
Chapter 851: Preparation

The imperial capital, the Forbidden City.

Tian Zai opened his eyes slightly and looked solemnly at the moon.

In his eyes, a silver chain spread from the moon and penetrated countless voids. The head of the chain was a triangular iron ring, aimed at his throat.

"The artifact that protects the country." Tian Zai slowly closed his eyes: "Do you want to keep me here?"

No one answered.

On a grassland, Master Xuanyuan Sword suddenly stopped.

There was strong wind and blood all around.

"Good Lingbao." He showed the long sword in his old man's hand: "If you want to stop Ben Zhenjun, it depends on whether you are qualified."

There are waves and undercurrents. Xu Yangyi knew all of this through his daily reports, but he didn't ask any more questions.

He is trying his best to familiarize himself with the entire Qingcheng Mountain Mountain Protection Formation and various trump cards.

It took four days to see this.

"It is indeed the ancestral palace of Taoism." Four days later, he put down the jade slip in his hand and said solemnly: "From the foot of the mountain to the Laojun Hall on the top of the mountain, it is more than 1,200 meters and dozens of kilometers in radius, a total of 432 The small formation, the five central formations, and the real Taoist place leading to Qingcheng Mountain are not here."

"The Laojun Hall has the only road that leads to the real back mountain. The Taoist Three Treasures Seal, Sword, and Talisman, among which the 'talisman' exists in the back mountain. The sword is originally in Taiwan and has sunk to the bottom of the sea with the treasure island. I don't know the seal. Whereabouts."

His eyes moved slightly: "The back mountain is where the true foundation of Taoism lies."

He closed his eyes and carefully recalled the layout of the mountain behind.

That's not called a mountain anymore... The layout of each Taoist temple is particular, and when combined, it turns out to be...

Weapon refining puppet!

Qingcheng Mountain has never had a back mountain. Hidden in the back mountain is a huge weapon-refining puppet! And it’s a spiritual treasure! Everything in Taoism is built on it!

This is simply a space fortress!

But even so, he still had no idea!

So peaceful...

In the past four days, the Zhenwu world has been extremely peaceful. However, everyone can feel that an unspeakable killing intent is gathering around it, getting stronger bit by bit.

Just one hit.

Both sides knew that the next collision would be an earth-shattering blow.

The winner goes to heaven, the loser goes to hell.

The opponent is gathering strength and activating his cards, and he doesn't know how much time is left for him. He only knew that what the other party had gathered must be a fatal blow that could tear them apart and attack Qingcheng Mountain.

The viper has already coiled up, looking for the best opportunity to attack, and is also waiting for its energy to be charged up.

"And Liu Mingyang..." A murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "The opponent should wait until Liu Mingyang has completely advanced. However, if he suffered such a heavy injury during the advancement, how strong is he as a Nascent Soul?"

"Master Xu!" At this moment, a voice sounded: "Everything you asked for has been brought. The people you invited have also arrived."

Xu Yangyi nodded, turned around, and immediately saw several figures.

A husky, which was so fat that it weighed an estimated one hundred pounds, was being carried on a bamboo sedan by two monks, sitting on the sedan with squinted eyes.


Once the word "but" appears, it is generally not a good thing. For example, this husky is holding a cigar in his mouth, wearing sunglasses, and a pair of beach shorts that say "Don't annoy me." He is looking at Xu Yangyi maliciously.

Xu Yangyi automatically passed over the opponent.

Beside it, Wangchen and Chu Zhaonan were both there. Wangchen took a step and half-knelt: "I've met Master."

"No need to be polite." Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and three futons flew over. Wangchen and Chu Zhaonan both took it, but when they flew in front of the dog, they were slapped away by a paw.

"You're so brave..." Xu Yangyi smiled slightly. The husky rolled her eyes at him: "Can such a small futon accommodate my big breasts and butt?"

Xu Yangyi's mood suddenly improved. With a flick of his finger, a spiritual light gathered, and a two-meter-long futon appeared. The husky moved lightly and rolled onto the futon.

"You..." Xu Yangyi just spoke, and the fur ball-like body bounced up like a needle, and pressed his mouth with a speed that humans could not imagine. His expression was solemn and solemn: "Don't talk, feel it with your heart. "

Chu Zhaonan had just lit up his cigarette and without putting out the lighter, he stared at this scene blankly.


"I understand, I know. But no matter what, I will not separate from you. You don't know how expensive firewood and rice are. I wish I could break a penny in half and spend it. Where do you think your good spiritual tea comes from? ? Where do you think you have so many spiritual plants to refine elixirs? And your luxurious training room, these are all money and money! I am so worried about you that I am now black and white, and I have lost weight! "

The three people's eyes fell on his bloated figure. Mao Baer shook his tail unnaturally: "In short...the size is not the point! The point! No! Money!"

Xu Yangyi opened the dog's paws: "You think I just want money when we meet? seems like it was my money to begin with."

"Tsk tsk... We haven't seen each other for several years. We've met each other, haven't we? What difference do we have between us... Huh? You just said you don't want money?"

After receiving the affirmative look, Mao Baer's face went from being dazed, to a spring-filled smile, to sticking out his tongue and trying to take a few licks before being pushed away. Only one second passed, which was comparable to the Nascent Soul.

"Tell me earlier." It took a puff of a cigar contentedly: "Life... your goals shouldn't be so short-term. You are a young man with four talents, and your journey should be the stars and the sea. Just a few spiritual stones, such mundane things... I should If you have nothing else to do, I’m exhausted.”

Unconsciously, it turned around very naturally, started, and stepped out gracefully. As soon as it took a step, it barked out.

"Big guy! I warn you! My tail is my dignity! Let go! Otherwise, I will fight you to the death!"

Chu Zhaonan stepped on his tail, lit a cigarette and said lightly: "Something happened to the Ziqi family, it will arrive within three months."

Xu Yangyi glanced at Chu Zhaonan who was smoking carelessly and Wang Chen who seemed to be respectful. His eyes finally moved to the foot stepping on Mao Baer's tail. He always felt that something was wrong.

Suddenly, his mind lit up. Chu Zhaonan had no spiritual power! Because of him, the other party was abolished once, and Mao Baer had already built a foundation and had a unique fighting form. The other party couldn't break free?

He turned his head and looked at the other party with a burning gaze: "Have you replied?"

Chu Zhaonan stood up, his strength penetrated his whole body, and a majestic spiritual energy enveloped him. Without saying anything, he suddenly punched the ground. With a "bang", a circle of gray-white shock waves, tens of meters long, shook the Laojun Temple.

"Middle stage of foundation building?" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed: "It's due to luck. The chance of that pill being able to be opened is less than one in ten. Your aptitude is indeed excellent."

"By your good words." Chu Zhaonan threw a cigarette over: "I thought... I would be useless in this life, but I didn't expect that I would have a day to return to the peak."

He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "It's a pity that you have gone to the front again."

"It doesn't matter." Xu Yangyi's eyes were calm: "Your aptitude, even if you reach the top, will never be submerged."

"What the hell... gay gay..." The ignored cat was very unhappy, drawing circles with his paws, and suddenly jumped up: "Above?"

Its dog eyes were wide open, he was not stupid, and Xu Yangyi would never keep a fool around him. From this sentence, he had a conjecture that shocked him.

"Don't tell me..." Its tail drooped down, staring into Xu Yangyi's eyes.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, looked at the few people who suddenly quieted down, and said in a deep voice: "Are you willing to go with me?"

"To the rumored upper world."

Everyone was stunned.

A few days ago, they received a message from Xu Yangyi, saying that there were only Zhao Ziqi, Chu Zhaonan, Wangchen, Mao Baer, ​​three people and a dog, and asked them to bring all their things. But they didn't expect it was because of this.

Xu Yangyi was ready to face the question, but after a few seconds of silence, Chu Zhaonan took the lead and said: "How long will it take?"

He felt a little warm in his heart. He and Chu Zhaonan were not childhood friends, but they were once opponents. But a true friend will not ask you what you want to do, but will only support you silently with actions.

"After a dozen years, I will definitely leave Earth."

"That's not right..." Mao Baer walked around the room in annoyance: "You are the boss on Earth, you can get whatever you want, except for you who is too aloof, as long as you speak, who dares not listen? Suddenly want to go to the upper world? To see those bird people's cold eyes?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

Only he could see...the golden light in his chest, interweaving in his mind into a picture that made people's hair stand on end.

In the universe, a huge planet rushed towards the earth at full speed. The Taichu said that more than ten years would only be sooner rather than later.

He had to prepare for the rainy day, and he didn't think he would be a match for this monster that traveled through the planes.

"In more than ten years, this war must be ended." After a long time, he raised his head and said solemnly.

That terrifying sense of oppression... like the god of death looming in his heart.

"There is a very scary enemy. He is coming across the solar system." He deliberately kept it brief and made himself a pot of tea: "He surpasses everything, even scarier than Xiahou. Xu Kunlun may not take action at that time. His joining can immediately change the situation. I must be fully prepared."

Wang Chen and Mao Baer did not speak, Chu Zhaonan stood up and took a step forward: "How strong is he?"

What a perceptive person... Xu Yangyi wanted to laugh, but he didn't laugh, and finally sighed: "Very strong."

"More terrifying than everyone you have ever seen, even the entire Zhenwu world combined."

The two men and the dog took a breath.

"Which side of the enemy?" Chu Zhaonan continued to ask, without a trace of fear on his face.

Xu Yangyi was silent, and after a few seconds he replied: "The enemy of all creatures."

He looked at Wangchen, who immediately bowed: "Wherever the master goes, I will go."

He smiled and nodded: "Okay, that's it..."

"Wait..." Mao Baer activated the interruption skill at the right time, with a ghostly expression on his face: "Did you forget something?"

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly.

"Me! Me!!" The bitch who didn't want to be forgotten at any time jumped three feet high, which was completely inconsistent with his fat appearance: "You have already prepared for a trip that you can go on at any time, right! Why didn't you tell me! You didn't even ask me what I meant! Am I so insignificant and insignificant in your eyes?!"

"Then you don't want to?"

Mao Baer's jumping stopped abruptly, and after a few seconds he coughed lightly: "I am willing... No! This is not a question of willingness or not! This is a dog rights war! I warn you! If you continue to implement high-pressure policies like this next time, I will sue you at the Animal Protection Association!"

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