
Chapter 867: Battle of the Ancestral Temple (IX)

"What is this? The ancestral temple... is actually like this? Unbelievable... I have never seen it for thousands of years, and there is no record of it in ancient books."

Countless cultivators looked at the mountain floating in the air, stunned for a few seconds, and then burst into excited shouts comparable to those of millions of people in the Jin Dynasty.

"Ten thousand wins! Destroy the enemy army! It is a blessing to die!"

All kinds of endless cheers resounded through the sky. On the sky, the huge platform and the ten peaks and one hall were nearly ten thousand meters apart, like two chess players playing against each other.

When a piece falls, it is a fight of life and death.

Before they finished speaking, a fierce spiritual pressure far exceeded all the golden elixirs, even the sum of them. It suppressed everyone's words.

Incomparably powerful, comparable to the Nascent Soul!

As a leader, you must not only have a clear mind, but also have strong strength.

This is the first time that Xu Yangyi has shown all his spiritual power in front of everyone, and this move has further increased the determination of the three million cultivators to defeat the enemy.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh" seventy-eight spiritual powers burst out from the Laojun Hall, and Xu Yangyi's voice was like a god: "Masters, receive the order."

"Those who leave their posts without permission will be killed. Those who retreat will be killed! Those who do not respect the orders of the generals will be killed! Those who show their generals to others will be killed!!"

"Kill one person from the Great Jin Dynasty and reward a formulated elixir. Kill one Jindan and reward one Yingying Dan."


Everyone's eyes were instantly red. They stood here. For the Zhenwu Realm, it was a matter of life and death. Now with such a heavy reward, I don't know how many people have sharpened their knives.

Come on...

Although I don't know why the mountain protection formation has not been broken, the Wolf Poison Master has shown the momentum of a decisive battle, but it doesn't matter. Since the disappearance of the seventeen inheritances just now, only one side can stand here in this battle.

"Swish, swish, swish..." Military orders fell like rain, and all the masters received them. It was just a page of slender bamboo slips. After taking a look, they all silently put it into their bodies.

True Man Langdu has said that anyone who shows it to others will be killed.

Orders fell like rain, and in a moment, everyone received the orders. After reading all of them, Xu Yangyi's voice rang out like a bell: "If you attack without authorization at the time and place of the order, don't blame this True Man for being cruel and ruthless."

Now is not the time to be merciful.

"Yes!!" A voice of response rang out, and the huge Qingcheng Mountain was mobilized instantly.

The two million cultivators hiding in the front mountain, like a group of dragons gathering in the sea, walked out of the Taoist temples and formations one by one, and every second, there were clear orders.

"Jindan Sect, defend the key point of the Zhenjun Temple of Baiwanfeng to the death. If you act without authorization without orders, you will be killed without mercy!"

"Zhengyi Sect, defend the key point of the road to heaven to the death, and those who disobey orders will be killed! Maoshan Sect, guard the Tianshi Cave, and those who act without orders will be killed! Chongxu Sect... Lao Huashan Sect... Sazu Sect..."

In an instant, the Laojun Temple on the top of the mountain was clear.

"Daoyou." Chaoyangzi frowned: "What do you mean?"

The master of Sansheng Temple was also unhappy and said: "Don't you need us? The real tsunami is coming, why do you exclude us!"

Changqingzi didn't say anything, he had roughly understood something.

In the Laojun Temple, Xu Yangyi seemed not to hear, tapping the table with his fingers, his eyes deep.

How to fight 10 million people against 3 million?

Let the other side waste? He didn't think it could be consumed, and... once other places can't hold on, send troops to the southwest national gate, the national gate will be broken!

Instead of praying to others, it is better to rely on yourself.

The battle of hundreds of thousands of people just now seemed like a landslide and tsunami, but he knew that it was not, it was just a breeze before the storm, the real storm was far beyond this breeze, and he didn't believe that the Zhenwu Realm, which conquered so many worlds, only had this as a means of attacking the city.

Then...there is only one way.

"Bring them in to fight..." His finger slid across the Qingcheng Mountain map on the table: "Luring them into a trap, a do-or-die battle."

"Either we lose everything or we kill Tongtian."

"We've laid such a big bait, and the mountain protection formation is fully activated. Hundreds of thousands of people have sacrificed their lives just to prevent them from seeing any clues. And tens of millions of people... we can't kill them all by ourselves. The only way is one..."

He pressed his finger hard: "Destroy all the enemy generals."

"Of course, the enemy generals will never appear alone in the war. They are afraid of me. The previous battle completely shattered their Taoism, so... we must let them come up. Seeing the opportunity to really kill me, they will be blinded by greed!"

Just like the war between two countries in ancient times, one country killed the other country's emperor, and the other country's emperor was at hand. The famous generals of all ages couldn't resist this temptation!

Even he himself was counted as a link in this war, the last link.

"Everything will eventually fall on me." He suddenly smiled: "Is this what you mean by "the more capable you are, the more work you do?"

Restraining his smile, he looked outside. It was already transparent here, with golden light shining between the sea and the sky, shining for thousands of miles. Even the palace of the Great Jin Dynasty and the fifteen great caves and blessed lands above were like a golden dragon flying in the sun.

"Liu Mingyang..." He took a deep breath and looked at the ancient clock in the corner.

There are still more than ten minutes to an hour...

The Seven Star Divine Calculation will not go wrong 99 times.

"I will leave for half an hour." Xu Yangyi suppressed the surging murderous intent in his heart and spoke calmly, his voice shaking the four fields: "No one is allowed to enter without a trick. This order is for everyone to be treated equally."

"Daoyou." Chaoyangzi frowned slightly, gritted his teeth and stepped forward: "The Great Jin Dynasty has obviously used extremely powerful magic weapons. At this moment, I think the commander should not go out. Once the mountain protection formation is broken, military information from all directions will rush into the Laojun Temple like snowflakes, and no one will coordinate..."

"I have my own arrangements." Xu Yangyi glanced at the three people outside the temple.

Chaoyangzi, Huayangzi, Linyangzi... The traitor can only be among the three.

This traitor must be eradicated, and the day when the Zhenwu Realm takes action must also be the day when he takes action. Otherwise, once his plan succeeds, the two armies will confront each other in the end, but a sharp knife will be inserted from behind, and he can't bear it.

"Huanling." Under his seemingly calm appearance, the murderous intent is like angry snow flying: "Your illusion cannot affect the golden elixir, but it doesn't matter. Now I have added an extra layer of blockade. You only need to block it for half an hour to prevent them from noticing it too quickly."

"Okay." Huanling replied softly, and a hazy blue light flashed.

In the blue light, Xu Yangyi's figure turned into an extremely obscure stream of light, rushing straight to the back mountain.

"Clang clang!" Chongxiao had already unsheathed during the flight. There was a murderous intent in his eyes.

"I don't know who you are..."

"But, in the past few months, I have also been familiar with all the arrangements and background of Qingcheng Mountain. If you betray the plane, you can only help the Great Jin Dynasty rescue the Jin Houzhu. You have to go... There is only one place!"

"The back mountain, the Taoist temple of the Heavenly Master, where the Taoist collection is located. And... it is an incarnation outside the body. Your betrayal alone has put hundreds of thousands of Taoist friends in a dilemma of life and death. You... deserve to die!"

The wind whistled past, and his cultivation was far superior to others, and no Jindan could detect it.

This was the only thing he could do for the cultivators below. One general's success is the sacrifice of thousands of bones. This half an hour was the moment when the war broke out. The formation was broken, and the cultivators like a tide rushed into the ancestral court, and his plan was also quietly launched.

The game of black and white, on the chessboard, the winner is the king.

He could no longer think about how many people would die.

"Hush!" With a whistle, a fat figure rushed out of the woods. Mao Baer was serious and didn't say a word. He rushed to the back mountain with Xu Yangyi.

The road from the front mountain to the back mountain was smooth. With General Xu Fangyuan's order in hand, there was no obstruction.

After more than two months, he was already familiar with the layout of the front and back mountains, and quickly arrived in front of a bamboo forest.

Only Jindan-level cultivators can enter here.

The token flashed, and the light shone brightly. In the haze, the entire bamboo forest disappeared, and a magnificent palace appeared in front of him.

The white marble square is even more magnificent than the Golden Palace. The palace has flying eaves and walls, carved beams and painted buildings, and Bagua and Tai Chi can be seen everywhere. Cranes fly in the middle, and strange beasts gallop around. In the fairy mist, a paradise is outlined.

In the huge ponds on both sides, green lotus flowers sway in the wind. Before Xu Yangyi could speak, Mao Baer suddenly spoke: "Don't move."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, and Mao Baer's nose twitched. In this situation, even he would not dare to twitch. He pondered for two seconds: "There is a smell of blood."

The dog's nose is much more sensitive than that of a human. Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and rushed towards the Golden Palace without hiding his body.

No matter who it is.

No one can defeat him!

A golden elixir at the million-level spirit level is almost a Yuanying, and there is no opponent below the Yuanying.

"Boom!" The black light whistled, and the white mist around it was lifted. These white mists could isolate spiritual consciousness, and he could not see what was in front of him.

Getting closer and closer, like Moses' water-dividing staff, he suddenly stopped when he was 100 meters away from the Golden Palace.

In the white mist separated by the spiritual light, a pile of corpses appeared.

All of them were pierced through the heart by a sword, without any resistance, and before they died, they all had an unbelievable look on their faces.

"Aren't you afraid that you won't enter reincarnation after death?" He gently closed the eyes of a corpse and asked in a deep voice.

"There is no reincarnation for a long time, so how can we talk about reincarnation." A voice came down from the hundred-step white marble steps in the hall, calm and gentle: "I didn't expect you to come so soon. I miscalculated."

Xu Yangyi stood up, reflecting the splendor of death in the sky, looking coldly at the figure above: "I have long thought about why Xu Zhenjun wanted to pass the throne to me, and why he didn't tell you when the situation was so urgent."

"At that time, were you sure that you were one of the three of us?" The man on the white jade steps said softly.

"It can only be you. Moreover, the moment you take action must be when the ancestral temple cannot withdraw. I was just taking a gamble, but I didn't expect you to be even more impatient." Xu Yangyi slowly walked towards the steps, and said coldly from his teeth: "Watching your Taoist school disappear before your eyes, you are helping the tyrant, this is the first crime."

Stepping on it, the murderous aura has been radiated without hindrance, and the surrounding thick fog is dispersed: "As one of the Taoist schools, you betrayed your faith and surrendered to the Zhenwu world, a slave of three surnames, this is the second crime."

"The third crime..." His pace gradually accelerated, his figure was like smoke, and Chongxiao was buzzing: "You are too ugly, this real person can't stand it."

"Three crimes are punished together, and you are sentenced to death!"

"Bang!!" Just as he rushed up, two swords blocked Chongxiao. Xu Yangyi's face finally turned completely cold.

"Chaoyangzi, Linyangzi... How can you face millions of cultivators!"

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