
Chapter 868: Battle of the Ancestral Temple (Ten)

"Dang!!" The sky was shaken, and the two figures flew ten meters upside down with calm expressions.

The figure is entirely made of light, incarnate outside the body, but the faces of the two people are vaguely visible.

Xu Yangyi stepped forward, and the long swords in their hands buzzed like Tai Chi. Their feet stepped on the seven stars, slowly moving around him.

One after another, Xu Yangyi looked calm, and his spiritual consciousness had spread all over the sky, fighting fiercely with the opponent's spiritual consciousness. One plus one never equals two. These two people are among the second and third among the four swordsmen guarding the mountain behind, so he must be careful.

The air seemed to be stagnant, corpses were strewn in the hall, blood was flowing all over the ground, the fragrance of green lotus was drifting in the wind, and there was tranquility in the killing, but there was a rustling sound.

"Don't you ask why?" Linyangzi said calmly.

"It's not necessary." Xu Yangyi replied with a serious face: "The country is facing a crisis and we are bullying our masters and destroying our ancestors. If I don't kill you, it won't be enough to quell the public's anger."

"No matter what the reason is, you will die."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two swords were like dragons coming out of the sea, killing each other one after another!

"Nine transformations return to one! Bagua Dongxuan!!"

"Brush!" With a sword behind him, nine rays of light shone on his side, all condensing towards the tip of the sword and twisting into the shape of Tai Chi. A golden light instantly spanned a hundred meters and pierced Xu Yangyi's heart.

On the other side, behind Chao Yangzi, the Eight Diagrams rotated, Qian, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Kun, Xun, Li, Dui. The door of life and death opened, and Tao Yun rotated, stabbing Xu Yangyi's throat.

As fast as lightning, there is not much spiritual energy fluctuation. It is not that it is not strong, but it condenses all the spiritual energy into a three-foot green front, cutting gold and cracking rocks.

However, what he faced was the pinnacle golden elixir of two million souls.

"Seeking death!" Xu Yangyi shouted loudly, and the spiritual energy all over his body exploded. The spiritual energy was like a tide, rushing through the white mist all around. In the violent aura, an ancient armor was already attached to his body.

The dense forest is full of stars.

"Shashasha..." Black aura lingered around his body from all directions, like a demon coming. Then, his body squatted slightly, and with a "swish" sound, the figure had disappeared.

So fast!

The two golden elixirs gasped in unison. Regardless of their spiritual awareness or vision, they were unable to capture each other's movements. Chao Yangzi's soul emerged, and the invisible god of death waved the scythe to harvest life. He didn't know when it would attack from unexpected corners. This feeling... made his heart almost stop.

"See the world with your eyes!!" Without hesitation, he formed seals with his hands crazily, a crack opened on his forehead, and several meters of golden light burst out. At this moment, Linyangzi's sword light came towards him and screamed: "Squat down!!"

At this moment, time seemed to stop.

Chao Yangzi felt... behind him... a chilling chill. The terrifyingly large sword light in the sky was filled with icy coldness, and the god of death seemed to be licking his face, sweeping away the cold sweat left by fear.

"Brush!" With hundreds of years of cultivation, he is not mediocre after all. At the critical moment, he squatted down with all his strength, only to hear the sound of "sand", and his long hair was scattered.

"Ding!" With a crisp sound, Linyangzi's long sword touched the sky, and the two magic weapons collided above his head. He gasped heavily, and then he felt his heart fall back into his chest.

The next second, violent spiritual energy burst out, and his ears seemed to have lost their function. With a cry of surprise, Linyangzi was bounced dozens of meters, the sword in his hand trembling, and the Taoist robe flying.

"Seven stars are auspicious! Sweep across Liuhe! Five elements will be exhausted!!"

On the way to retreat, Linyangzi's pupils shrank, and three swords stabbed out quickly, three transformed into six, and six transformed into hundreds. In an instant, a sword shadow appeared in front of Chaoyangzi!

The two of them are both the Four Swordsmen who protect the mountain, and they have always been in tune with each other. Chao Yangzi's eyes flickered, and he had even sketched out the scene behind him in his mind.

Senhan's giant blade was cutting towards his neck!

Linyangzi didn't want to kill him, but wanted to save him!

All the blood in his body rushed to the top of his head, and his hair stood on end as he shouted in a hissing voice: "Three steps of the spirit snake!"

"Brush!" His figure turned out to be weird like a snake, and the surrounding ground and sea twisted like it. He slid out several meters in a blink of an eye, and then a spiritual crane soared into the sky and flew into the air.

"Heh...heh..." The disaster was over, and he suppressed his racing heart. Only then did he realize what he had just escaped.

On the ground, his Taoist crown had been chopped into two pieces. Unknowingly, his black hair was scattered. Just two seconds ago, or Linyangzi was knocked away and he didn't have time to take action, he was now dead. A different place!

That feeling of a sickle against your throat...

That whisper of death behind you...

He didn't even see the other party's figure! Not a single face-to-face encounter!

"Be careful!!!" At this moment, Linyangzi screamed. His whole body shook reflexively, as if he was electrocuted, and his limbs stretched uncoordinatedly in all directions.

This is because he wants to escape, but he doesn't know which direction to escape, because he doesn't know where the opponent's attack is.

"Pounce!" The moment of hesitation cost his own life.

The moment the head flew into the sky, it was firmly grasped by a big hand. His eyes were wide open with an expression of complete disbelief.

Is this the golden elixir of two million souls...

I... am indeed no match...

So strong... really strong... the same level of golden elixir, almost instant kill...

"Brush..." Chaoyangzi's incarnation turned into golden light all over the ground and disappeared in the main hall.

"Woooooooo..." At the same time, at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, the Immortal Killing Platform was filled with brilliance and a blood-colored light curtain suddenly spread from both sides of the giant platform.

It reached thousands of meters into the sky, with a complete trajectory. Wherever it passed, everything was divided into two halves and submerged hundreds of meters underground. In less than a minute, the entire Dujiangyan was wrapped in a bloody ball.

The glorious ball, blood red, replaced the night sky, turning this place into an ancient arena.

No one can go out, no one can enter.

All over China, the world, and everywhere watching the battle at Qingcheng Mountain, the monitors were all blurry. Even the nearest command headquarters in Chengdu, all had black screens.

In Zhongnanhai, the underground headquarters, all the dignitaries watching this scene stood up. In less than two seconds, orders were passed down one after another.

"Inform General Liang Shaobing of the Southwest Theater Command immediately! Within five minutes, the projection of the Battle of Qingcheng Mountain must be projected to Zhongnanhai! No matter what means are used, intercept the information immediately! Is Beidou 7 still running? How many troops are there in the Southwest Theater Command with 30 million troops? On call?"

The secretaries and assistants, although their eyes were red from the exertion, did not dare to neglect. After a few seconds, an assistant raised his head and said in a trembling voice: "Chengdu General Headquarters... lost contact..."

"Boom!" An admiral suddenly hammered the armrest.

In the end what happened?

The Jin Dynasty must attack with all its strength. At this critical moment, the image cannot be transmitted?

Dujiangyan, where no one could see, was in deathly silence, and a tsunami was about to come. Level 10 tsunamis had reached their peak. The murderous spirit fills the fields, and the singing birds do not fly.

Amidst the brilliance, the sound of a bell spread thousands of miles away. All the monks in Qingcheng Mountain clenched their swords in response to the sound of the bell.

The younger one's chest was rising and falling rapidly, and his hands were shaking slightly. The veterans, with eyes like eagles, were filled with fighting spirit.

As the bell rang, the candlelight on the bottom floor of the Immortal Killing Platform instantly turned into blood red, burning a hundred meters high and penetrating the sky.

"Three disasters and three disasters." A vast voice resounded throughout Dujiangyan, and the next second...a strong wind suddenly blew in the sky, and endless black aura covered the entire Dujiangyan in an instant!

Outside the sky, you can see that a small dot in China has turned completely black!

The power of the fragments of the immortal treasure dominates the ancient capital.

"Brush..." With the black light overwhelming the sky and the Immortal Killing Platform as the center, a dark shock wave was set off, passing over the Jin Dynasty and heading straight towards Qingcheng Mountain.

"The sword disaster will start for seven days. The first of the three disasters is the bone-killing knife."

Spanning thousands of meters, countless black energy formed the shadows of skeletons, wearing black armor and holding long swords in their hands. The land of more than 1,200 kilometers suddenly burst into mournful ghost cries. Looking from Qingcheng Mountain, it looks like the gate of hell is open.

"Get ready!!" In the belly of the mountain, Wangchen took a deep breath, Xu Yangyi's personal order shining in his hand. Before the black tide arrived, the space was buzzing, like a small earthquake. This kind of oppression of death knocking on the door, this kind of suffocation that clenched his heart, had already stretched every nerve in him to its peak.

In front of you, on a screen of light, you can see the overwhelming black tide of Yin soldiers coming in, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. All the monks here are waiting with bated breath.

No one knew the other party's general order. Facing this black tide, the monks on the whole mountain were only worried.

Five hundred meters...three hundred meters...

Within a hundred meters, Wangchen exhaled and shouted: "Meet the enemy!!!"

This sound completely turned on everyone's switch.

The suppressed and suppressed fighting spirit completely exploded with this sound!

"Qi, the Treasure of Ten Thousand Dharma!!"

The black tide had already approached the outer reaches of the mountain-protecting formation. Everyone could see the boundless black spirit skeletons outside. Tens of millions of troops crashed into the mountain-protecting formation, and the breathing of millions of people became rapid. They have no idea which side will respond to this situation and whether they have arranged it or not!

Right now!

"Those who live together are surrounded by blankets." A majestic voice suddenly sounded in the heart of the mountain. As the voice sounded, countless green lights shone from outside the mountain-protecting formation. It abruptly diluted the black tide of death and silence.

Spring is blooming in the Kingdom of the Underworld, and all the trees on Qingcheng Mountain are blooming. No matter whether it is winter, summer, autumn or winter, it is a gorgeous scene.

"Anlan in the Four Seas!"

"Brush!" A jade book leaped out from the heart of the mountain and unfolded leisurely. Every time a page was unfolded, the blue sea surged. Hundreds of meters below Qingcheng Mountain, the ground buzzed. In less than three seconds, an infinite blue water curtain rushed in. The ground rushes into the air! Two thousand meters straight! Countless fallen flowers are floating in it, which is beautiful.

At this moment, the kingdom of Hades and the spring scenery collided with each other, erupting into an earth-shattering brilliance!

"Boom, boom..." The sound shook the surrounding areas, and the terrifying shock wave slowly spread out with Qingcheng Mountain as the center. There was a vast expanse of white below. They did not see that because of this blow, the thousands of Dajin monks standing quietly on the ground, Qiqi floated a foot online.

The Forbidden Air Array was hit with a flaw!

Su Changqing's eyes flashed with fire, passing over the suspended area under his feet, and then he looked straight at Qingcheng like a sword.

Three strikes…

After three strikes, the formation will be broken!

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