
Chapter 846: Shocking the World (I)

"Boom boom..." The red light permeated, and it was unknown how long it lasted, maybe a day, maybe a year, and the time here was impossible to count, and the red light finally went out.

"Heh..." Xu Yangyi knelt on the spot with cold sweat all over his body. He never wanted to experience this kind of pain again.

All the white mist around him turned black. This was the cleansing of the meridians and marrow. All the remnants of the magical powers and all the unfavorable factors were swept out of the body.

Originally, I thought that Liu Mingyang's domain had been cleaned up, but after the treatment of the immortal method breaking the sky, I found that there were still so many.

The surrounding kilometers were all black.

The phantom seemed to sense something. Xu Yangyi called several times, but he was pretending to be dead.

Okay... I'll deal with it when I have time...

Although I don't watch A/V, this kind of plot starring myself, hehe...

Emptying his mind, he took a deep breath and suddenly punched down.


With a muffled sound, the white mist in a radius of 10,000 meters was instantly emptied!

A punch from the giant spirit!

"Ten thousand meters!" His eyes suddenly lit up. Ten thousand meters, the symbol of the Nascent Soul! Does this mean that his fighting power can already fight against the real Nascent Soul?

The most powerful weapon, the pressure of the Nascent Soul has no effect on him. His fist wind can reach a range of ten thousand meters... His mind turned quickly, and he swept the leg whip, pulling out a series of sonic booms, and he couldn't even see clearly whether it moved.

"Swish!!" The distance between the leg whip and the direct distance was also ten thousand meters, like a sword, directly dividing the clouds and mist neatly into two sections!

"This is physical cultivation! The previous me was too unworthy of the name!" He clenched his fists excitedly. If he could have this kind of pure strength when fighting against the Jin Houzhu... He didn't even need others to teach him skills, he could withstand that palm by himself! At most, he would be a little embarrassed!

"Ka Ka Ka..." The knuckles burst, and it actually caused the air to whine. He felt like a human-shaped dragon now, truly a thousand miles without leaving any trace.

Ancient beast of the prehistoric times!

Before he could experiment too much, the white vortex appeared again, and Xu Yangyi's eyes were full of light. When the light was restored, he appeared again at the point of disappearance.

A blessing in disguise.

He almost laughed up to the sky. Yes, he couldn't learn to be humble and docile. If you don't like me, I won't pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. I will do it to your face. He couldn't learn to be humble and always be quick and decisive. This kind of temper has come to this point, but it has accidentally entered the place of inheritance of Jiang Taigong. It can only be said that sticking to one's nature is better than anything else.

Because of this persistence, he finally chose the technique that suits him.

Maybe his personality will change in the future, but this persistence will never change.

The biological atlas has disappeared, and he also understands that it is because Taichu has descended and all the creatures that have been swallowed by the other party have appeared. Now that the high-level Taichu has left, all this will naturally disappear.

"Legion leader..." He pursed his lips. More than ten years... There is definitely not enough time.

Before that, a solution must be found. If there is really no way... he will choose to ascend and take out the token of the stargazer instead of joining Xiahou.

One is a guest and the other is a servant, which is essentially different.

At this moment, he keenly caught a look.

"You are still here?" He was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted, slowly turned his head, with a hint of coldness in his eyes, looking at the figure hundreds of meters behind him.

It was still that spiritual energy vortex, and that figure.

It was Liu Mingyang.

He woke up at some point, his eyes were also full of murderous intent, looking at Xu Yangyi without retreating.

The power of the Nascent Soul enveloped him, but no matter how much he covered it up, it was difficult to hide the broken breath. Even with a trace of the power of the Nascent Soul, the spiritual power of the Nascent Soul was extremely unstable.

Silence, the two looked at each other silently.

The next second, two figures suddenly rose up and rushed towards each other like thunder.

"Boom!!" Before Liu Mingyang could react, a punch had hit him in the chest.

No, it's not a fist, it's a fist wind. This fist wind brought up a storm. Liu Mingyang opened his mouth wide, and his face was full of disbelief while flying backwards.

What did he see?

Eight hundred meters away... was he hit by a punch?

No... this is not strange, the range of Jindan magical power is a thousand meters. However...

Where did the other party get the magical power? !

The inner demon was subdued, and his domain, although his advancement was too damaged, it is probably not a real Nascent Soul realm now, but... that is a domain! The real domain! It will take three days to recover. The other party didn't mobilize the spiritual energy just now!

A ridiculous idea suddenly flashed through his mind. Is this relying on the flesh alone?

The pure fist wind of the flesh is eight hundred meters... close to the Jindan range?

"This... ridiculous!!" He shouted in disbelief, and was about to turn around and rush up. The pupils suddenly shrank.

A figure, he couldn't see the speed clearly, rushed in front of him in less than a second.

"Shua la la la!" The endless wind blew his hair and beard up. He looked at the man in front of him with his eyes wide open and his lips trembling slightly.

No spiritual power... He was sure that there was absolutely no spiritual energy to mobilize!

But... what the hell is this speed! ?

It was even stronger than before he fainted! Faster!

"Not a bad whetstone." Xu Yangyi raised his hand with a sneer on his face: "I thought so."

"Bang!!!" Another punch, this punch, the space exploded directly, like glass shattered, Liu Mingyang screamed and flew out.

Xu Yangyi looked at the opponent's figure who was vomiting blood and flying back. His body was slightly sideways, as if he was playing football. All his spiritual energy was concentrated on his legs. Before he could move, the space around his legs began to sound like an explosion.

"Brush!" The next second, an invisible wind blade was kicked out by his legs and slashed towards Liu Mingyang crazily.

"This..." Liu Mingyang's eyes were splitting, and his teeth were clenched tightly, completely stained red with blood. He hoarsely said a word from between his teeth: "Monster..."

This is the wind blade...

A wind blade kicked out with just one leg! can still kill Jindan's wind blade!

"Boom!!!" At this moment, everyone on the battlefield saw the vortex of the spiritual cloud shaking violently, and then suddenly split open.

"Shu La La..." Endless spiritual rain descended on the earth. It's like a 10,000-meter fireworks blooming in the sky, extremely gorgeous.

With one punch and one kick, with the connivance of the plane's will, Liu Mingyang's advancement vision was directly broken!

In the Zhenwu world, all the geniuses were stunned.

Total sluggishness.

"How is it possible..." Ancestor Lanxue hissed as he looked at the collapsed whirlpool: "What happened inside? Actually... the advanced vision was broken?!"

Did Liu Xiang succeed?

But immediately, their answer was revealed.

Liu Mingyang screamed, vomiting blood and flew backwards, and behind him, a figure like a demon was raining down punches. With every punch, Liu Xiang, who they had placed high hopes on, was like a boat in the wind, and might be destroyed at any time.

"" The golden-armored woman looked at this scene dumbfounded, and then shouted: "Save! Save Liu Xiang!! Liu Xiang still has hope to advance to Nascent Soul!!"

"Kill!!!" Seeing his figure appearing, all the geniuses roared in unison and rushed towards Xu Yangyi like a stormy sea. The magical power dyes the sky into colorful clouds.

Xu Yangyi sneered, looking only at Liu Mingyang, whose face was horrified and his chest was beaten. Sneered: "Say goodbye."

The fist was raised again, and several shouts of shock and anger sounded at the same time: "Stop!!" "Wolfsbane...let Liu Xiang live!" "How dare you!!"

Without any mercy, the fist fell suddenly. However, at this moment, he suddenly lost all his strength.

"Is this?" Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes, watching Liu Xiang's face filled with disbelief as he fell into the endless black tide below. Then, he looked at the Jin Palace with great solemnity.

A terrifying murderous intention instantly enveloped him.

Very strong...

Strong enough to threaten him. , this must be the Jin Dynasty’s trump card. In order to save Liu Mingyang, he was already frightening him.

"You're lucky." He breathed a sigh of relief and restrained his murderous aura: "However, with this real person here, you can't even think about taking a step forward at the western gate."

This sentence made the faces of all the geniuses in the Zhenwu world turn pale. However, it was such an extremely provocative sentence, but no one spoke this time. Every genius held a magic weapon, but they did not dare to take a step beyond the limit.

Just as Liu Mingyang fell, the extremely obscure murderous intention disappeared without a trace. At the same time, "When..." A melodious bell rang out from the Dajin Palace, and the black and white waves below suddenly paused.

"This is..." A golden-armored monk who was charging forward turned back in shock: "Ming Jin withdraws his troops?"

"Pounce!" The next second, a Chinese monk who was already red-eyed stabbed his throat with a sword.

The moment the golden-armored monk fell, he couldn't believe it.

In the battle of Qingcheng Mountain, the cage that had been in place for two years was broken open by one person in one day. The coach is trapped. Liu Xiang's advancement to Yuanying was broken...all thanks to this person...

And in the first battle... with more than twice as many troops, they couldn't enter a kilometer radius of Qingcheng Mountain! He was intercepted on the battlefield of Dujiangyan.

Now... I have to pay gold to withdraw my troops and return in defeat.

How can you keep beating this drum? !

"Dang, dang, dang..." A crisp voice resounded throughout the audience. After a moment of silence, the Black Tide finally began to withdraw from the area around Qingcheng Mountain.

Su Changqing's face was ashen, he was gritting his teeth, and his knuckles were clenching. He just turned around, and the woman in gold armor behind him asked with red eyes: "Is that all?"

"Withdraw troops." Su Changqing's voice was as cold as ice: "Do you still want to continue fighting?!"

"The Qingshan Mountains will not have to worry about running out of firewood. Qingcheng Mountain...the decisive battle has not yet broken out. Wait...when we heal this scar, that will be the day when Qingcheng Mountain will never return to the world!"

"Now, withdraw!!"

The sky regained its color inch by inch. All the monks in the true martial arts world who heard this voice breathed a sigh of relief.

In the sky, the motionless figure weighed on their hearts like a mountain. In fact... at this moment, layers of true martial arts monks have completely surrounded each other, but no one dares to enter. This sound completely made them lose their last fighting spirit.

Like a dynamite placed in a sea of ​​people, no one dared to ignite this fuse/cord called killing. All the retreating Zhenwu monks were silent but unanimously walked around the encirclement, like huge rocks in the dark tide. Stand firm.

Without even looking at the others, he just stood quietly in the field, and all the horses retreated from around him silently, even with their heads lowered. No one dared to step forward to challenge.

The sword energy reaches the clouds, and he is actually called a tiger minister. If you bravely join a country, you will have thousands of enemies.

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