
Chapter 844: Yin Zun Yang Sheng

Xu Yangyi pondered, unwilling to miss a single word.

There is no more on Earth... The battle between the two great immortal realms in the past allowed those small fish and shrimps to rise up and become the masters, and the two great immortal realms were shattered. Nascent Soul is already the peak.

For the first time, he knew that above Nascent Soul were the two realms of Yin Zun and Yang Sheng.

"Please explain clearly, senior." He bowed.

Tai Gongwang's voice was neither slow nor fast, like a dream: "The so-called Yin Zun is the supreme master of supernatural powers. This is the path that 99% of cultivators take, and it is also the easiest way to advance to the next realm. Reach the realm of Taixu, or even the next realm after Taixu. You can travel thousands of miles. Sitting in the palace, your consciousness roams the stars around the sky, and all territories are under your control."

"To cultivate into Yin Zun, first of all, you must have a profound practice. At the same time, the more supernatural powers, the better. The Nascent Soul realm is the last realm of the lower four realms. It is completely different from the previous one, and you can already touch some things of Yin Zun and Yang Sheng. Start to seek a further path of ascension, and most planes can no longer accommodate The realm after receiving the Nascent Soul. "

"In this realm, all things return to one, and you create your own skills, which are recognized by the will of the plane. At that moment, no matter whether it is the early, middle, or late stage of the Nascent Soul, you will ascend in one step and become a Yin Zun."

"The last realm of each realm, the lower four realms, the middle three realms, and the upper two realms, is all like this. No matter the front, middle, or end, or the great perfection, once you realize it, you will ascend in one step. However, only one in a hundred thousand people can cross this step, and the other nine hundred thousand people out of a million will be stopped and killed here. "

He seemed to look at Xu Yangyi: "I mean, one hundred thousand Yuanying, and it is definitely not a mediocre Yuanying."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath.

One hundred thousand Yuanying, and at least one with good qualifications, can produce a Yin Zun?

"Then what about Yang Sheng?"

Jiang Shang looked at the fish pond and said slowly: "Yang Sheng is more difficult than Yin Zun. The body is extraordinary and holy, comparable to a big demon. A Yang Sheng can fight against a late Yin Zun in the early stage. In the middle stage, he can fight against a great perfection. In the late stage, he can kill a higher level. If this Yang Sheng has excellent qualifications, he can be almost invincible in the same level in the early stage."

"However, to achieve Yang Sheng, if you only want to be Yang Sheng, you can stop here. But if you want to go further and step into the Taixu realm where you are the overlord of the upper realm, or even the founding of a country and become the king, you can't."

Xu Yangyi didn't dare to miss a word, and immediately asked respectfully: "May I ask why?"

"Immortal body." Jiang Taigong said: "The ten great immortal bodies are the foundation for Yang Sheng to enter the Taixu realm. Without the ten great immortal bodies , Yang Sheng can only stop at the first level of the three middle realms. "

"Kaiyang Immortal Body, Void Immortal Body, Overlord Immortal Body, Cave True Immortal Body, Dharma Immortal Body, Nether Ghost Body, True Immortal Body, Pofa Immortal Body, Changsheng Immortal Body, Xumi Immortal Body. Any kind of immortal body is extremely difficult to forge. If it is not the long life span of Changsheng Immortal Body, it is extremely difficult for other immortal bodies to knock on the door of immortal body in the Yang Sheng realm of 1,600 years. "

Xu Yangyi's heart warmed up, and he said in a deep voice: "Senior, then I..."

"You have the foundation of the Void Immortal Body. Not bad." Jiang Taigong poured cold water on him, and his voice was calm: "You have the smell of Xiaoqing on you. Has she found her own belonging... So... it's good..."

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly.

Jiang Taigong's words were completely different from the others. If it was still plain before, this sentence was extremely unexpectedly emotional.

And... it seemed like a regret, a kind of letting go, a kind of... indescribable taste.

"The thin clouds are playing tricks, the flying stars are conveying hatred... How come if the love between two people lasts for a long time, why should they be together day and night?" He tried to think of this poem in his mind. Could it be that Jiang Taigong and Xiaoqing... are really a pair of pear blossoms overshadowing the crabapple tree?

Jiang Shang must be thousands of years old, right?

Once the door of gossip is opened, he can never close his legs again, no... can't close his mouth.

Suddenly, his head was covered with cold sweat.

He and Xiaoqing still have a bad relationship. If these two really have something, would he be considered as wearing a green hat for others?

If Jiang Shang knew...

He didn't dare to think about it, and immediately said: "Senior...what is the foundation?"

"I once gave Xiaoqing a piece of Shengling Bamboo, which was tens of thousands of years old. He can activate all the acupuncture points of the Xuling Immortal Body. However, the Xuling Immortal Body is too powerful and cannot survive in the lower world. As a medicine, Shengling Bamboo naturally cannot grow in the lower world."

"Take the first drop of dew when the yin and yang of Shengling Bamboo meet. Pick the first petal that blooms on the bamboo head in ten thousand years. These things must all be taken from Shengling Bamboo that was killed by the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder." He glanced at Xu Yangyi: "Shengling Bamboo, it takes five thousand years to grow out of the ground, five thousand years to grow, and five thousand years to wither. There can't be more than ten plants in any upper world. And..."

He paused: "Beside the spiritual objects of heaven and earth like Shengling Bamboo, there must be king-level monsters building nests. It's difficult, difficult, difficult for you to get these two things."

The three words "difficult" did not extinguish Xu Yangyi's confidence.

"King-level monster?"

Jiang Ziya did not answer, but skipped the topic: "At this point, you should choose your own path."

"There are nine roads, and three doors are the same road, which are interoperable magical powers. If you choose the wrong one, I will not remind you. You have to bear the consequences of your own choices. If you choose the right one, I will not congratulate you. However, you can feel it yourself."

"Go, since you have a great opportunity to cultivate to the Nine Stars, you must face your own choice. Or..." He said in a deep voice: "You can also choose not to."

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, raised his head and walked towards the nine gates.

"The momentum is good." Jiang Shang continued to look at the fishhook, as if to praise him. After a long time, he said calmly: "Unfortunately, there are only ten people in all the heavens and worlds who can enter here every year. Who is not a monster who can reach the sky? Even so, for thousands of years, he can fully see the results of his cultivation. How many people are there on the road? "

"Only such a monster is qualified to come there... to help me..."

Xu Yangyi couldn't hear Jiang Ziya's words. He walked to the nine gates and observed them carefully.

Those who are about to fight are all arrayed in front.

Corresponds to Taiyin, Sun, Yinghuo, Chenxing, Suixing, Taibai, Zhenxing, Jidu, and Huangban.

He did not enter immediately, but pondered over Jiang Ziya's words.

"Phantom." He called softly. Phantom immediately said timidly: "Dad, what's the matter?"

"Can you tell... is there any illusion here?"

Phantom shook his body: "I can't see... the things here are too much beyond my realm... Dad, can't I grow up?"

Xu Yangyi was speechless.

"Isn't it good now?"

"No!" Phantom was a little angry: "When I see my father beating up bad guys, I can't help at all. I feel that compared with opponents at my father's level, my illusion is too immature and I can't trap them at all. "

Xu Yangyi nodded. Indeed, against Jindan-level opponents, Phantom had nothing to do, but he still held on to a glimmer of hope. After all... the last time he used it on the main body, it was successful.

This puzzled him.

"There will be opportunities in the future..." He threw all the magic weapons related to the illusion that he had gained from being a robber in the Tower of Babel to the phantom. The other party was very happy, but he just didn't evolve.

Let Phantom play by himself, he analyzed it piece by piece.

"Yin Zun, I'm not suitable. I have too few magical powers, and I don't put in much effort. It's always enough. It's only at special times that I find my shortcomings. For example, when I'm being chased by the Lord of Jin, if I can have With the magical power of speed, you won’t be so nervous.”

"And... now that all my magical powers have been taken away, does it mean that I have to make a comeback? There is not enough time, and because of the falling of the Jiuyao Star, I originally thought that one star was fully opened, but now it seems that it is not. No wonder I only opened the Apocalypse now. Star, inspire Lin Zi Jue, and the Star of Senmile Buli Xing and the Last Holy Sword, but...these three stars are obviously incompatible."

"This time, I was chosen to come here because all my magical powers were taken away. From this point of view, I entered with the goal of Yang Sheng. But..."

He let out a long sigh, and Jiang Ziya's voice suddenly sounded: "No need to worry, I will give you the elixir to create the ethereal immortal body."


Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up, but he still didn't move.

"Dad, you don't want it?" Phantom wondered.

"There is a trap in his words." Xu Yangyi tapped his fingers on his thigh habitually: "It seems that he said a lot, but he didn't say how to choose. I can make several assumptions, and they are very likely to be realized."

"First, you can only enter this place once. He has already hinted, 'You have to make your own choice.'"

"Is this a hint?"

Xu Yangyi smiled: "In my opinion, yes. Especially when there are no other prompts, every sentence is worthy of scrutiny."

"Two, once you make a choice, it cannot be changed. Based on this, he hinted twice in a row that you are responsible for your own choice."

After pondering for a long time, he finally stood up and walked towards the first door.

Jiang Ziya looked over quietly.

Without hesitation, Xu Yangyi stood in front of Qianli Buliuxing's door and stretched out his hand.

The moment his hand touched the door, the brilliance shone brightly, and the giant door dozens of meters high rumbled open. Completely engulfing Xu Yangyi's figure.

"It seems that we are not people who only rely on luck." Jiang Ziya nodded approvingly: "Look for the answers in the subtleties, be unafraid of your own path, and be responsible. A good start."

"At least, he won't be a mediocre person."

The white light flashed. I don't know how long it took, but it seemed like only a moment from the outside. Xu Yangyi had appeared again.

And his expression finally fluctuated.

"The first star, the Six Eclipses of the Apocalypse, can be discarded. Although it has accompanied me through too many roads, it is... not suitable for me. At least not suitable for me who have completely deprived of my magical powers."

"The second star is like a dream. It has illusory magical powers. It can actually create a world, or even a fictional plane, at the highest level. It doesn't suit me either. This should be Yin Zun's technique."

"The third star is to leave no trace in a thousand miles. Yang Sheng's foundational body refining technique must be chosen."

"Fourth, fifth, sixth, these three stars... I can't see them? Why?"

"Seventh, the Ten Thousand Forms Swallowing Treasure Technique... uses all kinds of magic weapons to forge the internal organs, even the muscles, bones, skin and flesh. The hands can break down the magic weapons and integrate all their essence into oneself... It is unbelievable that this should be the magical power that Yang Sheng must choose."

"Eighth, the Green Lotus Immortal Technique, the longevity is ten times that of other monks!"

"Ninth, Xuanyuan Wuji Sword Formation."


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