
Chapter 858: The Galaxy is about to fall

AD 2374, December 7.

Midwinter, heavy fog.

At night, the sky was full of stars, but no one could sleep.

The wind blew through the deserted Dujiangyan, feeling lonely and silent. It rolled up boundless murderous aura, blew through thousands of clouds, and turned into ashes in front of a mountain filled with purple energy.

"Boom, boom, boom..." In the dark night, Qingcheng Mountain is like a holy mountain of light. The purple air comes from the east for 30,000 miles, and Hanguan passes through the Pass for the first time in 5,000 years. There are thousands of auspicious auras and thousands of purple clouds, which are unattainable and majestic.

Amid the splendor, there is a budding fighting spirit.

A Taoist platform is divided into nine floors and is forty meters high. It stands halfway up the mountain. There are many monks on each floor. On the top floor, two monks stand on the yin and yang levels. The night is already dark, but there is no sleep at all.

The night wind blew gently, the songbirds did not fly, and even the sky felt the chill. There was only the rustling of the surrounding trees.

The entire Taoist platform was as silent as a sharp sword.

"Do you feel it?" The person on the cathode was a female cultivator. She raised her beautiful face and looked towards the horizon solemnly.

"Such a terrifying spiritual power... everyone can feel it." The man looked up.

Just in the sky, the black night sky presented an eerie picture. In the dark night sky, a blue trace was as eye-catching as the scratch left by a devil in the sky.

A stream of terrifying aura that makes one's whole body tremble as long as it is felt, slowly spurting out from this mark in the sky like a sea wave.

"It's really scary..." The man lowered his head and took a deep breath. There was no fear in his eyes: "I don't know... what kind of hell picture I will see later."

At the top of Qingcheng Mountain, Xu Yangyi looked away from the Sky Trace and looked at his watch.

Eleven fifty.

"Aren't you nervous?" Chu Zhaonan came out from behind, holding a cigarette: "Are you still in the mood to check your watch?"

He looked at the sky: "Such a terrifying aura... I don't know how many monsters will rush out of it."

Xu Yangyi turned his head and saw that Chu Zhaonan was fully armed. He strongly demanded to go into battle, but he did not stop him.

"That's what I should ask you."

Tonight, there is destined to be a river of blood. No one can stop the killing intent that freezes the night sky and even tears the sky apart.

"If I don't go into battle today, I will regret it for the rest of my life." The strong wind blew Chu Zhaonan's head into pieces, and he took a deep breath: "Even a few years or ten years later, I will ask myself, why do I practice?"

Before he could speak, a blue brilliance shone faintly on the horizon.

Xu Yangyi was about to say something when his eyes suddenly turned around and he and Chu Zhaonan watched this unforgettable scene.

The sky is open.

The clouds in the sky began to rotate rapidly, and in less than a minute, a vortex of unknown size was formed. There was faint thunder rolling past, and in the center of the whirlpool, a magnificent palace, mixed with the sound of wind and thunder, slowly filtered down from the center of the whirlpool.

"Sha..." In the damaged Taoist temple on Qingcheng Mountain, an old Taoist priest opened his cloudy old eyes, picked up a bright long sword, and slowly opened the door.

Halfway up the mountain, countless monks, with their eyes as hot as fire, breathed lightly, looking at the beautiful scene in the sky, but it was the beginning of death.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The palace appeared in the sea of ​​clouds, surrounded by fifteen pieces of land the size of a city, some hanging upside down in the sky, some covered by clouds and fog, and stars rising out of the vast sea of ​​clouds like the moon.

The Fifteen Cave Heaven Paradise, the Great Jin Imperial Palace, Nascent Soul True Lord Liu Mingyang, is coming with full force!

nothing left.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and looked at his watch again.

Eleven fifty-five minutes, twenty-seven seconds.

The entire Dajin Palace seemed to have unlocked some kind of seal, and rays of blue light penetrated the sky and the earth, as if the sky was torn apart, and a blue thread was drawn out across the entire sky. Countless talismans flew out from all directions, turning into phantom butterflies on a moonlit night, spreading for dozens of miles and flying in the sky.

Then...endless shadows rushed out from them like a tsunami!

"Fuck..." At the foot of the mountain, a monk stared blankly at the sky. After a long time, he lowered his head and tied his sword and hands together.

I don't know how many people stood up in astonishment, looking at the magic box that was like Pandora's opening, projecting their own demons wantonly in mid-air.

Every second, hundreds or thousands of people spray! Like a violent storm, five minutes...ten minutes...twenty minutes and a half hour! It hasn’t stopped yet!

"Heaven..." A monk opened his mouth slightly. The devil's abyss was endless, the moonlight was blocked, and the night clouds were shrouded, leaving only a shadowy black wave with no end.

That's not a wave...

That's... endless, countless floating boats!

And...surrounding the floating boat, denser than clouds and wider than locusts...countless monks.

"Ah..." On the top of the mountain, Chu Zhaonan gasped, there were too many... too many! There are so many that it makes one’s scalp numb!

He turned his head and looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "Have you ever thought about this number?"

"No." Xu Yangyi's eyes were extremely solemn: "But, no matter how many more, can we abandon the country and ignore it?"

No one could see him clenching his fist tightly.


How come there are so many? The strength of these troops is at least over ten million! Three million more than previously estimated!

Who added troops to the Jin Dynasty?

Ten million faced with three million... This has caused a qualitative change from a quantitative change!

"When..." At this moment, a bell rang in Qingcheng Mountain.

One point.

The air seemed to freeze at this moment, and a calm voice spread throughout the air.

There was only one word.


With an order, the floating boats that filled the sky, tens of thousands of magic weapons, instantly burst into a sky-high light. A few miles, dozens of miles, dozens of miles! Continuous into a radiant and colorful Milky Way.

The next second, this Milky Way called killing and blood rushed towards Qingcheng Mountain.

"Meet the enemy!!!" Xu Yangyi shouted loudly, the charge of millions of people, the endless magic weapons surrounding, the fifteen great caves and blessed lands, the advancement of the Great Jin Dynasty, that feeling... suffocating. It was as if the world had abandoned itself and was an enemy of the stars.

However, this voice, there was no hesitation.

Even if it was an enemy of the stars, tonight, I would be the master of the stars.

"Woo!" The desolate horn sounded, and at this moment, the silent Qingcheng Mountain, which seemed to be in bud just now, finally bloomed its flowers.

"Kill!!!" The whole mountain range erupted in a deafening roar. All the formations opened at the same time, the golden lotus bloomed in the sky, the white tiger roared in the forest, and the divine light was three thousand feet high. The spiritual energy gathered into the phantom of the strange beast, the fairy mist came from the sky, and hundreds of thousands of sword lights rose to the sky, turning into a sacred hymn.

Soul and flesh, blood and bones, destined to become the most brilliant chapter tonight.

At the same time as the Qingcheng Mountain erupted, behind the continuous mountains, there was no car moving on the national highway from Chengdu to Qingcheng Mountain. Under the night sky, there were... all fighter jets.

China's latest model, the J-37, was equipped with eight missiles and four heavy firepower machine guns. It was filled with soul-breaking bombs.

At this moment, all the pilots looked at the horizon. There, it had turned into a dazzling hell.

The monks could not mobilize troops, but... the three major war zones in the west, the middle, and the south, all the mortals' power was concentrated. There were not only thousands of fighter jets in front of us, but also tanks and armored vehicles that stretched from the edge of Chengdu to the city center.

A flag was waved.

"Swoosh!" In the night, thousands of lights lit up behind Qingcheng Mountain, like a solitary lamp in the dark night. Under the reflection of spiritual light, countless planes rushed to Qingcheng Mountain at full speed.

Qingcheng Mountain, Tianshi Cave, hundreds of monks surrounded this place. Yellow flags fluttered in the wind, surrounding a hundred meters in radius. Within this hundred meters, more than a thousand monks carried long swords on their backs, looking solemn. They seemed to be oblivious to the collapse of the Milky Way in the sky.

In the center, there was a ten-meter-sized Bagua, and a middle-aged man sat in it. At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "Start the formation!!"

Everyone pinched out a spell at the same time. Suddenly, the Bagua on the ground moved with a bang, and spiritual power rushed into it like rivers into the sea. The next second, a bright light shone in front of the Tianshi Cave, the Tai Chi separated, and a green lotus flew out.

The wind rose, and in just a dozen seconds, this green lotus covered the entire Qingcheng Mountain, layers of flowers bloomed, and the green spiritual energy fell like a waterfall, completely surrounding this mountain range. At the same time, outside the Tianshi Cave, five different teams were guarding the monks in the center.

Closer... Closer! The collapsed galaxy rushed from Dujiangyan to Qingcheng Mountain in just three minutes. The people on the mountain could even see each other's hideous faces. However, just as they rushed into the thousand-meter range, all the floating boats and all the monks on the flying swords sank together.

"The forbidden air formation!" Su Changqing took the lead and turned around and shouted: "Beat the drums!! Charge for me! Destroy Qingcheng!"

"Eastern Expedition Army!!!" A middle-aged man in a golden helmet and armor, leaping on his horse and whistling, holding the flag of the King of Jin in his hand, pointed at Qingcheng: "Break the divine formation! Form a formation!! Charge at this real person with all your strength!!'

"Where are the Dragon Flame Cavalry of the Northern Expedition Army? ! The Yanzhu Legion of the Southern Expedition Army! Connect the Heaven-Swallowing Formation! Break the mountain gate in one fell swoop! ! "

Endless black surrounded Qingcheng from all directions, like thousands of ants devouring an elephant. With these shouts, the terrifying black tide actually began to slowly change.

The black slowed down. But no one can relax.

Because... just below the black, apes, tigers, two-headed snakes, scorpion-tailed lions, unicorns, giant bears, six terrifying beasts, stepped in the mountain mist, roaring and rushing towards Qingcheng Mountain.

"This is not a beast..." Below the mountain gate, a young man's eyes suddenly narrowed: "This is... a battle formation!"

"They are the vanguard of the Great Jin Dynasty! ”

The six giant beasts are targeting the six mountain gates, and in front of the mountain gates are three ** formations!

Purple Cloud Falling Flower Formation, Nine Dragons Pan Tian Formation, and Vermillion Bird Dragon Dance Formation.

Vanguard vs. Vanguard.

Big formation vs. big formation!

In the Purple Cloud Falling Flower Formation, Yao Kunwu looked coldly at the two-headed snake and the one-horned bull that were rushing towards him.

So strong...

The spiritual energy was so heavy that even the ground was shaking. The overwhelming killing intent could actually make him feel cold all over.

However, although the body was cold, the blood was hot!

Master’s revenge... Let me avenge him here.

Killing one will pay off, killing two will make a profit, and I will become a billionaire here today!

“Boom! !” The dragons and snakes danced wildly, and in an instant, the two giant beasts broke through the kilometer range, and the murderous aura of the vast cavalry below turned into a bloody river.

“Clang!” Yao Kunwu drew his long sword and pointed it straight to the front: “Start the formation! !”

“Fellow Taoists, defend the mountain gate to the death! Fight to the death and never retreat! !”

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