
Chapter 845: The Road to Opening the Sky

The more he thought about it, the more he frowned.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"It's a good match." Xu Yangyi licked his lips and frowned: "Thousand Miles Without Staying, Wanxiang Swallowing Treasures, the remaining one must be among the other three stars."

"You won't let us draw a lottery, will you?" Huanling was suspicious.

"No..." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, turned around, and bowed to Jiang Taigong: "Senior, please tell me clearly."

"Oh?" Jiang Taigong looked at ease.

Xu Yangyi's eyes were like torches, and he spoke word by word: "Please tell me, what is the third way?"

Jiang Taigong finally turned his head and looked at him a second time.

"You said it once, and only once, and you said it very quickly and in a light tone. But I remember it very clearly. You said... three doors correspond to one road, so... one of them must be an extra choice!"

"Please tell me, Yin Zun, what other choice is there besides Yang Sheng?"

Jiang Taigong smiled: "Everyone who comes here can notice this. Of course, some people will forget. I am very pleased that you can remember it. This shows that you are observant and will never let go of any doubts."

"I can tell you."

After two seconds of silence, his voice became solemn: "The remaining road is the road to opening the sky."

"Incarnate Pangu. You can pick the stars with your hands and split the sun and the moon with your body. However, this road is more difficult than Yang Sheng."

"This universe is not as you see it. When you reach a truly high level, you can open up your own star continent, your own star field, govern the infinite world, the upper and lower realms, and truly become a creator god. These three stars are the road to opening the sky."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath.

The road to opening the sky... Has Jiang Shang reached this level?

As if he could see his thoughts, Jiang Shang said slowly: "In Chinese history, there are three people who have reached this realm. It is not impossible."

"Who?" Xu Yangyi asked immediately.

"Ying Zheng, Wu Zhao, and me." Jiang Shang seemed to be talking about something that had nothing to do with him. He was not talking about any great events that created the world. He just lived too long and saw too much, so he said casually: "If we are lucky, maybe we can meet again in the next few hundred or thousand years."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, hehe... these three people are really famous enough.

"The three of us have reached the realm of creating the world one after another. I left behind the Nine Stars, and after these two people completed it, the remaining three stars are the choice of the road to creating the world."

"I'll give you time to think about it."

Xu Yangyi was stunned.

The next second, a flame in his heart rushed up without warning!

Who doesn't want to be on the top of the mountain and look down on all the mountains?

Since you have embarked on the path of cultivation, who doesn't want to see the scenery on the top of the mountain? Who doesn't want to give an order and all the worlds will kneel down?

And here... there is such a road!

"What's the price?" Perhaps he himself didn't notice that his voice was already a little heavy.

Jiang Ziya seemed to have seen too many similar performances, and slowly said: "There is no price."

"It's just that this road is difficult to walk, more difficult than Yang Sheng. It requires not only one's own qualifications and perseverance, but also great opportunities and luck. There are countless people who have died in this way. Moreover, he is not necessarily suitable for every cultivator who walks this road."

Xu Yangyi fell silent, and the bodhi seeds in his mind were spinning rapidly. After a long time, he squinted and said: "How many people have walked this road, how many people have succeeded? Can you tell me, senior?"

"It doesn't matter. So far, 99% of those who came here have chosen this road. No one has succeeded."

"As for their identities, those who are thousands of times more noble than you occupy 60%, and those who are absolutely proud of the upper realm occupy 40%. As for those who started from scratch like you..." He glanced at Xu Yangyi: "There are only three people."

Xu Yangyi nodded, but did not choose. Instead, he sat there with his eyes closed and meditated.

Jiang Ziya did not urge him, looking at his starry sky fish pond.

After a full hour, Xu Yangyi finally stood up and walked over.

His hand touched the two doors without stopping. Suddenly, the two doors opened with golden light.

"Swish..." Xu Yangyi was bathed in the golden light and took a deep breath: "I've chosen."

"There is one more door." Jiang Taigong answered without looking back.

"No more." Xu Yangyi smiled with some regret, but was extremely determined: "I will choose these two."

Jiang Ziya stood up for the first time. His eyes could not be seen clearly under the bamboo hat, but he appeared in front of the two doors in an instant.

A thousand miles without leaving any trace.

The Secret of Swallowing Treasures of All Things

"Are you sure?" He looked at Xu Yangyi without sadness or joy: "Once you make a choice, there is no change. The Nine Stars fall, and there is only one chance to choose."

"You finally told the truth." Xu Yangyi licked the corner of his mouth, with trepidation, excitement, a hint of gambling, and a little unwillingness: "Yes, I am sure."

Jiang Ziya stood in front of the door, like a stone sculpture, for a long time, and then he took a deep breath: "Good..."

"You are the fifth person to pass this test in thousands of years."

As soon as the voice fell, the two doors burst into a sky-high light, reflecting the surroundings into a golden color.

Glorious, magnificent, majestic, and beautiful. It was like the first light of the Big Bang, directly illuminating the mind and soul of a transparent person.


Xu Yangyi took a long breath, bathing in this light curtain, only to feel the Eternal Pill Scripture King in his mind spinning rapidly, and all the lines of words disappeared, and finally turned into a jade slip.

"Brush..." He unfolded it slowly, and there were four big characters written on it: Immortal Technique Breaks the Sky!

It's not that you never leave a trail, nor is it the secret of swallowing treasures.

Immortal magic?

His heart suddenly became hot, but before he could change his mind, Jiang Ziya's voice sounded faintly: "This is only part of it."

"The Wordless Heavenly Book comes from outside the realm. It is not a simple realm, but a realm beyond the realms you can imagine, the universe, and the Milky Way. These four words were written by me for him. It itself has no name. This is The physical arts chapter. And it’s a small part, enough to make you ascend to the upper world.”

"Before leaving, I would like to ask as usual, how did you see it?"

"One reason." Xu Yangyi said sincerely: "I have considered all your ideas, but they all have only one purpose, to choose the one that suits me best."

Jiang Ziya was noncommittal.

"I never belittle myself, but I know very well what I can and cannot do. I am arrogant and arrogant, and I will not kowtow to some people, even those at a higher level. Because, I I am confident that I can surpass him in a very short period of time, but I won’t do that.”

"When I heard that 60% of the real geniuses who were hundreds of times more powerful than me couldn't defeat him, I decided to give up. It's not that I dare not gamble, but I know my own weight. It's better to grasp reality than to pursue illusions. "

Jiang Ziya suddenly interrupted: "Why don't you try your best to gamble?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "Betting must have a ratio. This is an odds that is infinitely close to 100%. I will not bet. Otherwise, my heart is as high as the sky and my life is as thin as paper."

"The heart is higher than the sky, but life is thinner than paper..." Jiang Ziya smiled slowly and said: "Such a simple truth, many geniuses have not fully understood it."

"Seeing reality clearly and seizing the present are more important than anything else."

Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly and said: "In reality, the most suitable ones are these two. You never said you must choose three. This is a language trap. I have thought about it for a long time, and the other seven stars are all unsuitable. These two are perfectly compatible, and I don’t want to choose the third one.”

"As for the road to open heaven, it's not that I don't want to, but I'm not crazy enough to be the invincible one in the world."

Jiang Ziya suddenly laughed: "You lied."

"You should be doubting."

"Yes, what you just said is 90% true. But the most important thing is that you are doubting."

"I wonder why I would go to all the trouble to prevent you from seeing these three stars. I wonder why I would deliberately conceal this road to the sky. The unknown danger is the most terrifying thing. You are not afraid of Nascent Soul because you have seen Yuan Ying. Ying. You are not even afraid of Taixu, because you have seen Xiaoqing... you are good."

"In the face of unknown dangers, stay rational. In the face of huge temptations, stay calm. Whoever comes here is not a madman. If it weren't for me, the madman of Chu, Feng Ge laughed at Confucius's courage, and the well-behaved academic monks would not be able to do anything. Can’t get here.”

He looked at Jumen with some emotion: "However... the higher the realm, the greater the danger. This kind of madness will bring you huge dangers. Only when there is fineness in roughness and respect in madness can we truly succeed in this journey." Walking down the long river where thousands of people are competing..."

"The funny thing is, with such a simple truth, how many talented people are confused by the flowers in front of them?"

After saying this, he tapped lightly, and four or five or six doors opened simultaneously, and inside, there were five identical words.

Never leave behind a thousand miles!

Three doors, all with these five words!

"A thousand miles without leaving a trace?" Xu Yangyi said in astonishment: "So, Jiuyao Xingluo has always only had six stars? And there has never been any way to open the sky?"

"No. Yes." Jiang Ziya laughed loudly: "If you want to reach the top, you can only walk on this single-plank bridge!"

"The realm of Yang Sage is one chosen from ten thousand. Starting from Yin Zun, no matter whether he finally reaches the realm of Emperor, Saint, Zun, or other, he will never be able to create heaven and earth! Younger generation, just think about Pangu. Without a terrifying body, how could he be able to create heaven and earth? "

"Yang Saint, only it can finally reach the road to open heaven. It is impossible for any Yin Lord!"

After saying this, a thick fog gradually began to appear in the entire space. Jiang Ziya's figure disappeared quietly.

"Let's go... leave here... go back to where you should go. Maybe thousands or thousands of years later, we can meet on the Kaitian battlefield... I, Ying Zheng, and Wu Zhao are all waiting for you there... "

"If we are not dead yet..."

"Rumble..." The clouds covered the sun, everything was swallowed up, and the immortal magic in his mind suddenly burst into thousands of bloody lights. Before he could react, he felt a sharp pain that he had never felt before. , suddenly hit his mind.

"Ah!!!" There was no preparation at all. The pain of tearing his body, breaking his bones, and digging out his marrow made him cry out in pain, but he immediately gritted his teeth and endured it all with all his strength.


it hurts! Severe pain!

It was like Ling Chi in ancient times, cutting his flesh inch by inch. The pain that exploded from the body to the outside was simply unbearable.

But at the same time, black energy spread from his body, and his body became lighter and lighter. He could even clearly see the mysterious talismans on the bones and muscles, as if they were held by invisible hands, slowly Engraved on the bone.

That's real bone-scratching carving!

"Phantom!" He said from between his teeth: "Create a little... illusion that will relieve my pain..."


The next second, he almost cursed.

That was the scene of him and Xiaoqing making love... Now it was clearly presented in front of him!

"Dad... are you unhappy?"

How can you be happy watching your own live sex show?

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and suppressed the pain in his body: "I... am... very... happy..."

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