
Chapter 857: Battle Node

The sword flashed like snow, and the team of two thousand people was killed in less than twenty minutes.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, no one spoke, everyone just stared at the killing field, and no one bowed their heads.

The sword fell, people died, and Liu Mingyang had no mercy. When there was no more captives, he finally spoke: "Langdu, I don't want to drag it on with you anymore."

He raised a finger and looked at Xu Yangyi with a fiery gaze: "One fight."

"A week later, the Great Jin Dynasty and Qingcheng Mountain will fight a decisive battle at Dujiangyan. Do you dare to accept it?"

This sentence was like thunder across the sky. In the Great Jin Dynasty, countless ancient eyes were all cast over.

Su Changqing stood up from his seat, and other Tianjiao and several expeditionary generals all had fiery eyes, staring at the towering mountains in front of them.

One fight.

Decide the outcome

The scene was dead silent, Liu Mingyang stood proudly in the air, with unparalleled power, staring at Xu Yangyi, and the eyes of the two were like swords. After a long time, he said, "Do you dare?"

Before he finished speaking, a row of huge drums behind him sounded, and the sound waves were like waves, spanning the sky, setting off a storm. The flags of the Zhenwu Realm rose up like black tides, and the voices of millions of people gathered into a terrifying sound wave, sweeping across the sky above Dujiangyan

"Zhenwu will win, win, win, win"

"Do you dare to fight?"

The clouds in the sky were shaken apart, and the birds in the mountain fog flew away in fright, like a lonely cloud going away. The blood-stirring shouting and killing came with the clouds and crashed into Qingcheng Mountain.

"Clang clang" I don't know how many monks, at this moment, their long swords are almost unsheathed, and countless eyes are staring at Xu Yangyi.


Two thousand heroes cannot die in vain. They want to fight the Zhenwu world. They dare to challenge in person. Even if they destroy the entire ancestral temple, they will accept this battle.

"How brave!" The eyes of the master of the Three Saints Temple suddenly became hot, and the sound of swords and knives resounded through his blood. He immediately looked at Xu Yangyi: "Hemingshan invites you to fight, what are you hesitating about?"

The suppressed madness and the noisy killing, the big lid of Qingcheng Mountain was completely opened two years later. The fuse is already full of fuses.

Once it is ignited, it will be shattered to pieces, regardless of each other.

Under the spotlight of the crowd, Xu Yangyi suddenly laughed up to the sky.

"Hahahaha" After a few seconds, he lowered his head and gritted his teeth and said, "Why not?"

"Since you want to die, I will send you to the west."

"The ancestral home of Taoism, the southwestern national gate, Qingcheng Mountain, and the entire Sichuan Basin behind, the two twin cities, will accept your battle"

Relying on the national gate and Chengdu and Chongqing as logistics, this delayed decisive battle that has been suppressed for two years, even if it is a killing spree, will not be regretted.

Kill one and the world will turn upside down.

Fight one to your heart's content.

Hasn't everyone been waiting for this decisive battle for two years?

As soon as the voice fell, countless sword lights boiled on Qingcheng Mountain, in the sky, and at the foot of the mountain. The snow-white sword blades reflected the sunlight and turned into a magnificent light curtain.

Three million people drew their swords together

The swords pointed at Dajin.


I don't know who shouted this, and then millions of people shouted together: "Invincible"

Two terrifying waves of sound impacted in the air, and the morale of both sides climbed to the peak. This battle will determine the war situation of the entire China and the fate of the Jin Dynasty. No one can retreat. "Okay" Liu Mingyang looked up to the sky and roared: "In a week, let's see who can laugh at the world"

"Swish" He and the eight Jindan figures turned into streams of light and disappeared in the world.

"Daoyou, what should we do with the tens of thousands of Zhenwu Realm captives?" When Xu Yangyi and his group landed, Chao Yangzi asked in a deep voice.

"Keep it." Xu Yangyi did not hesitate at all. This battle made him understand too much. More than 2,000 people died for justice, and he could not wait for a week.

Now, he wants to do something for these people.

For those who understand the intentions of all Jindan and die without hesitation.

For these monks who had no regrets and said nothing until their death in order to unite the Southwest Gate and unite as one.

He licked his lips and smiled bloodthirstyly: "Outside the Laojun Temple, the Zhuxian formation was left by Zhang Daozu before he entered the Tao. The murderous aura is too strong. To unseal it, it requires the blood and flesh of 30,000 foundation-building monks. Our people died, and the captives of the Zhenwu Realm can go back."

As soon as he returned to the Laojun Temple, Chu Zhaonan had already walked up and looked at him deeply: "You are so cruel."

"In order to defend the Southwest Gate, you didn't even try, and let two thousand people sacrifice in front of the formation."

Xu Yangyi sat in the main seat and picked up a cup of spiritual tea, but the cup was gripped and clicked.

"Am I wrong?" After a long time, he asked in a deep voice.

He could have exchanged those people back.

With the captives of the Zhenwu Realm, but he didn't make this attempt.

"No." Chu Zhaonan pondered for a moment and answered affirmatively: "You are right."

"This may very well be a battle that will rewrite the situation on Earth. The significance of the Jin Houzhu is extraordinary. Xu Zhenjun almost risked his life to do this. We must not let him down."

"We understand, and the Zhenwu Realm also understands. No one dares to think that the next battle will be fierce, and even the entire Dujiangyan will be destroyed. However, we have far fewer people than the Great Jin Dynasty. If the other side does not care about sacrifice, the country's gate is in danger. Unfortunately, the whole country cannot mobilize available troops. If I were in your position..."

He sighed, looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes, without any hesitation: "I would do the same."

"Without the idea of ​​sacrificing my life for the country, this gate cannot be defended. It must be done, and it can only be done."


Said, everyone knows. This is not comfort, this is the truth.

But it was Xu Yangyi's decision to do it.

No one spoke, and the eight golden elixirs silently acquiesced. He suffered the most.

The safety of the country, the torture of conscience, whether to fight, endure, or change all depends on his will.

How can he feel better in his heart?

"Xu" Chu Zhaonan didn't get an answer and felt a little worried. This kind of thing is the most painful for the person who makes the decision. He was afraid that the other party would not recover after a fall.

"I know." Xu Yangyi suddenly lowered his head, his eyes turning from the sorrow just now to fierce flames: "The dead have passed away, but the living are like this. What I can do now is not to blame everyone for the spring and autumn, but for a week In the decisive battle from now on, the Zhenwu world will be completely defeated and crippled."

“Only in this way can we truly be worthy of their souls in heaven.”

He took a deep breath, threw away all the negative emotions in his mind, and said loudly: "Generals, listen to the order."

This sound was as loud as thunder, like the drums of an approaching army. In an instant, nearly a thousand streams of light flew into the air and arrived in front of Laojun's palace.

Not a single one was left behind.

All of them are the leaders of the major Taoist sects, as well as the leaders of large-scale corps with a number of nearly ten thousand people. At this moment, the atmosphere was as chilling as a knife. They were all sitting in the square at the top of Qingcheng Mountain, listening to the holy edict.

In the Laojun Hall, Xu Yangyi relaxed his mind, looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, and his heart felt like still water.

In front of him, a golden bamboo slip was opened. The entire Qingcheng Mountain and the thousands of years of Taoist ancestral history were all laid out in front of him.

At this moment, the mentality of a general filled his heart.

An order and an arrangement had been carefully considered over the past few months. After taking several deep breaths, he no longer had any doubts. He said loudly in the Laojun Palace: "Where is the Sea Toad Sect?"

"In" a voice full of murderous intent sounded. Yao Kunwu stood tall and immediately stood out of the queue. His eyes were red and he said with all his strength: "Please give the order, Master."

"At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, there is a formation of purple heroes in the setting sun. Surround the whole mountain and guard the mountain gate. Do you dare to accept the order?"

"I will never give up even if I die." Yao Kunwu's voice became hoarse, and he knelt down with red eyes: "Thank you so much, Master."

In one sentence, everyone understands it.

There is a forbidden air formation in Qingcheng Mountain, and the opponent can only attack them step by step from the foot of the mountain. The Luoxia Ziying Formation guarding the mountain gate is the first dam of the ancestral court, and it is bound to receive a comprehensive attack from the trinity of millions of monks in the Zhenwu world.

This line of defense is life-or-death. There was no possibility of coming back alive. One hundred percent is a dead word.

Xu Yangyi wanted them to die, using his blood and life to wear away the Zhenwujie's last madness in order to rescue the Empress of Jin.

No need to say more, Yao Kunwu understands very clearly, but he has no intention of retreating

His gratitude was to Master Xie Langdu for entrusting him with the first battle against the real martial arts world. This battle is definitely the most hearty battle and the first collision of morale between the two sides.

Even if I die, I will never regret it

No one saw, Xu Yangyi stood up in Laojun's palace, his eyes were slightly red, bowed to them, and said in a voice that no one could hear: "Let's go."

Later, he cheered up, knowing that things were coming, a war was coming, and it was about the country, not life and death.

Even I am prepared to put my life here.

"Where is the Quanzhen sect, where is the Zhenwu sect?"

"The juniors are here, but they follow the real person's orders."

Two young monks who were in the late stage of foundation building immediately came out, with murderous intent comparable to that of the Sea Toad Sect. The leaders of Quanzhen Sect and Zhenwu Sect all died under Liu Mingyang's order.

"The Nine Dragon Pantian Formation, the Vermilion Bird Dragon Dance Formation, and the Zixia Luoying Ying Formation form horns to protect you. You dare to take orders."

"I will not give up even if I die." The two voices sounded at the same time, a golden light flew out, and a golden bamboo slip fell into their hands. A monk suddenly paused and bowed again: "Sir, I have a heartfelt request for you."

"Please say."

The monk raised his head, tears flowing like springs: "I hope that after the real person kills Liu Xiang, his head will be left in front of my master's tomb for a day."

They also understand that there is death and no life at the foot of the mountain.

However, they were unwilling to see Liu Xiang die.

"Good." Before Xu Yangyi could speak, Chao Yangzi's voice floated out of nowhere: "I promise you."

"Liu Mingyang must die"

"As long as he can set foot in Laojun's palace, even if he gives up all his cultivation, I will kill him." Go to Baidu to read the latest chapter of "The Strongest Monster" for free as soon as possible.

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