
Chapter 855: Captives (Part 2)

No one looked back, no one looked sideways.

In the entire Qingcheng Mountain, no one turned their heads away because of their unwillingness or fear of blood.

After two years of fighting, they have become an elite army. Because of this, Xu Yangyi did not speak. Although they were already burning with anger, they could only grit their teeth and resist the urge to rush forward with knives and kill people in a bloody river.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and looked at the scene stained with blood in front of them.

"Boom..." With the sound of a drum, hundreds of shark teeth turned into hundreds of cold rays. Wherever the cold rays passed, blood flew into the air, brighter than the morning glow.

Chaoyangzi's lips trembled, his tiger eyes were filled with tears, but his eyes were fixed on this scene, wanting to remember all this in his heart and engrave it into his soul.

With one knife, huge cracks appeared on the waists of all the captives, but no one cried out in pain, but their faces were filled with joy.

Who has not died since ancient times?

"Everyone..." Suddenly, a monk with a mouth full of blood said with a smile: "We will go first..."

Before he finished speaking, the second knife fell, enough to split the man in half. Everyone's body seemed to be broken, but no one begged for mercy. They held their heads high, as if the pain was not inflicted on their bodies.

They were ready to die.

"Do you surrender or not?!" Liu Mingyang stood up suddenly, and his murderous eyes were revealed in the light curtain, and he shouted.

With his shout, hundreds of thousands and millions of black tides around him shouted together: "Do you surrender or not?!"

The sound was like thunder, sword, and needle, piercing everyone's heart. However, on the opposite side of Qingcheng Mountain, there was silence.

That was the silence of anger.

That was the silence of wanting to kill one person every ten steps.

That was the silence that had to be kept because the commander-in-chief did not speak.

Everyone's eyes were bloodshot. Facing the "Do you surrender or not" shouting like a landslide and tsunami, no one answered.

The only answer to this was the sword in his hand.

"Buzz..." I don't know who started it, the scabbard vibrated wildly, this was not spiritual energy, but pure anger. Then, the whole Qingcheng Mountain was filled with the sound of swords, thousands and thousands, continuous like the sea.

"Very good." Liu Mingyang's expression was as calm as a lake: "Cut!!!"

"Boom!!" The third drum sounded, and hundreds of cold lights flashed again. Bringing up bloody light.

The upper bodies of all the cultivators were cut off, and the dead lower bodies fell into the mountain mist. It was obviously very light, but at this moment, it felt that the extremely strong bloody smell permeated the entire mountain range. Countless people... their bodies were trembling, and their chests were heaving as they watched the scene in front of them.

"Continue." Liu Mingyang gritted his teeth and said, "Bring them up."

Before he finished speaking, another hundred people came up, and as soon as these hundred people were brought up, the whole Qingcheng Mountain finally couldn't suppress the extremely patient sobs.

"Master..." All the disciples of the Zhenwu School took a step forward together, biting their lips and bleeding.

The first person in front was the leader of the Zhenwu Sect. Now his hair was disheveled, but he was full of energy, as if he had not seen the previous tragedy at all.

Not only him, but all those who were brought up this time were the leaders and elders of various sects who were captured, more than 50 people in total.

Liu Mingyang smiled and said, "Kneel down."

"Confess your sins in front of thousands of people. I can give you a knife."

"Hahaha!" As soon as the voice fell, an old woman laughed up to the sky: "Evil demons dare to make Taoist elders kneel? Wishful thinking."

"Hehe..." Liu Mingyang laughed very peacefully. The next second, blood flashed, and the old woman's legs were almost broken at the knees. She could no longer control herself and knelt in the air with a plop.

The old woman's eyes turned red in an instant.

How could she kneel? !

How could she kneel to death in the ancestral temple? !

This is where her faith is, the ancestral temple of Taoism. Even if she is going to die, she will die standing. How could she kneel in front of the thieves of the Zhenwu world? !

The limp body struggled to stand up. Liu Mingyang looked at the old body struggling helplessly with satisfaction, and suddenly his body flashed and appeared behind the old woman.

"Like a maggot, you still want to show some so-called integrity?" He gently stretched out his legs, slowly, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, stepped on the old woman's head.

Boom! ! !

The blood exploded instantly.

If it was said that before, it was still furious and murderous. At this moment, it was no longer described by anger.

Even if he died, he would not die well, but tortured. The Great Jin Dynasty actually tortured prisoners in front of the battle!

"You dare!!!" At this moment, the murderous intent that gathered to the peak burst out, and hundreds of rays of light turned into a rain of swords that poured out from Qingcheng Mountain.

Go forward without hesitation.

He was not afraid of whether there was a Yuanying Zhenjun in front of him. This sword was only a death!

What is there to fear about death!

If the other party humiliated the Chinese martyrs like this, it would be better to die!

"How dare you!" Before Xu Yangyi could speak, Chao Yangzi's choked voice suddenly exploded: "All of you go back to this Immortal! Without the order of the commander-in-chief, who dares to move rashly..."

Whoever dares to move rashly will be killed immediately!

This sentence was stuck in his throat for a few seconds, but he pursed his lips tightly and swallowed it hard.

He couldn't say it.

This was a pure heart. He saw that the hundreds of sword lights that had been completely out of control just now were all the monks of the Haichan Sect to which the old woman belonged.


No... This situation is intolerable! Even though he almost stepped on the sword several times and left, he didn't care about anything. As long as he killed the other party with blood all over the ground and turned the world upside down, he would have no complaints even if he died.

But... the eight Immortals looked at each other, and they all knew that they couldn't do this.

"The Ai soldiers will win." Xu Yangyi bit his lip and drew blood, and his voice had never been so hoarse: "The Zhenwu world can't afford to wait... Every day it waits, the chance of the Lord Jin being captured increases. They also know that the Ai soldiers will be captured. The soldiers must win, but their military morale is shattered and their morale has plummeted. There must be a way to save the morale that is on the verge of collapse. "

"That's...killing prisoners..." The Three Saints Temple Master closed his eyes tightly, and the corners of his eyes were moist. He didn't know how hard he used to suppress the tears from his eyes, and choked: "Liu Mingyang wants to mobilize the last force of the entire army." Morale, he has no other choice but to attack Qingcheng Mountain with all his strength."

"And for us, maintaining this mentality of mourning soldiers is the biggest asset we have with a small number of people." Tian Qingzi's eyes turned red, and the hands in his sleeves were bleeding, and he said in a deep voice: "Everyone... must not act on your own initiative. , the final battle in Qingcheng Mountain is coming. Dark clouds are coming over the city, and rain is about to come... The responsibility for whether the western gate is established or destroyed lies with us. "

Xu Yangyi looked deeply at the dozens of elders on the opposite side, and then at Liu Mingyang who was stepping on the old woman's head. His voice was like a beast trapped in chains, just waiting for the day when the chains would be torn apart. After a long while, he said hoarsely: "You... deserve to die."

"Liu Mingyang... If I don't cut you into pieces, Qingcheng Mountain will not be considered a victory."

"Not just you, millions of monks from the true martial arts world will have to be buried with two thousand people today!"

Liu Mingyang couldn't hear this. His gorgeous boots had already stepped on the old woman's head, grinding it gently, as if he were stepping on ants. His expression was cold: "Tell me."

"I am willing to submit to the Jin Dynasty and serve as Liu Xiangma's pawn from now on."

No one answered.

A few seconds later, there was a burst of heart-rending but extremely abundant laughter at his feet, growing from small to loud. It seemed to shock the sky.

"Hahaha...hahahaha!" The old woman tried her best to support her upper body. However, Liu Mingyang had already advanced to the Nascent Soul and was so powerful. He just said a soft "hmm" and the strength penetrated his toes. There was a crunching sound in the bones, and the old woman was stepped on.

"I... established the foundation at the age of eighty, and established the foundation of Dzogchen at the age of one hundred and eighty..."

Her voice struggled and trembled, but there was a sense of surrender that she would never give in. She laughed and said: "As a female, I have poor qualifications. In these one hundred and eighty years, those who gave birth to me, my parents, and those who raised me, Heaven and earth. I am captured by you today, so I am obviously not very good at studying. However, how shameless are you to persuade me to commit treason? Hahaha!"

"I... I went to this battlefield, and I never thought about returning alive... The Western Kingdom is composed of monks like me who are doing nothing but working hard, let alone you, even if the master of the Jin Dynasty is here! You, the real martial arts world, don't even think about it Step over half a minute!”

She looked at the light curtain, and her expression suddenly became kind: "Everyone from the Sea Toad Sect, I... take a step first..."

"If there is one person from the Sea Toad Sect here who dares to retreat! There is one person who does not dare to run away from the battle. The sky has eyes, and the ancestors of the Sea Toad Sect, including this old man, will turn into fierce ghosts under the Nine Springs to devour you all!!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her jaw suddenly tightened. At this moment, Liu Mingyang's hand grabbed her chin and lifted her up.

"Want to commit suicide?"

"Did the truth ever give you the right to commit suicide?"

The old woman's voice was still deafening. At this moment, all the Sea Toad Sect... no, the entire monks in Qingcheng Mountain finally couldn't bear it any longer!

Even if I die, I won’t give it to you!

A scholar can be killed but cannot be humiliated. If it were just like this, they would admit it. But now, no one recognizes it!

"Real person!!" As soon as Liu Mingyang finished speaking, three hoarse voices sounded in front of Xu Yangyi. The three figures showed determination to die, their voices were extremely choked, and they knelt in front of him with tears streaming down their faces, shouting almost with all their strength. Shouted: "Big disciple of the Haichan Sect, Yao Kunwu invites me to fight!!!"

"The second disciple of the Sea Toad Sect, Lin Yuan, invites you to fight!! The third disciple of the Sea Toad Sect, Fu Suixin, invites you to fight!!"

The three figures, with a strong determination to die, were kneeling in front of Xu Yangyi, and hundreds of rays of light were already kneeling in front of the eight real people.

"The Sea Toad Faction invites a fight!!!"

The voices were uniform, like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, pointing straight at the sky: "Even if we are going to die, we must not watch the elders die like this!!"

"Please fight! Please fight!! Please give the order!! I will never regret it until I die!!"

Xu Yangyi's lips trembled a little and he turned his head away. No one could see him. As a coach, a tear finally fell from the corner of his eyes.

He saw that the third elder of the Sea Toad Sect, in Liu Mingyang, did not have any fear at this moment, and only had a look of help.

Look to him for help.

He quietly dried the tears and said firmly, "No."

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