
Chapter 864: Battle of the Ancestral Court (VI)

"Kill!!!" Yao Kunwu, with tears in his eyes, took the lead.

He couldn't see it, but he could feel it. The familiar spiritual energy behind him suddenly twisted and then exploded. He already knew that a fellow Taoist had returned to the west.

My heart is like a knife.

Although there are differences, and although they have not united for thousands of years, they are still the same lineage of Zhang Daozu. Today, everyone gathers in the ancestral court. Isn’t this the scene of the day when Taoist ancestors created the world?

However, the flowers are similar every year, but the people are different every year. The divisions and reunions are the general trend of the world. The former Taoist friend fell behind him at this moment, but he couldn't even take a look at it.

It’s not that I don’t want to see it, it’s that I can’t see it.

He didn't know how long he had been killing. There were rows of magic weapons in all directions. His body was already covered in blood. He had no energy or time to look at them.

He knew very well that only by moving forward and constantly moving forward could the dignity of those fellow Taoists who died in the battle be restored.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!" The long sword pierced the air, and several Jin monks around him fell down like wheat. The spiritual energy in his whole body has never been so coordinated. Although the coordination disappeared at the same time like running water, he had no regrets.

The sword light returned, and he sheathed his sword and stood proudly. Being in the vast black tide, he was like an isolated island in the river. His calm demeanor amidst thousands of troops and his indifference to life and death, despite the power of Sha Tongtian, actually kept the people around him away from him for a while.

"Pa bang bang..." A burst of applause came, and a young man holding a folding fan stepped forward in the air, and the surrounding troops retreated like Moses' diversion staff. Young Master looked at him carefully: "Not bad."

"Will you be my book boy?"

Yao Kunwu also smiled. Before his smile fell, the long sword had turned into a white dragon and struck the young master's vital parts.

"Bold!! How dare you be rude to the Third Young Master of Qin Shangshu!! It's your fault that the Young Master looks up to you! Why don't you kneel down and express your gratitude quickly?!"

The golden light shone, the young master unfolded his folding fan, thousands of peach blossoms floated out, and turned into ashes together with the white dragon. Yao Kunwu gasped and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. The hand that bound the sword was trembling slightly, but he raised it without hesitation, panting and laughing: "You are not worthy."

"I'm just asking casually." He suppressed his smile: "I appreciate the momentum you have shown. But you, at least the few people at the front, will never surrender. I don't want to spend more time with you. It’s a waste of words.”

"The Seventh Son of Xuanming from Shangshu Mansion will send you on your way!"

"Boom!" With a sound, the spiritual power of the Xudan realm exploded, the facial features began to distort, and the body began to swell: "Get out!! I am going to take his head with my own hands!"

The spiritual energy was like a tide, it was the spiritual energy that was waiting for work, and everyone around him moved away. In mid-air, the young master's figure skyrocketed, and golden light covered his eyes. A few seconds later, a monster like a diamond, with two horns on its head and its body covered with runes, roared and appeared from the golden light.

In a few seconds, Yao Kunwu's spiritual consciousness finally swept around for the first time.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were thrown into the tens of millions of black tides, just like pebbles sinking into the bottom of a lake, without even a single ripple to be seen. Most of the monks were divided on the outermost edge of the battlefield. They were the monks with the lowest cultivation level and were slowly being eaten away. The white spiritual light formed a continuous array and continued to decrease.

Instead, it was these sect leaders and elders who, with the power of mad tigers, entered the hinterland of the Jin Dynasty. However... now, there were only seven auras left, including him.

Every step was shaky, and he understood this feeling. This was a sign that his spiritual power was about to be exhausted. When manpower is limited, killing until now is enough.

He moved his eyes bit by bit, looking at the misty mountain behind him in the night. Mixed feelings.

Ancestral Court...

I...I'm afraid I'll never be able to go back...

"Death!!" A punch came, and Yao Kunwu met it with a sword. In an instant, there were continuous explosions in the air, like firecrackers, and a figure pulled out a blood line of more than ten meters and was directly knocked into the air.

"Roar!!!" The young master looked up to the sky and screamed wildly, his eyes were red, and the huge body four or five stories high pounced like a giant eagle: "Everyone in Qingcheng Mountain is looking at you... Hahaha! I will fight in front of them. Tear you to pieces! Let’s see who dares to do this!”

One sentence made the retreating Yao Kunwu bite the tip of his tongue, and his spiritual consciousness that was almost shaken came back to consciousness again.

Yes...the entire ancestral court is looking at me.

Even if he fell, he would never fall so depressed.

His eyes swept slightly, not just him, but all the sect masters who were rushing in front were followed by several figures. The white light that had just been drowned by the black tide was now shining brightly with another spiritual light, and everyone burned themselves out. The last point of cultivation.

In the blink of an eye, a huge black shadow rushed towards me. The other party's cultivation level is similar to his, but his condition is completely different from his current exhausted self.

"Kneel down to the great Jin Dynasty, you ant!"

"Boom!" The white-haired fist was the size of a person, bringing up a fishy wind. The air around him seemed to solidify for a moment. He gritted his teeth, and the next second, his whole body suddenly burst into brilliance.

A sword came from the west, and I was shocked. I could only see the light of the sword, but I couldn't see the sword coming out. The giant beast screamed wildly and fell back several meters. Under this strike of the Shadowless Sword, a scar several meters long appeared on its left hand.

Bones can be seen deep down, and blood is flowing like a stream.

Opposite him, Yao Kunwu's whole body was burning with golden light, his face quickly changed from young to middle-aged, and within a few seconds, his hair was already white.

Burn longevity.

"Well done." The giant beast's huge teeth were sharpened like blades: "An opponent like this can only give me a little bit of torture."

One person and one beast, standing proudly in the sky, no one made the first move.

The war had already started for more than an hour. There were only a few hundred thousand monks left in the rear, all surrounded by layers of black tides. Layers of strong shields, spears, and meat grinders kept stabbing inwards. Countless magic weapons in the air were as dense as locusts, and everyone was injured. But they tried their best to maintain the formation that they were already familiar with.

At this moment, everyone looked over, even the people of the Great Jin Dynasty looked behind them.

Where... spiritual light penetrated the sky, auspicious air was everywhere, and in the center of the black tide, seven rays of light were like the sun on a moonlit night, extremely dazzling.

On Mount Qingcheng, all the sect leaders clenched their fists tightly.

Burning lifespan...

Then I'm afraid it will be self-destruction...

Thousands of years of inheritance, no more, thousands of years of disputes, no more important.

Under the ancestral temple, where is the sectarianism?

In the face of national crisis, how can Buddhism deviate?

The existence of seven rays of light is like a sign of faith. A sect master's eyes were slightly red, looking at the sky, he didn't dare, didn't want to, didn't want to watch this scene, the disappearance of seventeen Taoist sects, right in front of them, born of the same mother, but separated by heaven and earth.

"Where are the reinforcements..." He closed his eyes and suddenly shouted: "Where are the reinforcements?"

As soon as the voice fell, he used all his strength to turn into a stream of light and rushed to the Laojun Temple.

At the same time, dozens of streams of light in the whole mountain rushed to the mountain. Just as they were approaching the top of the mountain, Xu Yangyi's voice sounded calmly: "No move can be entered."

As the last word fell, an overwhelming hand spread out from the Laojun Temple, forcibly pressing everyone on the stone steps leading to the Laojun Temple.

This stone step has a name.

The road to heaven.

According to legend, Zhang Daoling finally walked here, planted a peach tree, realized the truth under the tree, and founded Taoism.

Now... his descendants, his Taoist sect, dozens of sect masters, all knelt on the stone steps. Kneeling on the road he had walked before, everyone's eyes were filled with tears, but no one questioned Jindan's decree.

"You..." Xu Yangyi's voice had a slight fluctuation, and then calmed down: "What do you want to do?"

"The Zhenkong Sect invites you to fight!" Before he finished speaking, a burly man who didn't look like a Taoist priest at all stood up. His beard was over his chest. The nine-foot-tall man now had red eyes and a hoarse voice. He clasped his fists and said, "I ask for the help of the Immortal!"

"This Immortal..."

Before Xu Yangyi could speak, the man kowtowed directly to the stone steps. The road to heaven that had not been stained with blood for thousands of years was finally stained with the first trace of blood. Amid the blood splattering, this late-stage foundation-building man actually rejected Jindan Immortal for the first time, and said in a hoarse voice: "The 320th generation leader of the Zhenkong Sect, Xiao, invites you to fight! I ask for the help of the Immortal!"

He knelt down and couldn't get up.

Blood flowed like a stream.

Before he could finish, an old man also kowtowed, his voice choked with sobs: "The current leader of Jishan Sect, Cao Wuya, wants to fight!! Please accept it, Immortal!!"

Kneeling for a long time.

"The current leader of Heshan Sect, Tianyuanzi, wants to fight! The 12,000 Erlang of Heshan Sect will definitely fight into the enemy formation! Kill the enemy in the formation! The current leader of Jinshan Sect, Sun Chengui, wants to fight!! The 21,000 monks of Jinshan Sect will definitely rescue their comrades!"

"I want to fight!! I want to fight!! Immortal, I want to fight!!"

No one can see that on the top of Qingcheng Mountain, all the golden elixirs shed tears on their clothes. Even Xu Yangyi, such a tough man, looked at the sky and shed tears silently.

Seeing that his brothers and fellow Taoists were not far ahead, and he could not save them, thousands of years of disputes were completely unimportant at this moment. What they want to save is this person, this inheritance, and this Taoist incense.

Ten thousand Daos return to their hearts.

He did not speak, but the leader on the way to heaven did not stop at all.

They could not bear it, they could not bear it!

"Master, if you only give me 10,000 people, I will definitely bring back all the sect leaders! Master, you must save them! Before the ancestral temple, the Taoist tradition disappeared! How can the spirit of Zhang Daozu rest in peace? Thousands of years of inheritance, one day it was cut off outside the ancestral temple, Master..."

The voice was still controllable at the beginning, but later it was choked with sobs. Finally, it converged into one voice.

"Please help Master!"

The voice was like a bell, and all the monks near the Laojun Temple heard it.

"Please fight! All Taoist sects ask for a fight! Please show mercy Master!"

The elderly palace masters of the Sanqing Palace and Siyu Palace, which were closest to the Laojun Temple, opened their eyes and burst into tears.

"Daozu... did you see it..."

"We... are not divided... the fire of Taoism will last forever..."

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