
Chapter 847: Shocking the World (Part 2)

“Shua La La…” The river water is black when the tide comes, and the sea gate is red when the sun rises. The sky covered with black finally projects the blood red of the sunset. It plays the elegy of dusk.

“Dang…” In a sea of ​​blood and corpses, a Chinese monk trembled all over, opened his mouth wide, and was covered in blood. At this moment, the long sword fell into the mountain fog and could not be heard.

His expression seemed to be sluggish. After a long time, he turned his head and looked around. Not far away, hundreds of monks gathered in a sword formation, panting, and had become bloody people. Everyone was injured...Further away, several sword cultivators were leaning on long swords, and two of them had lost their arms...And there were even farther away...those who looked up and looked at the bloody figures in the sunset on the horizon...

“Ah!!!!” After a few seconds, he let out a heart-wrenching howl. I don’t know if it’s joy or sadness, I just feel a warmth beside my cheek, I don’t know if it’s blood or tears.

Don’t laugh at me sleeping drunk on the battlefield, how many people have returned from the ancient battles.

At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, the weeds were broken and the grass was withered, and it was as cold as a frosty morning. In the midst of the devastation, the void quietly repaired its wounds, and only one Chinese monk after another was left, supporting himself to stand up. With an exaggerated proportion of people, they were actually already struggling to support themselves. If it weren't for their morale, they would probably be even worse than now.

However, morale has no end, but spiritual power has an end.

The blood receded, leaving only desolation. How many friends and brothers turned into dust in this battle. The ancestral gate was forged with blood. When there was nothing left to kill and no tears to cry, I felt that the world had hurt the past several times, and the mountain shape was still lying on the cold current.

At this moment, a voice came from the sky: "China will win."

This voice seemed to have no sadness or emotion. Only firmness and coldness. But it was this voice that made people get out of the momentary sadness.

On the battlefield, everyone was silent. Yes... Since they chose to stand here, weren't they asking for these four words?

The national gate cannot be broken, and the ancestral gate cannot be broken. Since they are here, they would have expected this day. How many people have made wills? Why do they have to pretend now?

After a long time, someone drew out his sword, pointed at the direction of the retreating black tide, choked and hoarsely said: "China will win."

"Swish..." One person raised his weapon, followed by the second person, the third person, until... the endless white waves, the sword pointed at the retreating Zhenwu Realm, exhausted, but shouted to the sky: "China will win!"

"Win! Win!"

"The ancestral temple will not fall, and the national gate will not be broken!"

The remaining nearly two million people, like the remaining pieces after a black and white game, led by the flag in the sky, raised their swords together, like a million monuments, standing on this battlefield of blood and flesh.

The wind was howling, even if they were exhausted, no one gave up the sword.

On the top of Qingcheng Mountain, the three Jindans were in tears, said nothing, and bowed deeply to the vast battlefield below.

Famous and unknown, gathered at Qingcheng Mountain, and finally defended the Taoist ancestral home.

However, this was only the first battle.

When this ten thousand feet cold pond finally erupted, a bloody battle was inevitable.


In the imperial capital, at the Hidden Dragon Command Center, countless scientists and monks, with the assistance of the Heavenly Dao Mastermind, worked in an orderly manner.

"Beep beep beep..." Several monks sat in front of a workbench. All the battle reports from all directions gathered here, and they would see the first-hand information.

"The battlefield in the three northeastern provinces is in a stalemate." A middle-aged woman sighed after seeing the first battle report sent over: "In the Bohai Sea battle, Langdu Zhenren killed hundreds of thousands of Zhenwu Realm cultivators. The tiger's might is still there, and they dare not launch too strong an offensive against the three northeastern provinces. But it's still a stalemate..."

An old man next to him held a teacup and sighed: "There are too many people... When the monument to the heroic spirits reflected the superior strength of the earth. We were still secretly happy. But... After two years, we realized that the Zhenwu Realm, which is so much larger than the earth, has bred endless cultivators. The elephant can be killed by many ants..."

No one spoke. In the past two years, the battle reports from all over the earth have not been optimistic. This is still the early stage of the war. The reserve forces and trump cards of both sides have not appeared. The battlefield is already very hot. I don't know how many small countries have been breached. I don't know how many islands have fallen into the control of the Zhenwu Realm.

"South Korea requested support... Gangwon Province, Chungcheongbuk Province, Jeollanam-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do, four of the nine provinces have already fallen, and the blessed land of the Zhenwu Realm has appeared near Gyeonggi Province... They... I'm afraid they can't hold on for much longer..."

The old man looked at the light curtain with a sharp gaze: "Do you want reinforcements?"

No one spoke.

Just behind him, on the general command platform, the four ministers of China, the General Logistics Department, the General Armament Department, the General Political Department, the General Staff, and the Ministry of National Defense, a full ten three-star generals, with white hair and bloodshot eyes, are in their 40s, but they don't know how many days they have slept here.

"We can't reinforce them." After a long time, a general closed his eyes: "China is one of the four ancient countries of cultivation, with millions of troops, one-third of which are in the southwest gate, one-third are distributed along the coast, and one-third are for emergency..."

"But once the Korean Peninsula is breached, we will be surrounded." Another general put his hand under his nose and said in a deep voice.

No one spoke for a full ten seconds before another old man sighed, "Old Ma... have you... forgotten Taiwan?"

"Once we dare to deploy a large number of troops on the Korean Peninsula... without the national defense array... do you want to see the power of the star-destroying weapon again?"

No one spoke.

The whole room was silent. Taiwan a few years ago was wiped out. Everyone knew that the six star destroyer carriers on the moon were not a cover. Once exposed outside the national defense formation, the sword of Damocles might fall at any time.

An old man rubbed his temples: "How is the battle situation in the Vatican, Greece, Scandinavia, and Jerusalem?"

"It's a stalemate." A middle-aged monk answered respectfully: "The two holy places have descended on the Vatican and Jerusalem, and hundreds of millions of Muslims in the entire Middle East are fighting. Even several pyramids have been opened. It can only be said that they are on par."

"The three Yuanyings in the Vatican have fought several times, and hundreds of millions of Christians have gathered in the Vatican. The battle situation is more tragic than that in China... Facing the siege of nearly one billion Zhenwu Realm... The situation is very bleak. It is so bad that they have already launched one of their trump cards, 'Saint Remains,' and three dead popes walked out, which barely maintained the situation."

"Scandinavia is relatively dominant. The Tagul family, Covenus, and the elves and dwarves who have been closed for thousands of years... The divine family, with the four Yuanyings in charge, is the most likely to break through the siege. But..."

He paused: "The remaining two dynasties are there..."

There was silence.

"Beep beep beep..." At this moment, the light curtain flashed again. The war situation is too bleak. The earth is full of war. This war is far larger than the World War II. It did not start from Europe, but the whole world was ignited at the same time. There is no option for help from all sides. They can only fight on their own.

Everyone is anxious and worried. This kind of fighting style with many people can't see the opportunity of breakthrough at all, and the stamina is long. Once any of the four ancient countries is broken, the dependent national alliance will collapse instantly. At that time... it will be the beginning of the collapse of the Earth Alliance.

What makes people more angry is... China is even more headache. Suzhou and Hangzhou in the east and Chengdu in the west are under the city. It is difficult to take care of the east and the west. Once one of them is broken, it will cause an instant explosion. The Yangtze River Basin is destroyed! The whole China is cut in half!

Everyone is carefully maintaining this lifeline. Let alone South Korea, unless Russia is in trouble, China will not be able to save any surrounding countries.

The woman pushed her glasses and turned to look at the light curtain, but after a few glances, she suddenly jumped up.

"Clatter!" The teacup beside her was knocked off, but she was unaware of it. Instead, her body trembled, her hands convulsed, and she looked at the light screen in disbelief.

She made too much noise, which was extremely harsh in the huge silent room. An admiral was upset and looked up and said as calmly as possible: "Lao Jiang, what's wrong? What happened?"

The woman was trembling and couldn't say a word. She just shook her head gently, as if she couldn't believe what she saw was true.

"What happened?" Several admirals felt nervous. The situation was serious! This was their first reaction. Could it be that Suhang, Qingcheng had a place broken?

They immediately stood up and said in a deep voice: "Seal off the scene and prohibit all information from circulating. Let's go..."

"No!!" Before they finished speaking, the middle-aged woman's voice suddenly became sharp. She covered her mouth lightly, and her voice was floating: "No... Don't! Don't seal the scene! Let everyone know!"


Several admirals were very anxious. Important information can only be known by specific people. This is a convention. What happened?

However, the next second, they stayed where they were as if struck by lightning.

"Great victory..."


Everyone stood up, breathing rapidly, looking at this side with red eyes.

Great victory?

Didn't hear it wrong?

The war situation in China was stagnant. It was obvious that in the assessment of the Zhenwu Realm, China's combat power was the strongest among the four ancient countries. It was only dragging and not fighting. Now... where is the great victory?

"Great victory! Great victory!!!" The woman's tears flowed, took off her glasses, and shouted at the top of her lungs: "Great victory in Qingcheng Mountain!! Defeat the enemy at the southwest gate!! Capture 100,000!! Kill 120,000 enemies!! Trapped Yuanying Zhenjun Jin Houzhu!! Langdu Zhenren killed Rong Junzhu, the successor of the Jin Dynasty! Defeated all the Tianjiao of the Jin Dynasty! Severely injured Prime Minister Liu Mingyang!!!"

Her sharp voice rolled through the air, but at this moment, no one was annoyed, but stared blankly at the woman crying like a child.

Global bad news.

The war situation in China solidified.

Now... from Qingcheng Mountain, a corner was forcibly pried open!

"What did you say?" A general almost lost his balance. The guards around him immediately supported him. He broke free from the others and all the generals rushed over: "Speak clearly!!" "Is Wolf Poison Master still alive?!" "The King of Jin trapped?!"

Their voices were so abrupt in the room, highlighting the silence of the room. But... a few seconds later, there was a thunderous cheer!

Great victory!

A real great victory!

As the tactical planners, they knew very well that defeating 22 masters in a row was not important, killing the successor was not important, and even severely injuring Liu Mingyang was not important...

The important thing was that the King of Jin, the master of the three dynasties, was besieged!

More importantly... In this battle, the stagnant water of China finally ushered in a slight ripple!

The first big victory, the first great victory! Now... All of China and the world need this shot of stimulant!

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