
Chapter 848: Shocking the World (Part 3)

The ten generals were stunned for a moment, and then rushed to the light screen with everyone else, suppressing the feeling of exploding and looking at the battle report.

"Really... it's really like this!" An admiral opened his mouth, his white hair was trembling slightly, and his voice was hoarse: "Wolfsbane... Wolfsbane is not dead?! He, he actually did it again Appearing in Qingcheng Mountain?"

"No, it's not just that. His strength is obviously more advanced! Look here! He defeated twenty-two geniuses in a row! Because of his temptation, the Lord of the Jin Dynasty entered Xu Zhenjun's encirclement and was trapped in the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map... The blessing of China... What a blessing to China!”

"The morale is too high! This battle has brought out the spirit of China!" A general's face turned red: "The army has not been dispatched yet, and it depends entirely on the monks! Everyone knows that the Qingcheng Mountain National Gate is a quagmire, and the true martial arts world They surrounded but didn’t fight, now... they have to fight!”

"As long as we can fight, it's a good thing." Another general stroked his white hair, as if letting go of a huge stone in his heart, and took several deep breaths: "The thing I'm afraid of is delay! Everyone, we have one last move... Don't forget !”

The eyes of all the admirals met, and the stagnant water rippled slightly. They finally saw a spark that was not strong. But...who said a single spark can't start a prairie fire?

"How to deal with this matter?"

"Inform the whole world." The ten generals said in unison without any hesitation: "The Lord of the Jin Dynasty is trapped, which is enough to disturb the sight of the Zhenwu world. Qingcheng Mountain...may be the beginning of the earth's counterattack!"

The middle-aged woman was stunned: "Will this...will increase the burden on Qingcheng Mountain?"

"No." An old man said solemnly: "We can't spare any people. How many people do you think there are in the Zhenwu world? How dare they not protect the lunar base and the six Star Destroyer Motherships? Moreover, they can't hide it. Come on, this news is destined to spread throughout the Zhenwu world."

"Okay." After thinking for a moment, every person in power made a decision: "Inform the whole world!"

"Let everyone see that China has won a great victory!"

Messages one after another densely covered the entire network of China in an instant, and then spread from China to the world.

On the Huaxia Cultivation Network, a young man was sitting in front of his computer. Suddenly, he found that he couldn't click.

"What's going on?" The young man clicked the mouse anxiously. The global situation has entered an ice age, and everyone on earth is worried. The practice network of each country is the fastest channel to reflect battle reports, and it is also important for major monks to sign up for the frontline battlefield. platform. I have never been so stuck. I don’t know what happened today.

He thought it would be quick, but it took ten minutes. He poured a cup of coffee irritably. I sat down in front of the computer and found that the mouse could move.'s abnormally stuck! One step at a time!

And... the entire practice website is filled with rows of flowers, banners, and spiritual stones all over the interface! I can't even see what's there!

"What the hell is going on?!" He moved the mouse impatiently, but it got stuck like it was stuck in a swamp. I had no choice but to look at the banner on the screen. When I saw it, I almost jumped!

"Great victory at Qingcheng Mountain!!! Great victory!!! Killed 120,000 enemies!!" "The Nascent Soul of the Jin Dynasty was besieged at Qingcheng Mountain! Huaxia won a great victory!! Strengthen China!!" "Unbelievable! Master Wolf Venom is not dead yet! Oh my god! He is my idol!" "We defeated millions of enemies in Qingcheng Mountain! Hahahaha! Why didn't the recruitment channel open?"

"Oh my God!?" He stood up suddenly and looked at the screen like a tiger.

The big victory and victory that filled the screen made people scream. In the past two years, China's most brutal battle in Magic City was like a scar on the hearts of Chinese people. How many people were looking forward to a big victory, but the Zhenwu world held a no-war card and was involved in things, not giving China a chance to attack at all.

No one expected that in this ordinary day, this extraordinary moment would usher in, a moment that would make the whole China cheer for joy!

This great victory was no less important than the three major battles of that year.

"Move... move!" He moved the mouse desperately, but the entire website was laggy. He had already seen the dense discussion threads behind the full banner, and the wildfire in his heart was burning. He couldn't wait to click in, but now The website has so many views that when I click on it, there is no response at all!

"Fuck!" He finally yelled angrily and immediately turned on the TV. He simply didn't believe that such a major matter would not be reported on TV.

"We are now broadcasting an important piece of news for about half an hour. All programs will be postponed in sequence." "This is CCTV 1. Now we are temporarily broadcasting an important piece of news. The duration is half an hour..." "This station will be broadcasting two Scroll to show an important news in an hour..."

He grabbed the potato chips next to him and looked at them intently.

Now, it's eight o'clock in the evening. In the bars that were not affected by the war, in the city squares, all the advertising screens, and all the projection buildings all played the same set of pictures.

At this moment, all cities in China have the same set of pictures and the same voice.

"Snap..." In a cultivation university in the imperial capital, countless people stood up in each dormitory. In the TV room, everyone was watching. In the lecture hall, all the projection screens were turned on. Every monk in the academy was stunned. .

Hundreds of millions, billions of eyes began to look over. Then, they saw a scene that made their blood boil.

Killing Tao Qing, beheading Princess Rong, until the time when the Jin Houzhu came to kill from a distance, almost everyone put down their work and watched the TV with their lips tightly pursed.

Countless people were worried about the figure in the picture. Although they knew the final result, they couldn't help but feel their hearts beating with that agile figure. Every time the Jin Houzhu made a move, the majesty like a mountain and the sea, the mountains and the earth shook again and again, and there were close calls again and again, and the feeling of holding people's hearts tightly made the people watching now breathe weakly.

Thousands of people have gathered in the square of a provincial capital without knowing it. There are cultivators and mortals. They all raised their heads and looked at the tallest building in the city. The huge projection on it was replaying everything in Qingcheng Mountain.

"Boom!" When seeing Xu Yangyi getting closer and closer to Qingcheng Mountain, the crowd that was shocked into silence before finally cried out excitedly: "Too awesome..."

"Facing the Nascent Soul, he actually escaped tens of thousands of meters... This, this is fucking inhuman!"

This gentle voice was like throwing a stone into a calm lake, causing ripples. Whispers spread from all directions at the same time. After a few seconds, with the third move of the Jin Houzhu, it had gathered into a magnificent tide!

"Handsome! So handsome!!""I will marry someone like you in the future!!""So handsome! No words to say!""This is the legendary Nascent Soul True Lord! I can't catch up with him three times!!""I just want to ask where there is a video of this part? I want a collector's edition!"

At the entrance of a provincial capital, countless vehicles were parked at the door, but none of them entered at all.

The traffic police forgot to direct, hundreds of cars were concentrating on watching the screen, but there was not even a horn urging them from behind.

"Boom!!" On the screen that was dozens of meters wide, the Jin emperor made a shocking blow, and a giant palm of light hit Qingcheng without giving up! At this moment, everyone's heart was hanging!

On a truck, a middle-aged couple, the man held the woman's hand tightly, but at this moment, he squeezed it tightly. The woman pursed her lips tightly, as if she didn't hear anything, but looked at the screen with a sharp gaze.

This is a war of planes.

This is a war of species.

As long as you are an earthling, you will feel proud and empathize with it.

The crowd was silent, and countless people's hearts were raised to their throats. At this moment, a voice like a sea tide sounded on the TV.

"And me!" "We are here too!" "We are the Baiyun team!" "We are the Golden Eagle team!" "We..." "And us!"

One by one, the eyes of countless drivers were slightly red. This picture of everyone working together to fight against the Nascent Soul was too shocking. Even if it was a projection, it made people's hearts surge.

"Boom!" With a loud earth-shaking sound on the screen, the Yuanying palm was blocked outside the Qingcheng Mountain, and the white light exploded, as if the universe was just beginning.

The light fell, and thousands of people were panting. However, at this moment, all the drivers on the national highway and all the vehicles blocked at the door seemed to have taken stimulants! A surge of blood rushed to the top of the head!

This is the cultivator of our earth!

This is our guardian!

"Beep, beep!" I don't know whose horn was pressed first, like a horn, long and endless. Then, the vehicles behind seemed to have found a soulmate, and beeped at the same time.

In less than ten seconds. The horns at the gate of the provincial capital sounded one after another, as if military music was playing, and the ten-mile long street was roaring.

In all the cultivation academies, I don't know how many people cheered in unison! The Jin Houzhu, who had more than seven million spirits, was blocked at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain! He was captured by his own true master and put into the Shanhe Shejitu! The Nascent Soul was too far away, they dared not hope for it, but they could long for the Golden Core!

"I... must reach this point in the future!" A young man clenched his fists, his face flushed, looking at the panting figure at the tip of the Nascent Soul that everyone was united in fighting.

"I will... I will! I also want to be the guardian of China! Just like the Wolf Poison Master!"

"So cool!" "This is the role model of a cultivator!" "It is worthy of being the strongest Golden Core! It is just different!" "Haha! Qingcheng Mountain won a big victory! Our Earth's counterattack will come soon!"

The entire TV room has become a sea of ​​cheers. And at an unknown distance from them, all the Golden Cores were in high spirits!

"Good!!!" At the Taihu base, a thunderous sound rolled over, and the entire base was boiling!

"Good kill! Good kill!" Wei Chenyuan walked around the house. Even though he was a Golden Core, he couldn't hold back the ecstasy in his heart at this moment.

This is not as simple as a victory.

This is the horn of the Earth's counterattack, a stimulant in the ten thousand feet cold pond!

“Bring some wine!!”

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