
Chapter 863: Battle of the Ancestral Court (V)

“Boom boom boom!” Tens of millions of Dajin monks marched westward, and millions of Taoist monks welcomed them from the east. The moment the Luoxia Ziying formation opened, the Jiulong Pantian formation and the Zhuque Longwu formation opened two huge whirlpools at the same time.

The whirlpools flowed rapidly, streams of light poured out, hundreds of thousands of flying swords flew into the sky, and the spiritual energy penetrated the sun, as if the Milky Way surrounded the holy mountain.

At the moment when this stream of light appeared, the masters of all the branches on the mountain stood up suddenly and looked down in disbelief.

“What happened!” A Taoist nun suddenly rushed to the front of the mountain, looking at the endless river of light below, and tremblingly said: “If the formation is not broken, how can they all rush out? Are they looking for death!”

Although the Milky Way is vast, on the opposite side, there is no end to it, and it is several times and dozens of times more than the Milky Way. Endless black tide!

Abandoning the protection of the mountain protection formation and rushing out to fight with your back to the water, there is no option of fighting with your back to the water! There is only one way to die!

At Sanqing Temple, an old man stood up suddenly, his hands trembling slightly, his beard and hair all flying, his voice hoarse: "Haichan Sect, Wuwei Sect, Laoshan Sect..."

He yelled and knelt on the ground dejectedly: "Don't you want your own Taoist tradition!!!"

This shout seemed to shout out the soul of religious belief.

One sect leader stood up, and the other stood up too. Soon, all the sect leaders of the branches in the entire Qingcheng Mountain stood up. Then, the elites of the factions also stood up in astonishment, looking down in disbelief.

The reason why Taoism is divided into pieces and regards the Three Mountains as its ancestral temple is because of the differences in concepts. For example, some sects advocate natural inaction, while others advocate following fate. Over the course of thousands of years of history, this difference has become more and more intense, and it has divided into various factions.

They have subverted thousands of years in the history of China, adhering to their own ideas, and have come to this day. However... today, they have completely abandoned their differences! Choose to stand with the ancestral temple!

Seventeen sects, hundreds of thousands of monks, at this moment, abandoned the differences between sects, and had only one idea: defend the ancestral temple to the death!

If the ancestral temple is lost, what kind of faith is it?

"Once these people die... these seventeen sects..." A Taoist nun trembled her lips: "It is equivalent to disappearing from the long river of history!"

"They are all the last elites in the sect, in charge of the essence of each sect... They, how can they be so impulsive! Thousands of years of ideas... Today... Today, have you abandoned them in one day? It shouldn't be like this... It shouldn't be like this! Everyone!"

As they spoke, many people burst into tears.

Yes, it shouldn't be like this.

But it should be like this even more!

This is the ancestral temple of Taoism, the place where Zhang Daozu obtained the Tao, the place where Zhang Daozu defeated millions of enemies from the Zhenwu Realm in the Ten Thousand Worlds War, the place where the soul returned, and the place where faith sprouted. This is also the southwest gate of China.

Once it is broken, the consequences will be disastrous.

Under such heavy pressure, the differences of thousands of years are so insignificant, and these seventeen sects... just decided which is more important in a moment. They can only admire such a broad mind.

If one suffers, all suffer; if one prospers, all prosper. Under the seemingly divergent Taoism, the voices of the major sects gradually become smaller. Finally, the leaders of hundreds of branches gritted their teeth and bowed to the bottom.

"Daoyou... goodbye."

"From today on, as long as my Xuwu Sect is alive, the inheritance of Haichan Sect will continue, and the incense will never end! I swear, from today on, as long as my Wenshi Sect is alive, the inheritance of Wuwei Sect will continue! As long as my Zhenwu Sect is alive, I will definitely escort your Jingming Sect!"

The voices, without spiritual power, seemed to be transmitted to the front. In the midst of thousands of troops and in front of the black tide, Yao Kunwu turned his head, with mixed feelings in his heart, as if he heard these voices, and looked back.

This glance was the last look at the ancestral temple.

This glance was also a lament for the inheritance of Haichan Sect.

A thousand years in one glance, a thousand years of strife, a thousand years of coexistence.

"Everyone." Retracting his gaze, including him, the seventeen sect masters pointed their long swords diagonally, hundreds of thousands of people faced the countless millions of troops in front of them, their voices trembling, that was the endless oppression brought by the word "many" reaching its extreme, and the heroic spirit of going forward even if there are thousands of people.

After a pause, the seventeen sect masters shouted in unison: "Defend the ancestral temple to the death! Defend the national gate to the death!!"

"Although the branches are destroyed, the faith is not extinguished! ! The Dao fire is eternal! ! Kill!!"

Without any dialogue, a shocking word of killing broke out, hundreds of thousands of people, like a galaxy star explosion, rushed towards the endless black tide in front without hesitation.

"Looking for death!!!" Facing them were the six major expeditionary vanguards. Six Jindans stood proudly in front of the formation with swords drawn, facing the explosion of the Milky Way in front of them, and the six people roared: "An egg against a rock!"

"Use your dog head as a sacrifice! How dare you, a mere ant, challenge Fusang?!"

"Boom boom boom!" Six figures rushed out quickly, and behind them, endless Zhenwu iron hooves rushed like a tsunami.

Closer... Closer... Black, white, covering the two sides of the sky, like the flow of Tai Chi.

Thousands of meters, five hundred meters, three hundred meters... Zero!

"Boom!!!" At the moment of collision, infinite spiritual light flew up, and I don't know how many cultivators returned to the ancestral temple in the first collision. But the remaining cultivators didn't even look at it, and used all their strength to kill forward.

Forward, only forward.

There is no way back. Do your best and seek a clear conscience.

"Dang!" Yao Kunwu raised his sword and slashed it, and his spiritual energy, second only to the golden elixir, burst out completely. He didn't care about life and death, and swung his long sword into a white ball. He deflected the magic weapons that attacked him one by one. As long as you were in front of him, no one could stop you!

A tiger enters a flock of sheep. With his angry roar, the tip of the sword glows with spiritual light and green lotuses bloom. The sword turns into thousands of swords, soft as boneless. It pierces forward, but turns around and hits the sword in the back.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Wherever he passes, blood arrows fly into the air. The cultivators in the early stage of foundation building in the Zhenwu Realm cover their throats in astonishment, and some cover their eyebrows in shock. They can't understand why the sword that pierces the lower abdomen pierces their throats like a spirit snake?

"If you offend my ancestral temple, you will be punished even if you are far away!!" Yao Kunwu was so excited that he let out a long roar, and the sword light passed by his side like a silk thread.


The next second, all the Zhenwu Realm cultivators around him covered their throats and fell to the ground in the rain of blood.


He looked up to the sky and let out a breath. It had only been five minutes since he rushed into the Zhenwu Realm, and he had killed dozens of people in the battle. This sense of clarity, this sense of open-mindedness, this sense of…no regrets, hit his heart like a tide. Looking up, the stars were bright, the moon was bright, but it made him feel that the sky was high and the sea was vast, and the clouds were light.

His heart was pounding, but his body was terribly calm, and his spiritual energy had reached its peak. He no longer wanted to see how much spiritual energy he had left. This was not important. What was important was how many people he could kill before he died.

"Second Junior Brother..." He took a moment to look at Qingcheng Mountain: "The inheritance of the Haichan Sect… I will leave it to you..."

Before he could sigh, layers of black tides covered it again, and this time, it was far from the ordinary monks before.

Heavy armored army!

Everyone wore black heavy armor engraved with talismans, with iron armor covering their faces. The only two pairs of eyes exposed revealed endless murderous intent.

No one spoke, and dozens of people surrounded Yao Kunwu in unison. The talismans on their bodies lit up like tigers choosing people to eat.

However, they were facing a lion who had abandoned everything.

"Some of them are still good." Yao Kunwu laughed and waved his sword. The next second, thousands of pear trees blossomed, and white flowers bloomed on the tip of the sword. His appearance aged rapidly, and a phantom appeared behind him, stepping on a toad.

Wide robe, long sleeves, loose hair, blurry appearance, but with a frightening majesty.

"Please ask for the statue of the ancestor?" Not far from the battlefield, a hearty laugh rang out: "The secret of the Haichan Sect, Yao family boy, let's compete and see who kills more!"

Not knowing who it was, Yao Kunwu laughed and said, "Okay!"

As soon as the voice fell, a phantom appeared in the same place.

It was a woman, stepping on lotus leaves, holding lotus flowers in her hands, and countless petals fell beside her. Although she was beautiful, she had no killing intent.

He Xiangu!

"Boom boom!" Two rays of light burst out from the black tide of thousands of troops. The magical power of foundation building was not magnificent or shocking, but it made everyone's blood boil.

In Qingcheng Mountain, I don't know how many cultivators gritted their teeth.

Perhaps... they were so obsessed with killing and killing madly that they didn't notice. But on the mountain, you can clearly see that every second, countless white spiritual lights exploded. Every second, black filled the white position.

How can hundreds of thousands of people compare to the thousands of troops in the Zhenwu Realm?

Human power is limited.

Those exploding white spiritual lights are all cultivators who can still self-destruct, blooming the most brilliant light in their lives.

It is also the last light.

"Puff!" Countless sounds, a Taoist nun looked calm, stopped moving, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

The sword in her hand pointed directly at the throat of a thousand-man captain opposite. Just one millimeter away, the other party will be in hatred.

This is a thousand-man captain...

She closed her eyes with a smile on her face. Seven or eight spears had pierced her body like a sieve. The blood instantly soaked her Taoist robe.

"The current leader of the Wuwei Sect, Nun Qimiao?" Her eyes were already a little distracted. The black tide in front of her parted, and a young man in black armor came riding on a black tiger, looking at her coldly: "The bounty is 720,000. I ask you one question. If you surrender, I guarantee that I can cure your wounds. And report to the Northern Expeditionary Marquis and give you the position of a captain of ten thousand men."

Nun Qimiao did not reply, her eyes blurred and looked forward.

Is it stopping here...

I... am still not good enough in learning...

What's the point of intrigue with other sects for thousands of years?

I am not even as good as the other sect leaders in killing further...

In her eyes, hundreds of meters ahead, a series of spiritual lights exploded. They were the other sect leaders of the seventeen branches, and... they were the only ones left in this black tide.

In the back, it was pitch black, and no white figure could be seen.

She moved her gaze to the tip of her sword, and her sword never fell.

"What a pity... just a little bit..."

The next second, with a loud "bang", thousands of spiritual lights burst out from her seven orifices, twisting and exploding rapidly, and a white lotus bloomed in the air, covering a hundred miles.


I don't know why, I set it to send at 11 o'clock, but it didn't send...

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