
Chapter 853: Liu Xiangcheng Infant

"Okay." Xu Yangyi stroked the dog's head upstairs and smiled without saying anything. Mao Baer finally settled down. He said in a deep voice: "From now on, you must not leave Qingcheng Mountain at all. Ensure your own safety. In more than ten years, we must leave no matter what."

"Wait." Chu Zhaonan's thick eyebrows tightened again: "What do you mean?"

"We came to Qingcheng Mountain, just to see you show off in front? We stay behind you and take advantage of you?" He lit a cigarette again: "Dream."

"Pretending is risky, and you need to be cautious when you are passionate." Mao Baer turned his belly happily, lying on the mat like a dead snake and rotten eel, and said comfortably: "Let the C position output and the nurse add blood. Isn't this a very normal thing? I really don't know where you, a second-hand DPS who has been chopped countless times, get the confidence to grab the output... Woof!! Come out! Let's have a fight, whoever loses is a dog!"

A cigarette butt burned the fur on its belly, and Mao Baer jumped up instantly, standing up, and vowed to scratch Chu Zhaonan's face with two claws.

"With a nanny like you, the group would have been wiped out long ago." Chu Zhaonan kicked Mao Baer in the stomach without even looking at it, lit another cigarette, and blew out a smoke ring: "Besides, you seem to be a dog."

Xu Yangyi smiled as he looked at everything in front of him. All the people who should have arrived had arrived. His ascension only wanted to take these people away. There are still more than ten years, and Zhao Ziqi should be able to wake up. Finally...

He looked at the horizon with a cold look, Lanxue Patriarch... In the past ten years, if you have any clues about Angel, this real person can still let you live. If not, then... you can die.

Time passed day by day, and the entire Qingcheng Mountain finally got back on track in the second month after a great war.

Every month, there are Jindan lectures to build a foundation, refine qi, and improve one's strength. And every day, countless cultivators gathered here, and one flag after another was planted in the front and back mountains of Qingcheng Mountain. Then it spread outward, turning the entire Dujiangyan into a huge military city.

No one was relaxed. At the end of the sky, the huge palace of the Jin Dynasty was like a star hanging upside down. Countless floating boats were densely scattered on both sides. The endless black camps on the ground dyed the surface black.

Like a silent giant beast, in the dark night, even in Chengdu, dozens of kilometers away, you can see the brightly lit behemoth.

Gathering, accumulating power, the silent tide hovered over Dujiangyan. Even the air became murderous. For several months, no birds flew and no breeze blew.

The sun was filled with a suffocating smell of blood.

This was the frenzy before the storm. I don’t know when this huge vortex will erupt. Both sides are making their last efforts. Every day, countless planes take off from Chengdu and bring boxes of supplies to Qingcheng Mountain. Countless helicopters carrying missiles are patrolling all the time. Streams of light hover in the thick fog of Qingcheng Mountain, day and night.

Compressed, condensed, and turned into a long sword that kills with blood. When this pressure reaches the critical point, it is the time when this bomb that can change the situation of the war will explode completely.

On the tenth day after the battle of Qingcheng Mountain, the Western Theater Command came to help. Commander Hu Weiguo and Deputy Commander Cao Xiangbing arrived at Qingcheng Mountain. They did not accept the suggestion of commanding in Chengdu and led 20 think tanks to visit Laojun Temple in person.

Twenty days later, the Central Theater Command arrived, and three regiments of cultivators and 200 fighters stopped at Chengdu Airport.

Thirty days later, the Northern Theater Command and the Eastern Theater Command arrived at the same time.

The most advanced cultivators and mortal combat forces in China all gathered here, ready to fight at any time, eight hundred miles of distribution, fifty strings of music, holding their breath and waiting for the moment when the bomb exploded.

A month passed, and the crazy murderous aura became more and more intense, but no one stepped beyond the line.

That kind of silent anxiety and silent killing intent almost drove everyone crazy.

On the 40th day, all the Jindan in Qingcheng Mountain held classes to improve everyone's strength in a critical moment, and secondly, to disperse the murderous intent that made people's hearts stop.

On the 45th day, Langdu Zhenren started refining pills in Laojun Temple, one pill per person per month. This practice simply pushed his reputation to the peak.

The 60th day, Shuiyue day, night.

The hexagram is very ominous.

At the top of Laojun Temple, Xu Yangyi, who was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and turned into a black light and rushed to the sky.

The bright moon should have been clear, but now it was blocked by a huge shadow.

That was the main body of the Zhenwu Realm. The earth has not seen the moon for more than five years. It is like the horror rumored by the people, covering the sky above the moon.

"Shua La La..." A piece of cold night wind blew the night fog all over the mountain, and the trees rolled like a tide. Tonight, you can't see your hand in front of you.

Just a few seconds after Xu Yangyi flew out, eight rays of light rose into the sky and gathered around him.

Chaoyangzi, Huayangzi, Linyangzi. There were also two real people, Zhenyin and Zhiyang, who had gained enlightenment after watching Xu Yangyi's efforts to trap the last emperor of Jin. The two Changtianqings of Longhu Mountain and the masters of the Three Saints of Heming Mountain appeared beside him at the same time.

"You felt it too?" Xu Yangyi said with a normal expression and a solemn voice.

"It's finally about to start." Changqingzi stepped forward, his chest rising and falling slightly: "After more than two months of suppression, they should have completed their mobilization."

No one spoke. Just now, all the real people above the Jindan level felt that the celestial phenomena were suddenly disordered. Even if they didn't have the Seven Star Divine Calculation when they cultivated to the Jindan level, they still had a sense of mystery.

Everyone felt a sense of fear and trembling, and without any hesitation, they all gathered here.

Silence, the surging mountain fog in the night wind was like a sea tide, and it seemed to be shrouding one huge monster after another, rising and falling.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly a little golden light flashed between heaven and earth. It was as if the sun jumped out from the horizon, and then, thousands of golden lights rose from the palace of Dajin.

"Sunrise?" The master of Sansheng Temple said in astonishment.

Indeed... the strange scene in front of me is almost the same as the sunrise. I heard the Qinghai boiling from afar and saw the colorful clouds rising. The brocade flew thousands of feet, and the golden waves surged.

That little golden light turned into a golden sea tide in an instant, illuminating the entire Dujiangyan, and even Chengdu, dozens of kilometers away, was vaguely visible. And in this golden light, a blood-red sun was slowly rising from the palace of Dajin.

"Swish..." The light shone for thousands of miles, and all the seas of clouds boiled wherever the golden light passed, and the dark veil of the night was lifted. This time, not only them, but all the monks stationed in Qingcheng Mountain, and even ordinary people felt it. The mountain gradually became full of shadows, and I don't know how many people pointed at this amazing scene.

"Boom!" Within a minute, the blood-red sun instantly jumped into the air. Several real people took a closer look and their eyes suddenly focused: "This... This is..."

"It's the golden elixir." Xu Yangyi's expression was cold. His spiritual power far exceeded everyone else's. He saw it most clearly. In the center of the sun, an old figure sat cross-legged with his hair and beard flying. The endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth formed an ocean of domains, guarding the figure tightly.

Liu Mingyang.

"This is..." As the golden light became more and more intense, Chao Yangzi, who had the highest cultivation, finally saw it clearly. They gasped and exclaimed in unison: "Nascent Soul Vision?!"

"Someone... has formed a Nascent Soul!"

Before the words fell, a long roar resounded through the sky. The golden elixir was instantly covered with countless cracks. With this long roar, countless blood lights gushed out from the cracks. Sprinkled all over the sky, with a loud "boom" sound that shook the earth, the vast sea of ​​spiritual lines, from all directions, merged into his body, and actually formed a baby shape outside his body.

"It's really a baby..." Chang Qingzi's face was ashen, no wonder... no wonder the Zhenwu Realm has not taken action! They are waiting... waiting for Liu Mingyang to form a baby!

Next... it's time for everyone to fight with all their strength.

Around Liu Mingyang, circles after circles, dark Zhenwu Realm cultivators covered the sun like clouds, firmly guarding Liu Mingyang. As the Yuanying condensed, all the broken golden pills turned into a golden light, and actually formed a magnificent and boundless spiritual cloud above his head.

"Spiritual energy infusion..." Tian Qingzi took a deep breath. No one spoke, everyone knew that this war was coming.

One hour, two hours... the sky went from night to day, and everyone saw this scene. The feeling of suffocation, as if the heart was grabbed, became stronger.

Dark clouds pressed down on the city, and the mountain rain was coming.

The trees on the surrounding mountains seemed to be responding to this atmosphere, rustling like the tide. With Liu Mingyang as the center, circles of terrifying shock waves even made the trees on Qingcheng Mountain rustle.

Ten hours later, Liu Mingyang opened his eyes.

As he opened his eyes, the spiritual energy vortex above his head, like a tornado, dissipated. The cultivators of the surrounding Zhenwu Realm all knelt on the ground, from the bottom to the top of the three steps, like a fish leaping over the dragon gate, guarding Liu Mingyang, who was shining with golden light, in the air.

"Liu Xiang will win! Da Jin will win! Zhenwu will win!!!"

A thunderous shout rushed from outside Dujiangyan. Qingcheng Mountain was silent.

No one could say a word. A breakthrough in the battle, right in front of them, was a huge blow to morale. It was just like the day when General Xu Yangyi defeated the twenty-two golden elixirs.

This is the Yuanying!

The true supreme of the plane! And the Taoist ancestral home... only has eight golden elixirs!

"Is this the feeling of the Nascent Soul..." Below the palace of the Great Jin Dynasty, Liu Mingyang looked at his hand, still a little bit unbelieving.

The power that was surging in his blood was so strong that it shocked him.

Without speaking, he took a step gently, and the wound that was severely injured by Xu Yangyi that day was still aching. It was a mark of shame... He couldn't help but raise his head and look at Qingcheng Mountain from afar.

He saw him.

Looking down from a high place, he saw him who was isolated in the clouds, without sadness or joy.

"Sha..." He raised his hand gently, his movements were gentle and soothing. As he raised his hand, the surrounding black clouds guarded him like a guard, and at least hundreds of thousands of Zhenwu Realm troops were silent.

"Wolf poison." His voice was very light, but it strangely spanned tens of millions of meters: "Long time no see."

"This True Lord gave you a great gift."

"Return the gift, you are not bad."

"Boom!!" The last word fell, and a magnificent aura came across ten thousand meters! Pointing directly at Xu Yangyi's throat!

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