
Chapter 861: Battle of the Ancestral Court (Part 3)

No killing?

This sentence made all the cultivators guarding here have red eyes.

This is the ancestral temple of Taoism.

The heritage of China for thousands of years, the place where the state religion is located, where the Taoist ancestor Zhang Daoling killed eight million ghost cultivators, and also where he ascended.

Thousands of years of heritage, at the foot of the ancestral temple, how can the Zhenwu world break it just by saying it?

Thousands of years of inheritance, how dare you shout at the gate of the ancestral temple that you will open the door and not kill?

This is simply a slap in the face of the thousand-year-old sect!

"All cultivators listen to my order..." Yao Kunwu stood up with sobs, his tears dried up, he grabbed a handful of the ground tightly, wiped the blood from his mouth, and bowed hoarsely to the center of the formation again: "Please... the Immortal Sword of the Five Ancestors!"

He was furious in his heart. The Taoists in the world came from the same lineage, but now they were humiliated at the gate of the ancestral temple? This anger even surpassed the death of his junior brother in an instant.

As soon as he finished speaking, he bowed to the center of the formation without hesitation. With this bow, a green lotus bloomed on the heads of all the cultivators of the Haichan Sect, and a wisp of essence flew into the center of the formation.

"Swish!" Five long swords came out in response, as if they were illusory, flickering in the void.

"Yao Kunwu, the eldest disciple of the Haichan Sect, please give the order of Emperor Chunyou!" He shouted, and a stream of light flew directly from the Niwan Palace to one of the swords.

It was a talisman.

An extremely ordinary talisman.

However, this talisman only has one page in the entire sect, and it is passed on to one person.

Just when they touched, the long swords shone with brilliance, and one of the swords was shining with spiritual light, as if it came across time and space. As the light curtain unfolded, a picture of mountains and rivers by the lake appeared, without a trace of murderous intent.

The bright moon on a branch startled the magpie, and the breeze made the cicada sing in the middle of the night.

It was extremely abrupt on this bloody battlefield.

"Boom boom boom!" The pure white light column penetrated the sky and the earth. Taoism, the Chinese national religion that has branched into various factions over thousands of years, was seen by all the major factions in Qingcheng Mountain at this moment.

"Is this... the ancestral weapon?" Halfway up the mountain, in the eight-door separation golden light formation of the Sazu Sect, the leading old man suddenly stood up and looked down with a serious look: "Has it... come to this situation?"

In front of the mountain gate, the head of the Wuliu Sect sighed and gently stroked an arm-long, extremely old, and sealed golden box. Looking at this light column, he was silent.

Qingjing Sect, Namo Sect, Yunhe Sect, Xuwu Sect, Lingbao Sect... The moment this light column rose, everyone actually felt the hidden magic weapon trembling, as if echoing the major sects that had branched out for thousands of years, merging into one in front of the ancestral temple, recreating the scene of the Queen Mother descending from the Yaochi in the west and the purple air filling the Hanguan Pass in the east.

The top of Qingcheng Mountain, Laojun Temple. Chang Qingzi of Longhu Mountain sighed: "Taoism has been divided for thousands of years... Now the ancestral temple is the unified teaching..."

In the Nine Dragons Pantian Formation, a middle-aged Taoist nun looked at her arm in astonishment. There was a talisman engraved into her bones. Before she could scream, her arm hurt, and a worn-out zither flew into the air, shedding thousands of silver lights.

In the Suzaku Dragon Dance Formation, the three men's storage rings shone brightly, without any signs at all. The three magic weapons soared into the sky and turned into three hundred-meter light pillars, as if supporting the backbone of the ancestral temple.

"How could it be?" The three men looked at the white light pillar in the Luoxia Ziying Formation in shock: "The ancestral artifact... actually resonated by itself? Uninvited?"

Zhengbei Army, Zhengbei Hou was a sturdy man with a flash of astonishment in his eyes. A thousand meters ahead, in the white light pillar, a sword was flowing, with indescribable sharpness and inexhaustible beauty. The cold snow of the knife was hidden in the breeze and drizzle. Even he felt a chill in his heart.

"Lord Cao!" He turned around and shouted suddenly.

Behind him, in the center of a large formation of more than 10,000 people, an old man who was about to die suddenly opened his eyes.

He moved like a zombie, and when he reached into his clothes in amazement, he saw only a pocket watch with the pointer spinning rapidly.

"Two million spirits?" He frowned, looked deeply at the slowly unfolding light column, and said in a voice transmission: "As expected of the four ancient cultivation countries in the Unreturning Realm, the thousand-year-old great sect in China, the foundation is indeed profound. This is the magic weapon of the sect, comparable to the attack of the newly promoted Yuanying."

Zhengbei Hou bowed deeply: "Thank you."

"Hehe..." Lord Cao's eyes were extremely solemn: "Do you think there are only these few?"

Before he finished speaking, "boom boom boom" a total of 17 light columns stood up to the sky and slowly rose from the three major formations. It seemed to tell the Zhenwu Realm that it was not just you who had trump cards, and every sect of the thousands of years of great sects was not an ordinary character.

"Shala La..." The terrifying spiritual power was overwhelming and inseparable. These sects occasionally had their own grudges, but at this moment, the seventeen magic weapons were inseparable, forming an endless light curtain.

The next second, without waiting for them to react, seventeen spiritual lights burst out with the power of opening up the world!

"Where are the twenty-eight constellations of Dajin!!" Cao Ge Lao's pupils suddenly shrank. When he shouted, his hands moved quickly, and pillars of light around him lit up.

There were tens of thousands of people around him, but under the light, he could see clearly that these were not people at all! Instead, they were piles of puppets! Human pillars!

As soon as the sound fell, the twenty-eight rays of light seemed to have been prepared long ago, and they rose from the twenty-eight star positions of the black tide.

Jing Mu'an, Gui Jinyang, Liu Tuzhang, Xingri Ma, Zhang Yuelu... one by one, the phantoms of the star officials formed the star map of the sky. The stars were bright, and then there was a shocking explosion!

Infinite light burst out from the collision, as if the sun had just been formed. The sound was swallowed by the light, and the spiritual power was drowned by the tide. Amid the shining stars, tens of thousands of people at the head of the Zhenwu Realm turned into ashes without a sound.

The light tide spread wildly, and it was unclear how many lives were harvested in an instant. The founder of any sect is not in vain. The twenty-eight constellations of the Great Jin Dynasty are also famous. However, there is a mountain protection formation that Daozu once laid in Qingcheng Mountain. Even after thousands of years, its power is not comparable to the current formation of Zhenwu Realm.

What is Daozu?

Founded the state religion and ascended to the legendary fairyland. Created the world and spread the concept of reincarnation.

This is a battle of Taoism and heritage. Unless the combat power of an individual reaches the level of Xu Yangyi and Liu Mingyang, it is insignificant under the machine of war.

On the top of the mountain, Xu Yangyi's expression moved slightly, and he was also surprised.

He could feel... a dozen relics of the founder of the sect, even if it was him, there would be no body left.

The explosion lasted for more than ten minutes before the light dissipated. Wherever you look, all the enemy troops within three thousand meters around Qingcheng Mountain were swept away, neatly as white ground.

Elder Cao was panting, his face pale. As one of the three great state masters of the Great Jin Dynasty, he was actually depleted by the terrifying light of killing. He looked at Qingcheng Mountain coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "In any plane war... the most difficult one is always the top sect of that plane... I have learned my lesson."

It is impossible to calculate how many people died. He looked back calmly: "In one hour, the day when the mountain protection formation collapses is the day when your clan will be exterminated!"

"Elder?" The voice of Zhengbei Hou reached his ears. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Give me an hour."

"The other two state masters and Prime Minister Liu are building the Immortal Killing Platform... Once the Immortal Killing Platform is built, it will be time for us to launch a full-scale attack."

When he heard the three words "Immortal Killing Platform", Zheng Beihou took a breath of cold air: "This... is a magic weapon at the level of annihilating a country. Do you really intend to destroy half of China? This is a vassal state that our Great Jin has conquered! All resources will vanish with the appearance of the Immortal Killing Platform!"

Grand Master Cao suddenly raised his head, his eyes were ferocious, and a sentence floated out from between his teeth: "Prince Liu has said that at all costs. You and I should know... once the Jin Houzhu, one of the five elder stars of the Zhenwu Realm, is captured, what will be the consequences."

"The entire Zhenwu Realm expedition plan will be buried with him alone!"

Zheng Beihou was silent for three seconds. When he turned around again, his fiery red cloak was like the sunset glow in the sky. The look in his eyes had changed from the shock of seeing some of the background of Qingcheng Mountain just now to a solemn look.

That's right...

Once something happens to the Jin emperor, no one can bear the consequences!

"Everyone." To be able to sit in his position, he is definitely not a soft-hearted person. He said to a paper crane on his shoulder in a deep voice: "The feast begins."

With an order, countless puppets stood up again in the vast black tide.

Unlike before, this time the war puppets are in human form, only sixty or seventy meters high, but the two giant shields are more than a hundred meters long!

And all the vanguard troops rushed behind the puppets like mercury pouring down. With a thrilling "dong dong" sound, at least hundreds of puppets pressed towards Qingcheng Mountain from all directions.

"Are they going to use human lives to fill it?" In the Zixia Luoying formation, Lin Yuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said in a deep voice.

Yao Kunwu shook his head. His senses had never been so sharp. The death of his junior brother and the difficulties in front of him made every nerve tense.

So, he found something unusual.

Why did they have to use human lives to fill it at the beginning?

Outside the mountain gate is the entrance. Qingcheng Mountain has deployed heavy troops, but it has not reached this point. Moreover, they all choose to attack by force, and even rarely use trump cards. This is unreasonable!

Abnormal things are demons. He pondered for a few seconds and bowed to an old man: "Daoyou Li Mugao, it is rumored that the Chongyang Patriarch has a telescope that can detect all changes in spiritual energy within 500 miles. I just want to use it."

The old man nodded, and a palm-sized mirror flew over. Yao Kunwu just smeared a trace of blood, and the next second, the entire mirror surface instantly broke!

"How is this possible?!" Li Mugao took a breath and looked at the mirror in disbelief, his voice trembling: "This mirror has been passed down for hundreds of years! It is called the Guantian Mirror. There is no escape from the changes in spiritual energy within 500 miles! Unless..."

"Unless what?" Several people asked in unison.

Li Mugao seemed to remember something, and looked at the Zhenwu Realm in disbelief, shocked: "Unless... Unless the spiritual energy of more than three times this mirror gathers..."

In one sentence, all dead silence.

After a few seconds, several people all turned their heads to look at the Zhenwu Realm. Yao Kunwu bit his lips tightly. Yes... The initial attack, and now the giant shield puppet blocking the view, are all for this attack...

This attack, the opponent is confident that he can completely blow open the mountain protection formation of the ancestral temple!

"What is the spiritual energy capacity of the Guantian Mirror?" He turned his head and asked in a hoarse voice.

Li Mugao also fully realized the seriousness of the situation: "Four million spiritual energy."

Four million spiritual energy!

More than three times...

Twelve million spiritual energy!

A strike at the first stage of the next level of the Nascent Soul! !

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