
Chapter 865: Battle of the Ancestral Temple (VII)

"How dare you!" Before he finished speaking, seven voices rang out at the top of the mountain. Xu Yangyi's voice was like thunder: "Are you forcing the emperor to abdicate?"

No one dared to answer.

He could only kneel for a long time, and the road to heaven was stained with the blood of countless people, and his forehead touched the ground.

"Retreat and guard your own territory. If you want revenge... then when they come in, kill them all for me!"

Still no one answered.

Yes... they all knew that this request for battle might not be allowed. They didn't know how many cultivators there were in Qingcheng Mountain? No one could mobilize them.

But... they just watched their comrades die in front of them... They just watched the remaining seven masters die tragically in the military formation, and behind them was the ancestral temple. They couldn't bear it!

"Master..." The big man raised his head and bit his lips tightly: "Is there really no possibility?"

"No!" Xu Yangyi's voice rose involuntarily. As the commander, he must not change his orders every day. He wanted to order everyone to retreat, but when the words came to his lips, he sighed, waved his hand, and said softly: "Everyone... retreat."

"This master promises that this battle will definitely have a satisfactory answer."

Without waiting for all the sect leaders below to answer, a piece of golden elixir spiritual power has sent everyone down the mountain.

"Are you... okay?" In the Laojun Hall, Chang Qingzi looked at the other party who was holding his hands on his brow bone and his expression flickered, and asked after a long pause.

Xu Yangyi nodded silently.

Some things always have to be borne by someone, usually the strongest person.

After Xu Fangyuan, it was him.

The room suddenly fell silent, and no one spoke first. The feeling of being heartbroken but unable to express it in words can only be understood, not expressed in words.

A few seconds later, Xu Yangyi's voice choked with sobs: "As two great golden elixirs of the Longhu Mountain ancestral temple, don't you feel heartbroken?"

Chang Qingzi was silent for a long time before he said: "What's the use of feeling heartbroken?"

"Their sacrifice is for the existence of the ancestral temple and the continuation of the incense. Only by not disappointing them can we repay their spirits in heaven."

Every word was so powerful that when he spoke, it actually caused vibrations in the air.

Heaven and man are in sync!

Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head, his eyes were clear, and he squinted at Chang Qingzi and said with certainty: "It's not you."

It's not me?

Before Chang Qingzi thought about it, Xu Yangyi had already stood up and said, "Let's go, seventeen heroes, we can't let them sleep forever without anyone to accompany them."

Outside Qingcheng Mountain.

"Bang!" Another punch, a crackling sound of breaking through the air sounded rapidly, and seven figures flew out spitting blood. The seven sons of Xuanming all showed their true forms, seven giant beasts were raging in the air, and the surrounding Dajin monks surrounded the seven battle groups.

"Ahem..." Yao Kunwu raised his eyes blurred by the blood donation and gritted his teeth to look forward. His vision was already hazy, and the pain was fading away. If it weren't for the voice in his heart supporting him, he would have fallen down by now.

Can't fall.

Can't lose so badly in front of the ancestral temple.

"Roar!!!" In front of him, a roar sounded, and the space was slightly shaken. A huge figure fell from a high place in the air, and two pitying eyes looked at him like ants.

The body is so heavy... He gritted his teeth and supported himself to stand up. With a "bang", a smelly giant claw had already trampled him to death in the air, crushing his whole body without emotion.


With a raging rage in his heart, he habitually clenched the tightly tied sword in his hand. But he found that he didn't know when the sword had fallen to the bottom of the valley.

"Is this the so-called leader of a national religion?" A contemptuous voice sounded proudly above his head: "Nothing more."

On Qingcheng Mountain, no matter who it was, their lips were bitten to death.

"A scholar can be killed but not humiliated." A young monk looked into the distance, his teeth chattering: "They... deserve to die!"

Halfway up the mountain, in the Seven ** Formation, countless monks held their swords tightly. If it weren't for the Jindan Order, who could bear it at this moment?

But... now they are an army, an army that has fought on this battlefield for more than two years. They must endure, and they can only endure.

Only the leaders of the major sects have a calm look in their forbearance.

"Old man, I will help you..." Near the top of the mountain, all the major branches of Taoism gathered here, Zhenwu, Quanzhen, Wenshi, Lingbao, Danding... This is almost where all the elites of Taoism are. The leaders looked down the mountain, and suddenly a trace of understanding appeared. Then, infinite pity filled their eyes.

"You did a great job..." The leader of Chongxu Sect pursed his lips tightly, and wherever his eyes passed, these seventeen people... Everywhere they passed was a bloody road, and seventeen bloody roads actually rushed into the Great Jin Dynasty for 800 meters!

Only seventeen people, facing thousands of troops, put aside their lives and actually broke through the defense circle of the Great Jin Dynasty for 800 meters, with a body of foundation building. Those slowly closing black tides seemed to still tell the scene of the seventeen people rushing into the formation just now.

This is a miracle. Every war has such miracles of all sizes, but some are seen and some are ignored.

"Go with peace of mind..." Wenshi Sect, an old man closed his eyes: "After that, just leave it to us."

The giant beast gently crushed Yao Kunwu's body.

It could feel that the rag-like people under its feet were almost motionless. Although the seventeen people were a drop in the ocean for tens of millions of people, they actually rushed into the range of several hundred meters this time. For such a fool who dared to make a sound of war horses, killing one to warn the hundred was the best choice.

"Is it dead?" The giant beast raised its paw and sneered, "It's as fragile as porcelain."

At this moment, thousands of golden lights suddenly burst out from under its feet. Not only it, but all the giant beasts' feet were shining brightly.

It was stunned for only a second, and then its pupils suddenly shrank, and it turned around and fled without hesitation.


This move is extremely terrible! The nerves in its mind desperately reminded it! It even became an instinct to escape. It could feel... There was a majestic creature, who had been staring at him with a pair of eyes that could see through the netherworld from countless planes.

"Escape?" Yao Kunwu panted, his body covered in blood, and he didn't know how many bones were broken. With a peaceful smile on his face, he smiled and shook his head: "Too late."

A strong wind suddenly blew.

The wind blew up his Taoist bun, which could no longer be held up due to aging because of burning his lifespan. The Taoist robe that originally fit him was now empty, but standing there, it was like a mountain.

He raised his head and took one last look at the familiar moonlit night sky, and finally fixed his eyes on the mountains behind him.

Once this move is used, there will be no reincarnation, and the residual souls cannot be collected. But... he was unwilling to fall in the midst of thousands of troops.

Actually underestimated the heroes of the world in front of the ancestral temple?

Actually thought that the founders of the hundreds of branches of Taoism were all mediocre?

I, Yao Kunwu, am incompetent, and the only thing I can use is my life. Today, I will use my life to teach you, beat you, and tell you that you can't go to the 100,000 mountains behind you.

"Eight Immortals Order."

In the void, a huge vortex burst open.

No... not just one, but six voices, like gods, sounded almost at the same time.

There were originally seven people left, and one of them had already passed away.

Some inheritances were left behind, and some have disappeared in the long river of history.

"Who is willing to bet his life and not enter reincarnation to summon me? Who dares to touch my lineage? With life as the guide and reincarnation as the goal... not walking on the Naihe Bridge and not looking at the Three Lives Stone... Which sect leader is so determined?"

Seven voices fell from the sky, but no one could see them. Outside the sky, a tall and majestic voice suddenly paused and looked at the blue planet below in disbelief.

"Sure enough...Sure enough, there is a foundation!" Xiahou's voice was no longer calm, but a feeling of surviving a disaster: "Fortunately...Fortunately, Xu Kunlun never attacked the No Return Realm...They actually have such a deep foundation!"

"This realm...crosses infinite planes...locks one person...six Yin Immortals? No, that's not's more than that! This...crossed the realm and reached the middle stage of Yin Immortal?! What level have their bodies reached? Is there really an immortal world? In addition to the No Return Realm and the Zhenwu Realm tens of thousands of years ago, are there other immortal world planes?!"

"This magical power can only lock one opponent. And their own life and death soul is destroyed, and there is no other name in the underworld. They can only be called lonely ghosts. Do they really want to die?"

No one answered him.

At the moment when the six voices appeared, this space seemed to be frozen.

The six great Taixu realms attacked at the same time, and were summoned by the younger generation at all costs. Although they could only attack one person due to the rules of the plane and the real bottom-box magical power, but... Taixu's attack, how powerful is it?

On that day, Xiaoqing and Fahai of Fei Taixu could pull out a huge illusion of hundreds of thousands of meters, not to mention the seven Taixu!

"Emperor Wang Xuanfu of Donghua, you can ask for it. Emperor Zhongli Quan of Zhengyang, you can ask for it. Emperor Lü Dongbin of Chunyang, you can ask for it. Emperor Liu Haichan of Chunyou, you can ask for it. Emperor Wang Chongyang of Fuji, you can ask for it. Taihe Patriarch of the Tomb of the Living Dead, you can ask for it. Taiyi Daojun Xiao Yuansheng, you can ask for it."

Any name was a famous name on that day. Any one of them was a genius in history. Now they attacked together, and the six sons of Xuanming who were still running stopped moving in an instant.

"Swish..." In the palace of Dajin, Liu Mingyang suddenly opened his eyes wide and trembled all over.

"This... what realm is this?"

"This realm... is comparable to Xiahou! What on earth is this!"

Not only him, but all the cultivators in the Zhenwu Realm all looked at the sky in shock. Six green lotuses bloomed in the air, and then... six powerful fingers slammed down!

No screams.

The six Xuanming sons below were instantly annihilated, without any reaction, like stink bugs.

At the same time, the six voices that were fighting at the forefront of the Great Jin Dynasty, with a satisfied smile, their bodies quietly turned into sand and drifted away with the wind.

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