
Chapter 862: Battle of the Ancestral Temple (IV)

No one spoke.

Everyone felt cold hands and feet. Lin Yuan, Yao Kunwu looked behind the black tide with trembling lips.

"Everyone... can you see it..." Li Mugao's voice was trembling: "Is this seat... seeing it wrong?"

"You are not seeing it wrong." Yao Kunwu took a breath of cold air, and his lips were almost bitten to bleed: "Spiritual consciousness is isolated..."

"Three thousand meters behind the Zhenwu Realm, the spiritual consciousness is completely isolated! You and I know the ancestral temple formation... Zhang Daozu's eight million sky-scattering magic formation, the Taoist masterpiece, although this formation is in the back mountain, the front mountain is just an auxiliary formation... but... its effect is to ban the air and break the law. When you are in the formation, what the formation "sees" will be projected into our spiritual consciousness. Now... we can't even see it three thousand meters away..."

No one is talking.

Everyone is in a hurry. It's wrong. Repairing the plank road in the open and crossing Chencang in secret! Liu Bei's Western Shu was destroyed in this way. Now... thousands of years later, the Jin Dynasty is going to do it again!

Just after those three thousand meters, there must be something terrifying gathering, which made the Jin Dynasty not hesitate to pile up human lives and let them focus all their attention on the front battlefield. And when the Pandora's box in the back is opened... the power of the thing filled with so many lives is unimaginable!

"Quick!!" Yao Kunwu turned his head and grabbed Lin Yuan, his eyes red: "You go to Laojun Temple immediately! Tell the Wolf Poison Master in person! You must not send a message! I don't know if there is a traitor in Qingcheng Mountain. Once the paper crane is intercepted or the communication is eavesdropped, the mountain gate is in danger! ! "

Lin Yuan took a deep breath. This news must be told to the top of the mountain immediately. He was about to turn into a stream of light and fly away, but suddenly turned his head: "Brother, I will ask the master to send reinforcements! You... take care of yourself!"

The last four words, the voice was choked, the second brother died, the three naughty boys in the mountain village back then, now three half-step Jindan, all the way, supporting each other, and Fu Suixin... had gone one step ahead without any expectation.

This is war. Cruel, ruthless, and will not stop killing because of anyone's feelings.

Yao Kunwu was stunned, and suddenly remembered the second sentence that Xu Yangyi told all the monks in charge.

"No need." He smiled slightly: "Your senior brother will definitely see the end of the battle at the Southwest National Gate."


"Don't talk nonsense!" Yao Kunwu suddenly shouted: "Do you want your second junior brother to die with regrets?!"

Lin Yuan gritted his teeth and flew away.

The sword washing pool, the enlightenment tree, the 108 stone steps... The road that he had walked on in the past was extremely familiar, but now he was anxious. When he stepped on the last step and looked down, his face changed completely.

Not only him, but also Xu Yangyi and other Jindan at the gate of Laojun Hall, all had their eyes suddenly tightened.

At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, there was a sea of ​​red. Some talismans that did not belong to the earth covered the entire foot of the mountain, approaching the mountain gate, and completely swallowed the three formations outside into a bloody tide.

"How could this happen?!" Lin Yuan was stunned for a second, then he shouted hoarsely: "When did they set up the magic array?! They can actually penetrate into the formation set up by Daozu?"

He was burning with anger, which was equivalent to completely separating the outside of the mountain gate from the entire Qingcheng Mountain! Without reinforcements from outside, and with tigers and wolves in front, how could the ** sect outside the mountain gate survive?

"What's wrong?" At this moment, a majestic voice appeared behind him, and the aura of the golden elixir level permeated. He trembled all over, as if he had found a life-saving straw. The hope after despair made him half-kneel on the ground in an instant, his eyes red, and he hoarsely said: "Junior Haichan Sect Lin Yuan, please ask the real person to send troops quickly! The Great Jin Dynasty is gathering spiritual power beyond the Yuanying realm! The lower three formations are extremely dangerous!"

The real person's eyes swept around below, and said lightly: "It is a high-level forbidden spirit formation... That's right..."


Before Lin Yuan could get rid of his doubts, a hand gently pressed on his head: "Langdu is very cautious. I don't know his arrangements. Thank you..."

"Going downstairs to accompany your senior brother is also a good choice."

Boom! The spiritual power penetrated the meridians of his body, and Lin Yuan forgot the severe pain. When his soul was flying away, he raised his head in shock and took a deep look at the figure in front of him.

It turned out to be him...

No wonder...No wonder Master Xu didn't tell anyone when he captured the Jin Houzhu...It turned out that he had long suspected that there was a traitor...and his identity was very high...

I didn't was you...

Master's hand gently clenched, and Lin Yuan instantly turned into ashes. The surrounding space shook slightly, and the sealed surroundings returned to their original state.

His eyes moved slightly, and his figure quietly disappeared, turning into a shadow, and rushed straight to the back mountain.

In the Luoxia Ziying formation, everyone looked at everything around them in amazement. Just now, a red mist rushed out from all directions and instantly submerged the entire foot of the mountain. In the thick fog, everything was black and white, the spiritual consciousness was sealed, the spiritual power was suppressed, I don't know what kind of magic weapon it was, the effect was terrifying!

"Spirit Forbidden Array?!" Li Mugao exclaimed, looking at the place a hundred meters above his head in disbelief: "There is a traitor?! When is this? None of them came in at all!"

"No!" Yao Kunwu said in a deep voice: "They... came in."

His eyes fell on the pieces of spiritual spears scattered on the ground. Strangely, the spears did not dissipate. And the silk threads were tied to the tail of the spears. No matter the naked eye or the spiritual consciousness, it is impossible to detect! The body cannot touch it!

Just now, the ground was in a mess, and no one noticed it. Now, if you look carefully, you can see that 108 blood-colored spears are extremely sharp, and they are inserted into the entire ground in the form of Tiangang Disha. At this moment, all the red mist is coming out of it.

Yao Kunwu closed his eyes and took several deep breaths.

The siege of the Jin Dynasty used spiritual energy as a medium and puppets as a carrier. The forbidden spirit formation is a general term for breaking the magic formation, which is divided by the complexity of the talismans and the grade of the materials used. It is really a deep foreshadowing.

Everyone around looked at Yao Kunwu. What should he do? Haichan Sect is the commander here, and he is the eldest disciple of Haichan Sect. His words determine the direction of tens of thousands of people in Luoxia Ziying Formation.

Yao Kunwu did not speak immediately. His only hope is that Lin Yuan will survive, and he has decided to defend the mountain gate to the death when Fu Suixin died.

But, he never wants to die in vain! He must die with value. And now, he can be sure of one thing.

There is indeed an insider.

The formation is complex and boundless. Zhang Daozu's formation is not without flaws. Even if there were no flaws on that day, there must be some after thousands of years. To deal with this flaw, the opponent has to try the formation for at least a week, and the formation deduction takes at least three days. Now he is like a fish in water. If no one reveals the content of the ancestral formation, he will never believe it.

And the only one who can touch the substantial talismans of the ancestral formation is Jindan Zhenren!

"It's not Langdu Zhenren. Now that I think about it, Xu Zhenjun has doubts before he entrusts the position of commander-in-chief to the three Jindans. And he chose to entrust Langdu Zhenren, so he must be worthy of trust..."

"This news..." He gradually made up his mind: "I must tell Langdu Zhenren!" to tell?

His eyes looked at the infinite giant shield that was slowly approaching outside the formation, but was as indestructible as a mountain, and the invisible murderous intent covered by the giant shield.

There is no way to the sky and no door to the earth. The foot of the mountain is sealed as a dead zone by the forbidden spirit formation. The advancement of the Jin Dynasty seems slow, but there is no flaw. They eat away at their living space bit by bit... When the enemy is at the gates, it is the time to draw blood.

His heart was pounding, and he closed his eyes again and took several deep breaths. He knew very well, he knew very well. Now, there is only one way in front of them.

The road of no return.

After a few seconds, he made up his mind to open his eyes, silently tore off a piece of Taoist robe, and silently wrapped the Taoist robe around his hands.

Circle, circle.

The heavy footsteps outside seemed to have no effect on him. He didn't care about the opponent's slow but flawless advancement.

"Master said that there was a battle between Buddhism and Taoism in Bailuyuan, and in the end everyone was exhausted." He said unrelated words with a calm expression: "At that time... there were still many Yuanying, even Yuanying Zhenjun couldn't hold the sword in the end."

No one disturbed, everyone's eyes flickered, as if they understood something.

"What should I do?" He continued to wrap it, wrapping it tighter and tighter, wrapping the hilt and hand together tightly: "Master said that as long as the hand and the sword are tied together, it will be fine."

"Even if there is no spiritual power, I can bite off a piece of the other party's flesh."

After wrapping it, he stood up and flicked the sword lightly. There were waves of dragon roars, and suddenly he laughed: "The dispute between the orthodox sects is so bad, let alone the dispute between the planes? Unfortunately... I have always listened to it as a story, and never thought that I would really do this one day..."

He raised his head, looked at the stars in the sky, and murmured: "Junior brother... Senior brother may come to find you... Don't blame Senior brother for coming down too quickly. You should know what to do and what not to do..."

There was silence all around. Outside the formation, even if hundreds of giant shields advanced slowly, they were only two kilometers away from Qingcheng Mountain. For cultivators, this is already a fatal absolute attack range.

No one spoke, nor was there panic. "Dongdongdong..." The footsteps were like the tide, getting closer and closer. Amidst the vast tremors, the sound of sleeves being torn was heard. Regardless of whether they were men or women, old or young, young or strong, they all silently tore off their Taoist robes and tightly wrapped their hands and swords.

Actions speak louder than words.

Just as the giant shield entered the range of 1,500 meters, Yao Kunwu raised the long sword in his hand and shouted: "Open the array gate."

No one objected.

"Swish, swish..." A vortex of spiritual light hundreds of meters long appeared on the mountain protection array. Yao Kunwu took a last look at everyone, turned into a stream of light, and rushed out first.

Behind him, except for those who had to stay, all other monks were like silent rocks at this moment. Tens of thousands of swords flew into the air, forming a dazzling long river, and roared out.

Since a few minutes ago, there was a murderous atmosphere here, and no one spoke.

"Swish, swish!" Tens of thousands of monks opened the array to meet the enemy. All the monks who stayed around had red eyes. They all suppressed the tears in their eyes and bowed deeply.

There is no way to retreat.

There are pursuers in front.

The only way for the caged bird to survive is to give up the birdcage. But... this bird cage is where their ancestral temple is! Where their faith is! Taoism has been branching for thousands of years, and no one can shake the three ancestral temples. This is the landmark of their soul.

Fighting for faith, I will go even if there are thousands of people.

No need to say more.

There will definitely be a big update for the plot of the War of Ten Thousand Worlds... But I haven't saved any drafts yet... I can't do it recently!

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