
Chapter 859: Battle of the Ancestral Court (I)

"Boom boom boom!!!" With Yao Kunwu's order, three large formations rose up at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain.

The six military formations composed of spiritual energy came with overwhelming killing intent. It was visible to the naked eye that the ground of Dujiangyan was quickly covered by a layer of black, among which hundreds of war puppets like small mountains stood in a forest, and thousands of floating boats were in the sky. The locust-like cultivator Feng Xu flew in the wind, covering the sky and the sun. Dujiangyan was more than 1,200 kilometers, but the moonlight could not shine in, and the night wind was not transparent.

And in front of the black, the Vermillion Bird, the Nine Dragons, and a purple cloud lingered at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain as a long river of flowing light.

Immortals and demons were separated.

Either kill immortals or kill demons.

At the top of the mountain, Xu Yangyi and the other eight Jindan were staring at everything in front of them. Except for the road to Chengdu in the back, the surroundings of Qingcheng Mountain became a black tide in an instant, and the outrageous killing vortex was madly pressing towards the center of Qingcheng Mountain. It was like a giant green elephant, covered with black ants. It was like an immovable rock in the black ocean.

The sound lost its meaning, and the suffocating sense of killing made everything pale and silent.

Four thousand meters, three thousand meters, one thousand meters.

"Kill!!!" I don't know which side was the first to shout, maybe both sides. The murderous aura brought by the hot blood made the space tremble, quietly dormant, and then exploded. The black waves came one after another, and the entire Dujiangyan was unavoidable. In an instant, it turned into a bloody killing field.

"Woo woo woo!" A desolate horn sounded through the formation. In the Suzaku Dragon Dance Formation, the flags were intertwined in an orderly manner, and the auspicious air crossed the Huangting. The silent killing was torn apart in an instant, and the three formations shone brightly, and the divine light was thousands of rays.


The Suzaku flapped its wings, the beacon fire was raging, and the divine light swept tens of thousands of meters. Wherever the light passed, even the air became hot. A row of flaming tides pulled into the curtain of purgatory, burning wildly towards the black tide.

"Western Expedition Army!" The black tide was at the head, and the six Western Expedition generals took the lead. A clear but cold female voice came from the leading knight who was covered in armor and riding a two-person-high black horse, and pointed his Guandao diagonally: "Teng Snake!!"

The iron hooves were in unison. With her order, a blue flag soared into the sky in the rolling black tide behind her. As the flag unfolded, the two-headed snake composed of spiritual energy in the sky roared, stirring up the wind and clouds in all directions. One after another, blue spiritual energy gathered from mid-air. In less than three seconds, the blue sea tide rose.

"Hua La La..." Endless blue spiritual energy gathered into a tsunami vortex. With the roar of the spiritual energy Teng Snake, the space within a radius of 100 miles shook, the sea tide and the flames intertwined, and there was a loud "sizzle". Tens of thousands of meters of water and fire pulled out tens of thousands of meters of vast fog.

Under the white fog, the iron hoof of the god of death stepped on the moonlight.

In the Luoxia Ziying formation, the ears of every monk trembled slightly. They heard... the roar that stepped on their hearts, the killing sound that resounded through their souls.

Behind this white mist curtain that evaporated in an instant, they held their breath and waited for the death god to knock on the door, counting down the crazy moment.

"Herod!!" In less than three seconds, the white mist had not dissipated. With a shocking neigh, a war horse, like a ghost soldier shrouded in yin energy, took the lead from the tens of thousands of meters of fog and came out covered in thick fog.

Without any pause, the horse galloped wildly under the pale moonlight, as precise as a machine. The long spear dragged out the sound of metal in the air, and the flames were overflowing. With his first horse, in the thick fog... neatly, millions of death gods rushed out of the fog sea, carrying the dead white mist, and leaped into Qingcheng.

The steel torrent was endless.

Yao Kunwu let out a long roar that shook a hundred miles away. His voice was hoarse, but it was extremely clear in the violent vibration of the galloping horses: "Those who retreat will be killed!!"

This is not just a war of morale.

It is also a battle of foundation, the difference between immortals and demons, and the struggle for Taoism.

The final battle between the dynasty and the Taoism.

"Boom!" The black tide was unstoppable. Hundreds of thousands of cavalry expeditionary forces with six major military formations instantly hit the mountain protection formation of Qingcheng Mountain. A dazzling light, like an emerald in the dark night, bloomed in the sky.

At this moment, there was no sound.

The sound was silent, the elephant was invisible, and a circle of green light burst out, sweeping across the entire Dujiangyan at an indescribable speed! Even the city of Chengdu behind him could see it clearly.

In the city, countless people stood up silently.

There were generals carrying gold stars. There were officers with two bars and four stars. There were also countless ordinary people. In the central square, countless people held candles and prayed.

Once the national gate is breached, the entire Chengdu city of more than 20 million people will be like the Demon City, with no one surviving.

However, no one left.

No one left the land where he was born and raised.

The night wind gently brushed the candle, and the green light in the sky told everyone that the decisive battle had begun. No one spoke, only hope in their eyes.


Stop them outside the national gate!

This is the ancestral home of Taoism, this is the southwest national gate! This is one of the ten ancient capitals!

This... is also what the people wish for.

Under the Qingcheng Mountain, the devil finally showed its fangs, covering the sky, flags fluttering, and the blood-red Zhenwu characters covered the entire Dujiangyan, besieging the isolated island in the river.

The six expeditionary generals, hundreds of thousands of troops, collided with the Qingcheng Mountain protection magic circle, and the green spiritual light filled the sky, like an old monk ringing a bell. As the aperture burst, the entire Qingcheng Mountain Range trembled, the wind whistled, scaring away countless birds, and the trees and waves rustled in the ears.

However, the mountain protection formation remained motionless.

Swish... the hundreds of thousands of black tides in front slowly retreated three thousand meters. No one felt relaxed at all. This was just the first small wave of the black tide that covered the sky. The ten-level tsunami... was still far away.

It retreated farther and farther, and this time, it returned to a distance of five thousand meters again. Then the raging sea and raging waves rolled up thousands of piles of snow. This time, above the hundreds of thousands of black tides in front, a series of talismans spread up.

"We can't passively take a beating." Yao Kunwu stared at the light curtain. Everyone, Lin Yuan, Fu Suixin, and all the disciples of the Haichan Sect, looked determined and resolute, and no one left the hilt of the sword. Everyone knew that once the shield was broken, it would be a hand-to-hand fight.

Life for life.

"Big Brother, what should we do?" Fu Suixin's face was calm. He was only a few dozen meters away from the god of death, a few dozen meters away, looking at the surging waves, and the wind shook the sea tide.

Heaven and hell, separated by a line.

"Big Brother, you are the commander-in-chief here. You say, we do it." Lin Yuan waved the long sword in his hand elegantly and laughed loudly: "Even if I die, I will kill to my heart's content."

Yao Kunwu felt that his mind was clearer than ever before. He remembered the two sentences that Master Xu told him.

The first sentence: When a general is away from home, he is not subject to military orders.

The second sentence...

"This is the ancestral home of Taoism." His eyes gradually became cold, and he looked outside the light curtain without any emotion: "Dare to act wild in front of thousands of years of inheritance?"

"Open the 50% formation! Please ask for the Falling Flower Sword!"

As he shouted, thousands of foundation-building monks in the central formation raised their spiritual energy together. Many people finally had a hint of ruddy faces. In the center of them, a dead tree about one meter high finally grew its first peach blossom.

"Sha..." Peach blossoms floated down silently, and there was a slight buzz in the air. The next second, one turned into two, two turned into three, and three turned into everything. Outside the Luoxia Ziying formation, a piece of blood-red peach blossoms spread for ten thousand meters. With the sound of the phoenix flute, all the peach petals turned the entire formation into a long river of blood.

Peach blossom shadows fell on the flying sword.

Once the ancestral court of thousands of years is fully opened, it will definitely not be in vain in the face of a great dynasty!

At the same time, in the Suzaku Dragon Dance Formation, a scream shocked the sky, and a red shadow rose five hundred meters, and a sea of ​​fire was formed within a radius of ten thousand meters. On the other side, nine golden dragons roared out from nine dragon-coiling wooden pillars, and the nine dragons grabbed the pearl and circled in the air to form an extremely complicated pattern.

Those who trespass will die!

This is the foundation of the thousands of years of Taoism, and also their dignity!

Want to break into the ancestral court?

Yes, then use corpses to pile up!

"Boom boom boom!" The sound of horse hooves was like thunder. All the instruments at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain vibrated. At the same time, the three ** formations were at the same time. In the Luoxia Ziying formation, the swirling beautiful peach blossom sea rushed towards the black wave in front with the sound of a jade flute.

Swoosh, swoosh, as fast as lightning. The air was engraved with dark space cracks. Once it touched the body of the monk, it immediately turned into runes and flew away, and... any monk who was touched, like a mortal being hit by a bullet, spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell off the horse, and was instantly trampled into meat paste by the iron hooves behind.

The scarlet storm ravaged Qingcheng, forming a bloody galaxy. The phoenix wings soared into the sky and turned into a sea of ​​fire. The nine dragons seized the pearl, and all living things within ten thousand meters were crushed... These were all killing formations that Taoism would never use at ordinary times, and fierce formations. As soon as they came into contact, tens of thousands of people from the Zhenwu Realm were killed!

The one who set up the Luoxia Ziying formation was none other than Zhengyuan Hou Su Changqing. One second he was in a beautiful peach blossom world, and the next second he was in a terrifying soul-stealing hell. He came and went without a trace, and there was no sense of murderous aura or spiritual energy. This formation was difficult to hurt the golden elixir. He only discovered it when he was close to it, but it was too late to remind others.

"Looking for death!" Countless people around him fell off their horses. He let out a long roar, grabbed the more than ten-meter-long Zhengyuan Hou flag with both hands, and turned into a stream of light and rushed straight to the center of the scarlet storm. Just when he hadn't used any magical power, all the scarlet storms suddenly condensed and turned into a thousand-meter-long giant fist that hit him.

"A mere golden elixir that was condensed by the foundation? Do you think you can do anything to me, Zhengyuan Hou?" Su Changqing's voice shook a hundred miles away, and his spiritual light shone brightly: "It's better to let you, Wolf Poison Master, come!"

"Bang!" A punch was thrown out, and it exploded together with the bloody fist. The flag of the more than ten-meter-long Zhengyuan Hou fluttered in the air. Su Changqing used the flag as a spear, and the flag fluttered, pointing at the Luoxia Ziying formation: "Who dares to follow me to break the formation?"

"We are willing to go!"

Once the words came out, everything followed. Nearly 100,000 Zhengyuan cavalrymen behind him raised their guns together: "Invincible! Invincible!"


"Puff puff!" At the same time, dozens of newly promoted foundation builders in the Luoxia Ziying formation spit out blood. Lin Yuan was startled and was about to step forward. Dozens of voices rang out together, "I can withstand it! It's okay... This attack is just a small one, what's there to be afraid of? It's just like this, it's far worse than the Wolf Poison Master!"

Lin Yuan pursed his lips, his heart was burning. But before he could speak, everyone in the Luoxia Ziying formation was shocked to find that the ground began to tremble slightly.

Lin Yuan was stunned, then suddenly raised his head and met the eyes of Fu Suixin and Yao Kunwu.

Is the first huge wave coming soon?

In the thick fog, thousands of horses are galloping, and this time, there is a more violent sound. Every time they step on the ground, the mountains shake slightly.

Red lights are lit up in the thick fog, rising and falling. It's like hanging lanterns in the dark night, and the god of death is looking down.

The red lotus demon star appears.

Just as Taoism has their heritage, the Great Jin Dynasty also has their heritage and their dignity!

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