
Chapter 856: Captives (Part 3)

Not allowed.

These two words, like a huge stone weighing on everyone's heart.

Yao Kunwu, Lin Yuan, and Fu Suixin gritted their teeth tightly, their hearts seemed to be broken by thousands of knives, bleeding and scars.

Yes... it must be not allowed... After two years of killing in the bloody grinding wheel of Qingcheng Mountain, they all knew that the Zhenwu Realm had no other choice. This was the opponent's last move, and the next one would be a shocking blow of a storm.

Gathering tens of millions of cultivators, they vowed to blast open the western gate of China.

Now, everyone is extremely precious. Once they act impulsively, the western gate will be broken, Sichuan Province will fall, and then the twin cities of Chongqing will follow, and then... if they block the source of the Yangtze River, China... China, which has never been divided since the founding of the country, will be pulled in half by the Zhenwu Realm.

No one can bear this guilt.

But... the blood in their hearts is shouting, and the hair is roaring.

Their elders watched being slaughtered in front of them, but they could not move! All the energy and killing intent must be turned into fireflies, and burned thoroughly in the final battle.

No one could say anything, but no one stood up.

"Third Elder..." After a long time, the eldest disciple Yao Kunwu stood up, unable to control himself any more, tears streaming down his face, his voice hoarse, like a son leaving his mother, kneeling on the ground, kowtowed several times in the direction of the Zhenwu Realm, and said hoarsely: "Junior... I have poor aptitude, and I embarked on the path of cultivation at the age of thirty... All the way... Thank you..."

"You and the eldest elder, every day and night, teach your disciples and place high hopes on them. Your disciples have walked step by step from Qi Refining to the late stage of foundation building... Everything... Everything..."

"Everything... All the fortunes of your disciples now are thanks to Master..."

Before he finished speaking, he had already shed tears in the sky.

A sobbing cry came from the seven-foot man's mouth. No one could see his face, but only his back, which was slightly twitching.

Men don't shed tears easily, but they are not sad.

Seeing him cry, he was heartbroken, and seeing him cry and sob. On Mount Qingcheng, there is no sorrow, only hatred.

Hate... There is no grudge between our Earth and your Zhenwu Realm. You have crossed countless light years and are determined to start this war between all realms.

Hate... You, Liu Mingyang, can be killed but not humiliated. You tortured prisoners in front of tens of millions of people and did not give all heroes a quick death.

Hate... I want to kill the enemy at this moment, but I am powerless to save the situation.

I also hate... The son wants to support his parents but they are no longer there. After so many years of living together day and night, now they are separated forever.

"This group of bastards..." A handsome young man, who is only in the middle stage of Qi Refining, couldn't help but shed tears. The long spear in his hand hummed with his heart, and he roared in a low voice like a trapped beast: "If I don't kill them all... the Western National Gate will not be called a big victory!"

"Even if I die, I will bite off a piece of their meat!" On the other side, a bald middle-aged man licked his lips, his chest heaving violently, and choked: "Our hero can't die in vain!"

"Liu Mingyang..." I don't know how many people looked at each other.

Poison phase, Liu Mingyang. This name is now deeply engraved in everyone's heart.

It's not fear, and it has nothing to do with realm. It's a kind of rage, full of murderous intent at the railing.

Even if the realm is thousands of miles apart, this breath must be released!

Yao Kunwu suppressed his tears. He knew very well that he couldn't lose his composure, otherwise... the cultivators of the entire Qingcheng Mountain might not be able to hold back. He is now a benchmark, and he knows what to do.

"Hahaha!" At this moment, Liu Mingyang laughed loudly: "Why do you have to do this?"

"As long as you surrender, your master will be unharmed."

"This phase orders: If all the relatives and friends of the captives, the master and apprentice surrender, this phase will not touch them at all!"

This voice pulled Yao Kunwu's heart out of the endless grief.

"Haichan Sect listen to the order." He spoke in a hoarse voice, although it was very light, it reached everyone's ears.

No one stood up, and all the remaining disciples of Haichan Sect answered firmly: "We will follow the order of the senior brother!"

"Get up." Yao Kunwu seemed to have grown up completely in an instant. With his order, everyone finally stood up. The master of Sansheng Temple wanted to say something, but Xu Yangyi pursed his lips to stop him.

In silence, Yao Kunwu stood in front of all the golden elixirs and hissed: "Draw your swords."

"Swish, swish, swish!" Hundreds of swords were unsheathed, and a cold light was overflowing.

"To... thank you for the teacher..."

The originally hard voice, under this sound, was like the rustling of endless falling leaves, with unspeakable heartache, endless parting sorrow, and unclear murderous intent.

"Clang!" All the Haichan Sect monks, holding their swords in both hands, bowed deeply in the direction of the old woman.

The old woman's eyes were bright and tears were streaming down her face. She seemed to want to say something, but Liu Mingyang crushed her jaw with one hand and looked coldly at the hundreds of people on the opposite side bowing collectively.


"Cut the body into five pieces."

Before the words fell, the old woman's body was thrown into the air, and then five rays of light lit up at the same time.

The light dimmed, and the body fell.

There was only a bloody rain in the sky. No one from the Haichan Sect cried out, no one closed their eyes, and they all stared at this scene, looking at Liu Mingyang like a cannibal.

You... deserve to die!

If you don't die, how can you thank the world!

The scene was solemn, and no one knew who was the first to half-kneel on the ground. And then, on the entire mountain, people knelt down like a tide, silently heading west.

It was not this person who was kneeling, but this kind of integrity of facing death with indifference.

"After all the hard work, only the stars in the fight fell. The mountains and rivers were shattered, the wind fluttered, and the rain and rain hit the ground." The eyes of the Three Saints Temple Master were about to shed tears, and he looked hoarsely at the hundreds of kneeling Sea Toad sects in front of him: " In the future, Heming Mountain will be here one day, and Haichan Sect will be here one day, I swear.”

Xu Yangyi looked at everything in front of him in rapt attention. His tears had dried up and turned into gasoline, igniting the boundless murderous intention in his heart: "I am afraid of fear on the beach, and I sigh alone in the ocean. Since ancient times, no one has died, and his loyalty will be remembered in history." "

He looked towards the other side, without any hesitation, the forbearance in his heart was forcibly torn away, bloody, he stood tall, cupped his hands and said: "Fellow Taoists, go on your way."

This sentence is like that of Huang Zhongdalu, whose voice is silent, hiding the blur of flesh and blood.

Following his words, the other seven real people came out in unison, took a deep breath, and looked cheerful, not like farewell, but more like congratulations.

"Everyone, let's go!"

"On this day next year, I will definitely tell you how we can defeat the enemy in the battle at Qingcheng Mountain!"

"Fellow Taoists... don't worry about anything along the way. We will definitely complete your legacy!"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi raised his hand and shouted in front of everyone: "Here comes the sword!!"

"Swiss lala..." On the top of Qingcheng Mountain, in front of Laojun's Hall, the peach tree planted by Zhang Daoling made a rustling sound, and a green leaf suddenly flew out, divided into eight in mid-air, and turned into eight peach wood swords, falling into the hands of all.

The eight real people looked at each other, then looked up to the sky and laughed. With a long laugh, Xu Yangyi made a sharp stroke on his palm, blood instantly splashed all over the peach wood sword, and then he gently let go of the sword.

But the wooden sword turned into a stream of light and fell into the mountain mist below.

"I hereby swear an oath." He cupped his hands and bowed to the sky. His blood was flowing freely, but he didn't care: "If I don't die, the country will not fall!!"

"The heaven and the earth are righteous, and they are mixed and endowed with manifolds." The leader of the Three Saints Temple laughed and sang: "Since ancient times, evil has never prevailed over good. Today, we want to see how you can attack the ancestral palace of Taoism!"

"I also swear that if I don't die, my country will not fall! The only thing I can do is die. I and other eight immortals swear here to destroy the Jin Dynasty in Qingcheng Mountain!"

Eight people, but their voices echoed throughout the sky. On Qingcheng Mountain, everyone's eyes had just calmed down, and then there was another disturbance.

Jin Dan made a great oath of Taoism.

What else do they have to fear? Is there any reason to back down?

No... they have never thought of backing down since just now!

If you don't kill the Zhenwu locusts, you will be ashamed of heaven and earth and the martyrs!

"I, Yong Zhenzi, the great disciple of the Sanfeng Sect, hereby swear that I will only wrap my body in horse leather!" A middle-aged man shouted loudly: "The Sanfeng Sect is here! Anyone who retreats will be killed!!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" Thousands of swords behind him were unsheathed at the same time. There was no answer, only the sound of swords representing their determination.

He seemed to have made a start, and then, countless branches, at this moment, all raised their swords.

"The Danding Sect swears an oath here! The Quanzhen Sect swears an oath here!! All twelve thousand members of the Hunyuan Sect swear in the name of Laojun that they will not return to the mountain unless they break Zhenwu!! The Qingjing Sect swears to avenge their senior brother. ! Kill all the true martial monks in the world! The Yunyang faction swears to defend the country to the death!"

"Clang, clang, clang!" A sword light shot straight into the sky, thousands of swords were unsheathed, and Qingcheng Mountain became a mountain of sharp swords.

That's not a sword.

What is raised is obsession, murderous intent, and full of passion. It is a loyal heart.

At this moment, Qingcheng Mountain is united.

Even if the Lord Jin was trapped before, they had never been so united.

Liu Mingyang looked at the crowd on the other side and saw a flash of helplessness in his eyes, but then, he was immediately filled with murderous intent.

Can't wait any longer...

When I waited before, I was waiting for myself to have a baby. But he knew very well that his Nascent Soul... was a false baby.

He was so severely injured when he gave birth to a baby that he almost never reached the stage of a true Nascent Soul in this life. And... now is not the time to think about this at all. The Lord of the Jin Dynasty has been captured. Once he is caught, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Knowing that this will turn the opponent into a miserable soldier, this is the only way to mobilize the last bit of morale in the true martial arts world. He has decided... with this energy, he will fight Qingcheng Mountain to the death.

No matter what the cost, no matter what trump card! Regardless of anyone's life! Just rescue Lord Jin!

"Kill." He said coldly.

"What are you afraid of?" Just as he finished speaking, dozens of elders and heads of the Taoist sect stepped out almost at the same time, laughing and saying, "It's just a death."

An old man looked at Qingcheng Mountain with relief: "I saw them... they... grew up..."

"It's a pity that Master can't accompany you anymore..."

"Fellow Daoist He, you are older than me. It's better for me to do this first." A young monk laughed up to the sky and took a step forward. There was no trace of reluctance in his eyes, only relief: "I am the deputy head of the Chongxu Sect. , who dares to kill me?"

"The one who kills you is just a pawn in the true martial arts world." Liu Mingyang sneered, raised his hand, and the sword flashed.

There was no wailing or begging for mercy. Dozens of people fell down without a single complaint as flesh and blood flew everywhere.

"You've grown up..." An old man looked at Qingcheng Mountain with a smile: "I... there will be death..."

Before he finished speaking, the sword flashed and the head flew into the sky.

"Master!!!" On Qingcheng Mountain, all the monks of the Jindan Sect gritted their teeth and looked at the scarlet hell of flesh and blood in front of them, with endless killing intent in their hearts.

"Master... have a good journey!" All the monks of the Jindan Sect bowed together and said hoarsely.

Like a elegy for the soul, as the sect leaders died under the shark teeth, voices rang out on Qingcheng Mountain.

"Master... Farewell... Senior Brother... Have a safe journey... Second Elder... I swear to avenge you!"

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