
Chapter 849: Shocking the World (IV)

The Imperial Capital, the Forbidden City is empty, Tianzai's figure is in tears, looking at the bright moon, and a wine gourd has appeared in his hand without knowing when, and he said in a hoarse voice: "I will drink three hundred cups at a time."


Drank it all in one gulp.

In a very far place, Xuanyuan Sword Master opened his eyes, divine light flashed, and nodded deeply: "If everyone is like this, how can Zhenwu not be defeated?"

"Good, good! Good!!!" At the northwest national gate, a real person looked up to the sky and laughed: "Bring the wine! Today, this real person will not stop until he is drunk!"

The wine was soon served, and the real person picked up the wine glass and bowed to the direction of Qingcheng Mountain.

"This cup, I toast you."

"Langdu, you are worthy of the title of the strongest Jindan!"

Not only him, but also more than a dozen Jindan guarding more than a dozen bases in China, at this moment, they all raised their glasses: "Cheers to you."

"As long as this Zhenren is alive, the national gate will not be broken!"

"Zhen Mieri swears here!" "Liu Qingcheng swears here! He will defend the national gate to the death!" "Hua Jieyu swears by his ancestors that he will not step over this Zhenren, and the northern national gate will not be broken!" "I, Zhenren Liang, swear a great oath in my heart of Taoism that as long as this Zhenren is dead, the Zhenwu Realm must not step into the southeast national gate!"

The crowd is boiling.

And in a place that no one knows, a series of magnificent oaths resonate with the sky.

As long as the flying general of Longcheng is here, the Hu horse will not be allowed to cross Yinshan!

At this moment, they are the flying generals of Longcheng for the entire China. They protect the Yinshan defense line. They... also use their lives and their futures to swear that if they offend China, they will be punished no matter how far away they are.

Zhongnanhai may be the only place without celebration.

"Da Da Da..." A real Chinese senior official, sweating profusely, with several bodyguards guarding him closely on both sides. He trotted all the way, without a trace of calmness, and rushed to a top-secret underground meeting room.

"Dong Dong..." Just as he got off the elevator, an old man, leaning on a cane, ignored his leg injury, and got off the elevator opposite with slightly red eyes.

At the same time, eight elevators around opened at the same time, and one by one, the absolute power center figures who could only be seen on TV appeared here breathlessly.

Everyone looked at each other, and the joy and excitement in their eyes were all seen by each other. I don't know who it was, but finally laughed up to the sky.

"Good! Very good!!"

This is a fat man in his 50s. His face is glowing like Maitreya Buddha. He said with a smile: "Everyone, what are you waiting for?"

"Our counterattack will be coming soon!"

"Let's go... The think tank, the chairman, and the prime minister are waiting for us inside!"

"That's right." The old man's breathing was a little rapid, and the guards around him immediately took out medicine: "Old chief, you..."

"It's okay!!" The old man pushed him away, almost in tears, and hoarsely said: "This is excitement, it doesn't matter... Let's go! Let's go in together and open the blueprint for this counterattack together!"

"Yes." A middle-aged woman with short hair and decent clothes. Pushing her black-framed glasses, she sneered: "It's time to open our boundary anchor."

"Does the Zhenwu Realm really think we have no power to fight back?"

A group of people entered the top-secret conference room, and even bodyguards were not allowed to enter. Inside, several people with the highest power were waiting for them, and on the light screen opposite them, the heads of major countries in the world were sitting there.

Saint Peter of Light, Alamu Khan of Sky, the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of France, the Prime Minister of Scandinavia, the Head of State of Greece... all the great powers in the world, the great powers of cultivation, no one is left out.

"Everyone is here." Chairman Gao said in a deep voice: "The meeting begins."

"Did you really trap the last emperor of Jin?" As soon as the voice fell, Saint Peter of Light immediately said: "This... is the turning point of this war! Langdu did a good job, Xu Zhenjun did a good job! The Lord will give them glory! They must go to heaven!"

Alamu Khan rolled his eyes at him and said nothing.

"Everyone." Chairman Gao stood up and said in a very solemn voice: "Today, please hold an emergency meeting. On the Chinese side, several major military regions have already left for Chengdu, and Qingcheng Mountain must be defended. Can we break the Zhenwu Realm... in the next few years!"

No one spoke, Chairman Gao's chest rose and fell slightly, as if he was making a crucial decision. After a long time, he said: "I propose to open the door of the boundary anchor. Execute the "Xuanyuan" plan."

Below, I don't know how many people's eyes were instantly hot. Then, they forced themselves to cover up, and their breathing became heavy.

"I don't agree." Alamuhan shook his head: "This is China's last trump card, the Xuanyuan Plan... Open the door of the Earth's boundary anchor, and hundreds of small worlds under it will enter the Earth battlefield at the same time. If they have bad intentions towards the Earth..."

"I deny it." A voice suddenly appeared, and an old man in a Tang suit appeared in the conference room with a flashing light. Everyone took a look and breathed a sigh of relief.

Xuanyuan Sword Master!

Nine hundred and ninety-nine million spirits!

The strongest among the Nascent Souls!

"Everyone." Xuanyuan Sword Master almost never spoke, and this was his first time here. But his words were decisive: "Look at him..."

He pointed to the screen behind him, where the scene of Xu Yangyi seducing the King of Jin into the formation and Xu Fangyuan using all his strength to suck the other party into the Mountain and River State Map was being played in a loop.

"He, and him. The two of them tried their best to win a chance for the Earth. How can we waste it?"

"But..." Saint Peter frowned, but Xuanyuan Sword Master immediately interrupted him: "They tried their best and used their lives to create an opportunity for the bet! It may only be this once!"

"Yes, there is a high chance that the Small Thousand Worlds will not participate in our Ten Thousand Realms War. Because the Zhenwu World will not be stupid enough to destroy the Small Thousand Worlds. What they want is resources. But if there is one more, there is one!"

"The current stalemate on the earth, no...the stalemate is all self-deception and a disadvantage. In the real martial world, if one big point is broken, the entire world will collapse!"

"This time may be five years or ten years. The inheritance of the earth must not be destroyed in our hands. If there is a chance, we must seize it!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and his voice softened: "If a Little Thousand Worlds is willing to come, we will have one more strength. We lose in numbers! The whole of Africa is on the verge of falling! Followed by Europe on the other side, Zhenwujie has almost conquered Now that we have the bridgehead in Africa, what are you still hesitating about?”

No one spoke.

Xuanyuan Sword Master closed his eyes and said in a solemn voice: "Your lips are dead and your teeth are cold...everyone."

"Start it, all the counterattack forces of mankind, this opportunity must not be missed! All the secrets in the mind of Queen Jin, Ben Zhenjun will be responsible for personally bringing them out. At that time, it will be the time for the earth to sound the clarion call for a full-scale counterattack!"

There was silence.

As a commander, you must be decisive. No one here understands that you must be bold when things get tough. But... the consequences of opening the Boundary Anchor and welcoming all the Small Thousand Worlds to come for help are too heavy.

What if the other party joins the real martial arts world instead?

What if the other party doesn’t care about the earth at all?

The consequences could be disastrous!

"Everyone," the Prime Minister said, "I agree with the Chairman and Zhenjun."

"Only we know about the Xuanyuan Project, and no more than fifty people in the world know about it. Because it was only a hundred years ago that we began to enter the Small Thousand Worlds on a large scale. In the past hundred years, we have gradually communicated with most of the Small Thousand Worlds. In the past, only Even in the government records, there are no more than fifty small worlds in the hands of the great masters. "

"And now, there are a total of one hundred and thirty-two small thousand worlds connected with the earth. Most of the golden elixirs are at their peak, and they are in the early stage of the golden elixir. Even this kind of plane is very rare."

"The masses don't know, most of the government, and the monks don't know. All this is top secret. The Zhenwu community, according to Master Wolf Poison, has a very deep understanding of the earth. They must know that we are very alienated from the Small Thousand World. They are far across the starry sky, and they will definitely not be able to bring the Small Thousand Worlds with them..."

He paused: "Otherwise, now... I'm afraid the earth is already in danger."

"Use the right combination and the clever plan. Xiao Qianjie is our last unique soldier. The power of mortals, which we have firmly suppressed in the past few years, is also our unique soldier."

"We have only shown nuclear weapons, aircraft carriers, and intercontinental missiles. We have all of these in our hands. Taking advantage of the trend of Master Wolfsbane and Xu Zhenjun, this is the perfect moment for us to fight back!"

He took a deep breath. He knew very well that this decision was related to the future of the earth.

It is to survive this disaster and completely open the passage to all the small worlds. Or will he be buried on earth together with Xiaoqian World? It depends on this bet!

"Let's vote." Chairman Gao closed his eyes and his eyelids trembled slightly: "If you decide to open the Boundary Anchor and let the Small Thousand Worlds enter, just raise your hands. I... I have a few final words to say."

He opened his eyes, which were bloodshot, and raised two fingers: "First, this opportunity may not be encountered in the next few decades. A Nascent Soul True Lord, the top level of Zhenwu, he knows enough to We formulate detailed strategies.”

"Second, this is a huge gamble, and the stakes are the future of the planet and all of our lives."

"Master or slave, it all depends on... your hands."

"Now, the voting begins." He raised his hand first: "I propose that we start activating the boundary anchor now and be ready to welcome the Small Thousand Worlds to enter the earth at any time. Once the situation is feasible, all space channels on the earth will be opened immediately."

No one knows how the vote will turn out.

The burden of billions of people, the choices of dozens of people. It is impossible to let a third party know.

However, the shock around the world is not over yet.

While 99% of the people in the world were watching TV with great excitement, 1% of the people were staring at the Monument of Heroes with dumbfounded eyes.

Outside major cities, the Heroic Spirit Monument burst out with brilliance reaching the sky, and a line of text gradually turned into gold, becoming more and more brilliant!

"This is..." In the holy city of Mecca, countless Muslims watched this scene, their mouths opened wider and wider, and their eyes went straight.

Africa, the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, the place of origin of mankind, the tribes that finally gathered here, looked at the sky-reaching light of the Heroic Spirit Monument and the shining name, all burst into earth-shattering cheers.

Opposite them, they were surrounded by the boundless Zhenwu world. The leader is a woman in silver armor, wearing a golden mask, and her voice is like ice: "Shoot."

"Swipe!" Fire rain flew across the sky.

I don’t know how long it took, but the East African Rift Valley was already littered with corpses. The woman got off the chariot and came to the Hero’s Monument, squinting her eyes and stroking the line of words.

"Master Wolfsbane..."

"You...are not dead yet!!"

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