
Chapter 860: Battle of the Ancestral Temple (Part 2)

"What's this"

There was no answer, but if there was, it was because the six expeditionary armies suddenly stopped their attack and all separated, leaving dozens of roads open. What is reflected in the sharp blade is not calm, but a prelude to the coming storm.

"Crack, rattle, rattle," the sound of chains being untied, the sound of heavy footsteps, and the red light behind the thick fog getting brighter and brighter, from being hazy at the beginning to now as hideous as blood. The next second, all the red light rushed towards Qingcheng Mountain.

Getting closer and faster. With an earth-shattering roar, a figure a hundred meters high roared out of the thick fog.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

Under the moonlight, the 100-meter giant was covered in thick fog, like the god of death breaking free from its prison, leaping a thousand meters, and volleying towards the mountain guarding formation.

"This" Yao Kunwu's pupils suddenly shrank, reflecting the figure of the devil.

war puppet

A weapon for siege and demolition. Normally, the monks would pave the way, and when there was a gap in the fortifications, they would attack with all their strength and destroy it in one fell swoop.

Each war puppet is controlled by hundreds of people, both in terms of people and cost. All of great value,

But this puppet is different. It looks like a person wearing a crab shell, without a head, six scarlet eyes on the body, and complicated talismans crawling all over the body.

There was a loud "boom", and the mountain-protecting array trembled slightly. The war puppet was like a sharp knife, slamming into the Qingcheng Mountain mountain-protecting array.

But this is just the beginning

"Roar" On the top of the mountain, looking at the black vortex covering the entire Dujiangyan in all directions, war puppets dozens of stories high rise from the black tide, like a war fortress or a mobile fortress.

"So much" Chang Qingzi gasped. This scene cannot be seen from the bottom of the mountain, it can only be seen from top to bottom. As pairs of scarlet eyes opened, passages opened up in the black tide. Hundreds of war puppets had runes shining all over their bodies, and their shackles fell off. Then, they burst out into a thundering roar and rushed towards the mountain guarding formation crazily.

The ground is shaking

At this moment, above the three-dimensional array, the light was shining, and it was more intense than before. It was obviously driven to above the seventh level.

"Continue to turn it on" Fu Suixin shouted loudly at the foot of the mountain.

He can't see it, but he can feel it

The current shaking feeling is like an earthquake, and the world is tilting. It is even comparable to the all-out charge of millions of troops before, but the sound is only a few dozen.

This is where the earth loses to the Zhenwu World. The other side is really fighting with swords and guns. The experience and tactics accumulated from the plane battles are far above the earth. Otherwise, they would not dare to cross the galaxy to attack.

Every victory is obtained with life and blood, truly every inch of mountains and rivers, every inch of blood, millions of monks and millions of troops.

This vibration is unusual now

Just as the power of the magic circle continued to increase, tens of thousands of meters of white fog exploded in front of it. Hundreds of huge bodies, covered with stars and moons, broke away the wall of fog that could not be dispersed by millions of people. They leaped into the air and headed towards Qingcheng.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Hundreds of monsters dozens of stories tall jumped up high and landed in the eyes of everyone below. They were only shocked.

"Fuck" Yao Kunwu looked at the hundreds of figures above his head that almost covered the sky in astonishment, and cursed a rare curse word.

The next moment

"Boom, boom, boom" there was a deafening sound, and all the war puppets collided with the mountain guarding formation. The mountain-protecting array fluctuated, the light flickered, and the green lotus emerged, more violently than ever before, making Qingcheng Mountain like a holy mountain at night.

But still not broken

Each statue maintains the piercing action. Yao Kunwu glanced over the puppet, only to see that the runes on the opponent's body disappeared inch by inch, as if he was losing his spiritual power.

What a bad feeling

Not only him, but all the foundation-building Dzogchen, half-step golden elixir, and virtual elixir that have reached the door of the golden elixir all have this feeling. The monk cultivates spiritual energy, which is originally connected with the heaven and earth. Although he does not have the seven-star divine calculations like Xu Yangyi's, he can occasionally predict misfortunes and fortunes.

On the top of the mountain, Xu Yangyi's fingers quickly pulled out seven star trails behind him. After a few seconds, his eyes fluctuated.

"Fellow Daoist Tian Qingzi," he said with a slight choke in his throat, "get ready to fight."

"Ah" Tian Qingzi was slightly startled. He was responsible for guarding the mountain gate: "The mountain guarding array is intact. We need to open the door to meet the enemy."

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "The mountain defense formation will be broken within two hours."

As soon as he finished speaking, infinite light suddenly erupted from the foot of Qingcheng Mountain. When all the talismans are returned to the body of the war puppet, what awaits is not silence, but heart-stopping spiritual power fluctuations blooming from every inch of skin and every joint.

Twisted, ominous, with the destruction of death.

Yao Kunwu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly shouted: "Activate the defense circle and them in full force"

Before he finished speaking, all the puppets exploded together, and dozens of small mushroom clouds suddenly filled the sky. All the surrounding mountains trembled, and the trees fell down like a sea tide.

to self-destruct

Before Yao Kunwu shouted these words, he was already submerged in the shock wave that swallowed everything.


Starting from the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, hundreds of small mushroom clouds exploded at the same time, forming a bright streamer. The terrifying shock wave knocked over the people who were thousands of meters away from the Jin Dynasty behind them, and countless trees around them flew upside down. Qingcheng is a secluded place in the world. Now, this secluded character has disappeared. The land with a radius of 10,000 meters is actually completely white.

The ground was completely white, without stones or life. The ground sank half a meter, and it was as calm as water.

But this is not over yet

At the same time as the explosion, endless black shadows erupted from the body of the war puppet.

"Plop!" A monk sitting in the center of Xia Ziying's formation just felt something was wrong. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw light and shadow flashing past. Before he had time to dodge, his whole body was blown away instantly.

He looked at his chest in shock, where there was a spiritual spear.

How can this be

He was already in the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, and he was actually as good as paper. And after the spear pierced him, he actually continued to move forward and flew away five or six monks behind him.

"This is a quasi-golden elixir strike." When his pupils blurred, he finally understood what it was. The last scene looked at the terrifying rain of arrows covering the entire bottom of Qingcheng Mountain for two hundred meters, as dense as locusts. And there are too many fellow Taoists like him who didn't understand what was happening and were completely destroyed.

Can the ancestral court still be defended?

With an unwilling heart, the unknown monk closed his eyes with great regret.

Yao Kunwu looked in front of him in shock. The ground was covered with gunpowder smoke, and the mushroom cloud that exploded outside the passport had not yet dissipated. But the overwhelming rain of red spears had already shaken his mind so much that he almost lost consciousness at this moment.

No one thought that the real martial arts world would be so determined and so ruthless.

There are hundreds of people inside the puppets. This is the advantage of using more people. Human lives are used to fill Qingcheng with corpses.

This bloody battle, from the beginning, has been a charge, with the intention of advancing but not retreating, the ambition of being trapped, and the possibility of death but not life.

Or, leaving corpses all over the ground, the Jin Dynasty and Liu Mingyang retreat to the moon. Or open up Qingcheng and connect the Twin Cities behind the Southwest Gate to massacre the city together.

"We misjudged the determination of the real martial arts world." His voice became hoarse. The dense black shadows in his pupils rolled up the clouds in the sky. Around him, there were screams. I don't know what the rain of spears was made of. They were not real objects, but they could penetrate. Penetrate the mountain formation.

Thousands of familiar and unfamiliar fellow Taoists were killed in an instant by this horrific large-scale attack. However, the dense rain of spears poured out from all directions, and there was truly no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

Gonna die here

Didn't I promise to defend the country to the death? I haven't even touched the enemy, so I'm going to die here.

"Ah" he looked up to the sky and screamed, with sadness in his heart and strong ambition. At this moment, a figure suddenly fell to his side and pushed him away with a palm.

The sudden blow finally brought him back to his senses. He turned around suddenly, but was completely stunned.

"Junior Junior Brother" His lips trembled, his whole body trembled, and he looked at the opposite side in disbelief.

A few meters away from him, Fu Suixin was pierced through the chest by a spiritual spear and nailed diagonally to the ground. She looked at him with lingering eyes, as if she wanted to say something, but when she opened her mouth, it was all covered in blood.

The two looked at each other silently, reading a thousand words from each other's eyes. The silence was better than the sound. Yao Kunwu suddenly found that he had too much to say, such as seeking Taoism together back then, learning about the location of the Sea Toad Sect from ancient books written by ordinary people, and Come to the fairy island and receive instruction together

However, he can't say anything now.

Fu Suixin was speechless. He looked at Yao Kunwu with distracted eyes. He used his last strength and said with great difficulty: "Senior Brother"

"Kill him all"

Before he could finish the words, his head was already lowered.

After being stunned for half a second, Yao Kunwu rushed over like a madman, his voice hoarse and hot tears bursting out: "Junior brother, please let me go."

The moment he rushed up, a group of people around him rushed over. The leader choked with sobs and suppressed his grief: "Senior brother, please be more sensible and sensible. Now is not the time to be sad. We have to avenge the second senior brother."


These two words struck Yao Kunwu's mind like thunder. He finally came to his senses.

Looking around, the neatly dressed Zixia Luoying Formation just now was now littered with corpses. The terrifying wave of spear rain just now had killed and injured at least tens of thousands, maybe even twenty or thirty thousand people. But the remaining people didn't have much sad expression, they just looked out of the shield with blood-like eyes.

The shield is not broken, and the hearts of the people are not broken.

Since arriving here after receiving the order, they have long been prepared to die for the country, so why are they here now to suffer the sorrow of spring and autumn?

The thick fog has been completely blown away by the violent wind of the explosion. Everyone in the Luoxia Ziying formation can see the endless six expeditionary armies on the opposite side. In front of each army, there is a majestic Jindan real person riding a tall alien beast. , like a god. Su Changqing's eyes were red. Among the six expeditionary armies, he took the lead, while the other five golden elixirs led hundreds of thousands of people to charge madly. His eyes were not looking at the foot of the mountain, but directly at the top of the mountain.

Only there is where his heart is.

"Listen up." His blood surged, and he immediately rushed to the front of the formation with his sword drawn, his voice like thunder: "Open the door without killing." Go to Baidu to read the latest chapter of "The Strongest Monster" for free as soon as possible.

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