
Chapter 850: Help from all directions

"Crash!" The moon, the true body of the Zhenwu Realm, was filled with stars in a towering building. Following a burst of noise, there was a loud sound of a piece of porcelain being smashed.

"Two million souls!!"

The voice was full of disbelief and rage, like a crazy tiger: "Didn't you say he died in the Bohai Sea?! How to explain this now?!"

"Calm down." An old woman said in a hateful voice: "How do we know that these maggots can survive a battle in the Bohai Sea? It's really... unbelievable."

"Is now the time to discuss how he survived?" Another majestic voice snorted: "The Master of the Jin Dynasty is actually trapped! There are too many things in his mind that cannot be said. Once he is dug out by the Xuanyuan Sword Master, Come out...the consequences will be disastrous!"

After a few seconds of silence, the old woman's voice sounded again: "More troops..."

"More troops have been added to Qingcheng Mountain. Didn't the 'Poison Prime Minister' Liu Mingyang advance to Nascent Soul? Can't he even kill a mere golden elixir?"

"It's easy to say." The majestic voice sneered: "Where can we increase the troops? Do you think the non-returning boundary protection formation is just a decoration? Being able to enter so many people is already our limit. There are still one third We need to operate the six Star Destroyer Motherships. If it weren’t for the true body of the Zhenwu Realm, we would probably have less than half of the troops we entered.”

The old woman said angrily: "No matter what, we must rescue the Lord Jin before he is dug out! Otherwise... who can bear the consequences!"

"Okay." A peaceful voice sounded for the first time: "More troops must be added, and the Lord Jin must be rescued. As one of the five old stars in the Zhenwu world, he knows too much... He is still with us Above the Elders Association. In this way, one hundred thousand troops will be mobilized to return to the true martial arts world, and in addition..."

He paused: "I propose to open the blood path and summon a blood demon with the same spiritual power..."

"Blood Demon?!" "Mr. Zheng, are you crazy?" "These demons have always been trapped in the Netherworld. Once they are released... we have no control at all!" "This is an ominous thing from other planes. Even born in the Lanxue Cave Heaven, think twice!”

"That's enough!" The peaceful voice suddenly rose up: "Being timid! What is the situation now!!"

"I reiterate once again, once the Lord Jin cannot be saved, the good situation will be lost!! Thousands of years of planning, two holy lands and three dynasties! Thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed lands are all counting on this battle! Wolfsbane It doesn’t matter! The country doesn’t matter either! No matter what the cost, one of the Five Old Stars must be rescued!”

"Let me know clearly which one is more serious!" The voice was like a lion, deafening: "Let other countries exert full pressure, and Suzhou and Hangzhou will start a full-scale attack next week! Do not allow any force to reinforce Qingcheng Mountain, tell Prime Minister Liu... If If he can't save the Lord Jin, he will die in front of the mountain gate!"

His voice finally calmed down, and he gritted his teeth and said: "It's best to pray... and give us time to lift the blood demon seal, otherwise... once we can't defeat Qingcheng Mountain, we... will die together!"

"Be buried for Zhenwu."

No one knew what the moon would do, but the next day, the whole world was boiling!

The wanted list is out!

Just after the battle at Qingcheng Mountain, a new wanted list was released, and in the Golden Elixir section, there was a shocking sky-high price that made people drop their tongues.

"Wolfsbane, bounty: one billion high-grade spiritual stones!"

"Realm: Golden elixir perfection. Strength: unfathomable, far beyond the golden elixir, even the genius. Fighting style: determined physical training."

"Crime: The crime cannot be punished! The crime cannot be pardoned! In the battle of Qingcheng Mountain, seven golden elixirs were killed and more than a dozen geniuses were injured. The Lord of the Jin Dynasty was trapped, and he was the chief culprit. Anyone who comes to see him with the head of wolf poison, no matter who he is, will be promoted The two direct disciples of Cave Heaven! Grandma Yueying, Patriarch Moyun will personally protect her with a magical power that cannot be hurt by the Nascent Soul."

"The treasure trove of the Jin Dynasty still has three items selected by it. The one who kills Wolfsbane will be one of the six generals of the Jin Dynasty. He will be granted the title of Marquis of Ten Thousand Houses."

"Another: If Wolf Poison himself comes to surrender, he will directly enter the sequence of the two cave heavens. He will be qualified to compete for the next generation master of the two cave heavens. The ancestor of Moyun, Yueying Immortal Grandma, has already decided that once he surrenders, forget about it. Emperor Beiming of the Northern Ming Dynasty Jingkou Yuyan said: Become a king and become a prime minister, ranking among the three nobles.

"The magical powers of the two holy places can be chosen at will, and a set of magic weapons is personally created by the great master of Qi Refining in the Zhenwu world. The two holy places also provide spiritual enlightenment objects."

This piece of news shocked the entire China!

"Hahahaha!" An underground cave in the imperial capital was filled with magic weapons, a blood-red flag, and a black knife on it. Two half-step golden elixir monks stood in front of the computer and laughed loudly: "With these things, do you want to sway the real person we are waiting for, Wolf Venom?"

"Wishful thinking!" "Daydreaming!" "Haha, this advertisement is good, but it's a pity, a pity, I don't believe that the real Wolfbane will join the real martial arts after seeing this."

Behind him, the late-stage digital foundation builders laughed. After laughing enough, a post-production manager wiped away the tears from laughter: "Tsk, tsk, one billion...the price is really..."

"Don't you mean that?" Several unkind glances came over him immediately.

The monk suddenly shuddered.

This is the flag.

This is an idol.

This is what a hero is.

Their smiles were filled with pride, the excitement of a great victory, the presence of Wolfsbane, and the relief of Qingcheng's great victory. Whoever dares to touch him will be the enemy of China!

"How is that possible?" The monk immediately said, "Don't think too much!"

"Okay." The monk in front of the computer stood up and said solemnly: "That's enough... What are we, the Black Sword Corps, waiting for?"

Everyone was silent. A few seconds later, magic weapons shined in their hands, and everyone's eyes were extremely firm.

"Four days..." The man looked at the ceiling, his voice filled with uncontrollable excitement: "The recruitment channel has been open for an unprecedented four days..."

"A total of 300,000 people signed up, and the three major mortal military regions went to Qingcheng."

He lowered his head and looked at everyone: "Everyone, everyone should be able to understand what the government means."

His eyes were as bright as fire and he said word by word: "China has no troops that can be mobilized."

"Since yesterday, seven bases have been attacked at the same time. The attack momentum is unprecedented. This is a conspiracy. Zhenwujie... is already planning an all-out attack on Qingcheng Mountain. This attack... is probably stronger than Bohai, even comparable to Than the battlefields of Jerusalem and the Vatican.”

"This is the calm before the storm. Everyone, this time, there is no commission and no employer. However, the price is our lives. If you don't want to go, you can leave now."

No one flinched.

Magical weapons filled the ground with brilliance. After a few seconds, someone said, "Who said there is no employer?"

“Who said there’s no commission?”

"The employer is the earth that gave birth to me and raised me. The commission is the lives of billions of people."

"And...the country behind us."

"Brush!" All the magic weapons flashed with brilliance, and more than a dozen voices said in a deep voice at the same time: "I will not give up even if I die!"

The man took a deep breath, a sword appeared in his hand, placed it on his heart, and everyone's eyes met: "I will not give up even if I die!"

"The Black Knife Corps will dispatch tomorrow morning to assist Qingcheng Mountain!"

Jiangxi, Longhu Mountain.

It was raining heavily and the sky turned gray. In front of this one of the three ancestral palaces of Taoism, tens of thousands of gray-clad Taoist priests stand proudly in the rain, like green pines in the rain, blending into the sky and the earth.

Above them, two men in white robes, Feng Xu Yufeng, were surrounded by golden elixirs.

No one spoke, as if Thirty Thousand Swordsmen were marching to the west. The chill in the dead silence caused the surrounding raindrops to be cut into two pieces.

A few minutes later, a real person opened his eyes and looked at the sword cultivator below. There are mixed feelings in my heart.

"Changqingzi, are you still hesitant?" Another real person said with a clear smile, as if he had a clear understanding.

Chang Qingzi raised his eyes to the sky and his voice trembled slightly: "The location of Longhu Mountain... is supposed to rush to support the Suhang battlefield. Once Suhang is defeated, the locusts from the Zhenwu world will march straight in, and the ancestral court will be in danger!"

"I understand." The Jin Dan said slowly: "Of course, as long as the Lord Jin is captured, there is hope for Earth's counterattack."

"This is also the ancestral court!" Changqingzi suddenly turned his head, his long beard fluttering, and there were tears in his eyes: "Tianqingzi, Taoism started from the roar of the crane, the Taoist ancestors of Qingcheng Mountain proved the Tao, Longhu Mountain laid the foundation, and the three ancestral courts , How can you care about one thing and lose the other!”

"If the skin is gone, how can the hair be attached?" Tian Qingzi looked directly into his eyes: "I understand your mood. Thirty thousand talisman cultivators are Longhu Mountain's biggest trump card. We...have tried our best."

"Yesterday, the Ten Thousand Sword Cultivators of Heming Mountain were launched. Even Heming Mountain, the place of origin, gave up its ancestral home. What can we... not let go of?"

Chang Qingzi didn't speak, he had obviously made up his mind...but at the moment when he spoke, he couldn't say it out no matter what.

Abandoning the ancestral court and rushing to the aid of Qingcheng... I can only pray for the Taihu base to be defended, otherwise... how can I face the Taoist ancestors?

I was born in this mountain, grew up in this mountain, and now I personally give up this mountain. How can I express it in just a few words?

No one spoke. Ten minutes later, Tian Qingzi said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

Chang Qingzi looked up to the sky and sighed, but there was no hesitation on his face as he shouted loudly: "Don't do any evil!"

"Practice all good deeds!!" Below, more than 30,000 talisman cultivators responded in unison.

The sound is like a loud bell, resounding for hundreds of miles.

"Fellow Taoists." No one could see the veins popping out of Chang Qingzi's fists in his sleeves. He hissed: "Thirty-two thousand talisman cultivators will accompany me on the westward expedition to support the Qingcheng Mountain ancestral court!"

"Brush!" As soon as he finished speaking, two streams of light shot up into the sky.

Behind them, as far as the eye could see, the figures of thirty thousand Talisman cultivators filled the sky, turning into a stream of light that connected the sky and the earth, shooting toward the west.

Flag after flag was raised in China, and regiments with almost no records, some with only a dozen people, and some with as many as hundreds of people, gathered from behind Qingcheng Mountain. Planes after aircraft, armored vehicles, missiles, and military districts all entered Chengdu.

Everyone knows very well that this is by no means comparable to any previous war, and the government will never hold back. In the famous mountains and rivers near Sichuan, hidden caves opened one after another, and countless military-green figures began to appear inside. The missiles were all aimed at the outskirts of Dujiangyan.

Even if Dujiangyan is destroyed and this area is eliminated, the Zhenwu community will never be able to rescue the Lord Jin!

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