't release a trace of spiritual power, it was all stimulating his whole body like needle points, making his hair stick to his body obediently.

I have never felt such a strong sense of terror...

Not even Xiaoqing!

Moreover... this is still a projection, not reality. The opponent's body has not arrived yet.

"It doesn't matter if you don't answer." Jin Ren glanced around calmly: "You should have been to the Tower of Babel. Don't deny it, you have the aura of a certain Excellency. Then... you should know Shangguan Hong."

Shangguan Hong?

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, and then remembered that it was the former prime minister in the control center of the Void.

"The Jin Dynasty has two prime ministers, the left and the right. The Shangguan family is the left prime minister, and the Liu family is the right prime minister. The left prime minister is in charge of internal affairs, and the right prime minister is in charge of military power. But they don't know that... from the beginning, There is the primordial factor.”

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered: "War in the Immortal Realm?"

"You are very smart." The golden man smiled and said: "You know all about the war in the fairy world, so your Excellency should have told you the story of Chaos and the founding spirit. This is absolutely secret in the lower world and even the upper world. You also very lucky."

"The war between the two immortal worlds was so grand, and all the heavens and worlds came to help. Stargazers should have told you that Xukunlun, as the lower realm of no return, of course also came to help."

He looked at Xu Yangyi, who said in a deep voice: "Mr. Liu, are the people from the Shangguan family among these people?"

"That's right, and it has been there for a long time." The golden man said leisurely: "It has been so long that they didn't know it was born in the beginning. It has been so long that the emperor scattered his seeds on the earth, and they don't know it either."

I finally understood why Liu Xiang, who had no idea about Taichu, suddenly formed the channel of this senior Taichu. According to the timeline, that's it.

"Are you very talkative?" Xu Yangyi asked cautiously while thinking about countermeasures.

"No. It's just that I have been alone for too long." Taichu said slowly: "Don't be nervous, this is just a temporary passage, and the saint's true body cannot reach it yet. But after more than ten years, I believe we can meet."

"There is no need to be afraid, let alone dodge. Become one with me, and I will take you to travel across the planes, witnessing the rise and fall of races, and the birth and death of planes that you have never witnessed before. There is no result in escaping from me. .because……"

Before he finished speaking, his body turned into a golden light, which instantly rushed into Xu Yangyi's heart.

"Kalara..." A weird demon tattoo appeared on Xu Yangyi's chest.

"The person I am looking for cannot escape."

"If Senluo Dao Mark is placed on you, even if you escape to all the heavens and worlds, you will not be able to escape from the Five Fingers Mountain of this Saint."


I actually forgot to update~囧

Also, I was in poor condition because of the renovation work the other day. I recovered instantly after the work yesterday!

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